Democrats are beginning to consider a new Draft to fill the military for the next war.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Like everything else the left touches, the military is a wreck. The democrats have driven away normal Americans by turning the military into another failed social experiment. So…with China likely going to invade Taiwan, probably near the next election to help whoever is filling the role of President after they dump their puppet, joe Biden, the democrats realize they may need to put fresh meat on the ground to get ground up…..,

And a draft will be necessary…….

This is also where they will look at all the new illegal aliens to fill the ranks…..

There are some rumblings that I expect to get louder now that our elite is realizing that they have totally alienated the traditional Americans who traditionally make up our Armed Forces, and that they are thinking about the necessity of a draft. The Army War College, of which I am an alum, recently published an article that talks about the casualties you can expect in high intensity warfare – several thousand a week. So, in a few weeks, you’ve got more dead than you had in Afghanistan and Iraq combined over 20 years. Our military, which has shrunk dramatically over the last three decades, simply cannot accept that rate of casualties, especially when it can’t fill its ranks with volunteers anymore. So, the answer is apparently to not rely on volunteers.
But they need troops – it’s no fun being a general without any. Who would a draft be targeted at? Traditional, conservative Americans, from mostly the rural South and Midwest, the traditional recruiting grounds for a substantial percentage of our troops. And those are, not coincidentally, the very people that the folks in charge hate the most. Our soldiers understand that and our soldiers are leaving in droves while young people are foregoing the military. Much of that is because vets are telling them not to join.

Let’s be really clear about what’s going on in the veteran community, because what you hear in the media is a lie. There is almost no one out there who is a veteran who is excited about having his or her kids serve. It is not that we are not supportive of the troops – if they serve, we back them 100%. But we’re not recommending that they do. The fact is that the leadership of this country is unworthy of our troops, and our potential troops are refusing to volunteer. It’s only going to get worse as the military gets woker and the establishment gets more warmongery.

Like everything else the left touches, the military is a wreck. The democrats have driven away normal Americans by turning the military into another failed social experiment. So…with China likely going to invade Taiwan, probably near the next election to help whoever is filling the role of President after they dump their puppet, joe Biden, the democrats realize they may need to put fresh meat on the ground to get ground up…..,

And a draft will be necessary…….

This is also where they will look at all the new illegal aliens to fill the ranks…..

Its time for the military to step up and oust the Usurper Biden and eradicate his fascist democrat party. Then call for a constitutional convention and return America to its greatness.

Claus von Stauffenberg was a German army officer who, alongside Major General Henning von Tresckow and General Hans Oster, is best known for their attempt to overthrow Hitler and end the war.

Who will be America's Claus von Stauffenberg?
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Like everything else the left touches, the military is a wreck. The democrats have driven away normal Americans by turning the military into another failed social experiment. So…with China likely going to invade Taiwan, probably near the next election to help whoever is filling the role of President after they dump their puppet, joe Biden, the democrats realize they may need to put fresh meat on the ground to get ground up…..,

And a draft will be necessary…….

This is also where they will look at all the new illegal aliens to fill the ranks…..

There are some rumblings that I expect to get louder now that our elite is realizing that they have totally alienated the traditional Americans who traditionally make up our Armed Forces, and that they are thinking about the necessity of a draft. The Army War College, of which I am an alum, recently published an article that talks about the casualties you can expect in high intensity warfare – several thousand a week. So, in a few weeks, you’ve got more dead than you had in Afghanistan and Iraq combined over 20 years. Our military, which has shrunk dramatically over the last three decades, simply cannot accept that rate of casualties, especially when it can’t fill its ranks with volunteers anymore. So, the answer is apparently to not rely on volunteers.
But they need troops – it’s no fun being a general without any. Who would a draft be targeted at? Traditional, conservative Americans, from mostly the rural South and Midwest, the traditional recruiting grounds for a substantial percentage of our troops. And those are, not coincidentally, the very people that the folks in charge hate the most. Our soldiers understand that and our soldiers are leaving in droves while young people are foregoing the military. Much of that is because vets are telling them not to join.

Let’s be really clear about what’s going on in the veteran community, because what you hear in the media is a lie. There is almost no one out there who is a veteran who is excited about having his or her kids serve. It is not that we are not supportive of the troops – if they serve, we back them 100%. But we’re not recommending that they do. The fact is that the leadership of this country is unworthy of our troops, and our potential troops are refusing to volunteer. It’s only going to get worse as the military gets woker and the establishment gets more warmongery.

/-----/ "The Army War College, of which I am an alum"
Thank you for your service. Now back in the olden days...
Like everything else the left touches, the military is a wreck. The democrats have driven away normal Americans by turning the military into another failed social experiment. So…with China likely going to invade Taiwan, probably near the next election to help whoever is filling the role of President after they dump their puppet, joe Biden, the democrats realize they may need to put fresh meat on the ground to get ground up…..,

And a draft will be necessary…….

This is also where they will look at all the new illegal aliens to fill the ranks…..

Wow, it's fun to watch Right Wingers turn into a bunch of hippies.

Obviously, we aren't going to get a draft. It's unlikely that we'll exchange citizenship for service, although that would solve a number of problems. However, most of the will lack the education and English skills to be effective recruits unless you put them in units with all Hispanic officers and NCO's.

Here's why the military is having a problem filling the ranks.

First, unemployment is so low that there's really very little incentive to enlist when you can get just as good of a job in the civilian sector without the risk, discipline, and lack of ability just walk away when you get fed up.

Secondly, consider your average 18-year-old. He was born in 2005, when Bush's Wars had already become unpopular. So that 18-year-old has watched pointless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq drag on for his whole life. He might have an older cousin or sibling who signed up and was badly treated by the military. (Stoploss, shitty benefits from the VA)

Thirdly, Gen Z has a much different culture than the Boomers or Gen X.

Lt. Matthew Weiss took it upon himself to research and write “We Don't Want You, Uncle Sam: Examining the Military Recruiting Crisis with Generation Z." As a member of Gen Z with a background working for the defense technology firm Anduril Industries, he saw how companies jockey to attract and retain young talent coming from anywhere in the country. He also earned a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School before joining the Corps.

There are a few issues he addresses that other generations would expect about Gen Z, such as the power of social media influencers. The U.S. military, he says, can counter that with influencers of their own. Another sticking point is the military pay structure: everyone gets paid the same regardless of performance. This is a generation that watches peers gain followers and influence (and thus more money) through performance. The military, he says, could introduce performance bonus pay.
Democrats wrecked the military in 3 years.
If they win in 2024 we'll be speaking Chinese in 8.

Sorry, stupid, the miltiary was wrecked by fighting a war on terror for 20 years that had no point.

It's not because the military is tolerant of gays, because Gen Z is largely tolerant of gays.

Also, China is not our enemy. The people trying to make China an enemy are the ones we should worry about.
Wow, it's fun to watch Right Wingers turn into a bunch of hippies.

Obviously, we aren't going to get a draft. It's unlikely that we'll exchange citizenship for service, although that would solve a number of problems. However, most of the will lack the education and English skills to be effective recruits unless you put them in units with all Hispanic officers and NCO's.

Here's why the military is having a problem filling the ranks.

First, unemployment is so low that there's really very little incentive to enlist when you can get just as good of a job in the civilian sector without the risk, discipline, and lack of ability just walk away when you get fed up.

Secondly, consider your average 18-year-old. He was born in 2005, when Bush's Wars had already become unpopular. So that 18-year-old has watched pointless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq drag on for his whole life. He might have an older cousin or sibling who signed up and was badly treated by the military. (Stoploss, shitty benefits from the VA)

Thirdly, Gen Z has a much different culture than the Boomers or Gen X.

Lt. Matthew Weiss took it upon himself to research and write “We Don't Want You, Uncle Sam: Examining the Military Recruiting Crisis with Generation Z." As a member of Gen Z with a background working for the defense technology firm Anduril Industries, he saw how companies jockey to attract and retain young talent coming from anywhere in the country. He also earned a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School before joining the Corps.

There are a few issues he addresses that other generations would expect about Gen Z, such as the power of social media influencers. The U.S. military, he says, can counter that with influencers of their own. Another sticking point is the military pay structure: everyone gets paid the same regardless of performance. This is a generation that watches peers gain followers and influence (and thus more money) through performance. The military, he says, could introduce performance bonus pay.
G-damn hippies! Break out the hard hats and baseball bats.
Sorry, stupid, the military was wrecked by fighting a war on terror for 20 years that had no point.
It's not because the military is tolerant of gays, because Gen Z is largely tolerant of gays.
Also, China is not our enemy. The people trying to make China an enemy are the ones we should worry about.
Forcing "woke" bullshit on the "warrior class" is what wrecked the military, similar to how Leftist DAs is forcing good cops to relocate to red states. Why keep risking your life arresting violent killers when they keep getting released?
China is our enemy, that you don't know that speaks volumes.
The people speaking the truth are heroes.
Forcing "woke" bullshit on the "warrior class" is what wrecked the military, similar to how Leftist DAs is forcing good cops to relocate to red states. Why keep risking your life arresting violent killers when they keep getting released?

I know, man, those cops joined the force to brutalize black people and now they can't brutalize black people. What fun is that?

China is our enemy, that you don't know that speaks volumes.

Really? So China's devious plan is to make half the stuff in our houses? Are our appliances all going to rise up against us!

The people speaking the truth are heroes.

What truth is that? China isn't going around the world invading other countries like we do. They are going around the world helping underdeveloped countries build roads. Oh, noes, they are claiming some barren Island in the South CHINA Sea. Why would China think they own something in a Sea named after China?

While we go around pissing the world off, China is going around generating good will. Maybe we should learn something from that. This is something we used to do as well. That is before Rednecks started muttering, "Why are we spending so much of foreign Aid?"
I know, man, those cops joined the force to brutalize black people and now they can't brutalize black people. What fun is that?
Really? So China's devious plan is to make half the stuff in our houses? Are our appliances all going to rise up against us!
What truth is that? China isn't going around the world invading other countries like we do. They are going around the world helping underdeveloped countries build roads. Oh, noes, they are claiming some barren Island in the South CHINA Sea. Why would China think they own something in a Sea named after China?
While we go around pissing the world off, China is going around generating good will. Maybe we should learn something from that. This is something we used to do as well. That is before Rednecks started muttering, "Why are we spending so much of foreign Aid?"
1. Enjoy your urban jungles. Did you see the video of the leftist anti-cop guy get his throat slashed in NYC?

2. China is building its military, its in Cuba, its "belts and roads" initiative is all over the world, its helping Russia and NK, and you think they are our friend? Idiot.

3. We can't afford foreign aid. We have a $2T deficit, we can't afford to keep borrowing.
We stupidly moved US factories to China, now China is an economic power.
Wow, it's fun to watch Right Wingers turn into a bunch of hippies.

Obviously, we aren't going to get a draft. It's unlikely that we'll exchange citizenship for service, although that would solve a number of problems. However, most of the will lack the education and English skills to be effective recruits unless you put them in units with all Hispanic officers and NCO's.

Here's why the military is having a problem filling the ranks.

First, unemployment is so low that there's really very little incentive to enlist when you can get just as good of a job in the civilian sector without the risk, discipline, and lack of ability just walk away when you get fed up.

Secondly, consider your average 18-year-old. He was born in 2005, when Bush's Wars had already become unpopular. So that 18-year-old has watched pointless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq drag on for his whole life. He might have an older cousin or sibling who signed up and was badly treated by the military. (Stoploss, shitty benefits from the VA)

Thirdly, Gen Z has a much different culture than the Boomers or Gen X.

Lt. Matthew Weiss took it upon himself to research and write “We Don't Want You, Uncle Sam: Examining the Military Recruiting Crisis with Generation Z." As a member of Gen Z with a background working for the defense technology firm Anduril Industries, he saw how companies jockey to attract and retain young talent coming from anywhere in the country. He also earned a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School before joining the Corps.

There are a few issues he addresses that other generations would expect about Gen Z, such as the power of social media influencers. The U.S. military, he says, can counter that with influencers of their own. Another sticking point is the military pay structure: everyone gets paid the same regardless of performance. This is a generation that watches peers gain followers and influence (and thus more money) through performance. The military, he says, could introduce performance bonus pay.
/-----/ "It's unlikely that we'll exchange citizenship for service,"
You libtards are so uninformed; its predictable and comical. You live in your bubble and think whatever you pull out of your ass is fact. God forbid if you ever did some research before making your claims.

Naturalization Through Military Service | USCIS

Mar 22, 2023If you are serving or have served in the U.S. armed forces and are interested in becoming a U.S. citizen, you may be eligible to apply for naturalization under special provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Check Eligibility Close All Open All Eligibility One Year of Military Service at Any Time Service During Periods of Hostility
Let's tell the brutal truth -- in a gentle manner, of course.

The United States -- everyone agrees -- is on track to becoming a nation whose population will be mostly people of ethnicities X and Y.

When that day comes, many young gentlemen of both ethnicities (especially ethnicity X) will simply refuse to enter the armed forces.
1. Enjoy your urban jungles. Did you see the video of the leftist anti-cop guy get his throat slashed in NYC?
We refuse to do anything about mental illness as a society, you should expect this stuff. This man belonged in an institution, but wasn't in one.
2. China is building its military, its in Cuba, its "belts and roads" initiative is all over the world, its helping Russia and NK, and you think they are our friend? Idiot.

They are also investing heavily in this country, building markets.

3. We can't afford foreign aid. We have a $2T deficit, we can't afford to keep borrowing.
We stupidly moved US factories to China, now China is an economic power.

So you are blaming people of color for what rich white people did to you. Yup, you're a Republican, all right.

If we have deficits, it's because the rich aren't paying their fair share.

Foreign aid is an investment. It creates markets for American products and most of the money spent goes back to American companies.
Let's tell the brutal truth -- in a gentle manner, of course.

The United States -- everyone agrees -- is on track to becoming a nation whose population will be mostly people of ethnicities X and Y.

When that day comes, many young gentlemen of both ethnicities (especially ethnicity X) will simply refuse to enter the armed forces.
Only if they don't feel that the country does anything for them.

I don't know why X or Y would serve in the service of a country that treats them like second class citizens.

You libtards are so uninformed; its predictable and comical. You live in your bubble and think whatever you pull out of your ass is fact. God forbid if you ever did some research before making your claims.

Go back and read my statement. We would need for said immigrant to be sufficiently versed in English to join, which isn't going to happen.

I realize you are slow.
Wow, it's fun to watch Right Wingers turn into a bunch of hippies.

Obviously, we aren't going to get a draft. It's unlikely that we'll exchange citizenship for service, although that would solve a number of problems. However, most of the will lack the education and English skills to be effective recruits unless you put them in units with all Hispanic officers and NCO's.

Here's why the military is having a problem filling the ranks.

First, unemployment is so low that there's really very little incentive to enlist when you can get just as good of a job in the civilian sector without the risk, discipline, and lack of ability just walk away when you get fed up.

Secondly, consider your average 18-year-old. He was born in 2005, when Bush's Wars had already become unpopular. So that 18-year-old has watched pointless wars in Afghanistan and Iraq drag on for his whole life. He might have an older cousin or sibling who signed up and was badly treated by the military. (Stoploss, shitty benefits from the VA)

Thirdly, Gen Z has a much different culture than the Boomers or Gen X.

Lt. Matthew Weiss took it upon himself to research and write “We Don't Want You, Uncle Sam: Examining the Military Recruiting Crisis with Generation Z." As a member of Gen Z with a background working for the defense technology firm Anduril Industries, he saw how companies jockey to attract and retain young talent coming from anywhere in the country. He also earned a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School before joining the Corps.

There are a few issues he addresses that other generations would expect about Gen Z, such as the power of social media influencers. The U.S. military, he says, can counter that with influencers of their own. Another sticking point is the military pay structure: everyone gets paid the same regardless of performance. This is a generation that watches peers gain followers and influence (and thus more money) through performance. The military, he says, could introduce performance bonus pay.
Without intent, you make the OP's case better than his linked article did.

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