Dear Lefty: Please Define The Crime of Russian Collusion

my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.

Well Claudette disagrees with you.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

Perhaps you two should debate one another. It will be fun watching mental-midget wrestling.

Let me guess…you have no interest in that do you?

Still no answer on Barry and his boys knowing about the hack??

Thought not.

Continue on with your blind Trump hate. Its suites you.

Suites? Too damn funny.

As you testified…the President isn’t responsible for hacking. Except if he is black apparently.
It seems that the toxic right has suffered a Blue Wave Attack and will double down on every conspiracy theory.

What faces them now is a Republican Party in disarray. A Party soon to become a minor political party once the Democratic Controlled H. of Rep. begins to subpoena members of the Trump inner circle; release documents withheld by Grassley and Nunes to mislead by omission facts which the American People deserve to hear.

Their big tent will soon be vacated by real conservatives and those suburban college educated citizens who have not already left and have had enough of Trumpism and the machinations of McConnell.
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?

Ummm, it's not really hacking if someone has the password.

Yes it is.

It’s unauthorized use of a computer network—the literal term. In some states, as I under stand it, it’s a 2nd degree felony.
look, I don't think it's robbery if someone has a key to your house you gave them and they take something. same thing happened with Podesta. He gave them his password and said come on in!

Did you authorize someone to take your TV set if you ask them to water your plants while you’re on vacation? Probably not. But you did give the key so you’re okay with the heisting of the TV?
It seems that the toxic right has suffered a Blue Wave Attack and will double down on every conspiracy theory.

What faces them now is a Republican Party in disarray. A Party soon to become a minor political party once the Democratic Controlled H. of Rep. begins to subpoena members of the Trump inner circle; release documents withheld by Grassley and Nunes to mislead by omission facts which the American People deserve to hear.

Their big tent will soon be vacated by real conservatives and those suburban college educated citizens who have not already left and have had enough of Trumpism and the machinations of McConnell.
:dunno: when the blue wave fizzles out.
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.

Well Claudette disagrees with you.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

Perhaps you two should debate one another. It will be fun watching mental-midget wrestling.

Let me guess…you have no interest in that do you?
everyone says they did, but as of right now, no one has looked at the server to verify it. Until one fking person looks at the server, there is no evidence of a hack, plain and simple. It is just a fact. Claudette, you, or anyone else in here.

You should debate the daft bitch….I’ll watch.

You can’t hurt her self worth; she has none.
It seems that the toxic right has suffered a Blue Wave Attack and will double down on every conspiracy theory.

What faces them now is a Republican Party in disarray. A Party soon to become a minor political party once the Democratic Controlled H. of Rep. begins to subpoena members of the Trump inner circle; release documents withheld by Grassley and Nunes to mislead by omission facts which the American People deserve to hear.

Their big tent will soon be vacated by real conservatives and those suburban college educated citizens who have not already left and have had enough of Trumpism and the machinations of McConnell.
Instead of getting on your soap box and pontificating and propagandizing this thread and it's readers, how about you just simply answer the question that is posed in the opening message?

Please Define Russian Collusion citing US Code to do so. It's a simple task. Simply name The Crime that Mueller was charged with Investigating citing US Code.

It's a simple litmus test for whether or not Mueller's Investigation is a witch hunt in search of a crime, or an Investigation in search of evidence for a crime we know was committed.
Q. "Please Define The Crime of Russian Collusion"

A. Turn on the MSM and turn off Fox News and you'll see a time-line of Trump's inner circle colluding with Russian's.
It seems that the toxic right has suffered a Blue Wave Attack and will double down on every conspiracy theory.

What faces them now is a Republican Party in disarray. A Party soon to become a minor political party once the Democratic Controlled H. of Rep. begins to subpoena members of the Trump inner circle; release documents withheld by Grassley and Nunes to mislead by omission facts which the American People deserve to hear.

Their big tent will soon be vacated by real conservatives and those suburban college educated citizens who have not already left and have had enough of Trumpism and the machinations of McConnell.
Instead of getting on your soap box and pontificating and propagandizing this thread and it's readers, how about you just simply answer the question that is posed in the opening message?

Please Define Russian Collusion citing US Code to do so. It's a simple task. Simply name The Crime that Mueller was charged with Investigating citing US Code.

It's a simple litmus test for whether or not Mueller's Investigation is a witch hunt in search of a crime, or an Investigation in search of evidence for a crime we know was committed.

Save your breath old guy. She doesn't know. She's just another Trump hater looking for that gottcha moment.

The investigation into the multiple scandals of Shin Splints continues unabated. Your denials are rather funny.
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.
If an honest evaluation were done of The DNC Server rather than accept the flawed and retracted report of a paid contractor working for THE DNC, THE ENTIRE "Russia hacked The DNC" narrative explodes. The only hackers at THE DNC were Schultz' and Cliton's Pakistani Hackers who became friends with Seth Rich and were supporters of Bernie Sanders.


Friends Of Liberty Archives: Imran Awan went to bar with Seth Rich day he was killed
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.
If an honest evaluation were done of The Server rather than accept the flawed and retracted report of a paid contractor working for THE DNC, THE ENTIRE "Russia hacked The DNC" narrative explodes. The only hackers at THE DNC were Schultz' and Cliton's Pakistani Hackers who became friends with Seth Rich and were supporters of Bernie Sanders.


Friends Of Liberty Archives: Imran Awan went to bar with Seth Rich day he was killed

Does Art Bell know about this?

Again…debate @Claudette….she seems to think the DNC servers were hacked by the Russians.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.
If an honest evaluation were done of The Server rather than accept the flawed and retracted report of a paid contractor working for THE DNC, THE ENTIRE "Russia hacked The DNC" narrative explodes. The only hackers at THE DNC were Schultz' and Cliton's Pakistani Hackers who became friends with Seth Rich and were supporters of Bernie Sanders.


Friends Of Liberty Archives: Imran Awan went to bar with Seth Rich day he was killed

Does Art Bell know about this?

Again…debate @Claudette….she seems to think the DNC servers were hacked by the Russians.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

They did. If you are having trouble believing it then do some research. I did.

Oh and how bout Barry and his people knowing about it and doing nothing. They should be investigating him, not Trump.

Still got crickets on that one.
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?

Ummm, it's not really hacking if someone has the password.

Yes it is.

It’s unauthorized use of a computer network—the literal term. In some states, as I under stand it, it’s a 2nd degree felony.
look, I don't think it's robbery if someone has a key to your house you gave them and they take something. same thing happened with Podesta. He gave them his password and said come on in!

Did you authorize someone to take your TV set if you ask them to water your plants while you’re on vacation? Probably not. But you did give the key so you’re okay with the heisting of the TV?
I'd go ask for it back. I wouldn't call the cops. nope.
Please Define Russian Collusion citing US Code to do so.

There may be multiple laws, I'm not an expert, but the most direct statute I'm aware of is 52 US § 30121, which forbids campaign contributions from foreign nationals. Also, while the word "collusion" does not have a single legal definition, violations of various conspiracy laws (e.g. 18 US § 371) could be described as collusion if Trump campaign members conspired with foreign governments or individuals to commit crimes related to the DNC hacking, fraud, or to violate the emoluments clause.
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.
If an honest evaluation were done of The Server rather than accept the flawed and retracted report of a paid contractor working for THE DNC, THE ENTIRE "Russia hacked The DNC" narrative explodes. The only hackers at THE DNC were Schultz' and Cliton's Pakistani Hackers who became friends with Seth Rich and were supporters of Bernie Sanders.


Friends Of Liberty Archives: Imran Awan went to bar with Seth Rich day he was killed

Does Art Bell know about this?

Again…debate @Claudette….she seems to think the DNC servers were hacked by the Russians.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

They did. If you are having trouble believing it then do some research. I did.

I agree with you. Your fellow lowlifes seem to have trouble believing you.
Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?

Ummm, it's not really hacking if someone has the password.

Yes it is.

It’s unauthorized use of a computer network—the literal term. In some states, as I under stand it, it’s a 2nd degree felony.
look, I don't think it's robbery if someone has a key to your house you gave them and they take something. same thing happened with Podesta. He gave them his password and said come on in!

Did you authorize someone to take your TV set if you ask them to water your plants while you’re on vacation? Probably not. But you did give the key so you’re okay with the heisting of the TV?
I'd go ask for it back. I wouldn't call the cops. nope.

Yeah. You’re lying out your ass. What else is new?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.
If an honest evaluation were done of The Server rather than accept the flawed and retracted report of a paid contractor working for THE DNC, THE ENTIRE "Russia hacked The DNC" narrative explodes. The only hackers at THE DNC were Schultz' and Cliton's Pakistani Hackers who became friends with Seth Rich and were supporters of Bernie Sanders.


Friends Of Liberty Archives: Imran Awan went to bar with Seth Rich day he was killed

Does Art Bell know about this?

Again…debate @Claudette….she seems to think the DNC servers were hacked by the Russians.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

They did. If you are having trouble believing it then do some research. I did.

Oh and how bout Barry and his people knowing about it and doing nothing. They should be investigating him, not Trump.

Still got crickets on that one.
Claudette, there is no evidence of anyone hacking the DNC server because no one looked at. You are right Obammy and his team knew the russian's were cybering around, but there is absolutely no evidence they went in the DNC server. Crowdstrike already retracted their story.

Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report


U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year's American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented data published by an influential British think tank.

In December, CrowdStrike said it found evidence that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, contributing to heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine's war with pro-Russian separatists.

VOA reported Tuesday that the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), which publishes an annual reference estimating the strength of world armed forces, disavowed the CrowdStrike report and said it had never been contacted by the company."

And no agency of the government has looked at the server. So your knowledge is a bit shaky with all of this knowledge out there.
Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.
If an honest evaluation were done of The Server rather than accept the flawed and retracted report of a paid contractor working for THE DNC, THE ENTIRE "Russia hacked The DNC" narrative explodes. The only hackers at THE DNC were Schultz' and Cliton's Pakistani Hackers who became friends with Seth Rich and were supporters of Bernie Sanders.


Friends Of Liberty Archives: Imran Awan went to bar with Seth Rich day he was killed

Does Art Bell know about this?

Again…debate @Claudette….she seems to think the DNC servers were hacked by the Russians.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

They did. If you are having trouble believing it then do some research. I did.

I agree with you. Your fellow lowlifes seem to have trouble believing you.

No, they along with me, know Trump didn't collude with the Russians during the election.

You however think he did.

You don't seem to care that Barry and his people knew and did nothing but you sure are determined to believe Trump knew and in fact planned it with the Russians.

You like the other lefty loons believe it.
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Since we are talking about Seth Rich....and Russian Things....

Who here finds it VERY STRANGE that a FAKE BEACON PING was planted on a Trump Tower Server and a Russian Alpha Bank Server at the same time?

Who also finds it mysterious that during this time, after the election, that numerous Russians contacted Jeff Sessions, Flynn and others who were going to be part of The Trump Administration? Were they sent to speak with these people to create a False Air of Suspicion? All the contacts were legal and all the conversations between these individuals were legitimate and legal conversations. The only thing wrong with them was if when you were questioned about such meetings is if you got the time or date wrong...then you were lying about it.

If the Beacon Ping was Planted on Trump Tower Server, and Obama was wire tapping The Entier Trump Campaign Team and Family, doesn't this sound like a framing attempt?

And I'll add another. Why did Fusion GPS, and The Obama Administration who had Trump Tower under Surveilance feel the need to send Natalia Veselnitskaya to a meeting at Trump Tower, with Paul Manafort? The report I read said they quickly dismissed her, but that Manafort was on his phone the entire meeting. Was he recording that meeting?

And how about the case of Papadapoulis? He committed no crime, yet was approached like everyone else was by someone who was either Russian or said they had Russian Dirt on Clinton. Nobody was going out and looking for this stuff....well no one except Clinton soliciting Russian Dirt on Trump.

Here is another one... Why was Michael Cohen recording conversations with President Trump without his consent, not only violating attorney client privilege, but also laws against invasions of privacy?

Why wasn't The DNC Server EVER Subpoened?

Why was Hillary Clinton allowed to Bleach Bit her Server before THE FBI looked at it? So, they were able to look at Clinton's server AFTER Clinton with Comey's Permission Violated TWO Federal Court Orders not to delete anything on it, but the FBI was just SO IMPOTENT....So WEAK....So Limp Wristed that they couldn't get their hands on The DNC Sever?

For the LOVE OF GOD, it was in The Interest of National Security.....THE RUSSIANS ALLEGEDLY HACKED IT.

FBI....umm.......we'll just take your word for it....we don't want to see it.

This goes on and on and on...

Why was Flynn Charged with lying when Comey in Public Testimony said Flynn did not lie?

I could write a list a couple pages long with extremely curious and mysterious inconsistencies.

Hell, just look how Clinton and her staff were treated with Kid Gloves, while anyone associated with Trump is being driven in to bankruptcy.

How do you give an entire campaign, and candidate and her staff Immunity, even extend it to other groups and people like The Podestas? Then not record their testimony, not even create transcripts of it?

And then on the other hand you engage in Pre-Dawn Raids, Violations of Attorney Client Privilege, Waking people up in the night clothes pointing machine guns at them like a bunch of goose stepping Nazis trying to hunt down some Evil Jews?

Are Conservatives The New Jews for The DemNazi Party?
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Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.
If an honest evaluation were done of The Server rather than accept the flawed and retracted report of a paid contractor working for THE DNC, THE ENTIRE "Russia hacked The DNC" narrative explodes. The only hackers at THE DNC were Schultz' and Cliton's Pakistani Hackers who became friends with Seth Rich and were supporters of Bernie Sanders.


Friends Of Liberty Archives: Imran Awan went to bar with Seth Rich day he was killed

Does Art Bell know about this?

Again…debate @Claudette….she seems to think the DNC servers were hacked by the Russians.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

They did. If you are having trouble believing it then do some research. I did.

Oh and how bout Barry and his people knowing about it and doing nothing. They should be investigating him, not Trump.

Still got crickets on that one.
Claudette, there is no evidence of anyone hacking the DNC server because no one looked at. You are right Obammy and his team knew the russian's were cybering around, but there is absolutely no evidence they went in the DNC server. Crowdstrike already retracted their story.

Cyber Firm Rewrites Part of Disputed Russian Hacking Report


U.S. cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike has revised and retracted statements it used to buttress claims of Russian hacking during last year's American presidential election campaign. The shift followed a VOA report that the company misrepresented data published by an influential British think tank.

In December, CrowdStrike said it found evidence that Russians hacked into a Ukrainian artillery app, contributing to heavy losses of howitzers in Ukraine's war with pro-Russian separatists.

VOA reported Tuesday that the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), which publishes an annual reference estimating the strength of world armed forces, disavowed the CrowdStrike report and said it had never been contacted by the company."

And no agency of the government has looked at the server. So your knowledge is a bit shaky with all of this knowledge out there.

Slap that bitch again!
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.
If an honest evaluation were done of The Server rather than accept the flawed and retracted report of a paid contractor working for THE DNC, THE ENTIRE "Russia hacked The DNC" narrative explodes. The only hackers at THE DNC were Schultz' and Cliton's Pakistani Hackers who became friends with Seth Rich and were supporters of Bernie Sanders.


Friends Of Liberty Archives: Imran Awan went to bar with Seth Rich day he was killed

Does Art Bell know about this?

Again…debate @Claudette….she seems to think the DNC servers were hacked by the Russians.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

They did. If you are having trouble believing it then do some research. I did.

I agree with you. Your fellow lowlifes seem to have trouble believing you.

No, they along with me, know Trump didn't collude with the Russians during the election.

Except everyone in the Trump campaign seemed to have meetings with the Russians and one of them knew about the hacking of Mr. Podesta well in advance of anyone else. But you keep believing that…and that Trump loves you….it’s fun to watch you get slammed from both sides.

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