Democrats and the Abortion Issue

the child supports a given,, and should already be the case,,

dont agree its up to her if she can kill another human being,,
It’s either a child, and if so, abortion needs to be illegal, and child support mandatory, or it’s a parasitic clump of cells, and child support is abolished.

Let’s get serious about this issue.
Maybe she wanted to have the baby since she got pregnant... Perhaps she had a change of heart.

It involves using your mind. You wouldn’t have any idea what I’m talking about.

PS: as a parasite, did you take that personally?

Oh, so if you change your mind, it goes from a valuable human being to a parasitic clump of cells?

Charles Manson would be proud of you.
It’s either a child, and if so, abortion needs to be illegal, and child support mandatory, or it’s a parasitic clump of cells, and child support is abolished.

Let’s get serious about this issue.
science the dictionary and government have confirmed its a child,,

so it is a child and it should be illegal or really hard to get an abortion,,

I would love to get serious about it but the left still refuse to accept science and the meaning of words,,
are you saying you dont think its a human child because of taxation????
I'm saying we have legal definitions of personhood that Fetuses don't meet.
we are talking biology here not politics ,,
Um, then why is this in the Politics thread?
and biology says its a human child at conception,,,
Except 2/3rds of conceived zygotes never attach to the Uterine wall. Yet no one is saying we need to have funerals for tampons.

if the death rsults from the abortion it died because it was aborted,,
Do you know what they write down on your chart when you have a miscarriage? "Spontaneous Abortion".
I'm saying we have legal definitions of personhood that Fetuses don't meet.

Um, then why is this in the Politics thread?

Except 2/3rds of conceived zygotes never attach to the Uterine wall. Yet no one is saying we need to have funerals for tampons.

Do you know what they write down on your chart when you have a miscarriage? "Spontaneous Abortion".
science has long proved that life begins at conception,,,

you playing word games or politics will never change that fact,,,

all youre doing is trying to relieve your guilt of knowing youre advocating for the murder of an innocent child,,,
science has long proved that life begins at conception,,,
Meaningless, as most conceived zygote never become people.

you playing word games or politics will never change that fact,,,

But this is a political issue, that's the point. The Republicans finally got what they wanted: Roe was overturned. Now they are paying a price for it.

all youre doing is trying to relieve your guilt of knowing youre advocating for the murder of an innocent child,,,

Why would I have any guilt? I didn't fuck her.

I don't advocate or prevent. I simply realize it's none of my business.

Now, the closest I ever got to being near an abortion was when I was in the service, and one of my fellow NCO's was dating this sweet Asian thing. Promised her that he'd marry her, never seemed to deliver.

(Dumb ass Joe sat around and let both of them dump their problems on me, something I never let happen after that.)

Anyway, long story short, she stopped taking the pill, got pregnant, and when he decided this would be the perfect time to break up with her, she decided to have the abortion. Now, all this despite being a very devote Catholic from a traditional Asian family, she had an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 21.

A year later, she got back together with him, and the same thing happened, showing there's no education in the second kick from a mule.
Meaningless, as most conceived zygote never become people.

But this is a political issue, that's the point. The Republicans finally got what they wanted: Roe was overturned. Now they are paying a price for it.

Why would I have any guilt? I didn't fuck her.

I don't advocate or prevent. I simply realize it's none of my business.

Now, the closest I ever got to being near an abortion was when I was in the service, and one of my fellow NCO's was dating this sweet Asian thing. Promised her that he'd marry her, never seemed to deliver.

(Dumb ass Joe sat around and let both of them dump their problems on me, something I never let happen after that.)

Anyway, long story short, she stopped taking the pill, got pregnant, and when he decided this would be the perfect time to break up with her, she decided to have the abortion. Now, all this despite being a very devote Catholic from a traditional Asian family, she had an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 21.

A year later, she got back together with him, and the same thing happened, showing there's no education in the second kick from a mule.
we arent talking about a failed pregnancies',,
we are talking about the ones that are being aborted,,
please try and stay on topic,,

if you want to admit that it is a human child being put to death in an abortion we can move on the politics of how to deal with that,,

until you accept that fact we have nothing to talk about,,

you are and will always be a person that advocates for the murder of innocent children,,
we arent talking about a failed pregnancies',,
we are talking about the ones that are being aborted,,
please try and stay on topic,,

But wait, if you are arguing a fetus is a person, should we not investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide? I am not being facetious here because we've already seen how "Fetal homicide" laws have been abused in the cases of women who have miscarried and were prosecuted.

This has implications beyond just abortion. If you decide that Globby the Fetus has more rights than the woman he is inside, can you prosecute a woman with child abuse for having a smoke during pregnancy? How about a sip of wine? Eating the wrong food?

if you want to admit that it is a human child being put to death in an abortion we can move on the politics of how to deal with that,,
until you accept that fact we have nothing to talk about,,
you are and will always be a person that advocates for the murder of innocent children,,

Except when abortion was illegal, women were never charged with murder for having them. Providers were only charged with performing abortions, not homicide, and those prosecutions only happened when the doctor screwed up and injured the woman.

If we take your logic to its logical conclusion, any woman who has an abortion should be charged with homicide. Any woman who has a miscarriage should be investigated as a potential homicide.

So, no, I am not going to "accept" your facts. Life does not begin at conception.
But wait, if you are arguing a fetus is a person, should we not investigate every miscarriage as a potential homicide? I am not being facetious here because we've already seen how "Fetal homicide" laws have been abused in the cases of women who have miscarried and were prosecuted.

This has implications beyond just abortion. If you decide that Globby the Fetus has more rights than the woman he is inside, can you prosecute a woman with child abuse for having a smoke during pregnancy? How about a sip of wine? Eating the wrong food?

Except when abortion was illegal, women were never charged with murder for having them. Providers were only charged with performing abortions, not homicide, and those prosecutions only happened when the doctor screwed up and injured the woman.

If we take your logic to its logical conclusion, any woman who has an abortion should be charged with homicide. Any woman who has a miscarriage should be investigated as a potential homicide.

So, no, I am not going to "accept" your facts. Life does not begin at conception.
a fetus is a human being still in the womb,,

this is a proven fact,,

so if you want to acknowledge that you know you are advocating for the murder of that child we can move on from there and decide what to do with a sick mother fucker like you that gets off on murdering innocent children,,

so do you acknowledge this or not??

all these word games youre playing to relieve yourself of all your guilt is boring and not going to work on me,,
a fetus is a human being still in the womb,,

this is a proven fact,,

Not according the law, the IRS, or the Census bureau.

so if you want to acknowledge that you know you are advocating for the murder of that child we can move on from there and decide what to do with a sick mother fucker like you that gets off on murdering innocent children,,

Seems this is about your sexual hangups, not mine. There are ways to reduce the number of abortions- but you guys won't go for them because they mean more government and higher taxes.

so do you acknowledge this or not??
Nope, your religious fanaticism isn't my problem.

all these word games youre playing to relieve yourself of all your guilt is boring and not going to work on me,,
I don't feel even a twinge of guilt. Frankly, abortion is a great thing. I don't want to share my streets with people whose own mothers didn't want them.
Not according the law, the IRS, or the Census bureau.

Seems this is about your sexual hangups, not mine. There are ways to reduce the number of abortions- but you guys won't go for them because they mean more government and higher taxes.

Nope, your religious fanaticism isn't my problem.

I don't feel even a twinge of guilt. Frankly, abortion is a great thing. I don't want to share my streets with people whose own mothers didn't want them.
biology scientist proved a long time ago that human life begins at conception,,

you can lie and say this isnt true but you would be lying,,

acknowledge this fact and we can move to what to do about it,,,

the IRS or census doesnt determine when life begins or anything else in the world of biology,,
to use them is to play politics with a human life and wrong to do,,

do you acknowledge this fact or not??
biology scientist proved a long time ago that human life begins at conception,,
Awesome. So when do we start prosecuting women for miscarriages?

the IRS or census doesnt determine when life begins or anything else in the world of biology,,
to use them is to play politics with a human life and wrong to do,,

No, but they do determine how many people are counted and taxed.

Number of people counted in the 2020 Census... 331,449,281
Number of fetuses counted in the 2020 Census.... 0

do you acknowledge this fact or not??
No, your misogynistic fantasies don't interest me.
Awesome. So when do we start prosecuting women for miscarriages?

No, but they do determine how many people are counted and taxed.

Number of people counted in the 2020 Census... 331,449,281
Number of fetuses counted in the 2020 Census.... 0

No, your misogynistic fantasies don't interest me.
not seeing where youre confirming the simple fact human life begins at conception,,,

do you acknowledge human life begins at conception?? and that you are advocating to murder that human life??

thats a yes or no question,,
not seeing where youre confirming the simple fact human life begins at conception,,,
No. Most conceived Zygotes never become human beings. They end up in bloody tampons.

do you acknowledge human life begins at conception?? and that you are advocating to murder that human life??
Nope. Most conceived zygotes never become human beings. They end up in bloody tampons. Most of the rest are aborted or miscarried. A very few become babies, eventually.
No. Most conceived Zygotes never become human beings. They end up in bloody tampons.

Nope. Most conceived zygotes never become human beings. They end up in bloody tampons. Most of the rest are aborted or miscarried. A very few become babies, eventually.
we arent talking about those beings they didnt survive the process and arent being aborted,,

my guess is you know life begins at conception but are afraid to admit it because of how its going to make you feel inside and to others,,
we arent talking about those beings they didnt survive the process and arent being aborted,,

The ones who are being aborted don't survive the process, either. See how well that works?

This is why we leave this up the woman and her doctor and the rest of us need to mind our own business.

my guess is you know life begins at conception but are afraid to admit it because of how its going to make you feel inside and to others,,
Uh, guy, there are only about maybe 50 people I would feel bad about if they died.

Most of the rest I simply don't care about. I don't know them, they have no effect on my life.

The idea that I'm supposed to care about globby the fetus because of some shared humanity is a little silly.
The ones who are being aborted don't survive the process, either. See how well that works?

This is why we leave this up the woman and her doctor and the rest of us need to mind our own business.

Uh, guy, there are only about maybe 50 people I would feel bad about if they died.

Most of the rest I simply don't care about. I don't know them, they have no effect on my life.

The idea that I'm supposed to care about globby the fetus because of some shared humanity is a little silly.
blah blah blah,,

admit you know its a human life at conception so we can move on from here,,
sealybobo admitted it and we are on the same page,,

if you could only be honest instead of playing these stupid word games, we could also move on,,

so is your answer yes or no??
blah blah blah,,

admit you know its a human life at conception so we can move on from here,,

Nope. That would horrible law if it were true. What about all those frozen embryos in IVF clinics? Are they all prisoners of conscience? Do we need to issue a writ of habeas corpus?

if you could only be honest instead of playing these stupid word games, we could also move on,,

so is your answer yes or no??

I've covered this.
Zygotes aren't people.
Embryos aren't people
Fetuses aren't people.
Nope. That would horrible law if it were true. What about all those frozen embryos in IVF clinics? Are they all prisoners of conscience? Do we need to issue a writ of habeas corpus?

I've covered this.
Zygotes aren't people.
Embryos aren't people
Fetuses aren't people.
we are talking about biology not the legal system,, that comes after you admit your misunderstanding

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