Shutdown vote coming in 2 hours

Let it shut down...let the Schumer shutdown happen...90% of what he and Pelosi have done the last few years have blown up in the dems face...this is no different...we are not talking about a very smart man...he's an idiot...
Republicans control absolutely everything, but they're still trying to figure out ways to pass the buck :laugh:
As clock winds down and protest flares, still no deal to avert shutdown

Why are you liberals putting Illegal aliens above

the poor American Children that will starve to death if the Government shuts down?

Why do you liberals hate Americas Children?

Let it shut down. Then I'll be able to make as many copies of VHS movies as I want to because the FBI will be powerless to stop me.

I will also rip all those tags off of my pillows and mattresses that say "Do not remove under penalty of law."

If I recall the stock market dropped a bit last shut down, but I tend to believe that was a reflection of the uncertainty RE bad business administration. I'm no expert, but my gut feeling is that the market will be just fine through this shutdown because everyone knows that this administration is business friendly. I'm curious to see what happens because this market is crazy heh
Trump should let Schumer hang the entire Democrat Party, they can all move to CA and secede
Dems are shutting down the government for some wetbacks, which won't get them the deal they want.

Remember, these are the same people running the show who lost 1,000 seats during the Obama years.
Republicans control absolutely everything, but they're still trying to figure out ways to pass the buck
Takes 60 votes knuckle head...the dems are in lockstep....they will pay in lockstep in 2018 too!
CR's don't need 60 votes. They can pass one of those anytime. They should know since they blocked budgets under Obama for years. Fuck 'em.

Yes, it does take 60 votes. You're a moron.

Government shutdown: Where the senators stand - CNNPolitics

Now that the House has passed a short-term spending bill on Thursday, the Senate will need 60 votes to move it forward.

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