Creation Science/Making Headway - Dallas News

God spoiling His children, as only God can, had everything done for His children, before His children arrived. :eusa_angel:

God either created Adam as the first man or he didn't. Which is it, even God could not do both.

Genesis 1 is active. And you skipped over a whole bunch of it, in order not to make sense of it. The 14-25 skipped part was the active process of God doing everything prior to the action in 26.< Let us make man.( present tense active ) As with any good Father, the "nursery" was finished before His child arrived.

Genesis 2 describes what happened in Genesis 1. It says, "when the Lord made." Made is past tense. It is describing what already took place.
So, before water it was dry. When did plants show up? Gen.1:11 When did water show up? Gen.1:6-10. What existed before that? No plants. Too dry.

I don't read the Hebrew of the Bible so I have no idea of what tense was employed. Regardless, I can't tell if you answered my question or not. The question was: Did God create any humans before he created Adam?

Not only that but two other things are revealed. Like Kind. Species, no matter what kind, produced like kind. They still do. Monkeys still produce monkeys. Humans still produce humans.

I've never been clear on what a kind is. It is not an accepted biological term like species and is not defined in Genesis. Can you define it?
Not only that but two other things are revealed. Like Kind. Species, no matter what kind, produced like kind. They still do. Monkeys still produce monkeys. Humans still produce humans.

I've never been clear on what a kind is. It is not an accepted biological term like species and is not defined in Genesis. Can you define it?

It can be confusing, but my usual comeback is that evolutionists also believe kind begets kind. Evolution isn't about a monkey becoming a man, but about slow divergences over time. Kind does not change from generation to generation, but eventually enough changes build up that we consider a new species to have been formed. The whole "kind" argument is just employed to muddy the waters and try to saddle evolutionists with positions they never actually espouse. As such, it's intellectual dishonesty perpetrated by those who should know better and taken as faith by those who don't.
Not only that but two other things are revealed. Like Kind. Species, no matter what kind, produced like kind. They still do. Monkeys still produce monkeys. Humans still produce humans.

I've never been clear on what a kind is. It is not an accepted biological term like species and is not defined in Genesis. Can you define it?

It can be confusing, but my usual comeback is that evolutionists also believe kind begets kind. Evolution isn't about a monkey becoming a man, but about slow divergences over time. Kind does not change from generation to generation, but eventually enough changes build up that we consider a new species to have been formed. The whole "kind" argument is just employed to muddy the waters and try to saddle evolutionists with positions they never actually espouse. As such, it's intellectual dishonesty perpetrated by those who should know better and taken as faith by those who don't.

What I've been told has always been very vague. I've also seen it used as an explanation of how every animal species was able to fit on Noah's Ark. There are some 350,000 species of just beetles on earth. Seems impossible to fit 700,000 beetles and everything they need to live for months in addition to every other insect, microbe, reptile, etc. But if you claim beetles are all of a single "kind" the problem is much more manageable.
@Delta4Embassy serious question delta, just for you, because I respect you when it comes to knowing the Torah.

Does Genesis 4:14-16 read different in other languages or does it mention anyone besides Cain's wife?

In all the versions I've read, it hints that others might find and kill Cain, but he could have been talking about his parents or siblings, and it is possible that Cain had already married his wife(yes his sister), before murdering Abel.

Also in verse 17, it says Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch. If there were already people there, wouldn't they have already named the city?

I look forward to your response.

The only appropriate response is that the bible was written by men, consequently it’s subjective and irrelevant, where quoting bible passages is pointless and proves nothing.

God has always used men to express His will and to establish His standards. The Bible wasn't written by a bunch of men who simply wanted to express their own opinions or make a name for themselves. The books of the Bible tell a cohesive story from start to finish.

Actually, it only tells a 'cohesive story...' because the Catholic councils which met and decided what would become the Bible cherry-picked from the source materials what to include or exclude so it does. There's a lot of texts left out for various reasons which would reveal that though the canon version of a Bible is a cohesive story, the sum body of text isn't.
the sub retarded bible thumping inbreds and their phone academic credentials

Christophrenia: Diseases of the Radical Christian Right | The Sirens Chronicles

An another sub retarded "creation Science" imbecile leader

Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American young Earth creationist and conspiracy theorist. Hovind has spoken on creation science and has aimed to convince listeners to reject scientific theories of evolution, geophysics, and cosmology in favor of his interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative from the Bible. Hovind's views are contradicted by scientific evidence and some of his ideas have also been criticized by young Earth creationist organizations such as Answers in Genesis.

Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism in 1991, and frequently spoke on young Earth creationism at seminars at private schools and churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. Since January 2007, Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions. He is incarcerated at the United States Penitentiary, Atlanta.

In 1971, he graduated from East Peoria Community High School in East Peoria, Illinois. From 1972 to 1974, Hovind attended the non-accredited Midwestern Baptist College and received a Bachelor of Religious Education.

Patriot University
In 1988 and 1991 respectively, Hovind was awarded a master's degree and doctorate in Christian Education through correspondence from the non-accredited Patriot University in Colorado Springs, Colorado (now Patriot Bible University in Del Norte, Colorado, which no longer offers this program). Having a website called "Dr. Dino" has provoked some academics to look closely at how Hovind presents his education and credentials. Barbara Forrest, a professor of philosophy, expert on the history of creationism and activist in the creation-evolution controversy, wrote that Hovind's lack of academic training makes it impossible to engage him on a professional level.

Patriot Bible University is a diploma mill, as it has unreasonably low graduation requirements, lack of sufficient faculty or educational standards, and a suspicious tuition scheme. The school's current policies allow students to attain bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and Doctor of Ministry degrees in months, rather than years, for as little as $37 per credit.

Bartelt has stated that Hovind's doctoral dissertation is evidence of the poor requirements at Patriot and that Hovind lacks knowledge of basic science. She noted that Hovind's dissertation is incomplete (it contains four chapters totaling 101 pages, but Hovind's introduction claims the work is 250 pages with 16 chapters), of low academic quality, with poor writing, poor spelling, and poor grammatical style. Bartelt asserts that pages are repeated, references are absent, and it is not an original work with original ideas.

This is the kind of leaders the primitive "brains" think are great as teachers and spokes people :lol:
the sub retarded bible thumping inbreds and their phone academic credentials

Christophrenia: Diseases of the Radical Christian Right | The Sirens Chronicles

An another sub retarded "creation Science" imbecile leader

Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American young Earth creationist and conspiracy theorist. Hovind has spoken on creation science and has aimed to convince listeners to reject scientific theories of evolution, geophysics, and cosmology in favor of his interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative from the Bible. Hovind's views are contradicted by scientific evidence and some of his ideas have also been criticized by young Earth creationist organizations such as Answers in Genesis.

Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism in 1991, and frequently spoke on young Earth creationism at seminars at private schools and churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. Since January 2007, Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions. He is incarcerated at the United States Penitentiary, Atlanta.

In 1971, he graduated from East Peoria Community High School in East Peoria, Illinois. From 1972 to 1974, Hovind attended the non-accredited Midwestern Baptist College and received a Bachelor of Religious Education.

Patriot University
In 1988 and 1991 respectively, Hovind was awarded a master's degree and doctorate in Christian Education through correspondence from the non-accredited Patriot University in Colorado Springs, Colorado (now Patriot Bible University in Del Norte, Colorado, which no longer offers this program). Having a website called "Dr. Dino" has provoked some academics to look closely at how Hovind presents his education and credentials. Barbara Forrest, a professor of philosophy, expert on the history of creationism and activist in the creation-evolution controversy, wrote that Hovind's lack of academic training makes it impossible to engage him on a professional level.

Patriot Bible University is a diploma mill, as it has unreasonably low graduation requirements, lack of sufficient faculty or educational standards, and a suspicious tuition scheme. The school's current policies allow students to attain bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and Doctor of Ministry degrees in months, rather than years, for as little as $37 per credit.

Bartelt has stated that Hovind's doctoral dissertation is evidence of the poor requirements at Patriot and that Hovind lacks knowledge of basic science. She noted that Hovind's dissertation is incomplete (it contains four chapters totaling 101 pages, but Hovind's introduction claims the work is 250 pages with 16 chapters), of low academic quality, with poor writing, poor spelling, and poor grammatical style. Bartelt asserts that pages are repeated, references are absent, and it is not an original work with original ideas.

This is the kind of leaders the primitive "brains" think are great as teachers and spokes people :lol:

Inbred asshattery and the intellectual abuse of children

Creationists are not the only crackpots - The Panda's Thumb
Let's read Genesis 2:5 from a non-corrupt version of the Bible...

Interesting... What is a non-corrupt version and how do you know which is accurate?

ALL Bibles are corrupt in that they're inserting a Jewish religious tome into a Christian religious tome. No version of an actual Holy Bible is going to have a reliable translation of the Jewish portions. Want original and authentic you need to look at actual Torahs and Tanachs (Torah is the first 5 books of a Tanach.) is my go-to source for Torah look-ups. Other good ones exist of course but just as you wouldn't go to a Muslim website for a version of the Bible, don't go to a Christian Bible site for Tanach texts (aka OT.)
the sub retarded bible thumping inbreds and their phone academic credentials

Christophrenia: Diseases of the Radical Christian Right | The Sirens Chronicles

An another sub retarded "creation Science" imbecile leader

Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American young Earth creationist and conspiracy theorist. Hovind has spoken on creation science and has aimed to convince listeners to reject scientific theories of evolution, geophysics, and cosmology in favor of his interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative from the Bible. Hovind's views are contradicted by scientific evidence and some of his ideas have also been criticized by young Earth creationist organizations such as Answers in Genesis.

Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism in 1991, and frequently spoke on young Earth creationism at seminars at private schools and churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. Since January 2007, Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions. He is incarcerated at the United States Penitentiary, Atlanta.

In 1971, he graduated from East Peoria Community High School in East Peoria, Illinois. From 1972 to 1974, Hovind attended the non-accredited Midwestern Baptist College and received a Bachelor of Religious Education.

Patriot University
In 1988 and 1991 respectively, Hovind was awarded a master's degree and doctorate in Christian Education through correspondence from the non-accredited Patriot University in Colorado Springs, Colorado (now Patriot Bible University in Del Norte, Colorado, which no longer offers this program). Having a website called "Dr. Dino" has provoked some academics to look closely at how Hovind presents his education and credentials. Barbara Forrest, a professor of philosophy, expert on the history of creationism and activist in the creation-evolution controversy, wrote that Hovind's lack of academic training makes it impossible to engage him on a professional level.

Patriot Bible University is a diploma mill, as it has unreasonably low graduation requirements, lack of sufficient faculty or educational standards, and a suspicious tuition scheme. The school's current policies allow students to attain bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and Doctor of Ministry degrees in months, rather than years, for as little as $37 per credit.

Bartelt has stated that Hovind's doctoral dissertation is evidence of the poor requirements at Patriot and that Hovind lacks knowledge of basic science. She noted that Hovind's dissertation is incomplete (it contains four chapters totaling 101 pages, but Hovind's introduction claims the work is 250 pages with 16 chapters), of low academic quality, with poor writing, poor spelling, and poor grammatical style. Bartelt asserts that pages are repeated, references are absent, and it is not an original work with original ideas.

This is the kind of leaders the primitive "brains" think are great as teachers and spokes people :lol:

Inbred asshattery and the intellectual abuse of children

Creationists are not the only crackpots - The Panda's Thumb

When evolutionists claim that creationists are stupid because of their arguments, they might be more correct than they think. After all, how stupid to you have to be to believe the earth was made 10,000 years ago? Everybody knows but refuses to admit that everyone who believes that the earth was formed within last 10,000 years is pretty stupid. They are also claimed arrogant for refusing to consider physical evidence against this notion. This article only concerns the idea of creationist being stupid. Sure, they will disagree with this data, but they will do that because they disagree against all scientific data that is against their beliefs. In this article I will use statistics to prove that the general distribution of Low IQ is distributed chiefly among Creationists and the High IQ is distributed mostly among Evolutionists.

Proof Creationists Are More Stupid Than They Think, If They Can.
I don't think young-earth types are stupid as much as because of their other beliefs re: God they have to assert such positions or get challenged on Biblical things.

"I believe the Earth was formed over billions of years. I also believe in God."

"Then what about the 6 days of creation in Genesis?" The logical next question. To avoid it, assert a young-earth position.

"The Earth formed over six days. I also believe in God."
Inspired by the Schrodinger's Cat thought-experiment, I devised this:

Attach a young-earth position person to apolygraph machine. Point a loaded and cocked .45 to their temple and inform them if the machine registers deception you'll pull the trigger. Now ask them if they believe in the young-earth model and/or God.

My hypothesis is most who assert such beliefs are lying, and not that stupid. :)
Inspired by the Schrodinger's Cat thought-experiment, I devised this:

Attach a young-earth position person to apolygraph machine. Point a loaded and cocked .45 to their temple and inform them if the machine registers deception you'll pull the trigger. Now ask them if they believe in the young-earth model and/or God.

My hypothesis is most who assert such beliefs are lying, and not that stupid. :)

Well, at least you are not going off about children and pornography this time, so I suppose this is progress we are seeing. :D

Let's read Genesis 2:5 from a non-corrupt version of the Bible...

Interesting... What is a non-corrupt version and how do you know which is accurate?

ALL Bibles are corrupt in that they're inserting a Jewish religious tome into a Christian religious tome. No version of an actual Holy Bible is going to have a reliable translation of the Jewish portions. Want original and authentic you need to look at actual Torahs and Tanachs (Torah is the first 5 books of a Tanach.) is my go-to source for Torah look-ups. Other good ones exist of course but just as you wouldn't go to a Muslim website for a version of the Bible, don't go to a Christian Bible site for Tanach texts (aka OT.)

My understanding is that the Jewish oral histories were first written down by the Jews in Babylon, hundreds of years after King David. I can't imagine they are very accurate, after all that time they morphed into legends. Look at what we'd done to Ronald Reagan in just a few decades and we can see his speeches on Youtube!!
Over time things change, get edited, updated, thrown out entirely as new dichotomies come into favor, etc. Modern versions of the Bible show this well in how seemingly every year a new version of the same translation comes out. If they're not changing things, why the new versions?

I myself have actually caught Jewish sites doing this. One verse and instance stands out. In TOrah where it says God is a jealous God, the site said that one week, the next week it said 'zealous' God. When I wrote in about it they denied it swearing up and down it'd had always been 'zealous' and never 'jealous.' Uh sorry guys but 'jealous God' is the sort of thing that stands out a little bit.
As usual, the troll-patrol has hijacked yet another thread. I will be opening up the discussion concerning Genesis/Creation in the Christian group so it can be discussed in a civil manner. There have been a couple of civil non-Christians who've participated here and I thank you for that but I want to discuss the issue with folks who actually believe in God and the Bible. It's just too bad there wasn't a place in the main forum where that is possible.

I'm actually pretty surprised by the amount of Christians who reject the Genesis story as it's written. I have a number of questions for you and would enjoy your company in the private setting. I probably won't post anything until after work. See you there.
As usual, the troll-patrol has hijacked yet another thread. I will be opening up the discussion concerning Genesis/Creation in the Christian group so it can be discussed in a civil manner. There have been a couple of civil non-Christians who've participated here and I thank you for that but I want to discuss the issue with folks who actually believe in God and the Bible. It's just too bad there wasn't a place in the main forum where that is possible.

I'm actually pretty surprised by the amount of Christians who reject the Genesis story as it's written. I have a number of questions for you and would enjoy your company in the private setting. I probably won't post anything until after work. See you there.

Ignore them and only respond to those who are respectful. I hope I'm one of those. While I'd don't believe in creationism, neither am I an atheist.
As usual, the troll-patrol has hijacked yet another thread. I will be opening up the discussion concerning Genesis/Creation in the Christian group so it can be discussed in a civil manner. There have been a couple of civil non-Christians who've participated here and I thank you for that but I want to discuss the issue with folks who actually believe in God and the Bible. It's just too bad there wasn't a place in the main forum where that is possible.

I'm actually pretty surprised by the amount of Christians who reject the Genesis story as it's written. I have a number of questions for you and would enjoy your company in the private setting. I probably won't post anything until after work. See you there.

Ignore them and only respond to those who are respectful. I hope I'm one of those. While I'd don't believe in creationism, neither am I an atheist.

You have been quite respectful and civil. You're certainly one of the good guys. But I don't harbor any fantasies that I will be able to change your mind in any way. I'm more interested in discussing, with Christians, why they reject the Genesis account and would like to reason with them using Scripture.

That's not to say that I may not re-visit this thread and discuss the issue with you and perhaps one other member.
Over time things change, get edited, updated, thrown out entirely as new dichotomies come into favor, etc. Modern versions of the Bible show this well in how seemingly every year a new version of the same translation comes out. If they're not changing things, why the new versions?

I myself have actually caught Jewish sites doing this. One verse and instance stands out. In TOrah where it says God is a jealous God, the site said that one week, the next week it said 'zealous' God. When I wrote in about it they denied it swearing up and down it'd had always been 'zealous' and never 'jealous.' Uh sorry guys but 'jealous God' is the sort of thing that stands out a little bit.

If we can never agree on the texts then we can never have a productive conversation. I personally believe that God is trustworthy and able. If He has a point to make He will find a way to make it (in spite of man's imperfections and interference). I believe in the ultimate providence of God and that the Bible (KJV and others based around the Textus Receptus) is His Word as He intended man to see it. If we can't trust what our Bibles say then we're wasting time discussing biblical issues.
the sub retarded bible thumping inbreds and their phone academic credentials

Christophrenia: Diseases of the Radical Christian Right | The Sirens Chronicles

An another sub retarded "creation Science" imbecile leader

Kent E. Hovind (born January 15, 1953) is an American young Earth creationist and conspiracy theorist. Hovind has spoken on creation science and has aimed to convince listeners to reject scientific theories of evolution, geophysics, and cosmology in favor of his interpretation of the Genesis creation narrative from the Bible. Hovind's views are contradicted by scientific evidence and some of his ideas have also been criticized by young Earth creationist organizations such as Answers in Genesis.

Hovind established Creation Science Evangelism in 1991, and frequently spoke on young Earth creationism at seminars at private schools and churches, debates, and on radio and television broadcasts. Since January 2007, Hovind has been serving a ten-year prison sentence after being convicted of 58 federal counts, including 12 tax offenses, one count of obstructing federal agents, and 45 counts of structuring cash transactions. He is incarcerated at the United States Penitentiary, Atlanta.

In 1971, he graduated from East Peoria Community High School in East Peoria, Illinois. From 1972 to 1974, Hovind attended the non-accredited Midwestern Baptist College and received a Bachelor of Religious Education.

Patriot University
In 1988 and 1991 respectively, Hovind was awarded a master's degree and doctorate in Christian Education through correspondence from the non-accredited Patriot University in Colorado Springs, Colorado (now Patriot Bible University in Del Norte, Colorado, which no longer offers this program). Having a website called "Dr. Dino" has provoked some academics to look closely at how Hovind presents his education and credentials. Barbara Forrest, a professor of philosophy, expert on the history of creationism and activist in the creation-evolution controversy, wrote that Hovind's lack of academic training makes it impossible to engage him on a professional level.

Patriot Bible University is a diploma mill, as it has unreasonably low graduation requirements, lack of sufficient faculty or educational standards, and a suspicious tuition scheme. The school's current policies allow students to attain bachelor's degrees, master's degrees, and Doctor of Ministry degrees in months, rather than years, for as little as $37 per credit.

Bartelt has stated that Hovind's doctoral dissertation is evidence of the poor requirements at Patriot and that Hovind lacks knowledge of basic science. She noted that Hovind's dissertation is incomplete (it contains four chapters totaling 101 pages, but Hovind's introduction claims the work is 250 pages with 16 chapters), of low academic quality, with poor writing, poor spelling, and poor grammatical style. Bartelt asserts that pages are repeated, references are absent, and it is not an original work with original ideas.

This is the kind of leaders the primitive "brains" think are great as teachers and spokes people :lol:

Inbred asshattery and the intellectual abuse of children

Creationists are not the only crackpots - The Panda's Thumb

You, guno, are one of the reasons I don't post in the religious forums. You're a troll and the mods allow you to run this place with total impunity. I happen to LOVE discussing religious issues but you're one of those distracting pimples on ones butt. And my Christian friends wonder why I don't fall down and worship Israel. Why should I when someone of your ilk represents their true feelings towards Christians?
As usual, the troll-patrol has hijacked yet another thread. I will be opening up the discussion concerning Genesis/Creation in the Christian group so it can be discussed in a civil manner. There have been a couple of civil non-Christians who've participated here and I thank you for that but I want to discuss the issue with folks who actually believe in God and the Bible. It's just too bad there wasn't a place in the main forum where that is possible.

I'm actually pretty surprised by the amount of Christians who reject the Genesis story as it's written. I have a number of questions for you and would enjoy your company in the private setting. I probably won't post anything until after work. See you there.

Funny how when ever it's your religion under assault you try making a federal case out of it. But when you attack other's be it atheism, Islam, or something else, that's cool. :)

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