Democrats Embracing / 'Weaponizing' 'Fake News'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Hillary supporters whined about Hillary, the worst Presidential candidate in US history, lost the 2016 election because of 'Fake News'. :p

Liberals CREATED / STARTED 'All-In' 'Fake News'. Not only have they embraced it - they have made 'Fake News' part of their daily practice of what they call 'Journalism' in an all-out assault against Trump, the Trump administration, Trump allies / defenders, and Conservatives:

Fake News: Media Smear Sebastian Gorka as Nazi Sympathizer

"The media, and the left in general, are attempting to smear former Breitbart editor Sebastian Gorka, who serves as Deputy Assistant to the President of the United States, as a Nazi sympathizer.

As any of his Breitbart News colleagues could testify, Gorka is not only pro-Israel but “pro-Jewish,” and defends both against the threat of radical Islamic terrorism.

But facts do not matter to the left and the mainstream media in their efforts to frighten the public and harass the administration."

Fake News: Politico Scrubs Soros Ties to Anti-Trump Group

"A Politico profile of a new anti-Trump protest movement calling itself “Indivisible” reported that “conservatives” are “spreading unfounded rumors” that the group is “being driven by wealthy donors like George Soros.”

Politico, however, seemingly failed to do even the most minimal research on the Indivisible leaders cited in the news outlet’s own profile. Some of those personalities are openly associated with groups financed by Soros."

FAKE NEWS: CNN Caught Using "Fake Headline" to Smear Trump, Carson

"CNN posted a fake news headline on their website: “Carson: Trump in private betrays public rhetoric.” It’s only when users click on the article that they see what the post is actually about, and it’s not related to Ben Carson at all.

In fact, the article is about President-elect Trump’s selection of South Carolina’s Gov. Nikki Haley for the U.N. ambassadorship."

BuzzFeed Caught Citing Fake Data In Its ‘Fake News Won The Election For Trump’ Argument … AGAIN

NPR: 'Godfather' of Fake News Is a Liberal Democrat in California

...and on and on and on......
Bill O'Reilly: A stunning display of dishonesty from the national press and radical left

"Last week, about 680 undocumented aliens were arrested by ICE officials countrywide. Many of them have already been deported. The coordinated raids targeted aliens who had committed crimes in the USA -- mostly felonies.

Seventy five percent of those taken into custody had convictions, including homicide and rape. One man arrested in Chicago, was an Iraqi citizen with a conviction of sexual abuse of a victim [who was] unable to consent. Many of the arrested non-felons were associating with the criminals. But those facts have largely gone unreported by the American press. And by the radical left, which is actively misleading you.

We could find no headlines in major newspapers. None. That bannered the fact that raids were targeted at illegal aliens who had committed serious crimes. Committed them. That is not press bias. That is blatant dishonesty."

"In the year 2013, the Obama administration removed from this country more than 434,000 illegal aliens, the highest number in history, which goes all the way back to 1892. Did you see any anti-Obama demonstrations? Did you see any screaming headlines in the national media? No, you did not. Even after President Obama said this:

“What we should be doing is setting up a smart, legal immigration system, that doesn't separate families but does focus on making sure that people who are dangerous, you know, people who are gang bangers, are criminals, that we are deporting them as quickly as possible.”

And that is exactly what President Trump is doing."

But the 'All-In' 'Fake News' media won't tell you that!

Bill O'Reilly: A stunning display of dishonesty from the national press and radical left
This is nothing new, when the left has nothing they just make shit up, blatant lies and omissions. Like the fact that 75% of the 635 people Trump deported had committed crimes, and that they were targeting illegals who had committed crimes, they left that fact out and painted Trump as a racist who was breaking up families. When Obama deported over 400,000 of these criminal illegals a year the press...said nothing. Blatant over the top dishonesty.
What's funny is that they are inciting their own.

They really are not getting the ear of anyone else.

Most people see them for what they are....morons.
The "Fake news" card is the Right's equivalent of the race card.

Big Difference:
Liberals pulling out the 'Race Card' has been proven to be a case of Liberals trying to shut down any criticism of it's leaders' failed agendas, policies, corruption, etc...proving that most all of it is NOT REAL.

Liberals continue to prove Fake News exists and is their primary weapon against the GOP and Conservatives every day, proving news agencies engaging in creating 'fake news' is VERY real. (A La Buzzfeed and CNN...)
Some of the Leftists are 'weaponizing' and using 'Fake News'... the risk of resulting 'friendly fire' THIS one:

Nancy Pelosi Falls Victim To Fake Flynn Twitter Account | Need To Know Network

"During a press briefing held by House Democrats regarding the resignation of National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi cited a tweet from a phony Michael Flynn Twitter account that claimed Flynn viewed himself as the “sole scapegoat” of the controversy surrounding his resignation.

It’s not surprising that Pelosi viewed the tweet in question as factual as both
The New York Times and Newsmax had reported on it as such earlier in the day."


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