Defending Eco-Terrorism (TrumpUSA)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
How will 'TrumpUSA' affect our perspective on legality, networking, citizenship, and civics?


BATMAN: I'm here to defend my client, Dr. Isely (Poison Ivy).
JUDGE: Well, I thought you prosecuted Poison Ivy last time.
POISON IVY: Maybe Batman has had a change of perspective...

BATMAN: I'm now her defense-counsel, since I'm interested in justice.
JUDGE: Well, last time you prosecuted her as a 'dangerous radical.'
POISON IVY: Yeah, Batman said before I was an insane eco-terrorist!

BATMAN: Poison Ivy (Dr. Isely) became an eco-terrorist out of frustration.
JUDGE: What's the difference between 'frustration' and 'criminal rage,' Batman?
POISON IVY: I can answer that question --- the sins of men and their companies!

BATMAN: My client is obviously very emotional about industrial pollution.
JUDGE: I'm ready to listen to your arguments on Dr. Isely's behalf, Batman.
POISON IVY: Let the fair-trial begin!

BATMAN: Isely wants society to feel embarrassed about eco-pollution.
JUDGE: This sounds like a case of 'fanatical vigilantism.'
POISON IVY: I'm no more a fanatic than fat-cat corporate bosses polluting Earth.

BATMAN: Isely believes there's no recourse for eco-pollution besides terrorism!
JUDGE: Are you suggesting that the State is obligated to treat her anti-social rage?
POISON IVY: Does the State even care?

BATMAN: Eco-terrorism is a 'hairy' issue, but we have to listen to all sides.
JUDGE: Eco-terrorists have likened themselves to 'freedom-fighters.'
POISON IVY: Maybe Batman is a secret admirer of TrumpUSA...

BATMAN: Capitalism is not perfect, and rage against the system is natural.
JUDGE: So how should we address Poison Ivy's claim that violence is natural?
POISON IVY: Destroying the Earth with pollution is rape...

BATMAN: Isely is not 'obligated' to be 'extra-empathetic' towards corporations.
JUDGE: Alright, so you're suggesting we simply treat her rage against system-corruption.
POISON IVY: Maybe I'm not a prophet, but I believe I'm a modernism 'messenger.'

BATMAN: I think the State can help Isely deal with her 'professional discontentment.'
JUDGE: Under proper security/supervision, the State concedes that Isely is treatable.
POISON IVY: Well, let the Arkham Asylum 'treatment' commence (I will pray).



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