Democrat Voting Blocs in 2036


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
By the time we get to the year 2036, society will have degraded considerably. This is a process that has been occurring continually since the 1950s. Things that were illegal then, are now legal. Things that were unaccepted in the past, have become acceptable. Anti-social behavior will be common, and Democrats will work hard to pander to those engaging in it, whom they will view simply as a voting bloc for them. Here's the top 10 >>>

In 2036, addicting drugs (heroin, cocaine, methedrine, etc.) will be legal. Democrats will pander to this group, and assure them of continued legality.

1. Drug Addicts - 1 Million VOTES.

Drag racing on city streets is incredibly dangerous, both to the racers, and other motorists. By 2016, Democrats will have succeeded in legalizing drag racing.

2. Pubic street Drag racers - 800,000 VOTES.

illegal immigration will no longer be illegal. Migrants will swamp the workforces, leaving millions more Americans jobless.

3. Illegal aliens legalized - 2.5 Million VOTES.

Peeping Tom laws will have been eradicated. Democrats will support efforts to make peeping easier, including installing hidden video cameras.

4. Peeping Tom vote - 500,000 VOTES.

Gun control will have escalated to an abolition of the 2nd amendment. No one entitled to own a gun. Even cops will be without them. Everyplace will be a "gun-free zone". Mass shooters will run rampant. Massacres will occur daily.

5. Gun grabber VOTE - 18 Million VOTES.

Urinating in pubic will have become legalized. Media will demonize all who complain about it.

6. Public urination crazies - 500,000 VOTES.

Demonization of Whites will have reached the level of an art form. Dummies of whites will hang in effigy from lampposts all over city streets and in public parks.

7. White demonization - 11 Million VOTES.

Vandalism will be declared legal as a form of free speech. Cars, houses, office buildings, stores, even police stations will be vandalized with graffiti, broken windows, egg splatter, etc

8. Vandal VOTE - 22 Million VOTES.

Blocking traffic will have become a form of recreation. Awards will go to blockers who succeed in blocking traffic with pregnant women rushing the hospital, and people bleeding profusely.

9. Traffic Blocker VOTE - 8 Million VOTES.

Animal fighting will be legalized, and no animal will be exempt. Arenas will fill up with high price tickets, paid for with dogs, cats, lions, tigers, horses, chickens, etc. fighting for the amusement of sicko fans, who will contribute heavily to Democrat election campaigns.

10. Animal fight vote - 14 Million VOTES.
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11. Spanish media (TV, radio, newspapers) - These will have expanded to 10 times the size they are now.

19 Million VOTES.

You guys are so weird.

Its amazing to see what your fears are.
Merely extension of the present. Not so amazing. The present would have been amazing to clear, thinking people 20+ years ago, if they could have seen it.
12. People who honk their car horns at night when picking people up (because they're too lazy to get out of the car and ring the doorbell)

Nighttime horn-honker VOTE - 3 Million VOTES.
13. People who aimlessly abandon their shopping carts in parking lots, instead of putting them in the proper places (often blocking open parking spaces).

Shopping cart delinquent VOTE - 35 Million VOTES.


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The chances that there is a revolution before that date is very high. And that is certainly a better option than turning all of America into a 3rd world country in the next 100 years.

Thank god we have so many guns. This is precisely what the 2nd amendment was made for.

You forgot, America will be minority white by that date, populated with majority of people who have never ran a successful society.
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By the time we get to the year 2036, society will have degraded considerably. This is a process that has been occurring continually since the 1950s. Things that were illegal then, are now legal. Things that were unaccepted in the past, have become acceptable. Anti-social behavior will be common, and Democrats will work hard to pander to those engaging in it, whom they will view simply as a voting bloc for them. Here's the top 10 >>>

In 2036, addicting drugs (heroin, cocaine, methedrine, etc.) will be legal. Democrats will pander to this group, and assure them of continued legality.

1. Drug Addicts - 1 Million VOTES.

Drag racing on city streets is incredibly dangerous, both to the racers, and other motorists. By 2016, Democrats will have succeeded in legalizing drag racing.

2. Pubic street Drag racers - 800,000 VOTES.

illegal immigration will no longer be illegal. Migrants will swamp the workforces, leaving millions more Americans jobless.

3. Illegal aliens legalized - 2.5 Million VOTES.

Peeping Tom laws will have been eradicated. Democrats will support efforts to make peeping easier, including installing hidden video cameras.

4. Peeping Tom vote - 500,000 VOTES.

Gun control will have escalated to an abolition of the 2nd amendment. No one entitled to own a gun. Even cops will be without them. Everyplace will be a "gun-free zone". Mass shooters will run rampant. Massacres will occur daily.

5. Gun grabber VOTE - 18 Million VOTES.

Urinating in pubic will have become legalized. Media will demonize all who complain about it.

6. Public urination crazies - 500,000 VOTES.

Demonization of Whites will have reached the level of an art form. Dummies of whites will hang in effigy from lampposts all over city streets and in public parks.

7. White demonization - 11 Million VOTES.

Vandalism will be declared legal as a form of free speech. Cars, houses, office buildings, stores, even police stations will be vandalized with graffiti, broken windows, egg splatter, etc

8. Vandal VOTE - 22 Million VOTES.

Blocking traffic will have become a form of recreation. Awards will go to blockers who succeed in blocking traffic with pregnant women rushing the hospital, and people bleeding profusely.

9. Traffic Blocker VOTE - 8 Million VOTES.

Animal fighting will be legalized, and no animal will be exempt. Arenas will fill up with high price tickets, paid for with dogs, cats, lions, tigers, horses, chickens, etc. fighting for the amusement of sicko fans, who will contribute heavily to Democrat election campaigns.

10. Animal fight vote - 14 Million VOTES.
There are far more than 11 million anti-white racists today, much less in 2036.
By the time we get to the year 2036, society will have degraded considerably. This is a process that has been occurring continually since the 1950s. Things that were illegal then, are now legal. Things that were unaccepted in the past, have become acceptable. Anti-social behavior will be common, and Democrats will work hard to pander to those engaging in it, whom they will view simply as a voting bloc for them. Here's the top 10 >>>

In 2036, addicting drugs (heroin, cocaine, methedrine, etc.) will be legal. Democrats will pander to this group, and assure them of continued legality.

1. Drug Addicts - 1 Million VOTES.

Drag racing on city streets is incredibly dangerous, both to the racers, and other motorists. By 2016, Democrats will have succeeded in legalizing drag racing.

2. Pubic street Drag racers - 800,000 VOTES.

illegal immigration will no longer be illegal. Migrants will swamp the workforces, leaving millions more Americans jobless.

3. Illegal aliens legalized - 2.5 Million VOTES.

Peeping Tom laws will have been eradicated. Democrats will support efforts to make peeping easier, including installing hidden video cameras.

4. Peeping Tom vote - 500,000 VOTES.

Gun control will have escalated to an abolition of the 2nd amendment. No one entitled to own a gun. Even cops will be without them. Everyplace will be a "gun-free zone". Mass shooters will run rampant. Massacres will occur daily.

5. Gun grabber VOTE - 18 Million VOTES.

Urinating in pubic will have become legalized. Media will demonize all who complain about it.

6. Public urination crazies - 500,000 VOTES.

Demonization of Whites will have reached the level of an art form. Dummies of whites will hang in effigy from lampposts all over city streets and in public parks.

7. White demonization - 11 Million VOTES.

Vandalism will be declared legal as a form of free speech. Cars, houses, office buildings, stores, even police stations will be vandalized with graffiti, broken windows, egg splatter, etc

8. Vandal VOTE - 22 Million VOTES.

Blocking traffic will have become a form of recreation. Awards will go to blockers who succeed in blocking traffic with pregnant women rushing the hospital, and people bleeding profusely.

9. Traffic Blocker VOTE - 8 Million VOTES.

Animal fighting will be legalized, and no animal will be exempt. Arenas will fill up with high price tickets, paid for with dogs, cats, lions, tigers, horses, chickens, etc. fighting for the amusement of sicko fans, who will contribute heavily to Democrat election campaigns.

10. Animal fight vote - 14 Million VOTES.
You are out of your mind, super dupe.
By the time we get to the year 2036, society will have degraded considerably. This is a process that has been occurring continually since the 1950s. Things that were illegal then, are now legal. Things that were unaccepted in the past, have become acceptable. Anti-social behavior will be common, and Democrats will work hard to pander to those engaging in it, whom they will view simply as a voting bloc for them. Here's the top 10 >>>

In 2036, addicting drugs (heroin, cocaine, methedrine, etc.) will be legal. Democrats will pander to this group, and assure them of continued legality.

1. Drug Addicts - 1 Million VOTES.

Drag racing on city streets is incredibly dangerous, both to the racers, and other motorists. By 2016, Democrats will have succeeded in legalizing drag racing.

2. Pubic street Drag racers - 800,000 VOTES.

illegal immigration will no longer be illegal. Migrants will swamp the workforces, leaving millions more Americans jobless.

3. Illegal aliens legalized - 2.5 Million VOTES.

Peeping Tom laws will have been eradicated. Democrats will support efforts to make peeping easier, including installing hidden video cameras.

4. Peeping Tom vote - 500,000 VOTES.

Gun control will have escalated to an abolition of the 2nd amendment. No one entitled to own a gun. Even cops will be without them. Everyplace will be a "gun-free zone". Mass shooters will run rampant. Massacres will occur daily.

5. Gun grabber VOTE - 18 Million VOTES.

Urinating in pubic will have become legalized. Media will demonize all who complain about it.

6. Public urination crazies - 500,000 VOTES.

Demonization of Whites will have reached the level of an art form. Dummies of whites will hang in effigy from lampposts all over city streets and in public parks.

7. White demonization - 11 Million VOTES.

Vandalism will be declared legal as a form of free speech. Cars, houses, office buildings, stores, even police stations will be vandalized with graffiti, broken windows, egg splatter, etc

8. Vandal VOTE - 22 Million VOTES.

Blocking traffic will have become a form of recreation. Awards will go to blockers who succeed in blocking traffic with pregnant women rushing the hospital, and people bleeding profusely.

9. Traffic Blocker VOTE - 8 Million VOTES.

Animal fighting will be legalized, and no animal will be exempt. Arenas will fill up with high price tickets, paid for with dogs, cats, lions, tigers, horses, chickens, etc. fighting for the amusement of sicko fans, who will contribute heavily to Democrat election campaigns.

10. Animal fight vote - 14 Million VOTES.
You'll never make it as a fiction writer.
The chances that there is a revolution before that date is very high. And that is certainly a better option than turning all of America into a 3rd world country in the next 100 years.

Thank god we have so many guns. This is precisely what the 2nd amendment was made for.

You forgot, America will be minority white by that date, populated with majority of people who have never ran a successful society.
The minority white prospect is part of what makes the OP's rather outlandish notions, a bit more conceivable. With stepped up deportations of illegal aliens from Latin America, Asia, and Africa, though, as we're seeing now, maybe we can be saved from the effects of Democrat vote-hunger insanity.

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