Dem Congress Falls To 23% Approval

different questions.

rating congress is one thing.

rating democrats versus republicans IN congress is another.

and one that you run so fast from, smoke comes off your shoes.

address the polls in question...that ask the public to differentiate between the parties. explain why the republicans score lower
different questions.

rating congress is one thing.

rating democrats versus republicans IN congress is another.

and one that you run so fast from, smoke comes off your shoes.

address the polls in question...that ask the public to differentiate between the parties. explain why the republicans score lower

Why would you want to admit the truth?

You never have - so why start now?
the polls? will you ever address the polls that I have mentioned?

a simple yes or no would suffice at this point. It is getting late.
rsr, you are very smart, but I want you to answer the question.

Stop dodging, and maineman, control your temper, you went off a newbie, and thats not right.

the polls? will you ever address the polls that I have mentioned?

a simple yes or no would suffice at this point. It is getting late.
Why should taxes be raised?

The top 25% of earners are already paying 85% of all Federal income taxes

When you add in state, local, property, sales, and excise taxes they are paying over 50% of their income in taxes

Eh? I'm not for higher taxes, ha ha!

I meant that I agree with your opinion that higher taxes and socialized health care will not be winning issues for the democrats. I didn't mean to imply that I agreed with the philosophy of higher taxes.
Eh? I'm not for higher taxes, ha ha!

I meant that I agree with your opinion that higher taxes and socialized health care will not be winning issues for the democrats. I didn't mean to imply that I agreed with the philosophy of higher taxes.

Then I stand corrected and accept my apology
rsr, you are very smart, but I want you to answer the question.

Stop dodging, and maineman, control your temper, you went off a newbie, and thats not right.

I have. MM continues to cliong top a couple of polls that goes his way - while I posted about 15 that show a steady decline in the Dem Congress's numbers
Lets get one thing straight - some Republicans are stepping in it right along with Dems

However there are signs some are getting back to Reagan conservatism and standing up for those principals

That will get them back in power
he is prochoice pro-gayrights pro guncontrol...the reagan revolution IS dead. deal with it.

re: hillary...she is far from the left wing of our party.

and this is the face of the Democrat party

oh how the party of Truman and JFK have fallen


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and this is the face of the Democrat party

oh how the party of Truman and JFK have fallen

you always change the subject when the point is raised that Rudy is a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control moderate from New York and that the mere fact that he is ahead in the polls and no true conservatives are even close is PROOF that the Reagan Revolution has flatlined..... it's dead.... and you can't bear to face it.
you always change the subject when the point is raised that Rudy is a pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control moderate from New York and that the mere fact that he is ahead in the polls and no true conservatives are even close is PROOF that the Reagan Revolution has flatlined..... it's dead.... and you can't bear to face it.

You sound like you worship the ground Hillary walks on - I am pointing out she will be the "face" of your party

I have seen better heads on a keg of beer

She is a Northeastern liberal - something you will never admit.
You sound like you worship the ground Hillary walks on - I am pointing out she will be the "face" of your party

I have seen better heads on a keg of beer

She is a Northeastern liberal - something you will never admit.

then you are deaf and have the memory of a gold fish. I have said on numerous occasions that Hillary is NOT my favorite candidate by a long shot and I hope that she does not get the nomination.

When will you ever explain to me why the public gives the republicans in congress a lower approval rating than they do democrats in congress?

When will you ever explain why the public trusts democrats more than republicans on all ten key issues tracked by Rasmussen Reports?

Are you ever gonna face those facts or will you continue to run away and hide from them?
oh..and kegs of beer don't have "heads" is only when beer is poured into a glass that it develops a "head".... your ability to use analogies is infantile. Are you, perhaps, just a pimply faced teenager posting from the back bedroom in your mom's trailer?

wow. You run away from everything and you say stupid shit on your way out the door.
then you are deaf and have the memory of a gold fish. I have said on numerous occasions that Hillary is NOT my favorite candidate by a long shot and I hope that she does not get the nomination.

When will you ever explain to me why the public gives the republicans in congress a lower approval rating than they do democrats in congress?

When will you ever explain why the public trusts democrats more than republicans on all ten key issues tracked by Rasmussen Reports?

Are you ever gonna face those facts or will you continue to run away and hide from them?

Does that mean you will not vote for her? (she will be the Dems choice)

Another John Kerry except in a dress - a northeastern liberal

As far as the keg joke - lightn up. Libs need a sense of humor. Here you are set to nominate another liberal elitist - who you will vote for BTW MM. Who says libs can't take a joke?
Dems have only 16 months” to come up with something that will pull their poll number out of the toilet. Within these next 16 months they will have to scramble to override Bush on a number of issues - including surrender in Iraq

They will never achieve what they wanted to do because they are following a partisan plan that puts them to where they were when Republicans were in control.

The USS Liberal is sinking, and White Flag Harry and San Fran Nan are still trying to turn the ship around
oh..and kegs of beer don't have "heads" is only when beer is poured into a glass that it develops a "head".... your ability to use analogies is infantile. Are you, perhaps, just a pimply faced teenager posting from the back bedroom in your mom's trailer?

wow. You run away from everything and you say stupid shit on your way out the door.

Hillary is taking shots from members of the liberl media that provided cover for Bill during his eight years. Joe Conason is a bigger Clinton ass kisser then you MM

Hillary Clinton's labor problem
One of her top strategists is CEO of a union-busting P.R. firm. Doesn't labor deserve more respect?

By Joe Conason

There must be moments when the leaders of America's labor movement mutter the dark lament of the late Rodney Dangerfield, because so often they "get no respect" from the same Democratic politicians who depend on union endorsements and funding. This week they could certainly feel that way, after voicing their "concern" over the actions of a huge union-busting public relations company headed by Sen. Hillary Clinton's top political strategist, Mark Penn -- and getting no satisfactory response.

The prodigious Penn, a pollster and counselor to the Clintons since 1995, has risen to the commanding heights of the public relations and research business over the three decades since he entered politics. Having started in a tiny, two-man polling operation in a New York City mayoral campaign, he is now the CEO of Burson-Marsteller Inc., one of the planet's largest P.R. shops, with corporate clients ranging from Microsoft to Shell Oil and Pfizer. For progressive voters, those connections should raise questions about Penn's dominant role in the Clinton campaign, especially because he has reportedly boasted about the business benefits of his political power.

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