Democrats Are Still Pushing Lies About Presidential 'National Emergency Declaration' Powers


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Dems warn Trump: Next prez could call emergency on guns if court backs edict

The immediate and very obvious LIE that jumps out at you and smacks you in the face every time one of these fear-mongering radical Anti-American Socialists-advocates make this claim is the FACT that no President can intentionally violate the US Constitution, even through the declaration of a 'National Emergency' based on the justification of 'national security'.

The Presidential authority to declare a National Emergency was given to Presidents by Congress over 40 years ago and has been wielded and sued by EVERY President since Carter...without Leftist / Democrat / Snowflake meltdown. President Trump's use of the authority bestowed upon him to declare our southern border and the invasion of millions of illegals into this country - especially since President Barak Obama, President Clinton, and Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Schumer have called it a Crisis - is not illegal as he is using the authority given to all Presidents by Congress.

The fact that after all these years and all these Presidents since Carter using that same authority is suddenly challenged by Democrats, butt-hurt loser Democrats who still have not accepted the outcome of the 2016 election, does not make it illegal. The USSC may end up deciding this. The argument before the USSC, though would have to be 'is such an authority to declare NEs by ANY President Constitutional', not just President Trump flowing precedence established since Carter.

Democrats argue that a President having and using this authority is Un-Constitutional and in the same breath throw out the threat that in the future they might illegally use that authority to strip Americans of Constitutional Rights...which they would NEVER be allowed to do.

...of course many Americans do not know this, as such education has been eliminated as part of the education curriculum in schools - the dumber the people / sheep are, the easier it is to con and control them - 'Book of Gruber', Democratic Party Guidelines.

Dimms lie, it’s what they do.

Let’s see these fucknuts go door to door and confiscate guns.....that’ll go well.

Seems like Republicans are having some second thoughts too:

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Dems warn Trump: Next prez could call emergency on guns if court backs edict

The immediate and very obvious LIE that jumps out at you and smacks you in the face every time one of these fear-mongering radical Anti-American Socialists-advocates make this claim is the FACT that no President can intentionally violate the US Constitution, even through the declaration of a 'National Emergency' based on the justification of 'national security'.

The Presidential authority to declare a National Emergency was given to Presidents by Congress over 40 years ago and has been wielded and sued by EVERY President since Carter...without Leftist / Democrat / Snowflake meltdown. President Trump's use of the authority bestowed upon him to declare our southern border and the invasion of millions of illegals into this country - especially since President Barak Obama, President Clinton, and Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Schumer have called it a Crisis - is not illegal as he is using the authority given to all Presidents by Congress.

The fact that after all these years and all these Presidents since Carter using that same authority is suddenly challenged by Democrats, butt-hurt loser Democrats who still have not accepted the outcome of the 2016 election, does not make it illegal. The USSC may end up deciding this. The argument before the USSC, though would have to be 'is such an authority to declare NEs by ANY President Constitutional', not just President Trump flowing precedence established since Carter.

Democrats argue that a President having and using this authority is Un-Constitutional and in the same breath throw out the threat that in the future they might illegally use that authority to strip Americans of Constitutional Rights...which they would NEVER be allowed to do.

...of course many Americans do not know this, as such education has been eliminated as part of the education curriculum in schools - the dumber the people / sheep are, the easier it is to con and control them - 'Book of Gruber', Democratic Party Guidelines.


Nobody is claiming the use of that authority is unconstitutional. The claim is that he can't use it to bypass congress's authority to approve or disapprove expenditures. No president has tried to use that authority in that way before, and it's unconstitutional to try to use it that way.
Nobody is claiming the use of that authority is unconstitutional. The claim is that he can't use it to bypass congress's authority to approve or disapprove expenditures. No president has tried to use that authority in that way before, and it's unconstitutional to try to use it that way.
When a National Emergency is declared for a Hurricane, for example, it kicks designated agencies into gear and frees up the end, I guess we will see if this is Un-Constitutional or not. It is sure to make it to the USSC.

And in the meantime, that has nothing to do with the fact that the Democrats are engaged in fear-mongering / lying by declaring in the future they could intentionally use the same authority to violate the Constitution to strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights.

(Hell, Democrats have been doing that for years without declaring a NE. Barry and his criminal DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI were a masters at it.
Of course, they are afraid of the concept "America for Americans". The wall is inconceivable to them.
Pretty Hard to Suspend a Constitutional Right by Executive Order.

Hey you over there, you are not allowed to vote....

Or how about an Executive Order to ban Beer because it's full of CO2?
So called President Trumpybear has the power to decide what constitutes an emergency. Any future president will also have the same power to decide. No? Congress should stop it, then pass a law that clearly defines what constitutes a national emergency. Dec. 7th 1941. Nov.22nd 1063. Sept.11th 2001. About the only three dates I can think of that even come close to being one.
Nobody is claiming the use of that authority is unconstitutional. The claim is that he can't use it to bypass congress's authority to approve or disapprove expenditures. No president has tried to use that authority in that way before, and it's unconstitutional to try to use it that way.
If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!

So called President Trumpybear has the power to decide what constitutes an emergency. Any future president will also have the same power to decide. No? Congress should stop it, then pass a law that clearly defines what constitutes a national emergency. Dec. 7th 1941. Nov.22nd 1063. Sept.11th 2001. About the only three dates I can think of that even come close to being one.

Most of the ER declarations have to deal with foreign policy wh rogue states .

And they have to be renewed every year. Meaning Trump has renewed all of Obama’s declarations.

And there is no emergency. You know when people get in trouble when they call 911 for bullshit . That’s what this is .

Dems warn Trump: Next prez could call emergency on guns if court backs edict

The immediate and very obvious LIE that jumps out at you and smacks you in the face every time one of these fear-mongering radical Anti-American Socialists-advocates make this claim is the FACT that no President can intentionally violate the US Constitution, even through the declaration of a 'National Emergency' based on the justification of 'national security'.

The Presidential authority to declare a National Emergency was given to Presidents by Congress over 40 years ago and has been wielded and sued by EVERY President since Carter...without Leftist / Democrat / Snowflake meltdown. President Trump's use of the authority bestowed upon him to declare our southern border and the invasion of millions of illegals into this country - especially since President Barak Obama, President Clinton, and Democrats Nancy Pelosi and Schumer have called it a Crisis - is not illegal as he is using the authority given to all Presidents by Congress.

The fact that after all these years and all these Presidents since Carter using that same authority is suddenly challenged by Democrats, butt-hurt loser Democrats who still have not accepted the outcome of the 2016 election, does not make it illegal. The USSC may end up deciding this. The argument before the USSC, though would have to be 'is such an authority to declare NEs by ANY President Constitutional', not just President Trump flowing precedence established since Carter.

Democrats argue that a President having and using this authority is Un-Constitutional and in the same breath throw out the threat that in the future they might illegally use that authority to strip Americans of Constitutional Rights...which they would NEVER be allowed to do.

...of course many Americans do not know this, as such education has been eliminated as part of the education curriculum in schools - the dumber the people / sheep are, the easier it is to con and control them - 'Book of Gruber', Democratic Party Guidelines.


Crisis ≠ Emergency. Dismissed.

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