DACA must go, but there will be priorities.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The main reason Trump must overturn DACA is that the law puts children at great risk. DACA is the carrot that is dangled in front of desperate people in Mexico and Central America. It makes dirt poor parents do the unthinkable, turning their kids over to Coyotes who might just as well abandon the kids, or stuff them in a sealed train car, or the desert. Or sell them to the sex trade. It happens every day, and not surprisingly the press turns a blind eye.

If you have a lethal cut to an artery, the first priority is tourniquet. Stop the flow. That will be Trump's priority, to show that DACA is no longer a law, and that kids will be shipped straight back from where they came. Once the kids have stopped showing up at the border, then we'll deal with dangerous illegal Dreamers that are here, but it will awhile to stop the flood of kids created by Obama's misguided law. Breaking up families is not the priority.
Trump could also work out deals with Mexico to develop better resources and opportunities
such as along the Mexican side of the border
so nobody has to cross illegally to access job, education, training and services.

Church ministries and schools providing services, production factories,
even military prisons and teaching hospitals can be developed that
would create jobs and foster sustainable secure communities to replace
cults, gangs, drug and human trafficking.

Trump already believes in calling for restitution to invest in reforms.
If you add up all the losses from criminal trafficking and violence,
sure it can pay for solutions for the victims exploited over the border.

And if you count up the number of Mexican Nationals, alone, living "illegally"
in the US, why not have Mexico set aside 4-5 cities the size of Houston
and claim those cities as the "legal residence" of those undocumented workers.

And start developing those city-states for those residents to claim "dual citizenship"
while working off any debts or damages owed for crimes or violations committed.
Investing that as restitution into developing safe LEGAL places for those workers
to claim citizenship instead of dividing families and communities over mixed status.

Trump could also work out deals with Mexico to develop better resources and opportunities
such as along the Mexican side of the border
so nobody has to cross illegally to access job, education, training and services.

Church ministries and schools providing services, production factories,
even military prisons and teaching hospitals can be developed that
would create jobs and foster sustainable secure communities to replace
cults, gangs, drug and human trafficking.

Trump already believes in calling for restitution to invest in reforms.
If you add up all the losses from criminal trafficking and violence,
sure it can pay for solutions for the victims exploited over the border.

And if you count up the number of Mexican Nationals, alone, living "illegally"
in the US, why not have Mexico set aside 4-5 cities the size of Houston
and claim those cities as the "legal residence" of those undocumented workers.

And start developing those city-states for those residents to claim "dual citizenship"
while working off any debts or damages owed for crimes or violations committed.
Investing that as restitution into developing safe LEGAL places for those workers
to claim citizenship instead of dividing families and communities over mixed status.

There may be some win-win possibilities that Trump could look at, once we have the border at least stabilized. Tearing apart families that are not criminals is last on the list of things we need to do with respect to illegal immigration problems.

I do have concerns about Christian Ministries that are very active in the relocation of illegals and refugees. They appear to be working very closely with the Federal Government in this program. How these undocumented people are being screened and funded bears a lot more scrutiny. The city-state idea would be really difficult and expensive to manage IMO. The scale of that undertaking would be massive and if the experiment failed it would be nearly impossible to dismantle.

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