Defector Provides Evidence That the Chinese Military Orchestrated the Creation of COVID-19 and Lab Leak


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Defector Provides Evidence That the Chinese Military Orchestrated the Creation of COVID-19 and Lab Leak​

11 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jennifer Van Laar
One week ago we reported that a man believed to be the highest-ranking Chinese defector ever was working with the Defense Intelligence Agency and that he had direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs. We also reported that the defector provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials, that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) was able to corroborate very technical details of the information provided, and that in DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate.
RedState has now learned some details of the information provided by the defector, including that he provided data proving that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in addition to evidence confirming that the People’s Liberation Army managed the Wuhan program (and others), as Chinese virologist Yan Li-Meng told the FBI last year.
Technical details provided by the defector, RedState is told, were given to scientists (who were not told how that information was given to the government) who then re-analyzed data from published sources in conjunction with the new data and concluded that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was engineered. And, the defector was able to confirm numerous non-public details Yan provided the US government.
Pause for a moment and consider this. Our government now has additional evidence that a virus that killed 600,000 Americans, sickened millions more, nearly destroyed our economy, and inflicted untold collateral damage, was a bioweapon created by the Chinese military and deliberately released.

just how was it that Yan’s information was able to be so effectively dismissed? As we’ve covered over the last few weeks, EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak strongarmed other researchers into writing pieces in influential journals, like Lancet and Nature, dismissing the theory, and specifically dismissing Yan’s claims. Those pieces were used by Science Feedback, Facebook’s fact-checker, to deplatform news organizations who shared the information and wouldn’t take it down and to shut down the accounts of individuals who shared the information. News organizations couldn’t even report about Yan’s appearance on Tucker Carlson without being censored by big tech.
But back to Wray. The kicker is the ending to his answer regarding the information gleaned from the October 14 meeting:
“There are differences of view within the intelligence community about the origins of the coronavirus and so forth, and we are taking a deeper dive on the subject.”​
Is it any wonder that the entire Democrat/Media Complex is trying to destroy Matt Gaetz? Think about when the questions into his supposedly improper relationships with females started flooding the airwaves and which government organization is “investigating” Gaetz. I’m sure it’s all just a big coincidence and not an attempt to silence or intimidate Gaetz.
A lot of bureaucrats in the federal government are justifiably panicking right now, not knowing what other information is going to come to light to show just who knew what, when.

It is a safe assumption that any politician that has used the words "Build Back Better" in their speeches are cooperating with China.
Unfortuntely our government, it's employees, and its agencies have been infiltrated by Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies and are no longer trustworthy.
In the past decade alone they have inflicted upon the American people conspiracies against our duly elected sitting president, impeachment, a deadly virus, an unproven vaccine, trillions in debt, a stolen election, elected officials in cahoots with our enemies, adherence to socialist agendas, marxist groups destroying our cities and giving away tax payer dollars to people who are trying to kill us.
What more must we endure before this changes?
Tucker Carlson has aired the interview and statements by DR. Li-Meng Yan twice and yet the rest of the biased, complicit Quisling media has yet to air any of her statements up to now.
Don't forget now, all is in capable Joey Xi Bai Dung hands and China will be made to suffer.
He has by executive Order just lifted all sanctions on Chinese steel and aluminum, that will teach them to unleash a deadly bio-weapon on the world! Now! They will have to worry about getting all that steel and aluminum over here----that will teach them!
(If you are an employee of Alcoa in TN, better start making plans to join the lines of the unemployed.)

Defector Provides Evidence That the Chinese Military Orchestrated the Creation of COVID-19 and Lab Leak​

11 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jennifer Van Laar
One week ago we reported that a man believed to be the highest-ranking Chinese defector ever was working with the Defense Intelligence Agency and that he had direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs. We also reported that the defector provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials, that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) was able to corroborate very technical details of the information provided, and that in DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate.
RedState has now learned some details of the information provided by the defector, including that he provided data proving that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in addition to evidence confirming that the People’s Liberation Army managed the Wuhan program (and others), as Chinese virologist Yan Li-Meng told the FBI last year.
Technical details provided by the defector, RedState is told, were given to scientists (who were not told how that information was given to the government) who then re-analyzed data from published sources in conjunction with the new data and concluded that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was engineered. And, the defector was able to confirm numerous non-public details Yan provided the US government.
Pause for a moment and consider this. Our government now has additional evidence that a virus that killed 600,000 Americans, sickened millions more, nearly destroyed our economy, and inflicted untold collateral damage, was a bioweapon created by the Chinese military and deliberately released.
just how was it that Yan’s information was able to be so effectively dismissed? As we’ve covered over the last few weeks, EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak strongarmed other researchers into writing pieces in influential journals, like Lancet and Nature, dismissing the theory, and specifically dismissing Yan’s claims. Those pieces were used by Science Feedback, Facebook’s fact-checker, to deplatform news organizations who shared the information and wouldn’t take it down and to shut down the accounts of individuals who shared the information. News organizations couldn’t even report about Yan’s appearance on Tucker Carlson without being censored by big tech.
But back to Wray. The kicker is the ending to his answer regarding the information gleaned from the October 14 meeting:
“There are differences of view within the intelligence community about the origins of the coronavirus and so forth, and we are taking a deeper dive on the subject.”​
Is it any wonder that the entire Democrat/Media Complex is trying to destroy Matt Gaetz? Think about when the questions into his supposedly improper relationships with females started flooding the airwaves and which government organization is “investigating” Gaetz. I’m sure it’s all just a big coincidence and not an attempt to silence or intimidate Gaetz.
A lot of bureaucrats in the federal government are justifiably panicking right now, not knowing what other information is going to come to light to show just who knew what, when.

It is a safe assumption that any politician that has used the words "Build Back Better" in their speeches are cooperating with China.
Unfortuntely our government, it's employees, and its agencies have been infiltrated by Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies and are no longer trustworthy.
In the past decade alone they have inflicted upon the American people conspiracies against our duly elected sitting president, impeachment, a deadly virus, an unproven vaccine, trillions in debt, a stolen election, elected officials in cahoots with our enemies, adherence to socialist agendas, marxist groups destroying our cities and giving away tax payer dollars to people who are trying to kill us.
What more must we endure before this changes?
Tucker Carlson has aired the interview and statements by DR. Li-Meng Yan twice and yet the rest of the biased, complicit Quisling media has yet to air any of her statements up to now.
Don't forget now, all is in capable Joey Xi Bai Dung hands and China will be made to suffer.
He has by executive Order just lifted all sanctions on Chinese steel and aluminum, that will teach them to unleash a deadly bio-weapon on the world! Now! They will have to worry about getting all that steel and aluminum over here----that will teach them!
(If you are an employee of Alcoa in TN, better start making plans to join the lines of the unemployed.)

Its a safe assumption you're just throwing shit up against the wall in hopes that something will stick.

"In the past decade alone they have inflicted upon the American people conspiracies against our duly elected sitting president, impeachment, a deadly virus, an unproven vaccine, trillions in debt, a stolen election, elected officials in cahoots with our enemies, adherence to socialist agendas, marxist groups destroying our cities and giving away tax payer dollars to people who are trying to kill us."

Nothing was stolen, Trump ran up 8 trillion in debt, Trump was impeached twice because he committed impeachable offenses quite often, yada yada yada.

Defector Provides Evidence That the Chinese Military Orchestrated the Creation of COVID-19 and Lab Leak​

11 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jennifer Van Laar
One week ago we reported that a man believed to be the highest-ranking Chinese defector ever was working with the Defense Intelligence Agency and that he had direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs. We also reported that the defector provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials, that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) was able to corroborate very technical details of the information provided, and that in DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate.
RedState has now learned some details of the information provided by the defector, including that he provided data proving that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in addition to evidence confirming that the People’s Liberation Army managed the Wuhan program (and others), as Chinese virologist Yan Li-Meng told the FBI last year.
Technical details provided by the defector, RedState is told, were given to scientists (who were not told how that information was given to the government) who then re-analyzed data from published sources in conjunction with the new data and concluded that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was engineered. And, the defector was able to confirm numerous non-public details Yan provided the US government.
Pause for a moment and consider this. Our government now has additional evidence that a virus that killed 600,000 Americans, sickened millions more, nearly destroyed our economy, and inflicted untold collateral damage, was a bioweapon created by the Chinese military and deliberately released.
just how was it that Yan’s information was able to be so effectively dismissed? As we’ve covered over the last few weeks, EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak strongarmed other researchers into writing pieces in influential journals, like Lancet and Nature, dismissing the theory, and specifically dismissing Yan’s claims. Those pieces were used by Science Feedback, Facebook’s fact-checker, to deplatform news organizations who shared the information and wouldn’t take it down and to shut down the accounts of individuals who shared the information. News organizations couldn’t even report about Yan’s appearance on Tucker Carlson without being censored by big tech.
But back to Wray. The kicker is the ending to his answer regarding the information gleaned from the October 14 meeting:
“There are differences of view within the intelligence community about the origins of the coronavirus and so forth, and we are taking a deeper dive on the subject.”​
Is it any wonder that the entire Democrat/Media Complex is trying to destroy Matt Gaetz? Think about when the questions into his supposedly improper relationships with females started flooding the airwaves and which government organization is “investigating” Gaetz. I’m sure it’s all just a big coincidence and not an attempt to silence or intimidate Gaetz.
A lot of bureaucrats in the federal government are justifiably panicking right now, not knowing what other information is going to come to light to show just who knew what, when.

It is a safe assumption that any politician that has used the words "Build Back Better" in their speeches are cooperating with China.
Unfortuntely our government, it's employees, and its agencies have been infiltrated by Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies and are no longer trustworthy.
In the past decade alone they have inflicted upon the American people conspiracies against our duly elected sitting president, impeachment, a deadly virus, an unproven vaccine, trillions in debt, a stolen election, elected officials in cahoots with our enemies, adherence to socialist agendas, marxist groups destroying our cities and giving away tax payer dollars to people who are trying to kill us.
What more must we endure before this changes?
Tucker Carlson has aired the interview and statements by DR. Li-Meng Yan twice and yet the rest of the biased, complicit Quisling media has yet to air any of her statements up to now.
Don't forget now, all is in capable Joey Xi Bai Dung hands and China will be made to suffer.
He has by executive Order just lifted all sanctions on Chinese steel and aluminum, that will teach them to unleash a deadly bio-weapon on the world! Now! They will have to worry about getting all that steel and aluminum over here----that will teach them!
(If you are an employee of Alcoa in TN, better start making plans to join the lines of the unemployed.)

Spies are programmed to disseminate misinformation. I'm pretty sure that Alcoa is based in Montana with megatons of aluminum ore (bauxite).

Defector Provides Evidence That the Chinese Military Orchestrated the Creation of COVID-19 and Lab Leak​

11 Jun 2021 ~~ By Jennifer Van Laar
One week ago we reported that a man believed to be the highest-ranking Chinese defector ever was working with the Defense Intelligence Agency and that he had direct knowledge of special weapons programs in China, including bioweapons programs. We also reported that the defector provided an extensive, technically detailed debrief to US officials, that the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) was able to corroborate very technical details of the information provided, and that in DIA’s assessment, the information provided by the defector is legitimate.
RedState has now learned some details of the information provided by the defector, including that he provided data proving that SARS-CoV-2 was manmade and leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in addition to evidence confirming that the People’s Liberation Army managed the Wuhan program (and others), as Chinese virologist Yan Li-Meng told the FBI last year.
Technical details provided by the defector, RedState is told, were given to scientists (who were not told how that information was given to the government) who then re-analyzed data from published sources in conjunction with the new data and concluded that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was engineered. And, the defector was able to confirm numerous non-public details Yan provided the US government.
Pause for a moment and consider this. Our government now has additional evidence that a virus that killed 600,000 Americans, sickened millions more, nearly destroyed our economy, and inflicted untold collateral damage, was a bioweapon created by the Chinese military and deliberately released.
just how was it that Yan’s information was able to be so effectively dismissed? As we’ve covered over the last few weeks, EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak strongarmed other researchers into writing pieces in influential journals, like Lancet and Nature, dismissing the theory, and specifically dismissing Yan’s claims. Those pieces were used by Science Feedback, Facebook’s fact-checker, to deplatform news organizations who shared the information and wouldn’t take it down and to shut down the accounts of individuals who shared the information. News organizations couldn’t even report about Yan’s appearance on Tucker Carlson without being censored by big tech.
But back to Wray. The kicker is the ending to his answer regarding the information gleaned from the October 14 meeting:
“There are differences of view within the intelligence community about the origins of the coronavirus and so forth, and we are taking a deeper dive on the subject.”​
Is it any wonder that the entire Democrat/Media Complex is trying to destroy Matt Gaetz? Think about when the questions into his supposedly improper relationships with females started flooding the airwaves and which government organization is “investigating” Gaetz. I’m sure it’s all just a big coincidence and not an attempt to silence or intimidate Gaetz.
A lot of bureaucrats in the federal government are justifiably panicking right now, not knowing what other information is going to come to light to show just who knew what, when.

It is a safe assumption that any politician that has used the words "Build Back Better" in their speeches are cooperating with China.
Unfortuntely our government, it's employees, and its agencies have been infiltrated by Progressive Marxist/DSA Commies and are no longer trustworthy.
In the past decade alone they have inflicted upon the American people conspiracies against our duly elected sitting president, impeachment, a deadly virus, an unproven vaccine, trillions in debt, a stolen election, elected officials in cahoots with our enemies, adherence to socialist agendas, marxist groups destroying our cities and giving away tax payer dollars to people who are trying to kill us.
What more must we endure before this changes?
Tucker Carlson has aired the interview and statements by DR. Li-Meng Yan twice and yet the rest of the biased, complicit Quisling media has yet to air any of her statements up to now.
Don't forget now, all is in capable Joey Xi Bai Dung hands and China will be made to suffer.
He has by executive Order just lifted all sanctions on Chinese steel and aluminum, that will teach them to unleash a deadly bio-weapon on the world! Now! They will have to worry about getting all that steel and aluminum over here----that will teach them!
(If you are an employee of Alcoa in TN, better start making plans to join the lines of the unemployed.)

Its a safe assumption you're just throwing shit up against the wall in hopes that something will stick.

"In the past decade alone they have inflicted upon the American people conspiracies against our duly elected sitting president, impeachment, a deadly virus, an unproven vaccine, trillions in debt, a stolen election, elected officials in cahoots with our enemies, adherence to socialist agendas, marxist groups destroying our cities and giving away tax payer dollars to people who are trying to kill us."

Nothing was stolen, Trump ran up 8 trillion in debt, Trump was impeached twice because he committed impeachable offenses quite often, yada yada yada.

It's an even safer assumption you're a paid Chinese stooge.

this link from the OP story was used to try and justify the misinformation of the article.

Yet if you go to the link it states:
Yan told Fox News in an exclusive interview that she believes the Chinese government knew about the novel coronavirus well before it claimed it did. She says her supervisors, renowned as some of the top experts in the field, also ignored research she was doing at the onset of the pandemic that she believes could have saved lives.


She adds that they likely had an obligation to tell the world, given their status as a World Health Organization reference laboratory specializing in influenza viruses and pandemics, especially as the virus began spreading in the early days of 2020.

Yan, now in hiding, claims the government in the country where she was born is trying to shred her reputation and accuses government goons of choreographing a cyber-attack against her in hopes of keeping her quiet.

Yan believes her life is in danger. She fears she can never go back to her home and lives with the hard truth that she’ll likely never see her friends or family there again.

Never once did she say:

Defector Provides Evidence That the Chinese Military Orchestrated the Creation of COVID-19 and Lab Leak​

Like the OP claims in the title, which makes this thread an unclean OP and a campaign of misinformation...

this link from the OP story was used to try and justify the misinformation of the article.

Yet if you go to the link it states:

Never once did she say:

Like the OP claims in the title, which makes this thread an unclean OP and a campaign of misinformation...
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