Does Anyone Have the Balls to Indict Obama?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Wayne Root: Does Anyone Have the Balls to Indict Obama?

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Wayne Allen Root
I recently watched a documentary about how the US government finally took down the mob (aka the mafia). For decades the US government failed miserably. Why? Because they could only catch low level “soldiers” in the act of a crime, but never the mob boss, (aka The Don).
But something changed in the late 1980’s. The government applied the RICO Act to the mafia. They proved the mob acted as a “family.” And when the head of the family gave an order, he was as guilty as the “soldier” who carried it out. This allowed the government to destroy the mafia.
Suddenly a lightbulb went off. I realized this is exactly how to indict, convict and send former President Barack Obama to prison. RICO. Against the head of a crime family.
I believe Obama is the biggest criminal in the history of the United States. RICO is how we get Don Obama. He was the head of a family, just like the mafia. Call it the Obama Crime Family.
Attorney General Barr and Prosecutor Durham are playing in the minor leagues. They are going after the “soldiers” of the Obama criminal family. But they should be targeting the head of the snake: Obama. He gave all the orders. He oversaw and coordinated all the crime, extortion, theft, fraud, lies. And of course, the biggest crime of all- spying. Some might call that treason.
It was all Obama. Just like in New York in the 1980’s, it was all Paul Castellano and John Gotti. The only difference is, the crimes and audacity of Obama make the Gambinos look like boy scouts. Trust me, the mafia has nothing on Obama.

Let’s compare the crimes of Obama vs the Gambinos.
Don Obama targeted, hunted, demonized, intimidated, and punished his best customers (business owners and high-income taxpayers). Obama’s weapons of choice were the highest taxes and the most regulations in US history. Even the mafia treats their best customers better than this!
Unfortunately, we can’t indict Obama over that.
But Obama’s IRS crimes are a different story. Obama had his own personal government-sanctioned hit squad. Obama’s IRS thugs went after Tea Partiers, conservatives, and groups that believed in the U.S. Constitution. Even the mafia had more respect for the Constitution than Obama’s government gang.
Obama’s IRS thugs went after Christian charities, Catholic professors, and Pro-Life groups. They even went after Reverend Billy Graham. The mafia had more respect for the church than the Obama Crime Family.
In one case, the IRS offered to “end the pain” if the Pro-Life group agreed to stop picketing Planned Parenthood clinics. This was a level of extortion even the mafia would be impressed with.
Obama’s IRS was sent to intimidate a St Louis anchorman who dared to ask tough questions of Obama. They also spied on journalists. Even the mafia knows never to touch the media.
Obama’s IRS targeted Pro-Israel groups. Even the greatest gangsters of all-time- Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegal- were always friends of Israel.
Don’t forget the many other Obama crimes- Fast and Furious; the fraud of Benghazi; Hillary’s erased emails; the fix to make sure the FBI exonerated Hillary; the fraud concocted on the airport runway between Bill Clinton and Obama’s Attorney General; the murder of Seth Rich; the fix to make sure Hillary won the Democrat primary; and Hillary and Joe Biden’s extortion of foreign allies. I guarantee you nothing happened without the approval of Don Obama.
I need to make special mention of the Obamacare Ponzi scheme. Obama committed pure fraud when he said, “If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.” That’s like a mafia loan shark telling a business owner, “Don’t worry. Here’s your loan at 300% interest. You can keep your business.”
It’s time to indict Obama. He’s not above the law. He’s no better than the Gambinos. Actually, he’s worse. The Gambinos were thugs and murderers, but at least they loved America and capitalism.
My apologies for insulting the Gambinos by comparison.

All factual evidence points to Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) as the most corrupt President in the history of the United States bar none. But even worse, the man is absolutely evil to the core. Can he be indicted? I hope so, I really do. But if not there's one certainty: God will sort this out and apply justice.
No doubt BHOObama is corrupt but most of the bureaucrats in government were part of it. It's just like corruption in the police department. They aren't going to arrest themselves. More than half of the government is in on the crime of selling the government for personal gain. They will all protect each other. What judge will find them guilty? We can't even get Flynn's charges dropped. We can't get one person arrested in a 4 year long coup attempt against the former elected president.
The idea that he is black is part of it, tapping into unbridled white guilt, and it worked!! But the other reason is the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Leftist's and media would freak out on whoever did it, which is a shame, because we all know he ran the failed operation to take down Trump; knowing that his administration had committed numerous other crimes they needed to cover up for.
Sadly, nobody will throw a president in jail. I believe Obama's motive was simple. He wanted to show why a Republic is bad. Obama did everything he did, knowing he would get away with it and knowing he would be a permanent stain on our history.

Now when the whole world, now when our own people state we are dirty rotten. We can no longer lie. We had Obama as president and he is everything that they have always stated was bad with our country.
For goodness' sake.

A few months ago, a cop was accused of illegally killing a man. The result? Weeks of protest marches and looting.

If there were any move to indict President Obama, the consequences would make the current anarchy look like child's play.

Even the Trump administration would NOT dare indict President Obama for even a parking ticket. And, of course, the in-coming Biden administration will have President Obama as a special guest on the Capitol steps when the 46th President is inaugurated.

President Obama is untouchable. It's time to move on.
LOL you are fools at a level that is hard to comprehend. Of course you may be a troll. LOL

Barack *Obama will go down in history as one of the best presidents, maybe great ones. Most of the so called whines from the whining right wingnuts are the fault of a congress of do nothings. History will show that, right wing ideologues remain mesmerized and brainwashed Russian and wikileaks' stoolies.

President Barack Obama will go down as one our very best presidents, there is no doubt of that. Will the conservatives and others disagree, of course, but any review of the past eight years and his accomplishments will prove them wrong.

The last republican conservative president is rated by historians in the bottom five of our nation and they have the chutzpah to criticize one of the best, Barack Hussein Obama. Too funny, they must be jealous. The Black guy did OK in spite of the wacko right wing talking points, used only to keep the haters happy. Be happy fools.

President Barack Obama will go down as one our very best presidents, there is no doubt of that. Will the conservatives and others disagree, of course, but any review of the past eight years and his accomplishments will prove them wrong.

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments | Washington Monthly

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

And our economy improved too. Research shows Democrats are better for the economy — so why do voters trust Republicans more?
LOL you are fools at a level that is hard to comprehend. Of course you may be a troll. LOL

Barack *Obama will go down in history as one of the best presidents, maybe great ones. Most of the so called whines from the whining right wingnuts are the fault of a congress of do nothings. History will show that, right wing ideologues remain mesmerized and brainwashed Russian and wikileaks' stoolies.

President Barack Obama will go down as one our very best presidents, there is no doubt of that. Will the conservatives and others disagree, of course, but any review of the past eight years and his accomplishments will prove them wrong.

The last republican conservative president is rated by historians in the bottom five of our nation and they have the chutzpah to criticize one of the best, Barack Hussein Obama. Too funny, they must be jealous. The Black guy did OK in spite of the wacko right wing talking points, used only to keep the haters happy. Be happy fools.

President Barack Obama will go down as one our very best presidents, there is no doubt of that. Will the conservatives and others disagree, of course, but any review of the past eight years and his accomplishments will prove them wrong.

Obama’s Top 50 Accomplishments | Washington Monthly

One of the great ones. Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time

And our economy improved too. Research shows Democrats are better for the economy — so why do voters trust Republicans more?
dont forget he will be remembered as the #1 racist president ever---bar rag obama turned the clocks back for civil rights---dont think any differently
Born in Kenya...

muslim father, whore mother, mother remarries a muslim, he's raised in Indonesia as a muslim and his name is changed to Barry Soetoro, there's no record his name was ever legally changed back, he went to school in America on a foreign student visa from Kenya...

he was radicalized by the scum he hung out with, smoked dope, snorted cocaine, was buddies with Bill Ayers, a known terrorist, went to the church of GODDAMN AMERICA and sat in the front row, and decided he'd become an activist so he became a community agitator, and when that wasn't enough ran for the senate...

He got elected in the commie state of ILL and got a taste of power. He soon decided that his next mission would be to try and destroy America so he ran for president and was illegally elected because he wasn't constitutionally eligible, but his "fundamental transformation" of America almost did destroy our nation. We were lucky to survive the muslim rat turd.

He belongs in prison for a multitude of things. Being involved in the spying and coup of a president of the United States is just one thing in a long list of things he should very well be locked away for, for the rest of his stinking filthy America hating life.
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Lets remember Obama as NOT the head of the snake. The guy was a cheap suit who did the bidding of those with power.
obviously he couldnt think for was ...always thinking about George--greenback--- Washington....lets go bail the banks out
Wayne Root: Does Anyone Have the Balls to Indict Obama?

3 Aug 2020 ~~ By Wayne Allen Root
I recently watched a documentary about how the US government finally took down the mob (aka the mafia). For decades the US government failed miserably. Why? Because they could only catch low level “soldiers” in the act of a crime, but never the mob boss, (aka The Don).
But something changed in the late 1980’s. The government applied the RICO Act to the mafia. They proved the mob acted as a “family.” And when the head of the family gave an order, he was as guilty as the “soldier” who carried it out. This allowed the government to destroy the mafia.
Suddenly a lightbulb went off. I realized this is exactly how to indict, convict and send former President Barack Obama to prison. RICO. Against the head of a crime family.
I believe Obama is the biggest criminal in the history of the United States. RICO is how we get Don Obama. He was the head of a family, just like the mafia. Call it the Obama Crime Family.
Attorney General Barr and Prosecutor Durham are playing in the minor leagues. They are going after the “soldiers” of the Obama criminal family. But they should be targeting the head of the snake: Obama. He gave all the orders. He oversaw and coordinated all the crime, extortion, theft, fraud, lies. And of course, the biggest crime of all- spying. Some might call that treason.
It was all Obama. Just like in New York in the 1980’s, it was all Paul Castellano and John Gotti. The only difference is, the crimes and audacity of Obama make the Gambinos look like boy scouts. Trust me, the mafia has nothing on Obama.

Let’s compare the crimes of Obama vs the Gambinos.
Don Obama targeted, hunted, demonized, intimidated, and punished his best customers (business owners and high-income taxpayers). Obama’s weapons of choice were the highest taxes and the most regulations in US history. Even the mafia treats their best customers better than this!
Unfortunately, we can’t indict Obama over that.
But Obama’s IRS crimes are a different story. Obama had his own personal government-sanctioned hit squad. Obama’s IRS thugs went after Tea Partiers, conservatives, and groups that believed in the U.S. Constitution. Even the mafia had more respect for the Constitution than Obama’s government gang.
Obama’s IRS thugs went after Christian charities, Catholic professors, and Pro-Life groups. They even went after Reverend Billy Graham. The mafia had more respect for the church than the Obama Crime Family.
In one case, the IRS offered to “end the pain” if the Pro-Life group agreed to stop picketing Planned Parenthood clinics. This was a level of extortion even the mafia would be impressed with.
Obama’s IRS was sent to intimidate a St Louis anchorman who dared to ask tough questions of Obama. They also spied on journalists. Even the mafia knows never to touch the media.
Obama’s IRS targeted Pro-Israel groups. Even the greatest gangsters of all-time- Meyer Lansky and Bugsy Siegal- were always friends of Israel.
Don’t forget the many other Obama crimes- Fast and Furious; the fraud of Benghazi; Hillary’s erased emails; the fix to make sure the FBI exonerated Hillary; the fraud concocted on the airport runway between Bill Clinton and Obama’s Attorney General; the murder of Seth Rich; the fix to make sure Hillary won the Democrat primary; and Hillary and Joe Biden’s extortion of foreign allies. I guarantee you nothing happened without the approval of Don Obama.
I need to make special mention of the Obamacare Ponzi scheme. Obama committed pure fraud when he said, “If you like your health insurance, you can keep your health insurance.” That’s like a mafia loan shark telling a business owner, “Don’t worry. Here’s your loan at 300% interest. You can keep your business.”
It’s time to indict Obama. He’s not above the law. He’s no better than the Gambinos. Actually, he’s worse. The Gambinos were thugs and murderers, but at least they loved America and capitalism.
My apologies for insulting the Gambinos by comparison.

All factual evidence points to Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) as the most corrupt President in the history of the United States bar none. But even worse, the man is absolutely evil to the core. Can he be indicted? I hope so, I really do. But if not there's one certainty: God will sort this out and apply justice.
No doubt BHOObama is corrupt but most of the bureaucrats in government were part of it. It's just like corruption in the police department. They aren't going to arrest themselves. More than half of the government is in on the crime of selling the government for personal gain. They will all protect each other. What judge will find them guilty? We can't even get Flynn's charges dropped. We can't get one person arrested in a 4 year long coup attempt against the former elected president.
The idea that he is black is part of it, tapping into unbridled white guilt, and it worked!! But the other reason is the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Leftist's and media would freak out on whoever did it, which is a shame, because we all know he ran the failed operation to take down Trump; knowing that his administration had committed numerous other crimes they needed to cover up for.
ARE YOU KIDDING. It is plain now that unequal justice pervades this country and the worst offenders are some of the highest people in this country. And Obama is right at the top of the "Untouchables."
Again. Just can't let the Obama Derangement Syndrome go. OK, let's recap...once again. 8 years. No grand juries convened. No indictments. No prison sentences handed down. A clean ship. Dragged the country out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and oversaw one of the longest sustained periods of economic growth in our country. Some foreign policy blunders keep from attaching the label "great" to him. But he does get the nod of "good".

Now, let's run down the non-scandals and conspiracy theories that were tossed against the wall in a desperate attempt to make something stick. His birth certificate, the IRS "scandal", Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Pizzagate. Note, anyone who believes in Pizzagate should have their right to vote removed...for the rest of their lives..on account of they're too stupid to be entrusted with the sacred privilege of voting.
Lets remember Obama as NOT the head of the snake. The guy was a cheap suit who did the bidding of those with power.
obviously he couldnt think for was ...always thinking about George--greenback--- Washington....lets go bail the banks out

Obama could think for himself and did. He thought about himself and the millions to be funneled to him in repayment after he left office.
Again. Just can't let the Obama Derangement Syndrome go. OK, let's recap...once again. 8 years. No grand juries convened. No indictments. No prison sentences handed down. A clean ship. Dragged the country out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and oversaw one of the longest sustained periods of economic growth in our country. Some foreign policy blunders keep from attaching the label "great" to him. But he does get the nod of "good".

Now, let's run down the non-scandals and conspiracy theories that were tossed against the wall in a desperate attempt to make something stick. His birth certificate, the IRS "scandal", Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Pizzagate. Note, anyone who believes in Pizzagate should have their right to vote removed...for the rest of their lives..on account of they're too stupid to be entrusted with the sacred privilege of voting.
Oh boy JackOff... here we go with the leftist LIES again about the kenyan being SQUEAKY CLEAN. Do you know how many times the list of ALL the SCANDALS and SHIT that happened under Barry has been posted here? No, of course you don't. But you expect someone to post them AGAIN just because you posted your HORSE SHIT... right?

Nope, not going to bother. I'll just tell you you're full of SHIT, and those here that have seen the list hundreds of times will know I'm right, that you are full of SHIT.
Again. Just can't let the Obama Derangement Syndrome go. OK, let's recap...once again. 8 years. No grand juries convened. No indictments. No prison sentences handed down. A clean ship. Dragged the country out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and oversaw one of the longest sustained periods of economic growth in our country. Some foreign policy blunders keep from attaching the label "great" to him. But he does get the nod of "good".

Now, let's run down the non-scandals and conspiracy theories that were tossed against the wall in a desperate attempt to make something stick. His birth certificate, the IRS "scandal", Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Pizzagate. Note, anyone who believes in Pizzagate should have their right to vote removed...for the rest of their lives..on account of they're too stupid to be entrusted with the sacred privilege of voting.
Oh boy JackOff... here we go with the leftist LIES again about the kenyan being SQUEAKY CLEAN. Do you know how many times the list of ALL the SCANDALS and SHIT that happened under Barry has been posted here? No, of course you don't. But you expect someone to post them AGAIN just because you posted your HORSE SHIT... right?

Nope, not going to bother. I'll just tell you you're full of SHIT, and those here that have seen the list hundreds of times will know I'm right, and that you are full of SHIT.

The only people full of shit are the people that keep dredging this crap up constantly...all because they didn't like the black guy sitting in the White House. I've never seen the wave of shit that rose up in the form of the Tea Party and the alt-right after Obama was elected. A full 1/3 of this country just lost their shit. Again, 8 years. Nothing. Bupkus. Crickets. Silence.
Again. Just can't let the Obama Derangement Syndrome go. OK, let's recap...once again. 8 years. No grand juries convened. No indictments. No prison sentences handed down. A clean ship. Dragged the country out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and oversaw one of the longest sustained periods of economic growth in our country. Some foreign policy blunders keep from attaching the label "great" to him. But he does get the nod of "good".

Now, let's run down the non-scandals and conspiracy theories that were tossed against the wall in a desperate attempt to make something stick. His birth certificate, the IRS "scandal", Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Pizzagate. Note, anyone who believes in Pizzagate should have their right to vote removed...for the rest of their lives..on account of they're too stupid to be entrusted with the sacred privilege of voting.

Draggedthe country out of the worst recession

Dragged is the operative word. His policies delayed the recovery. He blamed Bush entirely and then he tried to take credit from Trump.
Again. Just can't let the Obama Derangement Syndrome go. OK, let's recap...once again. 8 years. No grand juries convened. No indictments. No prison sentences handed down. A clean ship. Dragged the country out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and oversaw one of the longest sustained periods of economic growth in our country. Some foreign policy blunders keep from attaching the label "great" to him. But he does get the nod of "good".

Now, let's run down the non-scandals and conspiracy theories that were tossed against the wall in a desperate attempt to make something stick. His birth certificate, the IRS "scandal", Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Pizzagate. Note, anyone who believes in Pizzagate should have their right to vote removed...for the rest of their lives..on account of they're too stupid to be entrusted with the sacred privilege of voting.
Oh boy JackOff... here we go with the leftist LIES again about the kenyan being SQUEAKY CLEAN. Do you know how many times the list of ALL the SCANDALS and SHIT that happened under Barry has been posted here? No, of course you don't. But you expect someone to post them AGAIN just because you posted your HORSE SHIT... right?

Nope, not going to bother. I'll just tell you you're full of SHIT, and those here that have seen the list hundreds of times will know I'm right, that you are full of SHIT.
You played the get Obama game for 8 years. You heard something that sounded likely (to you) got all excited and it never really panned out. It was either overblown, based on a deliberate distortion or just plain made up. Obama played it clean because he knew for a fact that the republicans would have impeached him for anything that was even slightly illegal.
Again. Just can't let the Obama Derangement Syndrome go. OK, let's recap...once again. 8 years. No grand juries convened. No indictments. No prison sentences handed down. A clean ship. Dragged the country out of the worst recession since the Great Depression and oversaw one of the longest sustained periods of economic growth in our country. Some foreign policy blunders keep from attaching the label "great" to him. But he does get the nod of "good".

Now, let's run down the non-scandals and conspiracy theories that were tossed against the wall in a desperate attempt to make something stick. His birth certificate, the IRS "scandal", Benghazi, Fast and Furious, Pizzagate. Note, anyone who believes in Pizzagate should have their right to vote removed...for the rest of their lives..on account of they're too stupid to be entrusted with the sacred privilege of voting.
Oh boy JackOff... here we go with the leftist LIES again about the kenyan being SQUEAKY CLEAN. Do you know how many times the list of ALL the SCANDALS and SHIT that happened under Barry has been posted here? No, of course you don't. But you expect someone to post them AGAIN just because you posted your HORSE SHIT... right?

Nope, not going to bother. I'll just tell you you're full of SHIT, and those here that have seen the list hundreds of times will know I'm right, that you are full of SHIT.
You played the get Obama game for 8 years. You heard something that sounded likely (to you) got all excited and it never really panned out. It was either overblown, based on a deliberate distortion or just plain made up. Obama played it clean because he knew for a fact that the republicans would have impeached him for anything that was even slightly illegal.
You're as big a liar as JackOff is. The kenyan was a filthy corrupt little shit stain from the word go, from weaponizing the IRS against conservatives to 48,000,000 Americans on food stamps to illegally handing out guns to illegal alien mexican cartels to forging a certificate of birth to spying on and organizing a coup against president Trump and everything in between. America has never had a worse misfortune of a worse corrupt piece of shit as the little faggot muslim prick Barry, and you degenerate democrat twats still worship at his alter wishing you could suck his dick.

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