David Duke On Presidential Bid: "Yes, I Am Considering It"

Duke would be good for the white people of America.

Without white people America is a third world country.
Duke would be good for the white people of America.

Which white people? My kids are half Asian. I'm pretty clear on the fact that having a white racist turd who thinks that non-whites are mudbloods and untermenschen would NOT be good for me.

Please stop speaking about whites as if we are some united force. i want nothing to do with white trash supporters of David Duke. Y'all can just pick up your trailers and move your little enclave to Montana where you belong, dammit.
Come on, America has a President today that has said he would want to "expunge the white blood from his body" and that "white mans greed runs a world in need".

But more importantly, without white people America is a third world country.
Wouldn't this be something to have David Duke go up and challenge Obama for the presidency? At least we know one thing. Duke is a natural born citizen born to 'Two' U.S. citizen parents which qualifies him for Article 2 Section 1 purposes that Obama doesn't meet. Apparently Duke was elected in the richest district of Louisiana when he ran for the House Seat that David Vitter held as well as former Governor David Treen. According to the article, Duke will go on a 25 state tour. He will get support I believe and he sure knows how to scare the media to death and they would surely give him media attention. This will be interesting to watch

David Duke on a Presidential Bid: 'Yes, I Am Considering It' - Garance Franke-Ruta - Politics - The Atlantic

White Supremacists Running for Political Office in 2012 in Growing Numbers - The Daily Beast

former Louisiana state representative David Duke confirms he's mulling tossing his hat into the 2012 presidential contest.

"Yes, I am considering it,"

Story going national:

Another thing we know about Duke:

He's a former Grand Wizard in the Klan and a current White Supremacist.


wait, you're talking about the LATE Robert Byrd A DEMOCRAT who the Democrat voters voted in over and over for something like 30 years?

I am surprised it took you guys so long to bring Byrd into this thread. You guys are slipping.

Byrd realized his affiliation with the klan was a mistake and was apologetic about it later on in his life.

Secondly, your statement is not fully correct. It should read "Democratic voters in West Virginia voted in.....". It is doubtful that Byrd would have been able to rise any higher than he did due to his past, no matter how apologetic he was about it.

Duke has never even hinted that his affiliation in the Klan was a mistake. In fact, he's proud of it and retains his role as a White Supremacist.

So there's your difference.
Another Republican enters the fray.

He has to do something about diversity in the Republican Party. Like get rid of the 10% that aren't white.

KKK used to be Democrats untill they moved to the Republican Party. A place they feel much more at home.

Of course, as is true of some many of the things you believe....they never happened.

You are such an ignorant fellow, deanie-weanie....and it is so easy to prove if one is literate.

KKK segregationists moved into the Republican party? Not likely, as Republicans pushed for integration.
Nor did most Southerners support racism, as proven by their voting Republican.

Example? Sure:

Do you think segregationist Democrat Governor Orval Faubus of Arkansas suddenly became a Republican when Nixon became President???

No, he became ex-gov when Republican Winthop Rockefeller defeated him as an integrationist, in a state with 11% Republican registration. BTW, Clinton invited Faubus to his inauguration as governor, warmly embracing him.

1. The truth was that it was Eisenhower who broke the Democrats’ hold on the South in 1952. Want to know was appealing to bigots? Democrat Adlai Stevenson, known to experience “personal discomfort in the presence of Negroes.” Taylor Branch, “Parting the Waters: America in the King Years,1954-1963,” p. 360. Oh, yes, and Stevenson chose John Sparkman of Alabama, a Democrat segregationist, as his running mate. Playing Defense - By Mark R. Levin - The Corner - National Review Online

a. Eisenhower took Tenn., Va., and Fla. outright, and barely lost three others. And this just four years after Thurmond took four Southern states. And in 1956, the Republican platform endorsed the 1954 SCOTUS desegregation decision…the Democrat platform did not. That’s why Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. endorsed Eisenhower.

b. And Eisenhower sent in the 101st Airborne when progressive New Deal Democrat Governor Orval Faubus blocked Little Rock HS with his national guard to stop 9 black students from attending. Yep, the Republican federalized the Arkansas guard and had the army walk the children into the school- and stay with them all day.

2. Eisenhower pushed for the 1960 Civil Rights Act, which passed 71-18. All 18 ‘no’ votes came from a Democrat. George McGovern voted ‘present.’ Years earlier, Democrat Senator Carter Glass of Virginia had said ““Discrimination! Why that is exactly what we propose,” he declared to one journalist. “To remove every negro voter who can be gotten rid of, legally, without materially impairing the numerical strength of the white electorate.” When Bigots Become Reformers - Reason Magazine

3. But by 1964 more blacks were voters, thanks to the efforts of Republicans. And, again, Republicans passed the 1964 Civil Rights Act: 82 % of Senate Republicans and 80% of House Republicans; it was 66% of Senate Democrats and 63% of House Democrats. But the Democrat input in the ’64 act made it different in a very important way: the rise of blacks into professional and other high–level occupations was greater prior to the ’64 act, meaning that the ’57 and ’60 civil rights acts had far greater implications for black achievement…

4. Unlike the empty talk of the prior, Democrat, administration, between Nixon's election in ’68 and the end of his second year in office, in ’70, black students attending all-black schools in the South declined from 68% to 18.4%, and the percentage of black students attending majority white schools went from 18.4% to 38.1%. Conrad Black, “The Invincible Quest: The Life of Richard Milhous Nixon,” p. 647.

Egg on your face, deanie?

(psssst! deanie....Coulter explains it far better in her now book....if you decide to read.)
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Another thing we know about Duke:

He's a former Grand Wizard in the Klan and a current White Supremacist.


wait, you're talking about the LATE Robert Byrd A DEMOCRAT who the Democrat voters voted in over and over for something like 30 years?

I am surprised it took you guys so long to bring Byrd into this thread. You guys are slipping.

Byrd realized his affiliation with the klan was a mistake and was apologetic about it later on in his life.

Secondly, your statement is not fully correct. It should read "Democratic voters in West Virginia voted in.....". It is doubtful that Byrd would have been able to rise any higher than he did due to his past, no matter how apologetic he was about it.

Duke has never even hinted that his affiliation in the Klan was a mistake. In fact, he's proud of it and retains his role as a White Supremacist.

So there's your difference.

Very wise of you to scamper away from your "Southern Strategy" fabrication, Hell-boy.
Another thing we know about Duke:

He's a former Grand Wizard in the Klan and a current White Supremacist.


wait, you're talking about the LATE Robert Byrd A DEMOCRAT who the Democrat voters voted in over and over for something like 30 years?

I am surprised it took you guys so long to bring Byrd into this thread. You guys are slipping.

Byrd realized his affiliation with the klan was a mistake and was apologetic about it later on in his life.

Secondly, your statement is not fully correct. It should read "Democratic voters in West Virginia voted in.....". It is doubtful that Byrd would have been able to rise any higher than he did due to his past, no matter how apologetic he was about it.

Duke has never even hinted that his affiliation in the Klan was a mistake. In fact, he's proud of it and retains his role as a White Supremacist.

So there's your difference.

LOL, I'm surprised it took so long for someone to come up with this lame ass excuse for Byrd. But hey, as I said, you all HAVE NO PROBLEM voting for someone who WAS A ADMITTED MEMBER of the KKK. and no one that I know give two sheets (pun intended) about Duke, but you lefties trying to tie him to Republicans. :lol:
The former Confederacy is a modern-day, Republican stronghold PoliChic. Cut 'n paste whatever you want but that aint goin to change that fact. ;) Sure there are people who migrated there for jobs but, on the whole, its Red State America/the Bible Belt/Creationist territory.
But hey, as I said, you all HAVE NO PROBLEM voting for someone who WAS A ADMITTED MEMBER of the KKK. and no one that I know give two sheets (pun intended) about Duke, but you lefties trying to tie him to Republicans. :lol:
People voted for a guy whos Church hates white people and America
The former Confederacy is a modern-day, Republican stronghold PoliChic. Cut 'n paste whatever you want but that aint goin to change that fact. ;) Sure there are people who migrated there for jobs but, on the whole, its Red State America/the Bible Belt/Creationist territory.

Dotty, how ironic for you to try to appear conversant with 'facts.'

In two or three posts I have documented and linked the actual facts, which show that

a) there was no racist Southern Strategy by Repubs

b) the Dems were always the party of the KKK and the racists.

c) it was the Republicans who were responsible for overcoming the Democrat obstructions to black civil rights.

Now,you may try to hide your bias and your ignornce by referring to 'cut and paste' or what the educated refer to as link and source, but I challenge you to prove you are not a dumb robot parrotting the bumper-stickers of your masters, the Left by producing any errors in the history lessons that I have provided in this thread...

Double dog dare ya'.

Of course, you cannot take the challenge...Considering your constellation of skills, I wonder how is it even possible for you to decide whether to defecate or to wind you watch?
Come on, America has a President today that has said he would want to "expunge the white blood from his body" and that "white mans greed runs a world in need".

Your claim is that Barack Obama said these exact things? I believe I'd like to see a source for that claim.

But more importantly, without white people America is a third world country.

Are you under the mistaken impression that if you keep repeating yourself, your words will magically become more true? Lulz.
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Hell-boy, this is my fav post of the day! The week!

Cause it shows that you have been raised like the proverbial mushroom...raised in the dark and fed you know what.

Now, hope you're sitting dow:
There never was a racist "Nixon's Southern Strategy".
It is a totally fabricated idea by the Left, supported by the Old Left Media, and bought- like it was on sale- by the gullible.

1. As president of the Senate, Nixon strongly supported civil rights, specifically the 1957 civil rights act, issuing an advisory opinion that a filibuster could be stopped with a simple majority, thereby changing Senate rules. Congressional Record, Volume 157 Issue 12 (Thursday, January 27, 2011)

a. During the endless deliberations, Democrat LBJ warned his fellow segregationist Democrats, ‘Be ready to take up the goddamned nigra bill again.” Borzoi Reader | Authors | Robert A. Caro

b. Then there was liberal Democrat Sam Ervin- instrumental in the destruction of anti-communist Republicans Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon- who told fellow segregationists, “I’m on your side, not theirs, “ but “we’ve got to give the goddamned ******* something.” Ibid.

c. LBJ gutted the enforcement provisions of the 1957 bill, i.e., anyone accused of violating a person’s voting rights was guaranteed a jury trial- and, therefore, jury nullification by Democrat juries. To fix the enforcement provisions that Democrats had gutted, Eisenhower introduced a bill to create the US Civil Rights Commission…Democrats staged the longest filibuster in history- over 125 hours. But the bill passed and was signed by Ike on May 6, 1960.

2. Typical idiot education: When the Republicans won their gains in Congress, 2010, Bill Maher said: “I haven’t seen Republicans so happy about taking seats since they made Rosa Parks stand up.” HBO: Real Time with Bill Maher: Ep 196 November 5, 2010: Quotes

a. When Rosa Parks refuse to give up her seat, the mayor of Montgomery enforcing segregation on the buses was- of course- a segregationist Democrat, William A. “Tacky” Gayle. “The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Birth of a new age, December 1955,” p. 80.

b. History provide the basis for a very different analysis. “During the 1966 campaign, Nixon was personally thanked by Dr. King for his help in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Nixon also endorsed all Republicans, except the members of the John Birch Society.” Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association

3. Between 1969 and 1974, Nixon – who believed that blacks had gotten a raw deal in America and wanted to extend a helping hand: raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges; appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ; adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities; invented "Black Capitalism" (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent; raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, "It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South."http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=30233#ixzz1RH1WZDv8

a.Now, clearly, conservatives do not favor racial quotas of any kind, but Nixon’s efforts must be seen as a reaction to a century of Democrat obstructionism on civil rights. Purely a coincidence, I’m sure, that Dems finally came around when blacks were voting in high enough numbers to make a difference at the ballot box. Note, Nixon did it even though it hurt him politically. Kotlowski, Dean J. ; "Richard Nixon and the Origins of Affirmative Action" The Historian. Volume: 60. Issue: 3. 1998. pp. 523 ff.

4. Do you get it yet?
Everything you believe in politics is wrong!
You've been lied to...and worse...you never did your own research to see if it was true!!!

If there was a Southern Strategy, it was unfurled by the people of the South, who essentially ‘rebelled’ again, against the lawless, unprincipled Democrats, who they recognized as being responsible for, or at least accepting of the legalized obscenity, student riots, the Weather Underground, the Symbionese Liberation Party, and the Black Panthers, skyrocketing crime rates, courts giving more and more elaborate rights to criminals, ended the death penalty, banned prayer from the schools, among other depredations.

And, being patriots, (name a Southern university that banned ROTC. Even Duke has one) they appreciated the fact that the Republicans were hawks during the Cold War. So rather than a Republican strategy, it was the Democrats’ shift from the party of Harry Truman to the party of Rosie O’Donnell!

You've been mislead- but it's your own fault! Pick up a book.
Do you feel dumb? Really, really dumb?

You're idea of "research" is to regurgitate Ann Coulter's bullshit as if it were fact. It's a shame, because you are educated and should know better.


If you want to read the actual words and thoughts of Nixon's political strategist, Kevin Phillip's, who pushed for the Southern Strategy here is the appropriate reference:

Phillips, Kevin (1969). The Emerging Republican Majority. New York: Arlington House. ISBN 0870000586. OCLC 18063.

The "Southern Strategy" is not a myth. It's been written about extensively and the people who advocated for it (like Phillips) are on the record doing so. There is some debate as to how much race played into the south's voting Demographic shift. There is no doubt that the GOP tried to exploit race relations to win votes in the South (successfully).

I also won't dispute that Johnson and Byrd probably were racist to a degree and certainly used racist language when discussing the issues. With Johnson, that's a petty point, as he pushed for civil rights though he knew it would be extremely unpopular. He knew it was the right thing to do. I am actually not a fan of LBJ, but he was right on civil rights.

As for the rest of your tripe, as I said before, do you have anything from within the last 50 years (other than a Maher) quote. You keep referencing the internal strife within the Democratic Party over civil rights as if it's relevant to what is going on today. The outcome is really the only important thing. The DNC came out as the party of civil rights and the GOP inherited Strom Thurmond and the rest of the racist bastards that no longer felt at home in the party. There is a reason Duke is a Republican now.

Now, though it's not relevant to this topic, switching gears to the alleged "ROTC bannings", something which I am a little bit knowledgeable about as I was commissioned through ROTC (meaning I was in ROTC for four years of college and wore a uniform on campus and the whole nine yards (though it wasn't as cool as your cargo pants, wife beater, uzi get up)):

The Myth of the R.O.T.C. Ban - NYTimes.com

The answer is that in all my research on the subject, I have found no universities that ban R.O.T.C., nor has the military initiated action against any institution for banning the program. We have grown accustomed to saying there are bans only because it fits with the assumption that certain colleges are unfriendly to the military.

It is true that many Ivy League colleges do not have R.O.T.C. detachments today. Forty years ago, the military started to close detachments in the Northeast and establish programs in the West and South.

This shift stems from a disagreement in the late 1960s between the Ivy League colleges and the military. Should R.O.T.C. have to comply with the host college’s rules for academic course content and professor qualifications? R.O.T.C. said no, colleges said yes, and the two had to agree to disagree. R.O.T.C. then walked away from Northeastern campuses.

While Harvard is often described as “expelling” R.O.T.C. in 1969, the story is more nuanced. After the military refused to meet Harvard’s standards on academic coursework, the faculty voted to relegate the program to an extracurricular activity, and the military decided to leave. But Harvard did not abolish the program, and it was only much later that people began to talk of a ban.

Ironically, that conservative beacon of academia: Hillsdale College, refuses to let ROTC on their campus, because it would amount to federal funding (in the form of scholarships for people like me who paid their own way through college) which means the federal government would have a say over Hillsdale's policies. I don't have a problem with that personally. However, I just wanted to point out that this isn't (as you fantasize) a "liberal/conservative" thing.
Damnit..I like what Duke does in promoting awareness of how our nation has been infiltrated and is seemingly being run to serve interests other then the American people, but his racism is the turnoff...
Can't we all just try to put a candidate in office that has ALL the peoples interests at heart? White, black, Hispanic, other??
Someone who does not prostrate before an outside entity, while encouraging others to proselytize to sources detrimental to America??
Someone who does not serve 2 masters, only America, and puts her and ALL her people first????
wait, you're talking about the LATE Robert Byrd A DEMOCRAT who the Democrat voters voted in over and over for something like 30 years?

I am surprised it took you guys so long to bring Byrd into this thread. You guys are slipping.

Byrd realized his affiliation with the klan was a mistake and was apologetic about it later on in his life.

Secondly, your statement is not fully correct. It should read "Democratic voters in West Virginia voted in.....". It is doubtful that Byrd would have been able to rise any higher than he did due to his past, no matter how apologetic he was about it.

Duke has never even hinted that his affiliation in the Klan was a mistake. In fact, he's proud of it and retains his role as a White Supremacist.

So there's your difference.

LOL, I'm surprised it took so long for someone to come up with this lame ass excuse for Byrd. But hey, as I said, you all HAVE NO PROBLEM voting for someone who WAS A ADMITTED MEMBER of the KKK. and no one that I know give two sheets (pun intended) about Duke, but you lefties trying to tie him to Republicans. :lol:

You apparently need a lesson in civics:

"You all" actually means 1/2 of the registered voters in West Virginia. I have never lived in West Virginia. Therefore, I never voted for Byrd. However, I don't find the fact that he was at one time a klucker who saw the error of his ways a lifelong sin.

"No one you know" gave "two sheets" about Duke? I am willing to bet you know little/nothing about David Duke who was the GOP candidate for Governor against "Fast" Eddie Edwards (a corrupt Democrat to be sure, but at least he wasn't a fucking klucker) in a race that gave us one of the most hilarious political slogans of all time:

A very popular bumpersticker urging support for Edwards (although clearly not produced by his campaign) read "Vote For the Crook. It's Important."[12][13] Another read "Vote for the Lizard, not the Wizard."

Louisiana gubernatorial election, 1991 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The former Confederacy is a modern-day, Republican stronghold PoliChic. Cut 'n paste whatever you want but that aint goin to change that fact. ;) Sure there are people who migrated there for jobs but, on the whole, its Red State America/the Bible Belt/Creationist territory.

Why cut and paste when you have Ann Coulter to simply re-write history? Don't forget, Joe McCarthy was a good guy too!

The funny thing is that Ann Coulter basically writes the same book over and over and puts a different cover on it. Poli has been suckered into buying the same material 7 times over.
The former Confederacy is a modern-day, Republican stronghold PoliChic. Cut 'n paste whatever you want but that aint goin to change that fact. ;) Sure there are people who migrated there for jobs but, on the whole, its Red State America/the Bible Belt/Creationist territory.

Why cut and paste when you have Ann Coulter to simply re-write history? Don't forget, Joe McCarthy was a good guy too!

The funny thing is that Ann Coulter basically writes the same book over and over and puts a different cover on it. Poli has been suckered into buying the same material 7 times over.

question: I saw a documentary recently called secret history of the ku klux klan. it said they burn crosses because it represents the light of Jesus coming down on them in a world of darkness. if that's the case, how did the cross burning become so evil? why do they burn crosses in people's yards?
I am surprised it took you guys so long to bring Byrd into this thread. You guys are slipping.

Byrd realized his affiliation with the klan was a mistake and was apologetic about it later on in his life.

Secondly, your statement is not fully correct. It should read "Democratic voters in West Virginia voted in.....". It is doubtful that Byrd would have been able to rise any higher than he did due to his past, no matter how apologetic he was about it.

Duke has never even hinted that his affiliation in the Klan was a mistake. In fact, he's proud of it and retains his role as a White Supremacist.

So there's your difference.

LOL, I'm surprised it took so long for someone to come up with this lame ass excuse for Byrd. But hey, as I said, you all HAVE NO PROBLEM voting for someone who WAS A ADMITTED MEMBER of the KKK. and no one that I know give two sheets (pun intended) about Duke, but you lefties trying to tie him to Republicans. :lol:

You apparently need a lesson in civics:

"You all" actually means 1/2 of the registered voters in West Virginia. I have never lived in West Virginia. Therefore, I never voted for Byrd. However, I don't find the fact that he was at one time a klucker who saw the error of his ways a lifelong sin.

"No one you know" gave "two sheets" about Duke? I am willing to bet you know little/nothing about David Duke who was the GOP candidate for Governor against "Fast" Eddie Edwards (a corrupt Democrat to be sure, but at least he wasn't a fucking klucker) in a race that gave us one of the most hilarious political slogans of all time:

A very popular bumpersticker urging support for Edwards (although clearly not produced by his campaign) read "Vote For the Crook. It's Important."[12][13] Another read "Vote for the Lizard, not the Wizard."

Louisiana gubernatorial election, 1991 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yea men, Is frums tham hils, Is knews nuthings..:lol::lol:
The former Confederacy is a modern-day, Republican stronghold PoliChic. Cut 'n paste whatever you want but that aint goin to change that fact. ;) Sure there are people who migrated there for jobs but, on the whole, its Red State America/the Bible Belt/Creationist territory.

Why cut and paste when you have Ann Coulter to simply re-write history? Don't forget, Joe McCarthy was a good guy too!

The funny thing is that Ann Coulter basically writes the same book over and over and puts a different cover on it. Poli has been suckered into buying the same material 7 times over.

question: I saw a documentary recently called secret history of the ku klux klan. it said they burn crosses because it represents the light of Jesus coming down on them in a world of darkness. if that's the case, how did the cross burning become so evil? why do they burn crosses in people's yards?

I can't claim to know much about the Klan mentality so I don't know if I have a good answer. I do think the post-Civil War Klan was very different from the pre-civil rights Klan which was very different from the current Klan/Neo Nazi/White Supremacist Movement.

So I don't know the origins of burning a cross, but I do know that being black in the South and waking up to a burning cross in your yard wasn't seen as a sign of benevolence.

I think the Klan was a visceral reaction by some Southerners to losing the war. In the beginning, when blacks in the South essentially had few rights even after emancipation, they didn't need to focus on blacks as much as the carpet baggers. That doesn't mean they weren't a racist organization which is obviously borne out by their shift in focus during civil rights.
Hell-boy, this is my fav post of the day! The week!

Cause it shows that you have been raised like the proverbial mushroom...raised in the dark and fed you know what.

Now, hope you're sitting dow:
There never was a racist "Nixon's Southern Strategy".
It is a totally fabricated idea by the Left, supported by the Old Left Media, and bought- like it was on sale- by the gullible.

1. As president of the Senate, Nixon strongly supported civil rights, specifically the 1957 civil rights act, issuing an advisory opinion that a filibuster could be stopped with a simple majority, thereby changing Senate rules. Congressional Record, Volume 157 Issue 12 (Thursday, January 27, 2011)

a. During the endless deliberations, Democrat LBJ warned his fellow segregationist Democrats, ‘Be ready to take up the goddamned nigra bill again.” Borzoi Reader | Authors | Robert A. Caro

b. Then there was liberal Democrat Sam Ervin- instrumental in the destruction of anti-communist Republicans Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon- who told fellow segregationists, “I’m on your side, not theirs, “ but “we’ve got to give the goddamned ******* something.” Ibid.

c. LBJ gutted the enforcement provisions of the 1957 bill, i.e., anyone accused of violating a person’s voting rights was guaranteed a jury trial- and, therefore, jury nullification by Democrat juries. To fix the enforcement provisions that Democrats had gutted, Eisenhower introduced a bill to create the US Civil Rights Commission…Democrats staged the longest filibuster in history- over 125 hours. But the bill passed and was signed by Ike on May 6, 1960.

2. Typical idiot education: When the Republicans won their gains in Congress, 2010, Bill Maher said: “I haven’t seen Republicans so happy about taking seats since they made Rosa Parks stand up.” HBO: Real Time with Bill Maher: Ep 196 November 5, 2010: Quotes

a. When Rosa Parks refuse to give up her seat, the mayor of Montgomery enforcing segregation on the buses was- of course- a segregationist Democrat, William A. “Tacky” Gayle. “The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.: Birth of a new age, December 1955,” p. 80.

b. History provide the basis for a very different analysis. “During the 1966 campaign, Nixon was personally thanked by Dr. King for his help in passing the Civil Rights Act of 1957. Nixon also endorsed all Republicans, except the members of the John Birch Society.” Frequently Asked Questions | National Black Republican Association

3. Between 1969 and 1974, Nixon – who believed that blacks had gotten a raw deal in America and wanted to extend a helping hand: raised the civil rights enforcement budget 800 percent; doubled the budget for black colleges; appointed more blacks to federal posts and high positions than any president, including LBJ; adopted the Philadelphia Plan mandating quotas for blacks in unions, and for black scholars in colleges and universities; invented "Black Capitalism" (the Office of Minority Business Enterprise), raised U.S. purchases from black businesses from $9 million to $153 million, increased small business loans to minorities 1,000 percent, increased U.S. deposits in minority-owned banks 4,000 percent; raised the share of Southern schools that were desegregated from 10 percent to 70 percent. Wrote the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 1975, "It has only been since 1968 that substantial reduction of racial segregation has taken place in the South."http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=30233#ixzz1RH1WZDv8

a.Now, clearly, conservatives do not favor racial quotas of any kind, but Nixon’s efforts must be seen as a reaction to a century of Democrat obstructionism on civil rights. Purely a coincidence, I’m sure, that Dems finally came around when blacks were voting in high enough numbers to make a difference at the ballot box. Note, Nixon did it even though it hurt him politically. Kotlowski, Dean J. ; "Richard Nixon and the Origins of Affirmative Action" The Historian. Volume: 60. Issue: 3. 1998. pp. 523 ff.

4. Do you get it yet?
Everything you believe in politics is wrong!
You've been lied to...and worse...you never did your own research to see if it was true!!!

If there was a Southern Strategy, it was unfurled by the people of the South, who essentially ‘rebelled’ again, against the lawless, unprincipled Democrats, who they recognized as being responsible for, or at least accepting of the legalized obscenity, student riots, the Weather Underground, the Symbionese Liberation Party, and the Black Panthers, skyrocketing crime rates, courts giving more and more elaborate rights to criminals, ended the death penalty, banned prayer from the schools, among other depredations.

And, being patriots, (name a Southern university that banned ROTC. Even Duke has one) they appreciated the fact that the Republicans were hawks during the Cold War. So rather than a Republican strategy, it was the Democrats’ shift from the party of Harry Truman to the party of Rosie O’Donnell!

You've been mislead- but it's your own fault! Pick up a book.
Do you feel dumb? Really, really dumb?

You're idea of "research" is to regurgitate Ann Coulter's bullshit as if it were fact. It's a shame, because you are educated and should know better.


If you want to read the actual words and thoughts of Nixon's political strategist, Kevin Phillip's, who pushed for the Southern Strategy here is the appropriate reference:

Phillips, Kevin (1969). The Emerging Republican Majority. New York: Arlington House. ISBN 0870000586. OCLC 18063.

The "Southern Strategy" is not a myth. It's been written about extensively and the people who advocated for it (like Phillips) are on the record doing so. There is some debate as to how much race played into the south's voting Demographic shift. There is no doubt that the GOP tried to exploit race relations to win votes in the South (successfully).

I also won't dispute that Johnson and Byrd probably were racist to a degree and certainly used racist language when discussing the issues. With Johnson, that's a petty point, as he pushed for civil rights though he knew it would be extremely unpopular. He knew it was the right thing to do. I am actually not a fan of LBJ, but he was right on civil rights.

As for the rest of your tripe, as I said before, do you have anything from within the last 50 years (other than a Maher) quote. You keep referencing the internal strife within the Democratic Party over civil rights as if it's relevant to what is going on today. The outcome is really the only important thing. The DNC came out as the party of civil rights and the GOP inherited Strom Thurmond and the rest of the racist bastards that no longer felt at home in the party. There is a reason Duke is a Republican now.

Now, though it's not relevant to this topic, switching gears to the alleged "ROTC bannings", something which I am a little bit knowledgeable about as I was commissioned through ROTC (meaning I was in ROTC for four years of college and wore a uniform on campus and the whole nine yards (though it wasn't as cool as your cargo pants, wife beater, uzi get up)):

The Myth of the R.O.T.C. Ban - NYTimes.com

The answer is that in all my research on the subject, I have found no universities that ban R.O.T.C., nor has the military initiated action against any institution for banning the program. We have grown accustomed to saying there are bans only because it fits with the assumption that certain colleges are unfriendly to the military.

It is true that many Ivy League colleges do not have R.O.T.C. detachments today. Forty years ago, the military started to close detachments in the Northeast and establish programs in the West and South.

This shift stems from a disagreement in the late 1960s between the Ivy League colleges and the military. Should R.O.T.C. have to comply with the host college’s rules for academic course content and professor qualifications? R.O.T.C. said no, colleges said yes, and the two had to agree to disagree. R.O.T.C. then walked away from Northeastern campuses.

While Harvard is often described as “expelling” R.O.T.C. in 1969, the story is more nuanced. After the military refused to meet Harvard’s standards on academic coursework, the faculty voted to relegate the program to an extracurricular activity, and the military decided to leave. But Harvard did not abolish the program, and it was only much later that people began to talk of a ban.

Ironically, that conservative beacon of academia: Hillsdale College, refuses to let ROTC on their campus, because it would amount to federal funding (in the form of scholarships for people like me who paid their own way through college) which means the federal government would have a say over Hillsdale's policies. I don't have a problem with that personally. However, I just wanted to point out that this isn't (as you fantasize) a "liberal/conservative" thing.

1. "There is some debate as to how much race played into the south's voting Demographic shift. There is no doubt that the GOP tried to exploit race relations to win votes in the South (successfully). "

You wrote that?

"...some debate as to how much race played ..."

You did a great job destroying your own premise.
Means, simply, that you have no proof of any racist 'Southern Strategy."

2. I, on the other hand, gave you a ton of indicia that Nixon was a) not racist,
b) worked hard and successfully to break the segregationist Democrat choke hold on the Southern black population.

Unless you can show where any of the facts that I provide are untrue....
.....you can't? Shocking.

3. So, you would rather quote the NYTimes? And you need, what, liberal racism 'during the last fifty years'?
To this very day, Democrats capitalize on the fallacious idea that the Republicans are the racists, as this seems to be the very worst accusation one can make in polite company. Anything worse is one of the seven banned words!

The Left hysterically defends Obama from any and all criticism as if liberals are at war with the Klan! Tea Party has been smeared as racist because Chris Matthews doesn’t find a high enough number or blacks. Well, since blacks vote overwhelmingly for Democrats, what would one expect?

Still, the Tea Parties are not as white as Chris Matthews’ staff. Or as white as a Jon Stewart audience. Or Janeane Garofalo’s fans. Or the white private schools that Matthews sends his children to…think that’s an accident?

a. The placid acceptance of glaring contradictions is the essence of mob behavior.

b. The longtime NYTimes Leftie, Tom Wicker never tired of writing of civil rights, and racial reconciliation, but sent his own children to a very white private school, and when he retired, it was to the whitest state, Vermont. How's that for real racism???

‘He has been tagged a limousine liberal by critics who point out that although he advocates busing editorially, he sends his own children to private schools. "It gives me a lot of intellectual discomfort," he admits. "But I am not going to disadvantage my children to win more support for my views." ‘Tom Wicker & Pam Hill: a Mixed-media Marriage Changes Their Luck : People.com

So, when is Matthews going to turn him in? Never?

The racists are the ones screaming 'racism' loudest.

4. Please quote what you feel is Kevin Phillips' argument that there was a racist cast to the efforts of Republicans. What he belives is that the party became less northeastern-liberal.
And I showed why that was a good thing! And viewed as such in the South.

5. "Ivy League colleges do not have R.O.T.C. detachments today. Forty years ago, the military started to close detachments in the Northeast and establish programs in the West and South."
Are you denying that it was liberalism that caused the northeastern Ivy's to close out the ROTC????

I went to Columbia...they cancelled ROTC because of the military's policy toward gays.

My bud in Yale had to go to U-Conn for ROTC classes....he was commissioned Armored Cav the same day he graduated.

The NYTimes article is bogus...as is your contention that the South is filled with racists, and the GOP had a racist Southern Strategy.

Again: there was no racist Southern Strategy by Nixon, and your flaccid 'defense' of your post is insignificant.
LOL, I'm surprised it took so long for someone to come up with this lame ass excuse for Byrd. But hey, as I said, you all HAVE NO PROBLEM voting for someone who WAS A ADMITTED MEMBER of the KKK. and no one that I know give two sheets (pun intended) about Duke, but you lefties trying to tie him to Republicans. :lol:

You apparently need a lesson in civics:

"You all" actually means 1/2 of the registered voters in West Virginia. I have never lived in West Virginia. Therefore, I never voted for Byrd. However, I don't find the fact that he was at one time a klucker who saw the error of his ways a lifelong sin.

"No one you know" gave "two sheets" about Duke? I am willing to bet you know little/nothing about David Duke who was the GOP candidate for Governor against "Fast" Eddie Edwards (a corrupt Democrat to be sure, but at least he wasn't a fucking klucker) in a race that gave us one of the most hilarious political slogans of all time:

A very popular bumpersticker urging support for Edwards (although clearly not produced by his campaign) read "Vote For the Crook. It's Important."[12][13] Another read "Vote for the Lizard, not the Wizard."

Louisiana gubernatorial election, 1991 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

yea men, Is frums tham hils, Is knews nuthings..:lol::lol:

I am from the Missouri Ozarks. So, I am from the hills too. I am sure you know something. You just don't know shit about Louisiana.

Everyone in Louisiana knows about Duke. Hell, he was the GOP gubernatorial candidate in 1991.

Most people in Louisiana are appalled by Duke though. His history of marching around LSU in a Nazi Uniform hasn't exactly ingratiated him to the voting public.

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