Democrats Reading The Same Memo...Repeat Same Phrase "Get To The Bottom Of This"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Democrats are all reading from the same script. That is the definition of a conspiracy. If you all sound exactly the same, you are probably taking orders from one place. Every Democrat spokesperson is using the same exact term. 'Let's Get To The Bottom Of This'
The media claims that the Trump Administration needs to all be selling the same bullshit and sounding the same. When you hear a slightly different story from one person to the next, what do you think that means? It means that there is no conspiracy going on. It means that people aren't being told what to say. They're saying what they feel is the truth. This is the most open and transparent administration in U.S. history, and all the press has to say about it is they aren't on the same page. Meaning they aren't trying to cover anything up. So the media parses every word and tries to point out differences in the message and calls every difference a lie.

We still don't know anything. After 7 months we're still at the point where we know that Russia tried to influence our elections, but we also know that Obama tries to influence elections in other countries. He tried to influence them not only by undermining them in the press but used taxpayers money to pay for it. (The media tries to influence our elections as well. They are the biggest hypocrites in this. They have been influencing American elections for the last 50 plus years. This is not their purpose. A free press is not supposed to be deciding who gets in office. They are supposed to act as watchdogs for the public to prevent corruption. Now, the media is the most corrupt of anyone in the establishment.)

So why is it that the media thinks it's okay for Obama to influence foreign elections but not Russia?

Well, isn't it obvious. This idea was created by Hillary supporters to make it look like the American people didn't really supported Trump more than Hillary. Ask yourself why. Why is it nobody really likes Hillary. She's dishonest and nasty. She called half of America a bunch of deplorables. Why would Americans want to vote for her.

They took a fact of life in the intelligence community and turned it into a big fat scandal. Now they say in perfect unison that they all want to get to the bottom of it. If they really wanted to get to the bottom of it, they couldn't as long as James Comey was in charge. He wasn't doing shit. He wasn't investigating shit. He refused to say anything about the investigation. Why is this? Because he wasn't investigating shit. Period. That's why he was fired.

So after calling for him to step down for months and demanding he be fired, Trump fired him, and the Democrats went ballistic. They say there's a cover up. A coverup of an imaginary crime. They don't even need any proof of wrongdoing, just a lot of violently angry accusations.

Ask yourself, what does the media have to gain from pushing this conspiracy.

They want to be able to do what they couldn't do during the election. Throw Trump out to save their own necks, because they know he's going to be coming after anyone who is involved in a conspiracy to steal from the Treasury and send money to terrorist states like Iran.

What is this all about??

The Democrats need a Watergate. They got rid of Nixon because he was a coward. They don't have a coward in the Oval Office this time. So what do they have to do? Well, get rid of him. If they can't get rid of him, get him to quit, or have him impeached they can do the next best thing, make him look like Bush and his WMDs. The earlier the better. They literally created this bogus scandal out of their imaginations and they have the people in place to push it down our throats 24/7.

This fake scandal is like Bush's WMDs.

Democrats are all reading from the same script. That is the definition of a conspiracy. If you all sound exactly the same, you are probably taking orders from one place. Every Democrat spokesperson is using the same exact term. 'Let's Get To The Bottom Of This'

There is nothing new about this at all. This is the same, standard MO always used by the Democrats. They literally have a talking points published somewhere, and they all read from the script and use the same language. It has been reported on many times and it would be hilarious if not for the damage they do to the country. Their whole party these days is nothing but a conspiracy, they create fake riots at Trump rallies, bus people around, all paid for, constant fake news, and I suspect George Soros is right at the top of it.

The Democrats need a Watergate. They got rid of Nixon because he was a coward. They don't have a coward in the Oval Office this time. So what do they have to do? Well, get rid of him. If they can't get rid of him, get him to quit, or have him impeached they can do the next best thing, make him look like Bush and his WMDs. The earlier the better. They literally created this bogus scandal out of their imaginations and they have the people in place to push it down our throats 24/7. This fake scandal is like Bush's WMDs.

Well, Democrats didn't get what they needed in 2014. Democrats didn't get what they needed in 2016. And they will not get rid of Trump or run him out of office. And they certainly will not get him impeached. Even if they managed, like Slick Willy, they would never get the votes in the Senate. Ain't gonna happen. This is just a continuation of the same crap that drove enough people away from their party for the GOP to win back the House, the Senate and now the Whitehouse. Keep up the good work! Not only is their scandal bogus, but it is meant to redirect the public away from legitimate scandals ABOUT THEM. With the new FBI director, that could change. And as to Bush's WMD, am I the only person who remembers at one point they actually found them buried way out in the desert? The Iraqi's definitely had chemical weapons.
now look! we are still in the early stages of this investigation! this could take another 3 years and six months!,,therefore we have no choice but to use this scandal as red meat to take out Trump in 2020 !!!
Who tried to influence the election again? It looks like CNN with fake numbers to me. Their credibility is beyond shot.

It's right out of the lefty playbook.

Rush often plays a montage of various lefty pukes regurgitating the same words to describe their latest outrage over something or other. They're often hilarious, albeit quite childish. But, hey, they're dimocrats.
Also DHS tried to hack the election: I wonder upon whose order that was?

Indiana joins Idaho in claiming DHS tried to hack their election systems
Best way to bring down the system is from the inside.

Now that Obama's gone his people are busy inside the NSA sending out ransom software.

^ A stretch too far.
Anything is possible.....learn it. This is no stretch. Trump is cleaning the swamp and the swamp is fighting back.

Any IT person worth his pay can tell you that an investigation into Russian hacking doesn't take 7 months. It only takes a matter of hours.
now look! we are still in the early stages of this investigation! this could take another 3 years and six months!,,therefore we have no choice but to use this scandal as red meat to take out Trump in 2020 !!!

The democratically-charged investigations and allegations against Trump will last just long enough until the public is so tired that they are too tired to handle another one about the democrats and just want to forget all of their crimes and just move on. That or until the next election is over and the democrats lose again.
If you want to know who is dirty.....look at what they're wearing......Hillary showed us the color of a's purple. Purple is the traditional color of royalty. Hillary was signifying she was a Queen.

True. An often used form of psych-ops in advertising and the Dems invest quite a bit in this sort of thing to subtly manipulate the minds of voters. They employ lots of companies to research and guide them in every single thing, colours, words they use, talking points, etc. I guess they know their target party voter is pretty malleable. The GOP might often seem disorganized, but at least they are independent. But the Dems are like a fascist union where everyone is in lock step OR ELSE.

It also points out one other thing about Dems: they are about as plastic, phony and fake as they come. They will tell you anything to get your vote. Like Trump often said, they say one thing to get elected then go off and do something totally different. You don't hear from them again until they need your vote again.

But the humor in all of this is that they (Dems) and Hillary REALLY DID (do) see themselves as royalty, the Queen and totally entitled to the presidency! This is why it is sticking in their craw; they are so inflamed, incensed, outraged, dismayed, shocked, embarrassed to have lost in disbelief! GO, DONALD!!!
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now look! we are still in the early stages of this investigation! this could take another 3 years and six months!,,therefore we have no choice but to use this scandal as red meat to take out Trump in 2020 !!!

The democratically-charged investigations and allegations against Trump will last just long enough until the public is so tired that they are too tired to handle another one about the democrats and just want to forget all of their crimes and just move on. That or until the next election is over and the democrats lose again.
when the FBI closes the case, what will they tawk about on "The View"?
Dems are hilarious.

Special PROSECUTER into bullshit.

Obama invokes Executive Privilege and Eric Holder is held in contempt of Congress for "FAST AND FURIOUS" gun smuggling train wreck and we heard nothing but crickets...same with Hillary's e-mails.

THey just want to carry out a 4 year investigation.

This is simple politics. Anyone taking the Dems seriously is a fucking idiot.

If there was EVIDENCE of Trump being a Putin spy, Clapper would have already leaked it.
now look! we are still in the early stages of this investigation! this could take another 3 years and six months!,,therefore we have no choice but to use this scandal as red meat to take out Trump in 2020 !!!

The democratically-charged investigations and allegations against Trump will last just long enough until the public is so tired that they are too tired to handle another one about the democrats and just want to forget all of their crimes and just move on. That or until the next election is over and the democrats lose again.
when the FBI closes the case, what will they tawk about on "The View"?

They will talk about how Trump got to the FBI and are now the puppets of Donald Trump and they should have had an independent review lead by a Democrat. You see, if the democrats ever actually told the truth, even to themselves, no one could possibly ever want to vote for them. If you go down the list, every issue Democrats talk about to enlist support is a manufactured issue placing some group at its center as its "victim."

And the Democrats are there to champion "your cause."

But none of their voters ever notice these are the same issues from 30 years ago or longer! Every election, they are still about these things, and no matter how often placed in office, apparently they never make a hair's worth of progress in solving any of them.
We'll get to the bottom of the only real scandal and felonies committed in Washington by The Obama Administration. Once the Libtard's Fake Narrative is finally buried, we can focus on the criminal activity of The Dem Party and their gang of felons.

Democrats are all reading from the same script. That is the definition of a conspiracy. If you all sound exactly the same, you are probably taking orders from one place. Every Democrat spokesperson is using the same exact term. 'Let's Get To The Bottom Of This'
The media claims that the Trump Administration needs to all be selling the same bullshit and sounding the same. When you hear a slightly different story from one person to the next, what do you think that means? It means that there is no conspiracy going on. It means that people aren't being told what to say. They're saying what they feel is the truth. This is the most open and transparent administration in U.S. history, and all the press has to say about it is they aren't on the same page. Meaning they aren't trying to cover anything up. So the media parses every word and tries to point out differences in the message and calls every difference a lie.

We still don't know anything. After 7 months we're still at the point where we know that Russia tried to influence our elections, but we also know that Obama tries to influence elections in other countries. He tried to influence them not only by undermining them in the press but used taxpayers money to pay for it. (The media tries to influence our elections as well. They are the biggest hypocrites in this. They have been influencing American elections for the last 50 plus years. This is not their purpose. A free press is not supposed to be deciding who gets in office. They are supposed to act as watchdogs for the public to prevent corruption. Now, the media is the most corrupt of anyone in the establishment.)

So why is it that the media thinks it's okay for Obama to influence foreign elections but not Russia?

Well, isn't it obvious. This idea was created by Hillary supporters to make it look like the American people didn't really supported Trump more than Hillary. Ask yourself why. Why is it nobody really likes Hillary. She's dishonest and nasty. She called half of America a bunch of deplorables. Why would Americans want to vote for her.

They took a fact of life in the intelligence community and turned it into a big fat scandal. Now they say in perfect unison that they all want to get to the bottom of it. If they really wanted to get to the bottom of it, they couldn't as long as James Comey was in charge. He wasn't doing shit. He wasn't investigating shit. He refused to say anything about the investigation. Why is this? Because he wasn't investigating shit. Period. That's why he was fired.

So after calling for him to step down for months and demanding he be fired, Trump fired him, and the Democrats went ballistic. They say there's a cover up. A coverup of an imaginary crime. They don't even need any proof of wrongdoing, just a lot of violently angry accusations.

Ask yourself, what does the media have to gain from pushing this conspiracy.

They want to be able to do what they couldn't do during the election. Throw Trump out to save their own necks, because they know he's going to be coming after anyone who is involved in a conspiracy to steal from the Treasury and send money to terrorist states like Iran.

What is this all about??

The Democrats need a Watergate. They got rid of Nixon because he was a coward. They don't have a coward in the Oval Office this time. So what do they have to do? Well, get rid of him. If they can't get rid of him, get him to quit, or have him impeached they can do the next best thing, make him look like Bush and his WMDs. The earlier the better. They literally created this bogus scandal out of their imaginations and they have the people in place to push it down our throats 24/7.

This fake scandal is like Bush's WMDs.

That is what lemmings do

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