Darren Wilson---Poster Boy for Wimpiness

Nor was it the store worker/owner who called the cops. It was one of the shoppers who misunderstood what he saw.
Nor was it the store worker/owner who called the cops. It was one of the shoppers who misunderstood what he saw.

Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

Yabut, if you're black, assault is a capital crime.

This was a white wash. They wanted to get him off and did what was necessary to do that.

Yesterday you called his robbery at the convenience store "shoplifting" and then later claimed he paid for the cigarillos. You're making progress Didley! :laugh2:

BTW, you're a RACIST for using the term "white wash".


I have since EDUCATED MYSELF and learned that the full video (that the prosecutor kept from the public) and that Brown actually paid for the cigarillos.I posted the video and of course, if you want to EDUCATE YOURSELF, its available at You Tube.

Alternatively, you could keep telling the same lies over and over so you can pat yourself on the back for being an ignorant, inbred, trailer trash, cracker racist.

It was a white wash.

Post it. Or link it. I've just watched I don't know how many different videos on YouTube based on your post, and in none of them is there any indication of money being exchanged for the cigarillos or whatever the hell they were. The only thing you can see is Brown grabbing a pack and giving it to Dorian Johnson, then you see Brown leaning over the counter with his arm outstretched as if reaching for something, then he quickly pulls back with another pack and starts to leave. The store owner then comes around the counter, tries to stop the two of them at the door, he is then shoved, some might say violently, by Brown.


It starts with Brown entering the store and ends with his departure. No money exchanged in any frame. Do you have a video with a different angle?
God damn you cop haters are stupid. Here we go...my continued Criminal Justice 101 class.

Tasers. Every police academy in america teaches:

- Taser is a LESS lethal "non lethal" in common terms...weapon.
- Taser should NOT be deployed without LETHAL cover

Meaning...one officer has taser in hand. A 2nd officer is there to have a gun in hand...in case bad guy suddenly produces a knife or gun himself. The officer w taser wouldnt react quick enough to transition to a gun.

You say "you should taze people with knives instead of shooting them".

Nope. Taser International discourages that, and police policies forbid it. Why? Because if you fall with a knife and stab yourself and die...you get sued because a man dies from use of a (see above) less-lethal weapon.

This lesson comes back to the opening idea of.....just dont threaten or attack cops and you'll be just fine.
Michael Brown was inside that police cruiser assaulting a police officer and trying to take his gun. Those are actions that are NOT going to be responded to with a Taser. If you do what Brown did you're going to get shot with a gun.
MO Governor ‘Punished’ Ferguson For Refusing to Fire Darren Wilson, Tom Jackson (Nixon Democrat)

gotnews ^

Governor Jay Nixon refused to give Ferguson National Guard protection to punish them for refusing to fire Darren Wilson and chief of police Tom Jackson, Gotnews.com has learned.
Nor was it the store worker/owner who called the cops. It was one of the shoppers who misunderstood what he saw.

Dude, Michael Brown stole a fifty dollar box of cigars! He didn't steal a one dollar candy bar. There's no "misunderstanding" of what took place in that market that day. That was a classic case of strong arm robbery.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

Yabut, if you're black, assault is a capital crime.

This was a white wash. They wanted to get him off and did what was necessary to do that.

Yesterday you called his robbery at the convenience store "shoplifting" and then later claimed he paid for the cigarillos. You're making progress Didley! :laugh2:

BTW, you're a RACIST for using the term "white wash".


I have since EDUCATED MYSELF and learned that the full video (that the prosecutor kept from the public) and that Brown actually paid for the cigarillos.I posted the video and of course, if you want to EDUCATE YOURSELF, its available at You Tube.

Alternatively, you could keep telling the same lies over and over so you can pat yourself on the back for being an ignorant, inbred, trailer trash, cracker racist.

It was a white wash.

Post it. Or link it. I've just watched I don't know how many different videos on YouTube based on your post, and in none of them is there any indication of money being exchanged for the cigarillos or whatever the hell they were. The only thing you can see is Brown grabbing a pack and giving it to Dorian Johnson, then you see Brown leaning over the counter with his arm outstretched as if reaching for something, then he quickly pulls back with another pack and starts to leave. The store owner then comes around the counter, tries to stop the two of them at the door, he is then shoved, some might say violently, by Brown.


It starts with Brown entering the store and ends with his departure. No money exchanged in any frame. Do you have a video with a different angle?

If there was official money exchanged a transaction receipt from the register would have been presented to the grand jury as evidence Brown purchased the cigars. No such transaction was presented. Why? Because Brown stole the merchandise.
Officer Wilson made the correct decision and the Grand Jury agreed. ...... :cool:

Yabut, if you're black, assault is a capital crime.

This was a white wash. They wanted to get him off and did what was necessary to do that.

Yesterday you called his robbery at the convenience store "shoplifting" and then later claimed he paid for the cigarillos. You're making progress Didley! :laugh2:

BTW, you're a RACIST for using the term "white wash".


I have since EDUCATED MYSELF and watched the full video (that the prosecutor kept from the public) I learned that Brown actually paid for the cigarillos.I posted the video and of course, if you want to EDUCATE YOURSELF, its available at You Tube.

Alternatively, you could keep telling the same lies over and over so you can pat yourself on the back for being an ignorant, inbred, trailer trash, cracker racist.

It was a white wash.

Never mind, Luddly, I was able to find this:

Attorney Dorian Johnson confirms he was with Brown at store robbery

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) - The friend who was with Michael Brown when he was shot and killed by a police officer near St. Louis over the weekend is reportedly confirming that he and Brown had taken part in the theft of cigars from a convenience store that day.

That word comes from the attorney for Dorian Johnson, speaking to MSNBC. Police in Ferguson had earlier announced that Brown was suspected of taking cigars from the convenience store in what was described as a "strong-arm robbery."

In an interview with msnbc shortly after the report was released, Johnson’s lawyer confirmed that Brown had taken cigars from the store.

“We see that there’s tape, that they claim they got a tape that shows there was some sort of strong-armed robbery,” said Freeman Bosley, Johnson’s attorney. “We need to see that tape, my client did tell us and told the FBI that they went into the store. He told FBI that [Brown] did take cigarillos. He told that to the DOJ and the St. Louis County Police.”

Police Michael Brown stopped because he blocked traffic MSNBC

I guess you should do a better job of educating yourself...
You get one shot with a tazer

You're a bit behind the times. No shocker there.

Three Shock Taser: New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded
Three Shock Taser New Stun Gun Can Shock Three People Without Being Reloaded

Ok, now provide the link showing ferguson police were issued those.

Read the transcript. Wilson said they were issued tasers but he said he felt they were inconvenient to carry.
So what ? He has no need or requirement to carry or use one. Cops have been using guns in America for 200 years. No problem with that.
Don't want to get shot ? Don't attack a cop.

You always have problems if you're STUPID. Solution > don't be stupid!
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Funny how no cop haters comment about how Gentle Giant just shouldn't have attacked a cop.

They are now mad Wilson didnt carry a taser. But no comment on Gentle Slug creating the whole situation that one would be needed in the first place.
Tasers are toys, just like pepper spray, rubber bullets and smoke bombs. Only truly deadly weapons have any actual use. Deadly force or no force.
So it is justified if a thug goes for a cops gun?
You are correct. Tasers are NOT meant for deadly force situations. If he goes for the gun...the taser is no longer an option.

When a thug makes a move for a cops gun....theres a solid chance either the thug or cop will be dead in the end. Thats just reality. Those who dont like it...should encourage others not to try to take a cops gun. End of debate.

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