Democrats No Self-Inflicted Wound Use Reconciliation To Raise Debt Ceiling!

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Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Republican leader Senator Mitch McConnell did an extraordinary virtuous act throwing the Democrats a lifeline on the debt ceiling issue agreeing to have his caucus facilitating legislation that will raise the debt limit until December of this year; the right wing of the Republican Party will put the Senator through such a gauntlet of abuse over this that you will have thought he switched parties and became a Democrat. What I find alarming and off-the-chart anger inducing is that the Democrats seem to be throwing away this blessing where they were given a seven week reprieve on having to raise the debt ceiling by not pursuing the reconciliation process to solve this problem where they amend the current budget bill to authorize raising the debt ceiling through the reconciliation process where they then only need fifty Senate votes to pass a bill because the normal filibuster rules don't apply where ordinarily sixty Senate votes are needed to end a filibuster so a bill can move to be voted on. Tonight Senator Coons from Delaware was being interviewed by Erin Burnett, a CNN anchor, and he said that the Democrats don't want to use Reconciliation his position is he expects the Republicans to capitulate on the issue he expects the Republicans to bend to the Democrats will here Republicans' alarm over the spending in Washington be damned. Well Senator Coons it clearly appears that you and your Democrat colleagues are intoxicated with the power of being in the majority you're are not on the path of goodness here and this is very very dangerous for the Democrat Party; if your party doesn't now raise the debt ceiling through December 2022 by use of the Reconciliation process and the Republicans stand their ground and don't raise the debt ceiling, a default on U.S. sovereign debt will occur that will be a self-inflicted catastrophic wound the Democrats will have brought on America and it will be unforgivable!

Senator Coons you use to be a decent moderate but since your buddy from Delaware ran for the President you have veered left wing and actually at least for tonight it appears your intelligence has lost its sharpness; you were wrong in your interview with Ms. Burnett when you said the purpose of having the debt ceiling to force Washington to curtail spending never worked, it used to regularly help keep on the front burner for members of Congress and the President the danger of budget deficits and referencing history Senator arguably Budget Sequestration from the President Obama years indirectly stemmed from having the debt ceiling and although that was a brutal tool it produced some fiscal restraint. Nevertheless, today the value of having a national debt ceiling has dramatically diminished it is almost nil because the nation's budget deficit is too large and the national debt are too large they are practically unfixable. In discussing this issue a very important event must always be referenced it is the Republican's 2017 tax reform legislation with this action the Republican Party under Donald J Trump's leadership, who always had to do things bigger than anyone else and this narcissism launched a fatal homing missile at America , blew at least a two trillion dollar deficit hole over ten years in the nation's budget it put the nation's budget deficit on a trajectory where it is practically unfixable, no Grand Bargain (viable tax increases for viable entitlement cuts) can now fix these fiscal problems of America; moreover, it rightly and justly permanently broke the Democrat Party's will to fix the nation's budget deficit and national debt problem through budget cuts which cements in this problem for America! The other reason to scrap having a debt ceiling but just pass legislation giving the Treasury Secretary the power to issue debt to pay America's bill's is a strong right wing ideology in the Republican Party, some right wing Republicans believe the country does not need to raise the debt ceiling the Treasury Secretary can just give top priority to paying the nation's sovereign debt obligations when they become due pay it from tax revenue flowing into the U.S. Treasury; of course, this plan is eventually doomed to failure the timing cannot be maintained indefinitely so that eventually a default would occur with the cataclysmic consequences so often spoken of on this issue. The country needs to get rid of the debt ceiling because it is definitely possible this ideology could grow in the Republican Party and it actually guide public policy when the Republicans gain power in Washington and then cause the predicted catastrophic consequences. It is completely legitimate and a good move for the Democrat Party to put together and try to pass legislation doing away with the debt ceiling but at the same time pursue Reconciliation to raise the debt ceiling; there is no need to put the country through this game of debt ceiling chicken this December

This arrogant move of the Democrats to take this McConnell lifeline but not pursue reconciliation to take this national debt ceiling crisis problem off the table for America for thirteen months smacks of this extreme character depravity that has a strangle hold over America's political parties in current times one sees it in the Republican Party at the state level with their onerous voting legislation. In the Democrat Party at the national level it abounds almost pervasively whether it be this Build Back Better Act which seeks to do a generation of changes to America in one bill and do these changes on extremist terms. One can go down the line, the Democrats John Lewis voting bill which will capture an abundance of states and put their voting laws under a partisan Department of Justice control, their police Reform legislation that will put the nation's police officers in the cross hairs of plaintiff lawyers without just and compelling cause, their campaign to treat parents as domestic terrorists parents that speak out at school board hearings that they want schools to focus on academics and not ideology, etc. The elected officials behind these bad actions of political parties are at least making one critical miscalculation which is they are not fully considering that there is a God and he is active in the world's history and he places on everyone a duty to do what is good and he does help people that are good people and that are trying to create and maintain a good world. They are not factoring in that God is an all powerful, just and good God and when he makes you account to his justice when he gives you what you deserve you will seriously regret your bad actions and for some the just pain you endure will be too much for you to bear; this is God's world elected officials acting significantly bad disregard this at their own extreme grave peril!
Mitch decided to help out the Dems when Trump agreed with what McConnell was doing in blocking the Dems previously.
"My vote against the debt limit increase cannot change the fact that we have incurred this debt already, and will no doubt incur more,". “It is a statement that I refuse to be associated with the policies that brought us to this point."

Senator Joe Biden, 2006 after voting “No” to raising the debt ceiling."
Republican leader Senator Mitch McConnell did an extraordinary virtuous act throwing the Democrats a lifeline on the debt ceiling issue agreeing to have his caucus facilitating legislation that will raise the debt limit until December of this year; the right wing of the Republican Party will put the Senator through such a gauntlet of abuse over this that you will have thought he switched parties and became a Democrat. What I find alarming and off-the-chart anger inducing is that the Democrats seem to be throwing away this blessing where they were given a seven week reprieve on having to raise the debt ceiling by not pursuing the reconciliation process to solve this problem where they amend the current budget bill to authorize raising the debt ceiling through the reconciliation process where they then only need fifty Senate votes to pass a bill because the normal filibuster rules don't apply where ordinarily sixty Senate votes are needed to end a filibuster so a bill can move to be voted on. Tonight Senator Coons from Delaware was being interviewed by Erin Burnett, a CNN anchor, and he said that the Democrats don't want to use Reconciliation his position is he expects the Republicans to capitulate on the issue he expects the Republicans to bend to the Democrats will here Republicans' alarm over the spending in Washington be damned. Well Senator Coons it clearly appears that you and your Democrat colleagues are intoxicated with the power of being in the majority you're are not on the path of goodness here and this is very very dangerous for the Democrat Party; if your party doesn't now raise the debt ceiling through December 2022 by use of the Reconciliation process and the Republicans stand their ground and don't raise the debt ceiling, a default on U.S. sovereign debt will occur that will be a self-inflicted catastrophic wound the Democrats will have brought on America and it will be unforgivable!

Senator Coons you use to be a decent moderate but since your buddy from Delaware ran for the President you have veered left wing and actually at least for tonight it appears your intelligence has lost its sharpness; you were wrong in your interview with Ms. Burnett when you said the purpose of having the debt ceiling to force Washington to curtail spending never worked, it used to regularly help keep on the front burner for members of Congress and the President the danger of budget deficits and referencing history Senator arguably Budget Sequestration from the President Obama years indirectly stemmed from having the debt ceiling and although that was a brutal tool it produced some fiscal restraint. Nevertheless, today the value of having a national debt ceiling has dramatically diminished it is almost nil because the nation's budget deficit is too large and the national debt are too large they are practically unfixable. In discussing this issue a very important event must always be referenced it is the Republican's 2017 tax reform legislation with this action the Republican Party under Donald J Trump's leadership, who always had to do things bigger than anyone else and this narcissism launched a fatal homing missile at America , blew at least a two trillion dollar deficit hole over ten years in the nation's budget it put the nation's budget deficit on a trajectory where it is practically unfixable, no Grand Bargain (viable tax increases for viable entitlement cuts) can now fix these fiscal problems of America; moreover, it rightly and justly permanently broke the Democrat Party's will to fix the nation's budget deficit and national debt problem through budget cuts which cements in this problem for America! The other reason to scrap having a debt ceiling but just pass legislation giving the Treasury Secretary the power to issue debt to pay America's bill's is a strong right wing ideology in the Republican Party, some right wing Republicans believe the country does not need to raise the debt ceiling the Treasury Secretary can just give top priority to paying the nation's sovereign debt obligations when they become due pay it from tax revenue flowing into the U.S. Treasury; of course, this plan is eventually doomed to failure the timing cannot be maintained indefinitely so that eventually a default would occur with the cataclysmic consequences so often spoken of on this issue. The country needs to get rid of the debt ceiling because it is definitely possible this ideology could grow in the Republican Party and it actually guide public policy when the Republicans gain power in Washington and then cause the predicted catastrophic consequences. It is completely legitimate and a good move for the Democrat Party to put together and try to pass legislation doing away with the debt ceiling but at the same time pursue Reconciliation to raise the debt ceiling; there is no need to put the country through this game of debt ceiling chicken this December

This arrogant move of the Democrats to take this McConnell lifeline but not pursue reconciliation to take this national debt ceiling crisis problem off the table for America for thirteen months smacks of this extreme character depravity that has a strangle hold over America's political parties in current times one sees it in the Republican Party at the state level with their onerous voting legislation. In the Democrat Party at the national level it abounds almost pervasively whether it be this Build Back Better Act which seeks to do a generation of changes to America in one bill and do these changes on extremist terms. One can go down the line, the Democrats John Lewis voting bill which will capture an abundance of states and put their voting laws under a partisan Department of Justice control, their police Reform legislation that will put the nation's police officers in the cross hairs of plaintiff lawyers without just and compelling cause, their campaign to treat parents as domestic terrorists parents that speak out at school board hearings that they want schools to focus on academics and not ideology, etc. The elected officials behind these bad actions of political parties are at least making one critical miscalculation which is they are not fully considering that there is a God and he is active in the world's history and he places on everyone a duty to do what is good and he does help people that are good people and that are trying to create and maintain a good world. They are not factoring in that God is an all powerful, just and good God and when he makes you account to his justice when he gives you what you deserve you will seriously regret your bad actions and for some the just pain you endure will be too much for you to bear; this is God's world elected officials acting significantly bad disregard this at their own extreme grave peril!

Need a link JimofPennsylvan
Mitch decided to help out the Dems when Trump agreed with what McConnell was doing in blocking the Dems previously.

The republicans are bringing th themselves in for criticism for no reason.
If they refuse the collapse if the economy is squarely on their shoulders.

Biden is a very experienced politician. He knows every trick in the book and who are the big players in this. He knew the answer before he asked the question.
Very clever indeed. He will succeed without doubt.
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