TrumpUSA Real-Estate: A Capitalism Diorama(*)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does TrumpUSA inspire positive 'democracy-diarism campfire' storytelling?

What do you think?

Imagine someone years from now reads this post (by this TrumpUSA citizen!) and begins to remark on what the people of America felt/believed while living under Trumponomics. Do you think they'll say (years from now) that TrumpUSA citizens were more (or less!) 'dastardly' than the citizens of Reaganomics?


"My name is Catwoman. I'm a superheroine and American patriot. I've been courting the American superhero Batman for some time now, and he's finally asked me to marry him (and I said, 'Yes'!). Batman and I are moving to British Columbia now that TrumpUSA controversies, scandals, crimes, and terrorism have dwindles, allowing superheroes to retire comfortably(!). We love America and are using our money to buy a beautiful British Columbia home in Okanagan. We're off to retirement! Thank you, TrumpUSA(!)."


"Buying real-estate is not easy, and something Batman and I learned during our 'adventures' solving the crimes/problems of TrumpUSA is that human activity is rarely simple/straightforward. Batman and I saved up enough money from our working lives (our unmasked identities/names are Selina Kyle, me/wife, and Bruce Wayne, him/husband!), and wish to retire comfortably in British Columbia. We want our retirement to be romantic, relaxing, stimulating, and safe from the modern global threat of anti-Western terrorism (e.g., 9/11)."


"Donald Trump was a capitalism-baron, media icon, and the first celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan. You can see relics/monuments from Trump's capitalism empire when you see a magnificent Trump Tower building in a major city like Chicago or a great Trump casino in Atlantic City (New Jersey!). Yes, TrumpUSA, with baron Trump as President, reminds us Americans of the consumerism 'confetti' of Reaganomics, and Batman and I wanted to be sure that America does not become a 'sewer' for piracy, terrorism, and corruption. TrumpUSA should be an inspiration...not a curse."


"Anti-TrumpUSA protesters abound and remind our citizens that negotiating capitalism with democracy is no small trick/feat. Anti-TrumpUSA activists living in America protest things/issues ranging from Trump's eco-policies to media-impact on modern democracy. When you turn on your TV in America, you might notice that all the glitter and noise of TrumpUSA is really about pedestrians in dynamic motion, working to understand the contours/intricacies of modern traffic/crime. Batman and I want to remember TrumpUSA for what it was --- a democratic slideshow."


"One day, while I was spending time at Wayne Mansion, where Batman/Bruce lives currently, I wandered into his private den/study where I noticed he was collecting drawings and image-stills of culturally-symbolic characters/avatars who represented TrumpUSA contemplation of the ergonomic and even wolfishness of consumerism/capitalism in this new age of great daydreams and indulgences (e.g., Facebook, Hollywood, WikiLeaks, etc.). I noticed Bruce's stick-figure doodle of a consumerism-parody 'Evil Elf' and an anime image-still of a fictional wolfish robot named 'Cyclonus.' I wondered if Batman/Bruce yearned to retire from all this 'TrumpUSA perspiration' as much as I did and escape to British Columbia with me, his new wife!"


"The marvellous house Batman and I found in Okanagan (British Columbia) is a multi-story neoclassical masterpiece of a home which boasts wonderful windows, an outstanding balcony, and a magnificent and ornate interior(!). Bruce (Batman) knew a real-estate specialist who worked with Americans (TrumpUSA citizens) who wanted to retire to British Columbia. After Batman submitted his official crime/terrorism reports and files to the CIA and NSA, he and I jumped on a bike to trek to where we could be escorted to our lovely new home in Okanagan."


"It's been two years now, and Bruce and I (Selina Kyle) can't complain about our happily-married life in Okanagan (British Columbia). We enjoy sunset milkshakes and early morning pancakes. Bruce is a terrific chef. We also order pizza, of course, and enjoy NFL games and the Kentucky Derby on American cable TV networks (ESPN, Fox, NBC!). We also enjoy TV Land episodes of Little House on the Prairie. Bruce told me once that fighting for TrumpUSA was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears, since it led Bruce and I to our lovely 'diamond home' in Okanagan (British Columbia)."


"Selina is such a romantic and idealist that I couldn't imagine dealing with all the sweat of TrumpUSA had she not been there to inspire and comfort (and help!) me. I'm happy being married to her now and living in Okanagan (British Columbia) where we're enjoying retirement, cooking BBQ lunches in the summer and enjoying homemade pasta for private Valentine's Day daydreams. TrumpUSA is all about, and as Batman (Bruce Wayne), I hope Selina (Catwoman) and I did what was necessary to promote the notion that Donald Trump (a capitalism-baron) is a new age 'diplomat' of American diarism...and ambition. I think Catwoman agrees with me."


TRUMP: I'm happy for Batman and Catwoman, Carter!
CARTER: Yes, the two heroes retired, Mr. President...
TRUMP: They have a lovely home in Okanagan.
CARTER: British Columbia!
TRUMP: Meanwhile, Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle also retired.
CARTER: Yes, they went to some secret/private island together.
TRUMP: Obviously, TrumpUSA is offering nice romance/retirement.
CARTER: The American Dream has not been shattered by terrorists!
TRUMP: I suppose a dose of ambition and smarts can create delight.
CARTER: We can learn from Batman and Catwoman; their happiness.
TRUMP: They defended TrumpUSA and then retired comfortably.
CARTER: We should hype their retirement as proof that America is secure.
TRUMP: Capitalism creates both drama (Gulf War) and peace (Batman/Catwoman)!
CARTER: This kind of story will boost TrumpUSA real-estate markets.
TRUMP: There's nothing wrong with a little 'delightful advertising.'



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