Dear Lefty: Please Define The Crime of Russian Collusion

Don't hold your breath because there is no source. Just Cornholio's deepest wish's.

Oh there was hacking all right.

Hacking Barry's intelligence and cyber people knew about but did nothing about.

Hell the FBI told the DNC IT guy to watch for hacking which he did not.

The only Russian hacking that went on was the DNC servers the FBI warned about. They didn't hack voting booths or interfere with the election at all.

When a computer gets hacked, a crime is committed. Whether it controls a voting machine, a hospital’s records, or Aunt Edna’s calendar of May Jong matches for next year. Conspiring with hackers is a crime whether they be Russians, Romanians or domestic. Top Trump advisor Roger Stone knew about the hacking going on….tweeted about it….and was advising the Trump campaign during it; either formally or informally.

All of this is factual and is not in dispute.

Perhaps you can summon the courage to accept it….I’m guessing not though. You’d need self-esteem to do that.

Sure. Go after the Russians who did the hacking.

Oh wait. I forgot. They already did and those Russians will never be in court.

Trump wasn't POTUS. Barry was and his intelligence and cyber people were aware of the hacking and did nothing about it.

Trump was running for POTUS. He wasn't POTUS. Barry was so why don't you throw your bullshit at Barry and his people. They were the ones who could have done something about it. Not Trump

Marriott was hacked yesterday. Is Trump responsible for that?

If I paid/worked with someone who hacked Marriott would I be responsible?

Clearly the President isn’t responsible for organizations being hacked; no more than she/he is responsible for any other crime committed in any community in the US. Is this really that much of a mystery to you?

When you have one political operation working with Russians to hack another political operation, clearly that is conspiracy. Mueller is investigating whether any laws were broken. I think they were and clearly the AG’s office thought there was; hence the creation of the Office of Special Counsel to look into it.

Your low self esteem prevents you from reasoning.

Well Barry and his people knew about it. Wonder why you aren't all up in their faces because they did nothing.

Low self esteem??

Okay, Marriott was hacked yesterday. Trump is the President. According to you, the President is responsible for stopping it.

Do you blame Trump?

A simple Yes or No will suffice.

Nope. Big difference between hacking a hotel and hacking the DNC servers during an election.

You still haven't answered the question.

Why aren't you questioning the fact that Barry and his people knew about the hack but did nothing. He was POTUS. Not Trump. His cyber people could have done something about it.
When a computer gets hacked, a crime is committed. Whether it controls a voting machine, a hospital’s records, or Aunt Edna’s calendar of May Jong matches for next year. Conspiring with hackers is a crime whether they be Russians, Romanians or domestic. Top Trump advisor Roger Stone knew about the hacking going on….tweeted about it….and was advising the Trump campaign during it; either formally or informally.

All of this is factual and is not in dispute.

Perhaps you can summon the courage to accept it….I’m guessing not though. You’d need self-esteem to do that.

Sure. Go after the Russians who did the hacking.

Oh wait. I forgot. They already did and those Russians will never be in court.

Trump wasn't POTUS. Barry was and his intelligence and cyber people were aware of the hacking and did nothing about it.

Trump was running for POTUS. He wasn't POTUS. Barry was so why don't you throw your bullshit at Barry and his people. They were the ones who could have done something about it. Not Trump

Marriott was hacked yesterday. Is Trump responsible for that?

If I paid/worked with someone who hacked Marriott would I be responsible?

Clearly the President isn’t responsible for organizations being hacked; no more than she/he is responsible for any other crime committed in any community in the US. Is this really that much of a mystery to you?

When you have one political operation working with Russians to hack another political operation, clearly that is conspiracy. Mueller is investigating whether any laws were broken. I think they were and clearly the AG’s office thought there was; hence the creation of the Office of Special Counsel to look into it.

Your low self esteem prevents you from reasoning.

Well Barry and his people knew about it. Wonder why you aren't all up in their faces because they did nothing.

Low self esteem??

Okay, Marriott was hacked yesterday. Trump is the President. According to you, the President is responsible for stopping it.

Do you blame Trump?

A simple Yes or No will suffice.

Nope. Big difference between hacking a hotel and hacking the DNC servers during an election.
Both are private institutions….there is no difference. But thanks for admitting hacking did take place. I know that was a big step for you.

The reason you won’t blame Trump is because in your mind, one mustn’t speak ill of their master.
Sure. Go after the Russians who did the hacking.

Oh wait. I forgot. They already did and those Russians will never be in court.

Trump wasn't POTUS. Barry was and his intelligence and cyber people were aware of the hacking and did nothing about it.

Trump was running for POTUS. He wasn't POTUS. Barry was so why don't you throw your bullshit at Barry and his people. They were the ones who could have done something about it. Not Trump

Marriott was hacked yesterday. Is Trump responsible for that?

If I paid/worked with someone who hacked Marriott would I be responsible?

Clearly the President isn’t responsible for organizations being hacked; no more than she/he is responsible for any other crime committed in any community in the US. Is this really that much of a mystery to you?

When you have one political operation working with Russians to hack another political operation, clearly that is conspiracy. Mueller is investigating whether any laws were broken. I think they were and clearly the AG’s office thought there was; hence the creation of the Office of Special Counsel to look into it.

Your low self esteem prevents you from reasoning.

Well Barry and his people knew about it. Wonder why you aren't all up in their faces because they did nothing.

Low self esteem??

Okay, Marriott was hacked yesterday. Trump is the President. According to you, the President is responsible for stopping it.

Do you blame Trump?

A simple Yes or No will suffice.

Nope. Big difference between hacking a hotel and hacking the DNC servers during an election.
Both are private institutions….there is no difference. But thanks for admitting hacking did take place. I know that was a big step for you.

The reason you won’t blame Trump is because in your mind, one mustn’t speak ill of their master.

LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??

Trump isn't to blame for the hack. The Russians are.

Trump isn't my master but he's one helluva good POTUS.

Now what about Barry knowing and having his cyber people do nothing. You don't seem to want to address that little factoid. They should be investigating Barry and his people. Not Trump.

Guess you don't want to admit that your hero isn't as heroic as you think he is.
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hard to understand why RW idiots believe the only target in Meuller's sights is collusion.

wait - they're RW IDIOTS ...
Marriott was hacked yesterday. Is Trump responsible for that?

If I paid/worked with someone who hacked Marriott would I be responsible?

Clearly the President isn’t responsible for organizations being hacked; no more than she/he is responsible for any other crime committed in any community in the US. Is this really that much of a mystery to you?

When you have one political operation working with Russians to hack another political operation, clearly that is conspiracy. Mueller is investigating whether any laws were broken. I think they were and clearly the AG’s office thought there was; hence the creation of the Office of Special Counsel to look into it.

Your low self esteem prevents you from reasoning.

Well Barry and his people knew about it. Wonder why you aren't all up in their faces because they did nothing.

Low self esteem??

Okay, Marriott was hacked yesterday. Trump is the President. According to you, the President is responsible for stopping it.

Do you blame Trump?

A simple Yes or No will suffice.

Nope. Big difference between hacking a hotel and hacking the DNC servers during an election.
Both are private institutions….there is no difference. But thanks for admitting hacking did take place. I know that was a big step for you.

The reason you won’t blame Trump is because in your mind, one mustn’t speak ill of their master.

LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??

Trump isn't to blame for the hack. The Russians are.

Trump isn't my master but he's one helluva good POTUS.

Now what about Barry knowing and having his cyber people do nothing. You don't seem to want to address that little factoid. They should be investigating Barry and his people. Not Trump.

Guess you don't want to admit that your hero isn't as heroic as you think he is.

Dear Leftist Anarchists, Marxists, Socialists, Communist Radicals, and Deep State Sympathizers:


Is it John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Barak Obama selling 20% of US Uranium to Putin?

Is it Obama giving Iran $150 Billion Dollars to buy weapons and Scientific Expertise in Nuclear Weapons from Russia? Is it Iran buying weapons with those same Obama Bucks and giving it to Hamas, the PLO and other terrorist groups?

Is it Obama working a sweetheart deal with Russia to oversee Syria's compliance with a Chemical Weapons agreement, and then being allowed to build military bases in Syria?

Is it Clinton, The DNC, and Obama paying Putin's Ex KGB agents $14 Million dollars for Russian Propaganda and using that to attack the president in a FISA Court by filing false affidavits with it?

Is it Clinton, Podesta, Obama Laundering money through COIE Lawfirm and Fusion GPS to Foreign Agents to pay for Russian Dirt on Trump?

Is it The Podesta Group having Russian Nationals sitting on their Board of Directors at The Podesta Group?

Is it Clinton accepting $145 Million in donations to a Secretary of State's Charity while approving a sale of 20% of US Uranium to Russia all the while knowingly suppressing a Russian Bribery scandal to get that sale approved?

Is it Bill and Hillary Clinton accepting speaking fees and consultation fees worth millions from Russia when traveling to Russia to give "speeches"

Is it a Obama caught on a hot mic telling Putin's Representative that he could work a deal with him "after the election"?

Is it Obama looking the other way and doing nothing while Putin annexed The Crimea?

Is it Obama paying for Russian Propaganda 'Dirt on Trump' while also ignoring and downplaying "alleged" Russian interference in our elections?
so what, how is that illegal? you never answered me.Stone hasn't denied the email. he's asked what is illegal and so far he's walking around.

So far…. being the operative phrase.
I asked and you still haven't answered, what is the crime? why won't you answer? rhetorical I know.

Hacking a computer is a crime.
I would imagine conspiracy to do so would be as well.
well you have to have him with the evidence of the hack. do you? nope, cause there wasn't one. all made up fakey ackey shit. he heard about the release of info and it was bad for hitlery and that was that. nothing wrong with that at all. got that video of Manafort at the embassy too? you all eat the lies up like dogs eat shit.

The investigation into the multiple scandals of Shin Splints continues unabated. Your denials are rather funny.
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time.
Marriott was hacked yesterday. Is Trump responsible for that?

If I paid/worked with someone who hacked Marriott would I be responsible?

Clearly the President isn’t responsible for organizations being hacked; no more than she/he is responsible for any other crime committed in any community in the US. Is this really that much of a mystery to you?

When you have one political operation working with Russians to hack another political operation, clearly that is conspiracy. Mueller is investigating whether any laws were broken. I think they were and clearly the AG’s office thought there was; hence the creation of the Office of Special Counsel to look into it.

Your low self esteem prevents you from reasoning.

Well Barry and his people knew about it. Wonder why you aren't all up in their faces because they did nothing.

Low self esteem??

Okay, Marriott was hacked yesterday. Trump is the President. According to you, the President is responsible for stopping it.

Do you blame Trump?

A simple Yes or No will suffice.

Nope. Big difference between hacking a hotel and hacking the DNC servers during an election.
Both are private institutions….there is no difference. But thanks for admitting hacking did take place. I know that was a big step for you.

The reason you won’t blame Trump is because in your mind, one mustn’t speak ill of their master.

LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??
Uhhh…you’re off script there toots.

No "hacking" occurred.

Mueller must be working with Trump to exonerate him. No Collusion, no hacking, etc.

No collusion,no hacking and no Americans.

Trump isn't my master
Yes he is. More like Messiah but whatever.

but he's one helluva good POTUS.
No he isn’t. More like a clown running a circus.
So far…. being the operative phrase.
I asked and you still haven't answered, what is the crime? why won't you answer? rhetorical I know.

Hacking a computer is a crime.
I would imagine conspiracy to do so would be as well.
well you have to have him with the evidence of the hack. do you? nope, cause there wasn't one. all made up fakey ackey shit. he heard about the release of info and it was bad for hitlery and that was that. nothing wrong with that at all. got that video of Manafort at the embassy too? you all eat the lies up like dogs eat shit.

The investigation into the multiple scandals of Shin Splints continues unabated. Your denials are rather funny.
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
I asked and you still haven't answered, what is the crime? why won't you answer? rhetorical I know.

Hacking a computer is a crime.
I would imagine conspiracy to do so would be as well.
well you have to have him with the evidence of the hack. do you? nope, cause there wasn't one. all made up fakey ackey shit. he heard about the release of info and it was bad for hitlery and that was that. nothing wrong with that at all. got that video of Manafort at the embassy too? you all eat the lies up like dogs eat shit.

The investigation into the multiple scandals of Shin Splints continues unabated. Your denials are rather funny.
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!
Can't we be intellectually honest enough to admin progressives "know" Trump colluded with Russia, because it makes them feel better about their dispositions?
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Hacking a computer is a crime.
I would imagine conspiracy to do so would be as well.
well you have to have him with the evidence of the hack. do you? nope, cause there wasn't one. all made up fakey ackey shit. he heard about the release of info and it was bad for hitlery and that was that. nothing wrong with that at all. got that video of Manafort at the embassy too? you all eat the lies up like dogs eat shit.

The investigation into the multiple scandals of Shin Splints continues unabated. Your denials are rather funny.
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
well you have to have him with the evidence of the hack. do you? nope, cause there wasn't one. all made up fakey ackey shit. he heard about the release of info and it was bad for hitlery and that was that. nothing wrong with that at all. got that video of Manafort at the embassy too? you all eat the lies up like dogs eat shit.

The investigation into the multiple scandals of Shin Splints continues unabated. Your denials are rather funny.
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?

Ummm, it's not really hacking if someone has the password.
well you have to have him with the evidence of the hack. do you? nope, cause there wasn't one. all made up fakey ackey shit. he heard about the release of info and it was bad for hitlery and that was that. nothing wrong with that at all. got that video of Manafort at the embassy too? you all eat the lies up like dogs eat shit.

The investigation into the multiple scandals of Shin Splints continues unabated. Your denials are rather funny.
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.
The investigation into the multiple scandals of Shin Splints continues unabated. Your denials are rather funny.
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?

Ummm, it's not really hacking if someone has the password.

Yes it is.

It’s unauthorized use of a computer network—the literal term. In some states, as I under stand it, it’s a 2nd degree felony.
The investigation into the multiple scandals of Shin Splints continues unabated. Your denials are rather funny.
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.

Well Claudette disagrees with you.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

Perhaps you two should debate one another. It will be fun watching mental-midget wrestling.

Let me guess…you have no interest in that do you?
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.

Well Claudette disagrees with you.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

Perhaps you two should debate one another. It will be fun watching mental-midget wrestling.

Let me guess…you have no interest in that do you?

Still no answer on Barry and his boys knowing about the hack to the DNC serves??

Thought not.

Oh and the investigation is about if Trump and the Russians colluded to hack the election. Trump had no idea and he sure as hell didn't collude with the Russians. Barry however, knew about the hack but had his people do nothing.

Continue on with your blind Trump hate. Its suites you.
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your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?

Ummm, it's not really hacking if someone has the password.

Yes it is.

It’s unauthorized use of a computer network—the literal term. In some states, as I under stand it, it’s a 2nd degree felony.
look, I don't think it's robbery if someone has a key to your house you gave them and they take something. same thing happened with Podesta. He gave them his password and said come on in!
your avoidance of answering is acknowledged I guess, and that discussing with you is truly a waste of time huh?
my point exactly!!!

Are you saying there was no hacking of the DNC/Podesta computers?
It's what I'm saying because no one has looked at the DNC server. So no, no one has evidence or shown evidence of such a thing cause no one looked. and the Podesta thing was phishing not a hack, he bought it and answered the email he was told not to answer. his fault in my mind for not listening to the IT folks. That's where we are. Now tell me what is in error here.

Well Claudette disagrees with you.

"LMAO Everyone knows the Russians hacked the DNC servers. Where the hell have you been??”

Perhaps you two should debate one another. It will be fun watching mental-midget wrestling.

Let me guess…you have no interest in that do you?
everyone says they did, but as of right now, no one has looked at the server to verify it. Until one fking person looks at the server, there is no evidence of a hack, plain and simple. It is just a fact. Claudette, you, or anyone else in here.

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