DACA issue brings out the hateful un-Americans

These vile sick xenophobes do not represent our country.

Steve (takes it in the ass) King: Deported Dreamers Can Teach Home Countries ‘How A Civilized People Interact With Each Other’

Rep. Steve King, the Iowa Republican who famously said that most DREAM Act recipients have “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border and then led the House GOP’s efforts to reel back President Obama’s DACA program, said this morning that President Trump’s decision to end DACA will lead to DREAMers who have been deported creating a Peace Corps-like force that will teach their home countries “how a civilized people interact with each other.”

Go to hell, idiot.

Paul (ass handed to him by Ryan) Nehlen Helps Kick Off ‘Cerno News’ By Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

During yesterday’s broadcast of “Cerno News,” Nehlen shared his reaction to the Trump administration’s repeal of DACA, which protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation, with Stack and Cerovich Media writer Andrew Meyer. “They need to go back to Mexico and make Mexico great for once. I’m not of the opinion that we owe them anything. We don’t owe them anything. We don’t owe any Mexican citizens anything in this country,” Nehlen said.

"They need to go back to Mexico"… yeah, he actually went there.

Sick, I know.

FAIR Spokesman (and xenophobic hate machine) Claims Ungrateful Dreamers Have No Right To Call U.S. Home

Kaufman told Ray that she was appalled that Dreamers protesting Trump’s decision are “so angry and not grateful at all for the opportunity they’ve had” in the United States.

“They’re calling our president a liar,” Ray said. “Well, I’ll tell you, if I wanted somebody to do a favor for me, which is what this would be, I sure as heck wouldn’t give a press conference and call him a big, fat liar.”

In a perfect world, all three of these monsters would be kidnapped, taken to Mexico, given sex changes, fed heroin until addicted, and then dropped back on MLK Blvd in any major U.S. city. Justice.

You're right about one thing, DACA brings out the hateful un-Americans. You hateful Antifa un-Americans sure are upset you can't fuck over America so easily now.
The reason health care is so expensive (because it wasn't in 1970 when we paid the dr. cash per visit) ...

When you say "we" paid cash, are you referring to unemployed, obese Obama folks who never made a legit dollar in their lives? :p
This is the bottom line right wingers,

95% of those kids are either working or going to school.

78% are Mexican.

The Attorneys General of a bunch of state are ready to file suits to stop Trump from stopping DACA. Remember, with the GOP controlling both houses and the Supreme Court, if it were illegal, they would have stopped it by now. You would have to be a tard to know know that.

But there is more to it than that.

Remember, during the election, Trump said only some Mexicans aren't rapists, Mexico sends us the bad ones, Miss Housekeeping, and he maligned a Judge born in Indiana who happens to have Hispanic parents and said that judge couldn't be a good judge being Hispanic.

What that means is that Trump discriminates. And that means, he can't get rid of DACA because he is attacking a minority. Were aren't supposed to do that in this country. Something the GOP clearly doesn't understand.

They have no standing to challenge Trumps reversal of a presidential memo, no matter how they try to dirty the waters.

Jesus, no matter how well it's explained, you just don't get it. If it's based on race or ethnicity, he can't do it. Period. What part of discrimination is illegal you don't understand. You can't base your rulings on discrimination. Did you finally get it?
How is it based on race, moron?
Why do they not deserve the same opportunities as any of us?
Why do tax paying Americans not have the same opportunities
and financial relief as any of them?
They should. Now you answer my question
They should. Now answer my question.
We should, but we don't!

They deserve opportunities in their country!

Instead of illegally entering our country
they should be doing whatever is necessary
to bring about the change necessary in Mexico
for future generations to come.

Why must we pay for the opportunities
they are afforded, at our own expense?

I live in a 98% predominantly Hispanic neighborhood,
The city has built at least, 5 new, state of the art,
grammar schools and high schools, complete with
indoor pools, soccer fields, cafeteria's, air conditioning,
top notch computer labs, science labs, offering an array of
sports, marching bands, musical instruments...etc

every existing public school by my house,
had annexes added onto the surrounding free space

This was done to accommodate the explosion of
Hispanic children that flooded our city and the area.

This comes at a hefty cost,
a cost that they haven't had to contribute to.

We are strapped for cash as it is,
because of our corrupted politicians,
then add the burden of schooling, feeding,
providing medical care, dental care, braces,
eye glasses, for immigrants who feel
they are entitled to opportunities at the expense of others.

You know, all I can do at this point,
with everything that's going on,
is lift my arms to Heaven and say, Jesus come quickly!

I don't understand how people can not do basic math
and yet you are not countering anything they have said.....does that mean you might be a tad clueless yourself?....just asking....
I've been on many threads expressing my views on this topic. I hear many responding to this OP attacking the dreamers like they are law breaking criminals that need to go back to their own country. Somebody who was brought here as a child, grew up here for the majority of their life, has only one country in their eyes. The lack of acknowledgement and awareness of the various elements of this situation on a simple human level is quite disgusting.

We did not bring them here. Their parents did. They knowingly involved their children in a criminal activity. Sure, it's not the children's fault, but not ours either.

So, I'll ask you the same as the OP. Remove the doors from your house. Anyone who enters may stay as long as they want and by doing so, you obligate to feed and provide medical care. Will you do it, or are you a heartless bastard?

I'll await your reply.
Of course not, that is a dumb comparison that involves completely different points of comparison. To your point about the dreamers, you are correct, it wasn't their fault that they were brought here. Now they are teenagers and young adults and ready to go to college and start their careers. So why are you punishing them for their parents sins. Why do they not deserve the same opportunities as any of us?

No, it's exactly the same.

So we have the answer. Slades a heartless bastard. What slade? This is kinda your own NIMBY moment.
Do you actually think that childish logic is working? Grow up man, try and have a real debate

Lol, are you kidding me? I'm talking to someone who preaches one thing, then refuses to do EXACTLY what he preaches.
Democrats are racist, La Raza, Mecha, LULAC, Brown Berets, Congressional Hispanic caucus....

Brown Berets; “Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die … Through love of having children, we are going to take over.

Los Angeles City Council. “They’re afraid we’re going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They’re right. We will take them over … We are here to stay.”

Professor University of Texas; “We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population … I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it.”

Chairman of the California Democratic Party, “Remember 187 — proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens — was the last gasp of white America in California.”

California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton, “California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn’t like it should leave.”

Mexican Consul General , “We are practicing ‘La Reconquista’ in California.”

Professor Loyola Marymount University; “We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos …”

Racist Univison reporter Jorge Ramos: America Is ‘Our Country, Not Theirs’—‘And We Are Not Going to Leave’
How about you balance that by posting extremist garbage from both sides... Or better yet how about you stop with the BS inflammatory shit and focus on intelligent conversation about actual issues.
The truth helps people evolve.
Left Wingers live in deep denial about their very nature.
Democrats are racist, La Raza, Mecha, LULAC, Brown Berets, Congressional Hispanic caucus....

Brown Berets; “Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die … Through love of having children, we are going to take over.

Los Angeles City Council. “They’re afraid we’re going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They’re right. We will take them over … We are here to stay.”

Professor University of Texas; “We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population … I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it.”

Chairman of the California Democratic Party, “Remember 187 — proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens — was the last gasp of white America in California.”

California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton, “California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn’t like it should leave.”

Mexican Consul General , “We are practicing ‘La Reconquista’ in California.”

Professor Loyola Marymount University; “We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos …”

Racist Univison reporter Jorge Ramos: America Is ‘Our Country, Not Theirs’—‘And We Are Not Going to Leave’

Go back to stormfront, racist pig.

all your posts reveal you to be a pinhead sheet clown…
I am against hate and racism and Democrats are in deep denial about their hate and racism.
How is pointing out the Democrat hate and racism "hate"?
The Truth shall set you free....... or at least give left wing wackos some credibility.
"Let's be perfectly clear" DACA is not about compassion.
DACA is about more Troglocrat Voters.
The Democratic Party is RACIST, and that is why it is full of racist groups like La Raza, LULAC, Mecha, Congressional Hispanic Caucus, and Aztlan Nationalist.
These vile sick xenophobes do not represent our country.

Steve (takes it in the ass) King: Deported Dreamers Can Teach Home Countries ‘How A Civilized People Interact With Each Other’

Rep. Steve King, the Iowa Republican who famously said that most DREAM Act recipients have “calves the size of cantaloupes” from running drugs across the border and then led the House GOP’s efforts to reel back President Obama’s DACA program, said this morning that President Trump’s decision to end DACA will lead to DREAMers who have been deported creating a Peace Corps-like force that will teach their home countries “how a civilized people interact with each other.”

Go to hell, idiot.

Paul (ass handed to him by Ryan) Nehlen Helps Kick Off ‘Cerno News’ By Attacking Undocumented Immigrants

During yesterday’s broadcast of “Cerno News,” Nehlen shared his reaction to the Trump administration’s repeal of DACA, which protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants from deportation, with Stack and Cerovich Media writer Andrew Meyer. “They need to go back to Mexico and make Mexico great for once. I’m not of the opinion that we owe them anything. We don’t owe them anything. We don’t owe any Mexican citizens anything in this country,” Nehlen said.

"They need to go back to Mexico"… yeah, he actually went there.

Sick, I know.

FAIR Spokesman (and xenophobic hate machine) Claims Ungrateful Dreamers Have No Right To Call U.S. Home

Kaufman told Ray that she was appalled that Dreamers protesting Trump’s decision are “so angry and not grateful at all for the opportunity they’ve had” in the United States.

“They’re calling our president a liar,” Ray said. “Well, I’ll tell you, if I wanted somebody to do a favor for me, which is what this would be, I sure as heck wouldn’t give a press conference and call him a big, fat liar.”

In a perfect world, all three of these monsters would be kidnapped, taken to Mexico, given sex changes, fed heroin until addicted, and then dropped back on MLK Blvd in any major U.S. city. Justice.

Every country has a right to a lawful immigration system! Executive orders like DACA just encourage more unlawful behavior.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Oh look, more people who are so insecure with their lives they need to lash out at some brown people.

How will this ruling improve the lives of anyone in here?

Hint: It won't.
Wow, listen to these guys responding to this thread. they are clueless
and yet you are not countering anything they have said.....does that mean you might be a tad clueless yourself?....just asking....
I've been on many threads expressing my views on this topic. I hear many responding to this OP attacking the dreamers like they are law breaking criminals that need to go back to their own country. Somebody who was brought here as a child, grew up here for the majority of their life, has only one country in their eyes. The lack of acknowledgement and awareness of the various elements of this situation on a simple human level is quite disgusting.
ok...but you did not comment here.....it doesnt matter about other threads...you could have said this earlier.....
I just did, care to respond?
yea i can agree with you.....and it should be up to our useless Congress to either make DACA a law protecting them or not....the ball is back in their court....
for those of you crying about your own personal miserable circumstances and conflating as if the fault of DACA recipients...

tax revenues spent in communities for new schools and public facilities are for the betterment of the ENTIRE community.

the notion that this issue is all about taking back what's meant for YOU and yours from THOSE people?

that's a classic false dilemma fallacy ^

Myth 1: It's a pathway to citizenship
DACA gives beneficiaries a temporary reprieve from deportation, allowing them to stay lawfully in the country, granting them work permits and allowing them to obtain driver's licenses. And it stops there. The program is not amnesty, nor is it a path to become a US citizen or a legal permanent resident. Dreamers are able to reside legally in the United States for two years and then apply for renewal.

Myth 2: They don't pay taxes
DACA recipients have paid about $2 billion in state and local taxes, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy estimates.

Myth 3: They get Medicaid and Obamacare

Some types of immigrants living in the United States have health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, but under DACA, Dreamers are not eligible. DACA grantees cannot get Medicaid either. The only other ways for Dreamers to get health insurance is by receiving it from an employer, being a spouse's dependent, going to a community clinic or purchasing it on their own outside the exchange, paying the entire premium.

Myth 4: They are going to college for free
It depends. DACA opened the doorway for undocumented immigrants to enroll in college, pay in-state tuition and in some cases gain access to financial aid packages. While DACA students are not eligible for federal financial aid, some states let them pay in-state tuition, and a few offer them state-sponsored aid. Public and private universities tend to handle students in different ways.

Myth 5: They are stealing jobs from American citizens
There's actually a shortage of qualified workers in the United States, the Federal Reserve said in a survey of businesses across the country released in July. Tech companies in New York can't find software developers. Construction firms in Virginia can't find skilled builders and trucking companies in Kansas are short on drivers, just to name a few industries with hiring issues. Experts say ending protections for DACA recipients would worsen the shortage of workers in the country. Silicon Valley to Trump: 'Dreamers are vital'

5 DACA myths debunked - CNN

FACT CHECK: Are DACA Recipients Stealing Jobs Away From Other Americans?

“They have grown up and been educated as Americans; most came here through no choice of their own, and many know no other country. They are working to make our communities richer and stronger,” the coalition wrote. “Pushing them into the shadows would hurt our schools and communities.”

Education leaders call on Trump to protect ‘dreamers’
Oh look, more people who are so insecure with their lives they need to lash out at some brown people.

How will this ruling improve the lives of anyone in here?

Hint: It won't.

You do realize there are a lot of Mexicans and South Americans who aren't brown at all, right? They're straight-up white.
Why do they not deserve the same opportunities as any of us?
Why do tax paying Americans not have the same opportunities
and financial relief as any of them?
They should. Now you answer my question
They should. Now answer my question.
We should, but we don't!

They deserve opportunities in their country!

Instead of illegally entering our country
they should be doing whatever is necessary
to bring about the change necessary in Mexico
for future generations to come.

Why must we pay for the opportunities
they are afforded, at our own expense?

I live in a 98% predominantly Hispanic neighborhood,
The city has built at least, 5 new, state of the art,
grammar schools and high schools, complete with
indoor pools, soccer fields, cafeteria's, air conditioning,
top notch computer labs, science labs, offering an array of
sports, marching bands, musical instruments...etc

every existing public school by my house,
had annexes added onto the surrounding free space

This was done to accommodate the explosion of
Hispanic children that flooded our city and the area.

This comes at a hefty cost,
a cost that they haven't had to contribute to.

We are strapped for cash as it is,
because of our corrupted politicians,
then add the burden of schooling, feeding,
providing medical care, dental care, braces,
eye glasses, for immigrants who feel
they are entitled to opportunities at the expense of others.

You know, all I can do at this point,
with everything that's going on,
is lift my arms to Heaven and say, Jesus come quickly!

I don't understand how people can not do basic math
How long did those facilities last before the students destroyed them?

The California Loon is not a bird. A California Loon spent millions giving poor children iPads for education. All them were promptly sold on the streets.

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