Democrats are now calling for a revolution in the streets and I believe that they are quite serious

Even some big celebrity names are starting to use the word “revolution” in messages to their followers. On Twitter, Katy Perry has ominously warned that “the revolution is coming“, and comedian Sarah Silverman has boldly declared that “Trump gets a chance to hear us (or else we R them) If he fails REVOLUTION IN THE STREETS“.

Democrats Are Now Calling For A ‘Revolution In The Streets’, And I Believe That They Are Quite Serious

Oh they are so loving, and caring. They just want peaceful protesting. give me a break. The loons are running wild.
As gun owners, are pro-Second-Amendment and the far left liberals are can be assured that most gun owners (there's 80 million of them) would be happy to step into the fracas against the lame-stream left wing revolution.
So, get it started by all means.
My husband bought me a Ruger LCP (.380) last night, it's so cute!! It's a way better "feel/fit" for my little hands vs the S&W Shield he'd bought a week or so ago. \o/

My husband bought me a Ruger LCP (.380) last night, it's so cute!! It's a way better "feel/fit" for my little hands vs the S&W Shield he'd bought a week or so ago. \o/


Do yourself a favor and get a grip extension that attaches to the magazine.
It gives you more control.

Also recommend this for your purse. You just tie it off to your purse somewhere and you just pull and it snaps off.
Allows you to keep one in the pipe without fear of it going off in your purse.
HereWeGoAgain Thank you for the advice but I never go anywhere without a body guard so mobile protection isn't an issue. It's strictly for home use, in case something happens whilst my husband is out - we have always had a grizzly killer that I can barely even hold up (as I'd broken my right wrist some years ago) He'd picked up the Shield for me a couple weeks ago and it's quite light and I can handle it alright, but when he saw this ruger he decided it was perfect for me. My hands are a bit small and my wrists are thin/frail due to injury so like with the revolver it was "stick it on their nose and pull the trigger, you'll only get one shot" heh With the ruger I could likely get off more than one shot without/before breaking my wrist [again] :D
The election of Trump to the Presidency was revolting to the majority of Americans; the Statue of Liberty wretched on election night when all the world learned fascism had come to America.

Put on your brown shirt and wear your colors; red, white and blue are not fitting for you and your kind.

You haz a sadz, Comrade Pol Pot?
Oh please. All you would have to do is smack them upside the head and they'd go home crying. Lol. Who lives in fear of a bunch of pansies? :)
The left pansies would go running for "safe spaces" on university campuses, where their socialist/communist instructors can coddle them.
Even some big celebrity names are starting to use the word “revolution” in messages to their followers. On Twitter, Katy Perry has ominously warned that “the revolution is coming“, and comedian Sarah Silverman has boldly declared that “Trump gets a chance to hear us (or else we R them) If he fails REVOLUTION IN THE STREETS“.

Democrats Are Now Calling For A ‘Revolution In The Streets’, And I Believe That They Are Quite Serious

Oh they are so loving, and caring. They just want peaceful protesting. give me a break. The loons are running wild.
Battle of Blood River, Battle of Omdurman

Saturday Night Special pistols against long-range rifles with hunting scopes. Not looking good for the girlyman generals and the gangbangers they sponsor.
Even some big celebrity names are starting to use the word “revolution” in messages to their followers. On Twitter, Katy Perry has ominously warned that “the revolution is coming“, and comedian Sarah Silverman has boldly declared that “Trump gets a chance to hear us (or else we R them) If he fails REVOLUTION IN THE STREETS“.

Democrats Are Now Calling For A ‘Revolution In The Streets’, And I Believe That They Are Quite Serious

Oh they are so loving, and caring. They just want peaceful protesting. give me a break. The loons are running wild.
We need to give our cops real ammo to deal with protesters.
Problem solved.
Respect Our Laws or Pay Your Respects to Our Morgues

If one of those beasts verbally assaults a cop, he gets beaten. If he physically assaults a cop or a police vehicle, he gets shot dead. We won't feel safe until the lawmakers who protect this uncivilized element live in fear.
Even some big celebrity names are starting to use the word “revolution” in messages to their followers. On Twitter, Katy Perry has ominously warned that “the revolution is coming“, and comedian Sarah Silverman has boldly declared that “Trump gets a chance to hear us (or else we R them) If he fails REVOLUTION IN THE STREETS“.

Democrats Are Now Calling For A ‘Revolution In The Streets’, And I Believe That They Are Quite Serious

Oh they are so loving, and caring. They just want peaceful protesting. give me a break. The loons are running wild.
As gun owners, are pro-Second-Amendment and the far left liberals are can be assured that most gun owners (there's 80 million of them) would be happy to step into the fracas against the lame-stream left wing revolution.
So, get it started by all means.
All Brag and No Fact

They've had plenty of chances to do that but never have. In the Rodney King riots, the police withdrew so there was no chance of any vigilante getting prosecuted.
Before Trump won right wingers were talking about a revolution because Trump was whining about the election being rigged. If Hilary won , Trump protesters would be out in the streets doing the same. Perhaps worse.
Americans have killed other Americans in a bloody war in our history. Bring it on motherfuckers. We have all the guns and the US Military on our side.
Reverse the colors of the election map. Turn the blue areas to red. That is where the blood will be flowing in the streets if the liberals try to stop the Trump presidency.
Even some big celebrity names are starting to use the word “revolution” in messages to their followers. On Twitter, Katy Perry has ominously warned that “the revolution is coming“, and comedian Sarah Silverman has boldly declared that “Trump gets a chance to hear us (or else we R them) If he fails REVOLUTION IN THE STREETS“.

Democrats Are Now Calling For A ‘Revolution In The Streets’, And I Believe That They Are Quite Serious

Oh they are so loving, and caring. They just want peaceful protesting. give me a break. The loons are running wild.
People should have been revolting against government,
for a million different reasons, for years now.

What I didn't see happening was a revolution,
based on lifestyles and entitlement mentality.

Who cares about government corruption,
unfair taxation, cutting program funding here,
yet, giving billions of dollars to countries that hate us,
misusing federal funds, pay to play gone wild,
being forced to buy health insurance, and lied to about it,
sinking us trillions of dollars in debt, violating the Constitution,
self serving...just doing whatever the hell they want, whenever.

Nope, not for any of the reasons you would think.

People are freaking out cuz
immigration laws will start to be enforced
Illegals wont be entitled to welfare benefits

Welfare benefits will no longer be a way of life

Feminists are worried baby killing will become illegal

GLBT are worried same sex marriage will be overturned...
frankly, I don't know what the fuck they're worried about.

Blacks, living off the system with an entitlement mentality,
are worried how they'll provide for all the kids they had,
to get more food stamps and more cash assistance,
and what will happen if the SSI checks stop coming.

Whatever the case, I don't fucking care....
I never liked Katy Perry or Sarah Silverman,
so I don't have to bother putting them on my boycott list.
But, but.....

I likes Katy's legs.
Even some big celebrity names are starting to use the word “revolution” in messages to their followers. On Twitter, Katy Perry has ominously warned that “the revolution is coming“, and comedian Sarah Silverman has boldly declared that “Trump gets a chance to hear us (or else we R them) If he fails REVOLUTION IN THE STREETS“.

Democrats Are Now Calling For A ‘Revolution In The Streets’, And I Believe That They Are Quite Serious

Oh they are so loving, and caring. They just want peaceful protesting. give me a break. The loons are running wild.
Lesbians revolt...I'm shaking in my shoes..NOT!!!

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