Debt Apocalypse, our economy will collapse within a decade.What’s your specific solution? Numbers.

We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

I would go a bit slower, 3% a year for the 1st 5 years across the board, every piece of the government to include the DOD, to give the economy a chance to absorb the loss, the government is a big driver of our economy. After that we could do more targeted cutting.

I am good with the flat tax and the no deductions.

The "non-essential workers" is a canard. While there is much that can be cut, to be deemed "non-essential" during a specific event is meaningless. While in the Marines we had typhoons hit Oki 4 to 6 times a year. Who was "essential" to be on duty during the heart of the storm changed from week to week based upon the duty roster.

The winner of $10!!!!

See lefties, it’s not that tough!

Are you going to the Miami game in Orlando?
We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

I would go a bit slower, 3% a year for the 1st 5 years across the board, every piece of the government to include the DOD, to give the economy a chance to absorb the loss, the government is a big driver of our economy. After that we could do more targeted cutting.

I am good with the flat tax and the no deductions.

The "non-essential workers" is a canard. While there is much that can be cut, to be deemed "non-essential" during a specific event is meaningless. While in the Marines we had typhoons hit Oki 4 to 6 times a year. Who was "essential" to be on duty during the heart of the storm changed from week to week based upon the duty roster.

The winner of $10!!!!

See lefties, it’s not that tough!

Are you going to the Miami game in Orlando?

I live in the Mid-west! Too far for me to go. But I am going to the Mizzou game this year.
And we are fucked unless these yahoos start working together for all of us.

Why would they do that? Nancy Pelosi became worth 120,000,000.00 doing the opposite. So seriously whats their incentive? And if the citizens get restless well they just import more citizens.
We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

I would go a bit slower, 3% a year for the 1st 5 years across the board, every piece of the government to include the DOD, to give the economy a chance to absorb the loss, the government is a big driver of our economy. After that we could do more targeted cutting.

I am good with the flat tax and the no deductions.

The "non-essential workers" is a canard. While there is much that can be cut, to be deemed "non-essential" during a specific event is meaningless. While in the Marines we had typhoons hit Oki 4 to 6 times a year. Who was "essential" to be on duty during the heart of the storm changed from week to week based upon the duty roster.

The winner of $10!!!!

See lefties, it’s not that tough!

Are you going to the Miami game in Orlando?

I live in the Mid-west! Too far for me to go. But I am going to the Mizzou game this year.

You’ll have to come back to the Swamp and see a game sometime!

Very cool that you are going to the Missouri game. I have not been to that stadium. Still seems weird they are in the SEC.
And we are fucked unless these yahoos start working together for all of us.

Why would they do that? Nancy Pelosi became worth 120,000,000.00 doing the opposite. So seriously whats their incentive? And if the citizens get restless well they just import more citizens.
She's somehow different from McConnell?

And Pelosi did force Paygo before the recession. Imo the dems are acting as they have since LBJ. The gop stopped being reasonable when the Freedom Caucus decided people would vote to end soc sec. They won't. Not if the dems give them another option.
We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

Well, the last time, Volcker raised interest rates to 15% so Congress could not afford to borrow money.
There should be legislation passed that we can’t spend more than we take in, period.
We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

I would go a bit slower, 3% a year for the 1st 5 years across the board, every piece of the government to include the DOD, to give the economy a chance to absorb the loss, the government is a big driver of our economy. After that we could do more targeted cutting.

I am good with the flat tax and the no deductions.

The "non-essential workers" is a canard. While there is much that can be cut, to be deemed "non-essential" during a specific event is meaningless. While in the Marines we had typhoons hit Oki 4 to 6 times a year. Who was "essential" to be on duty during the heart of the storm changed from week to week based upon the duty roster.

The winner of $10!!!!

See lefties, it’s not that tough!

Are you going to the Miami game in Orlando?

I live in the Mid-west! Too far for me to go. But I am going to the Mizzou game this year.

You’ll have to come back to the Swamp and see a game sometime!

Very cool that you are going to the Missouri game. I have not been to that stadium. Still seems weird they are in the SEC.

It is weird that is for sure, but glad it is only a few hours away!
And we are fucked unless these yahoos start working together for all of us.

Why would they do that? Nancy Pelosi became worth 120,000,000.00 doing the opposite. So seriously whats their incentive? And if the citizens get restless well they just import more citizens.
She's somehow different from McConnell?

And Pelosi did force Paygo before the recession. Imo the dems are acting as they have since LBJ. The gop stopped being reasonable when the Freedom Caucus decided people would vote to end soc sec. They won't. Not if the dems give them another option.

OK so Mitch mcconell is worth 22,500,000.00

My point is the same. Whats the incentive for them? Looks like running the US bankrupt is highly profitable.

" Democracy and ‘progressive democracy’ are synonymous, and indistinguishable from the expansion of the state. Whilst ‘extreme right wing’ governments have, on rare occasions, momentarily arrested this process, its reversal lies beyond the bounds of democratic possibility. Since winning elections is overwhelmingly a matter of vote buying, and society’s informational organs (education and media) are no more resistant to bribery than the electorate, a thrifty politician is simply an incompetent politician, and the democratic variant of Darwinism quickly eliminates such misfits from the gene pool. This is a reality that the left applauds, the establishment right grumpily accepts, and the libertarian right has ineffectively railed against."
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.
Well you should care. Trump took Obama deficits and increased them during a strong economy. That’s the worst.

Yep. He should have told the Dimms to shove their budget up their asses and shut down the government.

What is your plan to get is out of deficit spending? If you are POTUS, lay out your budget using numbers.
Cut spending across the board and increase taxes on the rich and corps. Now find a politician that will do it.
awesome jobs killing steps. bankrupt america in four steps.
There should be legislation passed that we can’t spend more than we take in, period.

Here is my other plan for fixing the debt problem, but people do not like it...

The POTUS submits his budget request and then the spending bill is done and signed by a certain date, mandated by law. One the total amount we are going to spend is set, the Treasury Dept ups the taxes on everyone in the country by a percentage till the amount we want to spend is covered plus 10% for paying off the debt.

It is my hope that once people had to actually pay for all these things they want the Govt to do, there would be a massive revolt and our elected officials would be forced to balance the budget. I know it is a pipe dream.
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.
Well you should care. Trump took Obama deficits and increased them during a strong economy. That’s the worst.

Yep. He should have told the Dimms to shove their budget up their asses and shut down the government.

What is your plan to get is out of deficit spending? If you are POTUS, lay out your budget using numbers.
Cut spending across the board and increase taxes on the rich and corps. Now find a politician that will do it.
awesome jobs killing steps. bankrupt america in four steps.
Yes, you don’t care about deficits.
There should be legislation passed that we can’t spend more than we take in, period.

Here is my other plan for fixing the debt problem, but people do not like it...

The POTUS submits his budget request and then the spending bill is done and signed by a certain date, mandated by law. One the total amount we are going to spend is set, the Treasury Dept ups the taxes on everyone in the country by a percentage till the amount we want to spend is covered plus 10% for paying off the debt.

It is my hope that once people had to actually pay for all these things they want the Govt to do, there would be a massive revolt and our elected officials would be forced to balance the budget. I know it is a pipe dream.

I’d be willing to try it.

We are proper fucked very soon with the current rate by which the debt is growing.


That’s fucked. Our debt service is approaching 10% of the budget.
Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.
Well you should care. Trump took Obama deficits and increased them during a strong economy. That’s the worst.

Yep. He should have told the Dimms to shove their budget up their asses and shut down the government.

What is your plan to get is out of deficit spending? If you are POTUS, lay out your budget using numbers.
Cut spending across the board and increase taxes on the rich and corps. Now find a politician that will do it.
awesome jobs killing steps. bankrupt america in four steps.
Yes, you don’t care about deficits.
you don't obviously, you never said a word eight years of obammy. now you care? hmmmm nope. your still butt hurt at losing clinton. ahhhhh :fu:
Well you should care. Trump took Obama deficits and increased them during a strong economy. That’s the worst.

Yep. He should have told the Dimms to shove their budget up their asses and shut down the government.

What is your plan to get is out of deficit spending? If you are POTUS, lay out your budget using numbers.
Cut spending across the board and increase taxes on the rich and corps. Now find a politician that will do it.
awesome jobs killing steps. bankrupt america in four steps.
Yes, you don’t care about deficits.
you don't obviously, you never said a word eight years of obammy. now you care? hmmmm nope. your still butt hurt at losing clinton. ahhhhh :fu:
I’ve been speaking against debt since Perot ran. But you like to talk out your ass.
Yep. He should have told the Dimms to shove their budget up their asses and shut down the government.

What is your plan to get is out of deficit spending? If you are POTUS, lay out your budget using numbers.
Cut spending across the board and increase taxes on the rich and corps. Now find a politician that will do it.
awesome jobs killing steps. bankrupt america in four steps.
Yes, you don’t care about deficits.
you don't obviously, you never said a word eight years of obammy. now you care? hmmmm nope. your still butt hurt at losing clinton. ahhhhh :fu:
I’ve been speaking against debt since Perot ran. But you like to talk out your ass.
sure you have. LOL one link to you bitching about the debt during obammy. go!!!
Social Security is in the black for the next 15 years and I wouldn't further steal any more dough from it but rather either fix or eliminate the program. The more time we have to do, the less impact it will have on people.

Reduce spending by 5% a year. In 9 years we'd eliminate a third of what we're spending today.

Eliminate all categories of income and call a spade a spade by defining it as money received minus the dough directly spent by the receiver to earn it. Have 5 tax brackets ranging from 5%. Eliminate all deductions and credits.

To help keep spending under control eliminate federal tax withholding. Raise all tax rates in accordance with any spending increase (especially in cases where another GW Bush wants to start a war).

Have debt amortization schedule of 100 years. In good times pay off debt faster, in bad (when tax income is less) slow up re-payment to put it back on schedule.

A 2¢ tax per each word a person rambles on in social media (including message boards) with special loophole eliminating the tax for those having the characters "2¢" anywhere within their personal id as of 8/13/2019.

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