Democrats - meet the REAL Barack Hussein Obama


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Obama talks ad nauseam about being "your brother's keeper" - yet he ignores the desperate plight of his impoverished aunt and actual brother while hoarding tens of millions for his own greedy self. If he were a Republican, the liberals would fill this board with death threats (like liberals did to George W. Bush). But instead, the idiot liberal WORSHIPS him because he puts "Democrat" in front of his name. :cuckoo:

Obama’s Half-Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh D‘Souza’s New Documentary | Video |
Obama talks ad nauseam about being "your brother's keeper" - yet he ignores the desperate plight of his impoverished aunt and actual brother while hoarding tens of millions for his own greedy self. If he were a Republican, the liberals would fill this board with death threats (like liberals did to George W. Bush). But instead, the idiot liberal WORSHIPS him because he puts "Democrat" in front of his name. :cuckoo:

Obama’s Half-Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh D‘Souza’s New Documentary | Video |

Thanks for sharing that with us. Look at what Obama's brother said:

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

He must be really proud. I wonder if they ever met?
In the meantime, Obama leaves taxpayers to support his illegal Aunt.

"Judge Leonard I. Shapiro granted her asylum Friday in Boston, three months after Onyango’s lawyers said she feared violence and health risks if she were forced to return to her native Kenya. The ruling clears the way for her to apply for legal permanent residency in a year, and US citizenship after five years.

Onyango, the half-sister of the president’s late father, declined to comment.

“I’m tired,’’ Onyango, who lives in public housing in South Boston, said by telephone. She referred questions to her lawyer."

Obama’s aunt is granted asylum - The Boston Globe
Beck's ultra-right wing propaganda site the blaze, now there's a credible source! :lmao:
Obama talks ad nauseam about being "your brother's keeper" - yet he ignores the desperate plight of his impoverished aunt and actual brother while hoarding tens of millions for his own greedy self. If he were a Republican, the liberals would fill this board with death threats (like liberals did to George W. Bush). But instead, the idiot liberal WORSHIPS him because he puts "Democrat" in front of his name. :cuckoo:

Obama’s Half-Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh D‘Souza’s New Documentary | Video |

Thanks for sharing that with us. Look at what Obama's brother said:

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

He must be really proud. I wonder if they ever met?

How can you talk about being "your brothers keeper" if you're too busy to care for your own brother when you are a multi-multi-millionaire???

How much time would it take to write him a check for a cheap house somewhere???
Obama talks ad nauseam about being "your brother's keeper" - yet he ignores the desperate plight of his impoverished aunt and actual brother while hoarding tens of millions for his own greedy self. If he were a Republican, the liberals would fill this board with death threats (like liberals did to George W. Bush). But instead, the idiot liberal WORSHIPS him because he puts "Democrat" in front of his name. :cuckoo:

Obama’s Half-Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh D‘Souza’s New Documentary | Video |

Thanks for sharing that with us. Look at what Obama's brother said:

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

He must be really proud. I wonder if they ever met?

How can you talk about being "your brothers keeper" if you're too busy to care for your own brother when you are a multi-multi-millionaire???

How much time would it take to write him a check for a cheap house somewhere???

Has he ever bought himself a house? He never seems to visit his home.
Obama talks ad nauseam about being "your brother's keeper" - yet he ignores the desperate plight of his impoverished aunt and actual brother while hoarding tens of millions for his own greedy self. If he were a Republican, the liberals would fill this board with death threats (like liberals did to George W. Bush). But instead, the idiot liberal WORSHIPS him because he puts "Democrat" in front of his name. :cuckoo:

Obama’s Half-Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh D‘Souza’s New Documentary | Video |

That's quite an allegation. I suppose you have links?

Or are you just a lying hack with a "liberal" imagination?
Obama talks ad nauseam about being "your brother's keeper" - yet he ignores the desperate plight of his impoverished aunt and actual brother while hoarding tens of millions for his own greedy self. If he were a Republican, the liberals would fill this board with death threats (like liberals did to George W. Bush). But instead, the idiot liberal WORSHIPS him because he puts "Democrat" in front of his name. :cuckoo:

Obama’s Half-Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh D‘Souza’s New Documentary | Video |

Thanks for sharing that with us. Look at what Obama's brother said:

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

He must be really proud. I wonder if they ever met?

How can you talk about being "your brothers keeper" if you're too busy to care for your own brother when you are a multi-multi-millionaire???

How much time would it take to write him a check for a cheap house somewhere???

You're pretty confused.

Unlike Romney's silver spoon upbringing..Obama comes from humbler roots.

His pop left the family when he was just a boy..and Obama was raised by his mother and grand parents.

A quick check of wiki would have told you that.

Oh..and Clinton didn't really know all that much about his pop either.

Some of us start life on third Romney.

Some of us start life outside the Clinton and Obama.
Thanks for sharing that with us. Look at what Obama's brother said:

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

He must be really proud. I wonder if they ever met?

How can you talk about being "your brothers keeper" if you're too busy to care for your own brother when you are a multi-multi-millionaire???

How much time would it take to write him a check for a cheap house somewhere???

You're pretty confused.

Unlike Romney's silver spoon upbringing..Obama comes from humbler roots.

His pop left the family when he was just a boy..and Obama was raised by his mother and grand parents.

A quick check of wiki would have told you that.

Oh..and Clinton didn't really know all that much about his pop either.

Some of us start life on third Romney.

Some of us start life outside the Clinton and Obama.

Thanks for sharing that with us. Look at what Obama's brother said:

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

He must be really proud. I wonder if they ever met?

How can you talk about being "your brothers keeper" if you're too busy to care for your own brother when you are a multi-multi-millionaire???

How much time would it take to write him a check for a cheap house somewhere???

You're pretty confused.

Unlike Romney's silver spoon upbringing..Obama comes from humbler roots.

His pop left the family when he was just a boy..and Obama was raised by his mother and grand parents.

A quick check of wiki would have told you that.

Oh..and Clinton didn't really know all that much about his pop either.

Some of us start life on third Romney.

Some of us start life outside the Clinton and Obama.

You can quit trying to convince us that Obama was just a poor black child living hand to mouth. While his Daddy may have run out on him, Grandma and Grandpa had plenty of money and made sure Obama didn't lack. His step-father was pretty well off too. Obama went to private schools from grade school on, which doesn't happen with those that are truly poor. You would think though that he would have learned by the fact that his grandparents took such care of him, that family should take care of family. Obama has no problem leaving his relatives care to the charity of the U.S. taxpayer.
Thanks for sharing that with us. Look at what Obama's brother said:

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

He must be really proud. I wonder if they ever met?

How can you talk about being "your brothers keeper" if you're too busy to care for your own brother when you are a multi-multi-millionaire???

How much time would it take to write him a check for a cheap house somewhere???

You're pretty confused.

Unlike Romney's silver spoon upbringing..Obama comes from humbler roots.

His pop left the family when he was just a boy..and Obama was raised by his mother and grand parents.

A quick check of wiki would have told you that.

Oh..and Clinton didn't really know all that much about his pop either.

Some of us start life on third Romney.

Some of us start life outside the Clinton and Obama.

Actually, I think most Republicans live in trailer parks. But they think of themselves as "millionaires without funds", knowing that some day, their "ship will come in". So they are protecting their "future riches".
Obama talks ad nauseam about being "your brother's keeper" - yet he ignores the desperate plight of his impoverished aunt and actual brother while hoarding tens of millions for his own greedy self. If he were a Republican, the liberals would fill this board with death threats (like liberals did to George W. Bush). But instead, the idiot liberal WORSHIPS him because he puts "Democrat" in front of his name. :cuckoo:

Obama’s Half-Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh D‘Souza’s New Documentary | Video |

Oh, thank God, The Blaze is finally giving us the truth. Maybe the Daily Caller and World Nut Daily can confirm it.
Obama talks ad nauseam about being "your brother's keeper" - yet he ignores the desperate plight of his impoverished aunt and actual brother while hoarding tens of millions for his own greedy self. If he were a Republican, the liberals would fill this board with death threats (like liberals did to George W. Bush). But instead, the idiot liberal WORSHIPS him because he puts "Democrat" in front of his name. :cuckoo:

Obama’s Half-Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh D‘Souza’s New Documentary | Video |

That's democratic. And he is a half brother. I have not talk to my half brother in 38 years. I bet the prez has the same relationship.

But Rot, at least you can lick ur nutz when you want to see your half brother.
Obama talks ad nauseam about being "your brother's keeper" - yet he ignores the desperate plight of his impoverished aunt and actual brother while hoarding tens of millions for his own greedy self. If he were a Republican, the liberals would fill this board with death threats (like liberals did to George W. Bush). But instead, the idiot liberal WORSHIPS him because he puts "Democrat" in front of his name. :cuckoo:

Obama’s Half-Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh D‘Souza’s New Documentary | Video |

Thanks for sharing that with us. Look at what Obama's brother said:

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

He must be really proud. I wonder if they ever met?

How can you talk about being "your brothers keeper" if you're too busy to care for your own brother when you are a multi-multi-millionaire???

How much time would it take to write him a check for a cheap house somewhere???

Now I know you're full of shit. Republicans don't take care of other people. That would be called "socialism". Why do you think they want to end Medicare and Social Security and question disaster relief? Why did they yell out "Let him die" at the GOP presidential debates? Why did they applaud executions? Duh!
Obama talks ad nauseam about being "your brother's keeper" - yet he ignores the desperate plight of his impoverished aunt and actual brother while hoarding tens of millions for his own greedy self. If he were a Republican, the liberals would fill this board with death threats (like liberals did to George W. Bush). But instead, the idiot liberal WORSHIPS him because he puts "Democrat" in front of his name. :cuckoo:

Obama’s Half-Brother George Makes Appears in Dinesh D‘Souza’s New Documentary | Video |

I refrain from Making Judgements about people and their Families. We lack the Proper Context to Judge Obama for his Relationship with these people, and what he does and does not do for them.
Thanks for sharing that with us. Look at what Obama's brother said:

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

He must be really proud. I wonder if they ever met?

How can you talk about being "your brothers keeper" if you're too busy to care for your own brother when you are a multi-multi-millionaire???

How much time would it take to write him a check for a cheap house somewhere???

Now I know you're full of shit. Republicans don't take care of other people. That would be called "socialism". Why do you think they want to end Medicare and Social Security and question disaster relief? Why did they yell out "Let him die" at the GOP presidential debates? Why did they applaud executions? Duh!

I will wait for the links of those comments.
Now I know you're full of shit. Republicans don't take care of other people. That would be called "socialism". Why do you think they want to end Medicare and Social Security and question disaster relief? Why did they yell out "Let him die" at the GOP presidential debates? Why did they applaud executions? Duh!

Really, Republicans wouldn't take care of their own brothers? Really? Stop spouting absurdities so you can avoid the question and just answer it:

How can you talk about being "your brothers keeper" if you're too busy to care for your own brother when you are a multi-multi-millionaire???

How much time would it take to write him a check for a cheap house somewhere???
Thanks for sharing that with us. Look at what Obama's brother said:

“He’s got other issues to deal with,” George responds. “He’s taking care of the world, so he’s taking care of me.”

He must be really proud. I wonder if they ever met?

How can you talk about being "your brothers keeper" if you're too busy to care for your own brother when you are a multi-multi-millionaire???

How much time would it take to write him a check for a cheap house somewhere???

Now I know you're full of shit. Republicans don't take care of other people. That would be called "socialism". Why do you think they want to end Medicare and Social Security and question disaster relief? Why did they yell out "Let him die" at the GOP presidential debates? Why did they applaud executions? Duh!

Well it looks as if Obama doesn't take care of people either. Why is Aunt Zeituni living on taxpayer dollars?

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