Debt Apocalypse, our economy will collapse within a decade.What’s your specific solution? Numbers.

It matters when deficits decrease, or at least stay relatively steady, is because the reason we fact a debt debacle is our gnp may not be large enough to pay the interest on the total debt.

us debt to gdp historical chart - Yahoo Image Search Results

It's not totally unlike a mortgage that you don't plan to pay off in your lifetime. So long as your income rises gradually, and your monthly payments of principle+interest stay the same, the actual burden of the mortgage lessens over time.

Interesting. So we are in some kind of crisis akin to WWII? Or did something change in America since WWII? The Civil War didnt cause this much debt and that was with Americans killing each other and tearing up railroads and burning cities to the ground.

So whats really going on?
You made the WWII comparison, not me. The crisis today is the debt itself, and having the political parties and potus of today and not 1946.

I didnt accuse of that bendog. Im just saying...a civil war..a world war...I can see the reason for debt. Besides Democrats screaming like lunatics that we are all going to die is there any reason for such debt today?

Trump's been running up the debt for over 2 years now. So, I'm not putting it on the dems. I am saying that unless one party or the other makes it an issue, it will not be an issue. And I don't see it being an issue in 2020.

But I agree we don't face any crisis that justifies the deficits of a trillion that we're running. Obama had a recession, although I was not a fan of the public works portion of porkulus. But it's undeniable that deficts were declining.

They will go up regardless of anything as the boomers fully retire, btw. That may be the crisis that really makes us decide between soc sec and the military as we've known it since WWII security is paid for by a separate tax isnt it? What has it got to do with the military?
Not since Reagan.
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!
I remember Diane Feinstein (D-CA) campaigning for US Senate by supporting a Balanced Budget Amendment, then immediately voting against it. Politicians on both sides of the aisle do this (e.g., John McCain re Obamacare), but the Dems are the masters of this type of deceit.

Our only (slim) hope is to vote out enough Dems and RINOs to submit a Constitutional Amendment to the States. How many libtards would support that? The answer is none, because all they are really interested in is talking points.
jmo but the gop
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!
jmo but the gop lost its way in the 2000 primary when Steve Forbes social views made him too toxic. Grover Norquist became the ideologue of the party, and his goal was to deficit spend till people vote to cut their own soc sec to keep the navy.
I remember Diane Feinstein (D-CA) campaigning for US Senate by supporting a Balanced Budget Amendment, then immediately voting against it. Politicians on both sides of the aisle do this (e.g., John McCain re Obamacare), but the Dems are the masters of this type of deceit.

Our only (slim) hope is to vote out enough Dems and RINOs to submit a Constitutional Amendment to the States. How many libtards would support that? The answer is none, because all they are really interested in is talking points.
Your plan will only turn US into Venezuela faster. Democrats are the only ones who actually cut spending, deficits & debt. Republicans only say they do!
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.
It’s so odd that lefties don’t care about the debt.

You guys are really misguided and really stupid.

It’s simple math. Our economy will crash at this pace within a decade. We won’t make our debt payments and interest rates will skyrocket because we will have to pay higher interest rates on T bills because we will be riskyz.

Keep worrying about transgendered rights.

The left only cares when they can use the issue to gain power in government. Otherwise, they don't give a crap.
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.
Well you should care. Trump took Obama deficits and increased them during a strong economy. That’s the worst.
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.
Well you should care. Trump took Obama deficits and increased them during a strong economy. That’s the worst.

Yep. He should have told the Dimms to shove their budget up their asses and shut down the government.

What is your plan to get is out of deficit spending? If you are POTUS, lay out your budget using numbers.
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.

Doubling the debt is the fail,

Do you even math?
It’s so odd that lefties don’t care about the debt.

You guys are really misguided and really stupid.

It’s simple math. Our economy will crash at this pace within a decade. We won’t make our debt payments and interest rates will skyrocket because we will have to pay higher interest rates on T bills because we will be riskyz.

Keep worrying about transgendered rights.
Deficits were decreasing until we had 2 years of repubs in full control. Who doesn’t care?
can't make it up.
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.
Well you should care. Trump took Obama deficits and increased them during a strong economy. That’s the worst.

Yep. He should have told the Dimms to shove their budget up their asses and shut down the government.

What is your plan to get is out of deficit spending? If you are POTUS, lay out your budget using numbers.
Cut spending across the board and increase taxes on the rich and corps. Now find a politician that will do it.
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.
Well you should care. Trump took Obama deficits and increased them during a strong economy. That’s the worst.

Yep. He should have told the Dimms to shove their budget up their asses and shut down the government.

What is your plan to get is out of deficit spending? If you are POTUS, lay out your budget using numbers.
It’s so odd that lefties don’t care about the debt.

You guys are really misguided and really stupid.

It’s simple math. Our economy will crash at this pace within a decade. We won’t make our debt payments and interest rates will skyrocket because we will have to pay higher interest rates on T bills because we will be riskyz.

Keep worrying about transgendered rights.
Deficits were decreasing until we had 2 years of repubs in full control. Who doesn’t care?

Deficits may have been decreasing, but the debt was still growing.

Why are we spending more than we take it period?

Why did the Dems take over the house and then increase the deficit?

What is your specific solution?
You ask them to not say orange man bad. Might as well ask a fish to not swim.
It’s so odd that lefties don’t care about the debt.

You guys are really misguided and really stupid.

It’s simple math. Our economy will crash at this pace within a decade. We won’t make our debt payments and interest rates will skyrocket because we will have to pay higher interest rates on T bills because we will be riskyz.

Keep worrying about transgendered rights.
Deficits were decreasing until we had 2 years of repubs in full control. Who doesn’t care?

Deficits may have been decreasing, but the debt was still growing.

Why are we spending more than we take it period?

Why did the Dems take over the house and then increase the deficit?

What is your specific solution?
You ask them to not say orange man bad. Might as well ask a fish to not swim.

Isn’t it amazing? That’s all they can add to any discussion.
We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.

I would go a bit slower, 3% a year for the 1st 5 years across the board, every piece of the government to include the DOD, to give the economy a chance to absorb the loss, the government is a big driver of our economy. After that we could do more targeted cutting.

I am good with the flat tax and the no deductions.

The "non-essential workers" is a canard. While there is much that can be cut, to be deemed "non-essential" during a specific event is meaningless. While in the Marines we had typhoons hit Oki 4 to 6 times a year. Who was "essential" to be on duty during the heart of the storm changed from week to week based upon the duty roster.
It’s so odd that lefties don’t care about the debt.

You guys are really misguided and really stupid.

It’s simple math. Our economy will crash at this pace within a decade. We won’t make our debt payments and interest rates will skyrocket because we will have to pay higher interest rates on T bills because we will be riskyz.

Keep worrying about transgendered rights.
Deficits were decreasing until we had 2 years of repubs in full control. Who doesn’t care?

Deficits may have been decreasing, but the debt was still growing.

Why are we spending more than we take it period?

Why did the Dems take over the house and then increase the deficit?

What is your specific solution?
You ask them to not say orange man bad. Might as well ask a fish to not swim.

Isn’t it amazing? That’s all they can add to any discussion.
How can we take you seriously on this subject? Trump can count on your vote. You vote for deficits.

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