Current lies about Ebola.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Just a quick background: I have been in medicine for 32 years now, I have successfully protected myself from all manner if infectious diseases, many if them more contagious than Ebola. Herpes, hepatitis A thru D, AIDS/HIV, CMV, tuberculosis, and the list goes on. I have also always been fascinated by microbiology and infectious diseases. I'm as close to an expert on them as you can be without being a doctor.

Ebola is as deadly and scary as they say, but only if you have it. There is still no need to panic about it and there are a LOT of lies going around. I will share them here in this thread. Feel free to ask questions.
Lie #1:

Ebola can be spread through the air.

You cannot catch Ebola by breathing the same air, not on a plane, not on a bus, etc. a person's cough, which could in the more advanced stages of the disease, may be contagious but the person would have to cough on you. The droplets from a cough only travel a few feet.
Lie #2,

Personal protective equipment is not effective against Ebola.

Wrong. And I would tell this to that infected nurse's face that she fucked up, I know she did just as surely as I know Obama is a Democrat. Ebola is magical, it obeys physical laws the same as ever other living thing. Wear you PPE correctly, take it off correctly, and you will not get infected.
Good thread but it doesnt seem like people are interested in facts about Ebola - they are more concerned with whipping up the fear
Lie #3

The nurses at that hospital in Dallas had no training to protect themselves against Ebola.

Complete lie. The staff of that hospital, just like every single hospital in the US has to have yearly training in the use of PPE, and infectious diseases. The training we all receive for Hepatitis, HIV, CMV, and TB is the exact same training you would use for an Ebola patient.

Saying that they had no training is like saying I can't cook a chocolate cake because I only had training cooking vanilla cake.
Lie #1:

Ebola can be spread through the air.

You cannot catch Ebola by breathing the same air, not on a plane, not on a bus, etc. a person's cough, which could in the more advanced stages of the disease, may be contagious but the person would have to cough on you. The droplets from a cough only travel a few feet.

Odd that the people who handle Ebola for a living wear spacesuits

The CDC doesn't know what it's doing.

The fact that the statement is too broad is what makes it false. The CDC is correct about some things, but has certainly made mistakes.

It is correct about Ebola only being transmissible when the patient is symptomatic. That is why the family of the victim doesn't have the virus, and why the people who flew with him over here don't either. The two nurses got infected when he was dying of the disease.

The CDC fucked up royally when they let that woman fly with a 99 degree temp, and they are full of more shit than a backed up septic tank when they say that stopping travel out if infected countries will make the epidemic worse.

But they know the virus better than anyone, and they are correct in the most important respect.
Lie #1:

Ebola can be spread through the air.

You cannot catch Ebola by breathing the same air, not on a plane, not on a bus, etc. a person's cough, which could in the more advanced stages of the disease, may be contagious but the person would have to cough on you. The droplets from a cough only travel a few feet.

Odd that the people who handle Ebola for a living wear spacesuits

Why is that odd? And how does it contradict what I said? You realize that people who handle the disease and the patients are within close proximity right?
Lie #1:

Ebola can be spread through the air.

You cannot catch Ebola by breathing the same air, not on a plane, not on a bus, etc. a person's cough, which could in the more advanced stages of the disease, may be contagious but the person would have to cough on you. The droplets from a cough only travel a few feet.

That hasn't been proved.
the 2012 canadian study showed it transmitted between pigs and monkeys that were 8 feet apart.

The truth is no one knows for sure...on the other hand, supposedly, the virus mutating is "unlikely"...the "experts" say...

Would you ride in a car/plane/bus with someone who has ebola?
Would you invite them into your house?
Lie #1:

Ebola can be spread through the air.

You cannot catch Ebola by breathing the same air, not on a plane, not on a bus, etc. a person's cough, which could in the more advanced stages of the disease, may be contagious but the person would have to cough on you. The droplets from a cough only travel a few feet.

That hasn't been proved.
the 2012 canadian study showed it transmitted between pigs and monkeys that were 8 feet apart.

The truth is no one knows for sure...on the other hand, supposedly, the virus mutating is "unlikely"...the "experts" say...

Would you ride in a car/plane/bus with someone who has ebola?
Would you invite them into your house?

If I knew that a person who had Ebola was on board then no. And no I would not invite a person who had Ebola into my home. That doesn't change anything. If you know the person has Ebola then that means he's symptomatic and therefor contagious. I would NOT be worried about breathing the air, I would be worried about a cough, or unwashed hands, or sudden vomiting, etc. this does not contradict the fact that the virus isn't airborne.
Lie #1:

Ebola can be spread through the air.

You cannot catch Ebola by breathing the same air, not on a plane, not on a bus, etc. a person's cough, which could in the more advanced stages of the disease, may be contagious but the person would have to cough on you. The droplets from a cough only travel a few feet.

That hasn't been proved.
the 2012 canadian study showed it transmitted between pigs and monkeys that were 8 feet apart.

The truth is no one knows for sure...on the other hand, supposedly, the virus mutating is "unlikely"...the "experts" say...

Would you ride in a car/plane/bus with someone who has ebola?
Would you invite them into your house?

If I knew that a person who had Ebola was on board then no. And no I would not invite a person who had Ebola into my home. That doesn't change anything. If you know the person has Ebola then that means he's symptomatic and therefor contagious. I would NOT be worried about breathing the air, I would be worried about a cough, or unwashed hands, or sudden vomiting, etc. this does not contradict the fact that the virus isn't airborne.

the 2012 canadian study?
What's up with that? the animals were 8 feet (or more) apart...

Lie #1:

Ebola can be spread through the air.

You cannot catch Ebola by breathing the same air, not on a plane, not on a bus, etc. a person's cough, which could in the more advanced stages of the disease, may be contagious but the person would have to cough on you. The droplets from a cough only travel a few feet.

Odd that the people who handle Ebola for a living wear spacesuits

Why is that odd? And how does it contradict what I said? You realize that people who handle the disease and the patients are within close proximity right?

Yes, as close as nurses and patients. We never had an outbreak while Ebola was contained to the Level IV Facilities. Now we have vectoring all over the place because we're treating it like no big fucking deal. I said it the first day, Duncan and his family should have been IMMEDIATELY shipped to a Level IV facility, but we keep dicking around with it like it's a smelly diaper that has to be handled with only slight precaution
Lie #1:

Ebola can be spread through the air.

You cannot catch Ebola by breathing the same air, not on a plane, not on a bus, etc. a person's cough, which could in the more advanced stages of the disease, may be contagious but the person would have to cough on you. The droplets from a cough only travel a few feet.

That hasn't been proved.
the 2012 canadian study showed it transmitted between pigs and monkeys that were 8 feet apart.

The truth is no one knows for sure...on the other hand, supposedly, the virus mutating is "unlikely"...the "experts" say...

Would you ride in a car/plane/bus with someone who has ebola?
Would you invite them into your house?

If I knew that a person who had Ebola was on board then no. And no I would not invite a person who had Ebola into my home. That doesn't change anything. If you know the person has Ebola then that means he's symptomatic and therefor contagious. I would NOT be worried about breathing the air, I would be worried about a cough, or unwashed hands, or sudden vomiting, etc. this does not contradict the fact that the virus isn't airborne.

the 2012 canadian study?
What's up with that? the animals were 8 feet (or more) apart...

I'd have to look at the study. I'd bet money you are reading it wrong. Any and every virologist anywhere will tell you that Ebola is not an airborne virus.
Lie #1:

Ebola can be spread through the air.

You cannot catch Ebola by breathing the same air, not on a plane, not on a bus, etc. a person's cough, which could in the more advanced stages of the disease, may be contagious but the person would have to cough on you. The droplets from a cough only travel a few feet.

That hasn't been proved.
the 2012 canadian study showed it transmitted between pigs and monkeys that were 8 feet apart.

The truth is no one knows for sure...on the other hand, supposedly, the virus mutating is "unlikely"...the "experts" say...

Would you ride in a car/plane/bus with someone who has ebola?
Would you invite them into your house?

If I knew that a person who had Ebola was on board then no. And no I would not invite a person who had Ebola into my home. That doesn't change anything. If you know the person has Ebola then that means he's symptomatic and therefor contagious. I would NOT be worried about breathing the air, I would be worried about a cough, or unwashed hands, or sudden vomiting, etc. this does not contradict the fact that the virus isn't airborne.

the 2012 canadian study?
What's up with that? the animals were 8 feet (or more) apart...

I'd have to look at the study. I'd bet money you are reading it wrong. Any and every virologist anywhere will tell you that Ebola is not an airborne virus.
Well, the data is out there...choose your own source...I'm interested.
They're *pretty sure* it isn't airborne.....yet.....viruses can mutate, right?
Lie #1:

Ebola can be spread through the air.

You cannot catch Ebola by breathing the same air, not on a plane, not on a bus, etc. a person's cough, which could in the more advanced stages of the disease, may be contagious but the person would have to cough on you. The droplets from a cough only travel a few feet.

That hasn't been proved.
the 2012 canadian study showed it transmitted between pigs and monkeys that were 8 feet apart.

The truth is no one knows for sure...on the other hand, supposedly, the virus mutating is "unlikely"...the "experts" say...

Would you ride in a car/plane/bus with someone who has ebola?
Would you invite them into your house?

If I knew that a person who had Ebola was on board then no. And no I would not invite a person who had Ebola into my home. That doesn't change anything. If you know the person has Ebola then that means he's symptomatic and therefor contagious. I would NOT be worried about breathing the air, I would be worried about a cough, or unwashed hands, or sudden vomiting, etc. this does not contradict the fact that the virus isn't airborne.

the 2012 canadian study?
What's up with that? the animals were 8 feet (or more) apart...

I'd have to look at the study. I'd bet money you are reading it wrong. Any and every virologist anywhere will tell you that Ebola is not an airborne virus.
Well, the data is out there...choose your own source...I'm interested.
They're *pretty sure* it isn't airborne.....yet.....viruses can mutate, right?

Yes, absolutely. Viruses can and do mutate.
I'm not trying to say that we shouldn't be alarmed, or that we shouldn't act or demand that our "leaders" act. That is their job. I'm only trying to expose the lies because lies don't help anything at all.

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