Creation Science/Making Headway - Dallas News

‘Creation science’ is an oxymoron.

Creationism is religion, not ‘science,’ it’s just as false and subjective as all other religion.

And we wonder why America is becoming the laughing stock of the world, with these Low IQ science illiterate buffoons trying to pass their magical thinking asshattery off as a science :cuckoo:

Do you accept evolution? I doubt it. So who's the laughingstock now?

I guess there's no such thing as a billionaire either. How long it takes to do something a billion times is irrelevant. What is relevant is the fact that earth's magnetic field has lasted this is due the heat provided by decaying radioactive isotopes. That wasn't known in the 1800s and is why earlier estimates of earth's age were in the millions rather than billions of years range.

Ahh, but we have this little problem call "entropy." The earth is in a constant state of decay. While evolutionists teach that life is "evolving" in an upward direction the laws of thermodynamics tell a different story.

Entropy increases in a closed system. The earth, however, is not a closed system. It gets energy from the sun, which allows for evolutionary progress. If we used your logic, nothing would happen when you planted a seed in the ground. Isn't that upward development? It is and it's due to the energy provided by the sun.

If it was really a fact, there'd be no "probably" about it. The stories mentioned could easily have been concocted after fossils have been found.

We can all speculate until the cows come home but speculative conclusions are not facts. The fact of the matter is that any and all naysayers who abjectly and absolutely reject the Bible still have no concrete conclusions to counter what the Bible says. It all boils down to wishful thinking, speculations, and, usually, a hatred towards Christianity.

Science isn't all about speculation. It's about acquiring data and deductive logic. If it appears that fossils have been laid down at different times over millions of years, you'd have to say God lies to us by making the claim that it happened in six days 6,000 years ago.
Interestingly, Torah actually substantiates the many at once idea since 1 man 1 woman who make 2 sons couldn't have started the human race without unprecedented inbreeding. Plus when Cain goes off into exile where'd he eventually wind up but among other humans who weren't his relations. (Genesis 4:14-16)

[MENTION=46449]Delta4Embassy[/MENTION] serious question delta, just for you, because I respect you when it comes to knowing the Torah.

Does Genesis 4:14-16 read different in other languages or does it mention anyone besides Cain's wife?

In all the versions I've read, it hints that others might find and kill Cain, but he could have been talking about his parents or siblings, and it is possible that Cain had already married his wife(yes his sister), before murdering Abel.

Also in verse 17, it says Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch. If there were already people there, wouldn't they have already named the city?

I look forward to your response.

The only appropriate response is that the bible was written by men, consequently itÂ’s subjective and irrelevant, where quoting bible passages is pointless and proves nothing.
Interestingly, Torah actually substantiates the many at once idea since 1 man 1 woman who make 2 sons couldn't have started the human race without unprecedented inbreeding. Plus when Cain goes off into exile where'd he eventually wind up but among other humans who weren't his relations. (Genesis 4:14-16)

[MENTION=46449]Delta4Embassy[/MENTION] serious question delta, just for you, because I respect you when it comes to knowing the Torah.

Does Genesis 4:14-16 read different in other languages or does it mention anyone besides Cain's wife?

In all the versions I've read, it hints that others might find and kill Cain, but he could have been talking about his parents or siblings, and it is possible that Cain had already married his wife(yes his sister), before murdering Abel.

Also in verse 17, it says Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch. If there were already people there, wouldn't they have already named the city?

I look forward to your response.

Only just saw this in a quote at the top of page 7, sorry for the delay. I only read English well enough to do any kind of reliable Scriptural analysis or interpretation. But what follows is from a Chassidic site ( and offers the ultra orthodox view of things.

14. Behold You have driven me today off the face of the earth, and I shall be hidden from before You, and I will be a wanderer and an exile in the land, and it will be that whoever finds me will kill me."

16. And Cain went forth from before the Lord, and he dwelt in the land of the wanderers, to the east of Eden.
- Bereishit 4

Enabling Rashi commentary (Great Sage) of I see,

"whoever finds me will kill me: This refers to the cattle and the beasts, but there were yet no humans in existence whom he should fear, only his father and mother, and he did not fear that they would kill him. But he said, “Until now, my fear was upon all the beasts, as it is written (Gen. 9:2): ‘And your fear, etc.,’ but now, because of this iniquity, the beasts will not fear me, and they will kill me.” Immediately,“and the Lord gave Cain a sign.” He restored his fear upon everyone- [as in ed. Guadalajara, 1476]."

17. And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch, and he was building a city, and he called the city after the name of his son, Enoch.
- Bereishit 4

Doesn't say she was a sister. And there's no official ('canonized') commentary where she came from.

So 'official' Talmudic Judaism agrees with you. But my 'plain reading' (nod to Justice Scalia heh) of it 'hints' at pre-existing others.
If it was really a fact, there'd be no "probably" about it. The stories mentioned could easily have been concocted after fossils have been found.

We can all speculate until the cows come home but speculative conclusions are not facts. The fact of the matter is that any and all naysayers who abjectly and absolutely reject the Bible still have no concrete conclusions to counter what the Bible says. It all boils down to wishful thinking, speculations, and, usually, a hatred towards Christianity.

Science isn't all about speculation. It's about acquiring data and deductive logic. If it appears that fossils have been laid down at different times over millions of years, you'd have to say God lies to us by making the claim that it happened in six days 6,000 years ago.

I have never understood where people get the idea that all Christians believe the world to be created a mere 6000 years ago or so.

Many people who interpret the Bible, take things that are not written and impose what they thought should be there. One of the best examples of that is the creation. The Bible lists Adam as 930 years old, when he died. The way it should be looked at, IMO, is that sin entered the world 6000 years ago and began to break the world down.

There is no time listed for how long Adam walked in the Garden of Eden with God. It doesn't say if it was a day or a million years, no time is ever given, yet many people, Christians included, believe that Adam only walked on the earth for 930 years. That is not the way I interpret it. I don't believe men had to number their years on earth before sin came into the world. Why? Because God made man perfect, and man was not going to die before sin came into the world, so why would there be any reason for man to count his days before he could die?
We can all speculate until the cows come home but speculative conclusions are not facts. The fact of the matter is that any and all naysayers who abjectly and absolutely reject the Bible still have no concrete conclusions to counter what the Bible says. It all boils down to wishful thinking, speculations, and, usually, a hatred towards Christianity.

Science isn't all about speculation. It's about acquiring data and deductive logic. If it appears that fossils have been laid down at different times over millions of years, you'd have to say God lies to us by making the claim that it happened in six days 6,000 years ago.

I have never understood where people get the idea that all Christians believe the world to be created a mere 6000 years ago or so.

Many people who interpret the Bible, take things that are not written and impose what they thought should be there. One of the best examples of that is the creation. The Bible lists Adam as 930 years old, when he died. The way it should be looked at, IMO, is that sin entered the world 6000 years ago and began to break the world down.

There is no time listed for how long Adam walked in the Garden of Eden with God. It doesn't say if it was a day or a million years, no time is ever given, yet many people, Christians included, believe that Adam only walked on the earth for 930 years. That is not the way I interpret it. I don't believe men had to number their years on earth before sin came into the world. Why? Because God made man perfect, and man was not going to die before sin came into the world, so why would there be any reason for man to count his days before he could die?

Always thought the notion of a ~6000 year-old Earth came from the Hebrew calender since there the year is 5774. I've also read and heard on docs that Christian leaders went through the Bible and came to the figure independently matching up historically known rulers and such and coming up with best guesses.

Btw, post-dating a check using the Hebrew calendar is a bad idea. :)
Interestingly, Torah actually substantiates the many at once idea since 1 man 1 woman who make 2 sons couldn't have started the human race without unprecedented inbreeding. Plus when Cain goes off into exile where'd he eventually wind up but among other humans who weren't his relations. (Genesis 4:14-16)

[MENTION=46449]Delta4Embassy[/MENTION] serious question delta, just for you, because I respect you when it comes to knowing the Torah.

Does Genesis 4:14-16 read different in other languages or does it mention anyone besides Cain's wife?

In all the versions I've read, it hints that others might find and kill Cain, but he could have been talking about his parents or siblings, and it is possible that Cain had already married his wife(yes his sister), before murdering Abel.

Also in verse 17, it says Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch. If there were already people there, wouldn't they have already named the city?

I look forward to your response.

The only appropriate response is that the bible was written by men, consequently itÂ’s subjective and irrelevant, where quoting bible passages is pointless and proves nothing.

The bolded portions above, describe your entire sentence.
Science isn't all about speculation. It's about acquiring data and deductive logic. If it appears that fossils have been laid down at different times over millions of years, you'd have to say God lies to us by making the claim that it happened in six days 6,000 years ago.

I have never understood where people get the idea that all Christians believe the world to be created a mere 6000 years ago or so.

Many people who interpret the Bible, take things that are not written and impose what they thought should be there. One of the best examples of that is the creation. The Bible lists Adam as 930 years old, when he died. The way it should be looked at, IMO, is that sin entered the world 6000 years ago and began to break the world down.

There is no time listed for how long Adam walked in the Garden of Eden with God. It doesn't say if it was a day or a million years, no time is ever given, yet many people, Christians included, believe that Adam only walked on the earth for 930 years. That is not the way I interpret it. I don't believe men had to number their years on earth before sin came into the world. Why? Because God made man perfect, and man was not going to die before sin came into the world, so why would there be any reason for man to count his days before he could die?

Always thought the notion of a ~6000 year-old Earth came from the Hebrew calender since there the year is 5774. I've also read and heard on docs that Christian leaders went through the Bible and came to the figure independently matching up historically known rulers and such and coming up with best guesses.

Btw, post-dating a check using the Hebrew calendar is a bad idea. :)

Interestingly, Torah actually substantiates the many at once idea since 1 man 1 woman who make 2 sons couldn't have started the human race without unprecedented inbreeding. Plus when Cain goes off into exile where'd he eventually wind up but among other humans who weren't his relations. (Genesis 4:14-16)

[MENTION=46449]Delta4Embassy[/MENTION] serious question delta, just for you, because I respect you when it comes to knowing the Torah.

Does Genesis 4:14-16 read different in other languages or does it mention anyone besides Cain's wife?

In all the versions I've read, it hints that others might find and kill Cain, but he could have been talking about his parents or siblings, and it is possible that Cain had already married his wife(yes his sister), before murdering Abel.

Also in verse 17, it says Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch. If there were already people there, wouldn't they have already named the city?

I look forward to your response.

The only appropriate response is that the bible was written by men, consequently itÂ’s subjective and irrelevant, where quoting bible passages is pointless and proves nothing.

Written by men (and some women, at least the Jewish half,) not at all subjective (hence it being canonical,) and hardly irrelevant since people seem willing to die for it and kill for it.

Quoting passages isn't pointless and proves things just fine. Albeit in the sense of any other book discussion. Not in the sense of history or science discussions say. But as a 'Harry Potter' book club might with those books, everyone can consult a book an discuss the contents just fine even though fiction.
Interestingly, Torah actually substantiates the many at once idea since 1 man 1 woman who make 2 sons couldn't have started the human race without unprecedented inbreeding. Plus when Cain goes off into exile where'd he eventually wind up but among other humans who weren't his relations. (Genesis 4:14-16)

@Delta4Embassy serious question delta, just for you, because I respect you when it comes to knowing the Torah.

Does Genesis 4:14-16 read different in other languages or does it mention anyone besides Cain's wife?

In all the versions I've read, it hints that others might find and kill Cain, but he could have been talking about his parents or siblings, and it is possible that Cain had already married his wife(yes his sister), before murdering Abel.

Also in verse 17, it says Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch. If there were already people there, wouldn't they have already named the city?

I look forward to your response.

The only appropriate response is that the bible was written by men, consequently itÂ’s subjective and irrelevant, where quoting bible passages is pointless and proves nothing.

God has always used men to express His will and to establish His standards. The Bible wasn't written by a bunch of men who simply wanted to express their own opinions or make a name for themselves. The books of the Bible tell a cohesive story from start to finish.
We can all speculate until the cows come home but speculative conclusions are not facts. The fact of the matter is that any and all naysayers who abjectly and absolutely reject the Bible still have no concrete conclusions to counter what the Bible says. It all boils down to wishful thinking, speculations, and, usually, a hatred towards Christianity.

Science isn't all about speculation. It's about acquiring data and deductive logic. If it appears that fossils have been laid down at different times over millions of years, you'd have to say God lies to us by making the claim that it happened in six days 6,000 years ago.

I have never understood where people get the idea that all Christians believe the world to be created a mere 6000 years ago or so.

Many people who interpret the Bible, take things that are not written and impose what they thought should be there. One of the best examples of that is the creation. The Bible lists Adam as 930 years old, when he died. The way it should be looked at, IMO, is that sin entered the world 6000 years ago and began to break the world down.

There is no time listed for how long Adam walked in the Garden of Eden with God. It doesn't say if it was a day or a million years, no time is ever given, yet many people, Christians included, believe that Adam only walked on the earth for 930 years. That is not the way I interpret it. I don't believe men had to number their years on earth before sin came into the world. Why? Because God made man perfect, and man was not going to die before sin came into the world, so why would there be any reason for man to count his days before he could die?

If the Bible is the word of God, as the militant anti-evolutionists say, you're stuck with a 6 day creation, no allegory allowed, and a young earth, it's been worked out a number of times by different people. Sorry about that, but there are consequences to taking a hard line and that's who I've been corresponding with, a hard-liner.