Debt Apocalypse, our economy will collapse within a decade.What’s your specific solution? Numbers.

And we are fucked unless these yahoos start working together for all of us.

Why would they do that? Nancy Pelosi became worth 120,000,000.00 doing the opposite. So seriously whats their incentive? And if the citizens get restless well they just import more citizens.
She's somehow different from McConnell?

And Pelosi did force Paygo before the recession. Imo the dems are acting as they have since LBJ. The gop stopped being reasonable when the Freedom Caucus decided people would vote to end soc sec. They won't. Not if the dems give them another option.

OK so Mitch mcconell is worth 22,500,000.00

My point is the same. Whats the incentive for them? Looks like running the US bankrupt is highly profitable.

" Democracy and ‘progressive democracy’ are synonymous, and indistinguishable from the expansion of the state. Whilst ‘extreme right wing’ governments have, on rare occasions, momentarily arrested this process, its reversal lies beyond the bounds of democratic possibility. Since winning elections is overwhelmingly a matter of vote buying, and society’s informational organs (education and media) are no more resistant to bribery than the electorate, a thrifty politician is simply an incompetent politician, and the democratic variant of Darwinism quickly eliminates such misfits from the gene pool. This is a reality that the left applauds, the establishment right grumpily accepts, and the libertarian right has ineffectively railed against."
Rich people have served without lining up for the trough. I'm sure Pelosi has used her inside information to make investments. McConnell has specifically sided with making importing goods easier.

But McConnell to his credit, imo, did support a bipartisan agreement to raise future revenues less than the amount what would have been saved by reducing spending increases on social programs. And Obama supported it. Neither with wholehearted enthusiasm.

But the freedom caucus killed it. The votes were there in the House to pass it on a bipartisan vote, but Boehner wouldn't bring it up for a vote.

There's NO way cut spending without both parties buying in. McConnell says it. Obama did too. And McConnell said the issue is dead so long as Trump is potus. And that's largely why I'd vote for anyone but Hillary who opposes him. Biden too, I guess, but only because I really think he's lost his mind. He's reminding me of my old dog who died last month after suffering dementia for over a year. LOL The dog was lot more loveable though.

Pelosi made her money by giving away yours in exchange for votes. But that shouldn't be a revelation. Its harder to get rich giving away your own money.

It isnt rich people specifically...our Founders were rich and they set up a government they thought would be honest. Its power. And yes wealth and power often go together.

All I am asking here is what is the incentive? Why would politicians give up the power inherent in giving away money they didnt earn?

This guy gets it!
stupid RW Tards dont know the difference between debt & deficit then expect people to believe their shit when they blame it on the House.

these morons crack me up -

Look what the cat barfed up.

Adding wonderful content to threads as always.

What’s your solution to solving the debt crisis? Insulting conservatives on social media? Do you think that’s going to work?
Deficits were decreasing until we had 2 years of repubs in full control. Who doesn’t care?

Deficits may have been decreasing, but the debt was still growing.

Why are we spending more than we take it period?

Why did the Dems take over the house and then increase the deficit?

What is your specific solution?
Where is the tea party? They disappeared when deficits started increasing under trump.

My solution is everyone be an independent and vote out any politicians regardless of party that are not fiscally responsible. Trump needs to go...
I agree with you. Any politician who promotes more spending should be voted out of office. It is hilarious that you are focused on Trump.

HE does not write spending bills. The Democrats do.
He signs them and he signed the repub spending bill too. Trump had been a disaster for deficits. Why is that funny?
yes, and we've (real conservatives) have given him shit for it too.

Regardless, the bills originate in the House (Democrat-controlled) and the deficits are on them. The Debt is on ALL of THEM.
For two years it was all in repubs. Now they are sharing in the deals.

Giving them shit? You give them your votes every time.
Jc cares so much about debt he’ll vote for trump again. Huge deficits during a strong economy.
hey poindexter, how come the bill from the house has a deficit? you voted for em right?
I typically vote out incumbents.
so you voted for palin?

romney then?
Ive voted repub much more than dem. Mistakes were made.
Social Security is in the black for the next 15 years and I wouldn't further steal any more dough from it but rather either fix or eliminate the program. The more time we have to do, the less impact it will have on people.

Reduce spending by 5% a year. In 9 years we'd eliminate a third of what we're spending today.

Eliminate all categories of income and call a spade a spade by defining it as money received minus the dough directly spent by the receiver to earn it. Have 5 tax brackets ranging from 5%. Eliminate all deductions and credits.

To help keep spending under control eliminate federal tax withholding. Raise all tax rates in accordance with any spending increase (especially in cases where another GW Bush wants to start a war).

Have debt amortization schedule of 100 years. In good times pay off debt faster, in bad (when tax income is less) slow up re-payment to put it back on schedule.

A 2¢ tax per each word a person rambles on in social media (including message boards) with special loophole eliminating the tax for those having the characters "2¢" anywhere within their personal id as of 8/13/2019.
the budget comes from the House, tell em. they alt to.

No way I'm dealing with those clowns in congress.

Actually I'm shooting for the presidency: My2¢ 2020.
Note to who may be concerned: I'm referring to shooting as in "quest" not the "bang-bang" kind.

The annual federal budget process starts with the executive branch gathering data from all the various agencies and with it the president creates the initial starting point with his own version of the federal budget I tune in to watch any president's State of the Union message because he outlines his priorities. So one might say the president is both the starting and ending point in the budget process. Once congress gets involved and takes the lead, the process turns to crap.

I found this interesting on the steps of creating the annual budget: 9 Steps in Creating the Federal Budget
Social Security is in the black for the next 15 years and I wouldn't further steal any more dough from it but rather either fix or eliminate the program. The more time we have to do, the less impact it will have on people.

Reduce spending by 5% a year. In 9 years we'd eliminate a third of what we're spending today.

Eliminate all categories of income and call a spade a spade by defining it as money received minus the dough directly spent by the receiver to earn it. Have 5 tax brackets ranging from 5%. Eliminate all deductions and credits.

To help keep spending under control eliminate federal tax withholding. Raise all tax rates in accordance with any spending increase (especially in cases where another GW Bush wants to start a war).

Have debt amortization schedule of 100 years. In good times pay off debt faster, in bad (when tax income is less) slow up re-payment to put it back on schedule.

A 2¢ tax per each word a person rambles on in social media (including message boards) with special loophole eliminating the tax for those having the characters "2¢" anywhere within their personal id as of 8/13/2019.
the budget comes from the House, tell em. they alt to.

No way I'm dealing with those clowns in congress.

Actually I'm shooting for the presidency: My2¢ 2020.
Note to who may be concerned: I'm referring to shooting as in "quest" not the "bang-bang" kind.

The annual federal budget process starts with the executive branch gathering data from all the various agencies and with it the president creates the initial starting point with his own version of the federal budget I tune in to watch any president's State of the Union message because he outlines his priorities. So one might say the president is both the starting and ending point in the budget process. Once congress gets involved and takes the lead, the process turns to crap.

I found this interesting on the steps of creating the annual budget: 9 Steps in Creating the Federal Budget
and it goes to the house and filed in section 13,
Support the President's domestic and foreign policy instead of fantasizing about disaster. Hear that democrats? As the U.S. regains it's trade superiority and the economy keeps booming the debit will come down provided that democrats don't sabotage it.
Take what the Bunga-Bunga class has stolen from us through bailouts and buying politicians, and pay down the debt with it.
So, what is your solution?

Ronald Reagan called for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. Sounds good to me.
Reagan tripled the debt . Repubs talked balanced budget amendment until they had all the power. Vote em out.

Compare the raw dollars added to the debt by all Presidents since Reagan.

You can do it. Just list the $$$.
All but Clinton were quite a disaster.
We are roughly $22 trillion in debt and adding about $1 trillion per year.

My solution is to cut SPENDING BY 20% across the board immediately.

2020 budget is $4.7 trillion. For 2021, it should be $3.8 trillion. Then 10% reduction for 2 years. 2022: $3.4 trillion, 2023: $3 trillion. Then hold, it at $3 trillion until the debt is paid off.

Also, 20% flat tax on every dime earned over $20,000 in America, period. No deductions.

If we don’t get this shit handled, it’s going to crash and these wussy millennials and Igens will be eating out of garbage cans.


This is much more dangerous to our economy than cow farts.

So, what is your solution?

If you are an NPC leftist that is just going to post, “Orange Man Bad!”, don’t waste your time.

Give specific number or get lost.

Yes, I am mad at Trump ford signing the past 2 budgets. He should have fired ALL NON ESSENTIAL GOVERNMENT WORKERS.
I've been telling you numbnuts how to balance the budget ever since coming to this forum. No one on this forum has been more consistent about the debt than me.

It's very simple, but our politicians do not have the integrity or the courage to do it: Ban all tax expenditures.

Then not only would we have a balanced budget, we would actually have a surplus which we could use to pay down the debt and lower everyone's tax rates. Once the debt was paid off, we could lower tax rates even more.

But you watch. The pseudocons scream like the welfare queens they are whenever they think about having their tax deductions, credits, and exemptions taken away from them.
So, what is your solution?

Ronald Reagan called for a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution. Sounds good to me.
Reagan tripled the debt . Repubs talked balanced budget amendment until they had all the power. Vote em out.

Compare the raw dollars added to the debt by all Presidents since Reagan.

You can do it. Just list the $$$.
All but Clinton were quite a disaster.

I would have never guessed that our deficits could increase as they have with such low unemployment and strong economy. Quite a feat.

Step one is probably a freeze on any budget increases.
Roughly 10% goes to pay Federal Pensions. WTH? Makes me angry since long before I joined here. Any way to ELIMINATE that would be great. SS for all or nothing.

Roughly 3X that amount pays all SS? They hide how many, how much to FED recievers.
Pay freeze and 25% permanent pay reduction for all FED workers (but active Military or Police) making 3X poverty level. 10% cut for lower. All buy own healthcare, like us.

25% layoff. No luxury spending across the board for 5 years.

Huge sale of GOVT properties, all pay towards debt. $Trillions available easy. Sell Camp Pendleton, sell near Dana Point.
Obama saved the US Economy, Jobs, government & Dollar. Like Clinton, He lowered the deficit every year driving Gold price down from $1920 to $1085. Like Reagan, Bush1 & Bush2, Trump has already EXPLODED deficit, destroying US dollar driving Gold up from $1085 to $1520 & soaring higher! Coming soon major Trump Crash & 20 million Jobs Lost!

Obama added $10 trillion to the debt.

I don’t GAF if he lowered the deficit, he doubled the debt.

Obama years added debt, but all he could do is veto spending bills?

Debt was about $9T when DEMS took full control in 2007 and ramped to $20T on auto-pilot before the Trump years. They did nothing to stop the housing meltdown their policies caused.

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