Democrats Are Killing America

Too...............Americans realized that Democrats were preparing to put every American into one of these...............


Another thing they woke up and said, "FCUKK THIS" to......................

Well let the limpwristed USMessage Bored Political forum k00ks drive around in these gay cars..............
PS..........regarding the SMARTCAR for two...........THIS is the kind of car all of the k00ks want Americans driving in the next few years!!!! Besides the fact that they are highly gay, check out what happens to one of them in a crash with an average sized vehicle at 40MPH.....................

Crash Test - Mercedes C300 Vs Smart car

No More Legs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet another reason not to vote for a Democrat!!!!!
Democrats are Killing America...

After the big spending of the Bush administration, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Democrat Party tripled that spending, with little to no results to show for it.

America is in trouble.

Big trouble.

Trillions in additional future debt have been placed upon the shoulders of this country’s children and grandchildren – and their children and grandchildren. Just this week the Mortgage Bankers Association indicated one in ten mortgages are in default. Jobless claims rose for three straight weeks, with unemployment hovering near 10 percent – and real unemployment likely far higher than that as many Americans have simply given up trying to find work. Currently 10.1 million people are receiving unemployment checks. GDP growth is now being estimated to be below 2% – far below what is required for a growing economy and much-needed job creation.

Full article here:

Democrats are Killing America.. | Newsflavor

No, they are not.
And in related news via Mort Zuckerman:

The Most Fiscally Irresponsible Government in U.S. History

Current federal budget trends are capable of destroying this country

...In a recent Time magazine poll, two thirds of the respondents say they oppose a second government stimulus program and more than half say the country would have been better off without the first one.

People see the stimulus, fashioned and passed by Congress in such a hurry, as a metaphor for wasted money. They are highly critical about the lack of discipline among our political leaders. The question that naturally arises is how to forestall a long-term economic decline.

...An old saying that can apply to the deficit is called the "rule of holes" and goes as follows: "When you're in one, stop digging." But Washington politics remains the barrier. Government programs seem to live on forever. The budget becomes a perpetual-motion machine for higher spending. New programs for new needs get piled on top of old programs for old needs.

...Obama must know that if he doesn't address this, he will be the president who drove us toward a debt crisis. And so too must Congress, for both have now participated in the most fiscally irresponsible government in American history.

The Most Fiscally Irresponsible Government in U.S. History - US News and World Report

Democrats are Killing America.. | Newsflavor
And in yet more related news:

The GDP number for the second quarter got revised sharply downward by a third today, dropping from the initial estimate of 2.4% last month to 1.6% in the intermediate revision. The number represents a hard rebuke to White House attempts to paint a rosy long-term economic picture, as the anemic growth rate may indicate even more trouble ahead for joblessness:

The Commerce Department notes that even this weak level of growth was mainly dependent on government spending:


Hot Air Q2 GDP revised downward to 1.6%

Democrats are Killing America.. | Newsflavor
Bringing home the US Troops = Cuts the military budget by 26%. Good times ahead. We can kick in more social programs. A new Medicaid program firing up is helping US citizens stop smoking. Thank you Obama for having the guts to stand up to Big Tobacco. Shifting the US military budget out of the hands of foreigners is a good start.
Democrats are Killing America...

After the big spending of the Bush administration, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Democrat Party tripled that spending, with little to no results to show for it.

America is in trouble.

Big trouble.

Trillions in additional future debt have been placed upon the shoulders of this country’s children and grandchildren – and their children and grandchildren. Just this week the Mortgage Bankers Association indicated one in ten mortgages are in default. Jobless claims rose for three straight weeks, with unemployment hovering near 10 percent – and real unemployment likely far higher than that as many Americans have simply given up trying to find work. Currently 10.1 million people are receiving unemployment checks. GDP growth is now being estimated to be below 2% – far below what is required for a growing economy and much-needed job creation.

Full article here:

Democrats are Killing America.. | Newsflavor

.....Brought to you by The Bank Of Bejing!!!

democrats are killing america...

after the big spending of the bush administration, the obama-pelosi-reid democrat party tripled that spending, with little to no results to show for it.

america is in trouble.

Big trouble.

trillions in additional future debt have been placed upon the shoulders of this country’s children and grandchildren – and their children and grandchildren. Just this week the mortgage bankers association indicated one in ten mortgages are in default. Jobless claims rose for three straight weeks, with unemployment hovering near 10 percent – and real unemployment likely far higher than that as many americans have simply given up trying to find work. Currently 10.1 million people are receiving unemployment checks. Gdp growth is now being estimated to be below 2% – far below what is required for a growing economy and much-needed job creation.

full article here:

democrats are killing america.. | newsflavor

.....brought to you by the bank of bejing!!!




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Democrats are Killing America...

After the big spending of the Bush administration, the Obama-Pelosi-Reid Democrat Party tripled that spending, with little to no results to show for it.

May I propose an intervention for Sinatra, to convince he/she to at least occasionally post a thread that is premised on fact?

United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2011 United States federal budget - $3.8 trillion (submitted 2010 by President Obama)
2010 United States federal budget - $3.6 trillion (submitted 2009 by President Obama)
2009 United States federal budget - $3.1 trillion (submitted 2008 by President Bush)

I'd say that's somewhat at odds from Sinatra's claim that the budget went from 3.1 trillion to 9.3 trillion.
Sinatra, as a delusionary, will still not benefit from an intervention.

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