Death By Firing Squad, in a Nonmilitary case, Odd.

I think i would rather be shot. :lol:

yeah, those firing squids just get you all inky. :lol:

:lol: Naw its the thought of that nasty squishy wet slimy thing shot at me. Eight legs with suckers all coming at me ready to grab hold. :ack-1: I would end up looking like I got attacked my that salt monster on Star Trek :lol::lol::lol::lol: That or a really bad cupping job.

And dam I forgot about the ink!
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I disagree. The only reason I would be for NOT sentencing a scumbag murderer to death by the very means he/she inflicted upon his/her victim is so I could put them in a cell in general population with a dude named "Lee-Roy".

How much concern did said predator show for the Rights of said predator's victim? Yet we as a society are supposed to be all concerned about the Rights of the predator?


Bundy should have been hanged, drawn and quartered and it STILL would have been too merciful.:evil:
Cherry picking the constitution, eh? Let me know when it's my turn!

I didn't cherry pick shit, bitch. Let me guess ... you think I don't have the right to keep and bear arms ... :rolleyes:

"Cruel and unusual" depends on your Depends, bubba.

When you leftwinggoobs get a clue about the Constitution, let me know, huh? Last I checked your messiah is all about defiling and deficating on it. Guess he couldn't find some Charmin to wipe his ass with.

Oh wait ... this just in ... O blah blah is making another trip to the Gulf ....:rolleyes:

Get real, huh ....
You 'cherry picked' out that part about cruel and unusual! Drawing and quartering? Not cruel nor unusual? Are you really Rip Van winkle sitting in amazement at the wonders of our century?

If you right wing Nazi wannabes interpret the constitution, we are in big trouble. Our civilization would be set back decades if not centuries to appease your insatiable blood lust.

And you can't keep and bear arms like grenade launchers, land mines, flame throwers, missiles (and your boy Bush's favorite) 'nucular' weapons!
Ya know I am not for execution with dignity. Most cases the people on death row committed some fucked up murders. Why should the criminal have a death any less brutal or painful or LONG?

Death by firing squad. I hope they get some marksmen to nick a few vital organs and let him bleed out. Slowly

So that bit in the Constitution about cruel and unusual punishment doesn't mean that much, eh?

funny, I thought that 'well regulated militia' part is held in the same regards

Well I have no knowledge of mailitia's so that statement doesn't mean much to me.

Yea the bit in the Constitution didn't quite foresee what scope of murdered is today.

For example here we had a 13 year old girl kidnapped and taken deep into the woods, reaped, beaten and her arms cut off just above the elbows and left to die. She walked 10 hours until she found a road and passed out.

Cruel and usual?

I was for doing the same to him and seeing if he lived to tell the tail, AND then put him in jail for the crime.

I remember that, you know he only served 8 years for what he did to her? He was released and stabbed a woman to death. Sickening!

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