TrumpUSA Cannibalism(!): A Theatrical Deal(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA capitalism maladies make you paranoid about social customs?

What do you think?

Why do we Americans celebrate politically-passionate films such as The Ides of March and The Contender while dealing with the various culture-ethics issues that make TrumpUSA seem rather sullied (e.g., media-scandals, eco-neglect, capitalism-corruption, etc.)?

Are we members of TrumpUSA as 'dogma-immersed' as citizens of ReaganUSA?


"T-Shirts of U.S. President Donald Trump (a former capitalism-baron) were selling like crazy in D.C. in the summer of 2019. However, anti-TrumpUSA street-protests continued on the streets of Washington and the Post declared this social unrest a reflection of America's struggles to coordinate democracy with public sentiment(!). Celebrities in Hollywood were involved in various liberal activism-related issues such as eco-conservation and cancer awareness, but anti-American terrorists in the Middle East continued to view 'TrumpUSA' as a signpost for general modern (21st Century) commercial/pedestrian depression."


"Social activists among the more liberal sector of the American population were involved in eco-policy protests in D.C. that summer and would carry water-bottles as a sign of their 'distaste' with Trump's policies towards eco-management(!). Meanwhile, Hollywood celebrities continued to endorse various liberal issues and matters relevant to American society/culture. The Middle Eastern terrorist group ISIS began planning a summer terrorist-strike in D.C., while eco-activists planned a D.C. march to the White House to protest about water-pollution, acid-rain, and global-warming."


"A political cartoonist named Ajay Satan working for the Post decided to submit an eerie child-like (and somewhat silly!) stick-figure doodle of the Marvel Comics urban terrorist/mutant Green Goblin (Norman Osborn). Osborn was the founder/CEO of a science-research firm in America called Oscorp and ingested a strength/body transforming experimental serum which mutated him into the maniacal terrorist Green Goblin. Ajay Satan used this color-pencil 'doodle' of Marvel's Green Goblin to create a story in the Post about a gang of underworld cannibals emerging in 'TrumpUSA' as a form of 'protest' against new age American policies towards capitalism consciousness."


"This creepy gang of cannibals was called the Red Gang, and it kidnapped D.C. policemen and took their assassinated bodies to a forest where they ritually cut them up and dumped them in a cauldron and cooked them(!). The Red Gang then sent notices to the Post declaring their intention to turn TrumpUSA capitalism corruption/cynicism into a focused new age declaration of the 'economic sanity' of cannibalism practices/beliefs(!). President Trump called the Red Gang the new rendition of the Manson Family and the FBI was assigned to arrest the gang. Meanwhile, Ajay Satan's doodle/tale about the Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) generated quite a stir in America about the aesthetics/contours of modern political unhappiness...and terrorism!"


"Finally, the FBI managed to apprehend one member of the Red Gang who happened to be a rather attractive young American woman named Shelbye Harris. Ms. Harris was taken to the White House for a special televised interrogation/interview by President Trump himself who wanted to use her arrest to publicly make media-gestures favorable for populism-sentiment while this 'Manson Murder' oriented Red Gang activity involving murdered D.C. policemen continued that summer. Ms. Harris eagerly awaited the opportunity to tell the American President on national TV why the Red Gang felt cannibalism was politically symbolic(!)."


TRUMP: Ms. Harris, why is the Red Gang engaging in cannibalism?
HARRIS: We consider ourselves purifying 'brain-eaters,' Mr. President!
TRUMP: Excuse me; 'brain eaters,' Ms. Harris?
HARRIS: Yes, 'brain-eaters'; we eat the brains of corrupt D.C. cops.
TRUMP: Why are these victimized policemen corrupt to Red Gang?
HARRIS: Just like America itself, these cops represent social disarray.
TRUMP: Are these cops, for some reason, negligent of morality/values?
HARRIS: We're not cannibals because we're animals; we're revolutionaries!
TRUMP: English writer Jonathan Swift wrote a sarcastic essay about cannibalism.
HARRIS: Yes, we know it; A Modest Proposal; citing cannibalism as purification.
TRUMP: Swift suggested that eating the homeless in London was economically smart!
HARRIS: Swift was being very sarcastic towards the British Parliament.
TRUMP: Is that the same intention of the Red Gang in killing/eating American cops?
HARRIS: We believe we're of the same 'lineage' as Jonathan Swift, Mr. Trump.
TRUMP: What makes you so politically shrewd?
HARRIS: Well, we noted that Ajay Satan's Green Goblin fables did not create change.
TRUMP: Rome wasn't built in a day; you can't 'cure' America of its maladies in 1 hour(!).
HARRIS: We members of the Red Gang eat the brains of D.C. cops to protest capitalism.
TRUMP: Anti-American terrorists 'protested' capitalism on 9/11 by blowing up buildings!
HARRIS: So the Red Gang (comprised of Americans) is no different than ISIS?
TRUMP: I'm not lambasting you, Ms. Harris, as non-Americans, but you're criminals...
HARRIS: Capitalism corruption in TrumpUSA makes 'criminality' a vague concept!
TRUMP: My job here is to ensure America that D.C. works to make capitalism sane.
HARRIS: You wanted this nationally televised interview so voters would praise you.
TRUMP: I'm merely trying to assure the public that governance aims to cure terror.
HARRIS: Well, whatever journalism is seen in the Post, we hope D.C. will be cleansed!
TRUMP: I wonder, Ms. Harris, if you can cure capitalism ills with methods of fear...
HARRIS: Well, we'll see how the justice-system treats us; D.C. has its own 'fear tactics.'
TRUMP: Thanks for this interview; D.C. will work to make America a place of medicine.
HARRIS: Maybe someday there will be no need for 'hidden brain-eaters' (or something!).




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