Democratic Leaders AFRAID to look at the FISA Memo! BWAHAHAHA


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Oh the noble seekers of Truth, those Democrats. That is unless the Truth unmasks the blatant abuse of power by Democratic Leadership from Obama on down the line. When every Republican Leader has read it and is demanding for it's release to the American public and every Democratic Leader is AFRAID to even READ the darn thing, what does that tell you? Trouble in River City for Obama, FBI, NSA, IRS, CIA let's go! It's time clean out the septic tank it really smells. :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
Current Number One Democrat Google Search: Countries without US Extradition Treaty
When every Republican Leader has read it and is demanding for it's release to the American public

I just heard that Republicans are calling for the release of that memo that Devin Nunes wrote. Republicans control every branch and department of government. Why are calling for it it? They control everything; all they have to do is release it. They don't have to call for a damn thing.
I just heard that Republicans are calling for the release of that memo. Republicans control every branch and department of government. Why are calling for it it? They control everything; all they have to do is release it. They don't have to call for a damn thing.

...or Republicans can just email it to Hillary
I just heard that Republicans are calling for the release of that memo. Republicans control every branch and department of government. Why are calling for it it? They control everything; all they have to do is release it. They don't have to call for a damn thing.
It's classified. Only Hillary, Huma, and a few select dems can release classified info without consequence.
When every Republican Leader has read it and is demanding for it's release to the American public

I just heard that Republicans are calling for the release of that memo that Devin Nunes wrote. Republicans control every branch and department of government. Why are calling for it it? They control everything; all they have to do is release it. They don't have to call for a damn thing.
Oh, you don't get it, they want to get Democrats on record BEFORE they release the memo
When every Republican Leader has read it and is demanding for it's release to the American public

I just heard that Republicans are calling for the release of that memo that Devin Nunes wrote. Republicans control every branch and department of government. Why are calling for it it? They control everything; all they have to do is release it. They don't have to call for a damn thing.

BINGO! they classified it, they can declassify it....

it's all the same game only reverse of what they did with the Fusion GPS testimony.... they made up a bi fat lie about the dossier and Steele, and could only tell the lies if they kept the GPS testimony from us....

now they are telling another one of their lies and claiming dems don't want it released, then they claimed democrats haven't read it.... who knows what they will lie about next???
and libs keep trying to tell us that they're the smart ones... lol

The memo will get released, but once the Dems get on record protecting Obama's Fascism
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When every Republican Leader has read it and is demanding for it's release to the American public

I just heard that Republicans are calling for the release of that memo that Devin Nunes wrote. Republicans control every branch and department of government. Why are calling for it it? They control everything; all they have to do is release it. They don't have to call for a damn thing.

You are intentionally blurry the difference between being in the majority and CONTROLLING a body. Repubs control the House, they are merely a majority in the Senate.
I just heard that Republicans are calling for the release of that memo. Republicans control every branch and department of government. Why are calling for it it? They control everything; all they have to do is release it. They don't have to call for a damn thing.
It's classified. Only Hillary, Huma, and a few select dems can release classified info without consequence.
??? For all the blabbering about the Constitution USMB conservative members post, one of it's most basic tenets has apparently escaped at least one of you.

As I wrote earlier:
Republicans are calling for the release of that memo that Devin Nunes wrote. Republicans control every branch and department of government. Why are calling for it it? They control everything; all they have to do is release it. They don't have to call for a damn thing.

Congress is subject to its own orders and nobody else's. The Justices of the SCOTUS are subject only to their own rules. That's part of what's called "Separation of Powers." Accordingly, "The United States Senate and the House of Representatives, as part of the Legislative branch of the U.S. government, are not subject to the provisions of Executive Order 12958, as amended, which governs the classification of national security information within the Executive branch."

Classified congressional records become declassified in three ways.
  • First, Congress may initiate a special declassification program, such as the effort to release Vietnam-era records collected by the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs in the mid-1990s.
  • Second, researchers interested in using classified records that Congress has transferred to the physical custody of the Center for Legislative Archives may file a Mandatory Declassification Review request—in accordance with section 3.5 of Executive Order 12958, as amended—on a specific record they have identified.
  • Congressional records may be systematically reviewed for declassification in a manner similar to the procedure followed by Executive branch records.

Congress can do whatever the hell it wants to do with classified documents that are part of Congressional records.
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When every Republican Leader has read it and is demanding for it's release to the American public

I just heard that Republicans are calling for the release of that memo that Devin Nunes wrote. Republicans control every branch and department of government. Why are calling for it it? They control everything; all they have to do is release it. They don't have to call for a damn thing.

You are intentionally blurry the difference between being in the majority and CONTROLLING a body. Repubs control the House, they are merely a majority in the Senate.

For all the blabbering about the Constitution USMB conservative members post, one of it's most basic tenets has apparently escaped, now, at least two of you. (see post 15)
  1. Devin Nunes, the document's author, is a member of the House.
  2. Republicans control the Executive branch, which has authority over the version of the document held by the Executive branch, thus if that version of the document is classified as someone noted, Republican in the Executive branch can declassify their copy of it, and nobody but Trump has final say in that regard.
  3. Separation of Powers -- "The United States Senate and the House of Representatives, as part of the Legislative branch of the U.S. government, are not subject to the provisions of Executive Order 12958, as amended, which governs the classification of national security information within the Executive branch." (Source)

    Congress can do whatever the hell it wants to do with classified content that is part of the Congressional record.
Now who's intentionally blurring something? I assure you, not I
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Oh the noble seekers of Truth, those Democrats. That is unless the Truth unmasks the blatant abuse of power by Democratic Leadership from Obama on down the line. When every Republican Leader has read it and is demanding for it's release to the American public and every Democratic Leader is AFRAID to even READ the darn thing, what does that tell you? Trouble in River City for Obama, FBI, NSA, IRS, CIA let's go! It's time clean out the septic tank it really smells. :banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
Now we know why the memo hasn't been leaked.
pass the popcorn!

You freaks must have popcorn machines or something. You've been talking about eating popcorn over this "memo" for almost two days now.

Nothing's worse than day old popcorn.
The GIMPS are Stoked

Secret Memo Was Actually Written by GOP Staffers
January 19, 2018

“House Republicans spent the end of the workweek telling everyone who would listen that the American people must be allowed to see a top-secret four-page document that could bring an end to special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 elections,” the HuffPost reports.

“One thing about that document: Republican staffers wrote it.”

“The document, which alleges abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act during the FBI’s quiet counterintelligence investigation into the Trump campaign in the final months of the 2016 election, was actually compiled by Republican staffers on the House Intelligence Committee. That committee voted along partisan lines this week to allow any member of Congress to take a peek at the document themselves. Republican members soon flocked to a secure room to read the memo written by their allies — and then ran to tell the press about it.”
The Democrats are filth.
No tactic is too low, too underhanded, too dirty for them not to use it.
From the Seth Rich murder, to the fire hose of illegal immigrant voters, to rigging the primaries against Bernie Sanders, to using the NSA's resources to spy on everyday Americans as well as their political opposition they've shown what they're capable of.....
"Not a smidgen of corruption

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