Crash course: Your illustrated guide to the Tea Party saboteurs

Michelle Malkin Crash course: Your illustrated guide to the Tea Party saboteurs

Liberals never could debate honestly. They know if they do, they lose. Their ideas just don't hold up against honest debate. So, they smear.

It's not about honesty or facts. It's about one thing with them, CONTROL.

Any challenge to that is going to be met with every scorched earth tatic they can spew.

The first trick of fighting liberalism is to know that.

I wish the "non partisan, can we all get along, I will reach across the aisle" RINOs would figure this out.

The truely sane centrist GOP know you are full of crap.

Yeah like John "walk across the aisle" McCain??????

Keep up with that sane bit. That really wins elections, huh?

Who's full of it?


Ah, would that be the same John McCain that Tea Party idols Sarah Palin and Scott Brown are campaigning for?

That couldn't be THAT John McCain could it?
It's as if Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers never existed! The wingnut Conservatives are claiming that: " Liberals never could debate honestly. They know if they do, they lose. Their ideas just don't hold up against honest debate. So, they smear.

It's not about honesty or facts. It's about one thing with them, CONTROL."

They have yet again failed to study history. History and nuance are not strong cards in the hands of Conservatives as they tend to overplay their hands (claiming 'victim-hood' on one side and decrying the "Liberal notion of victim-hood" on the other).

I suggest that the Tea Baggers read how Nixon subverted dissent by planting F.B.I. agents in student protest groups and how that tactic wrecked the First Amendment.

Then, come back and talk about political tactics and make some more ridiculous blanket claims and innuendos.

Poor pissed off Conservatives. Had they just spoken up when the crisis started (back under their boy W), perhaps those of us who see would take them more seriously.

" the spring of 1972, at Tulane University...students asked Alinsky to help plan a protest of a scheduled speech by George H. W. Bush, then U.S. representative to the United Nations - a speech likely to include a defense of the Nixon administration's Vietnam War policies. The students told Alinsky they were thinking about picketing or disrupting Bush's address. That's the wrong approach, he rejoined, not very creative - and besides causing a disruption might get them thrown out of school. He told them, instead, to go to hear the speech dressed as members of the Ku Klux Klan, and whenever Bush said something in defense of the Vietnam War, they should cheer and wave placards reading, ‘The KKK supports Bush.' And that is what they did, with very successful, attention-getting results." -- From "Let Them Call Me Rebel" by Sanford D. Horwitt

sounds like a really good plan
Clearly proof that Nixon was not a conservative. Sure.

Well conservatives don't pass wage/price freezes either.

And BTW, it didn't work.

Despite the way liberals hated Nixon, he wasn't very different from his predecessors.

The only difference would be he how he directed fighting in Vietnam.

The main reason the liberals hated Nixon was because of Alger Hiss and when the Soviet Union fell, released documents proved Nixon had been right all along and Hiss was a Soviet agent.
Okay. I can't do anything with this. There's no mind here to change.


you will learn how retarded she is. even the neo-cons at hannity kicked her out. the scary thing is that she has influence on children
Michelle Malkin Crash course: Your illustrated guide to the Tea Party saboteurs

Liberals never could debate honestly. They know if they do, they lose. Their ideas just don't hold up against honest debate. So, they smear.

It's not about honesty or facts. It's about one thing with them, CONTROL.

Any challenge to that is going to be met with every scorched earth tatic they can spew.

The first trick of fighting liberalism is to know that.

I wish the "non partisan, can we all get along, I will reach across the aisle" RINOs would figure this out.

The truely sane centrist GOP know you are full of crap.

Yeah like John "walk across the aisle" McCain??????

Keep up with that sane bit. That really wins elections, huh?

Who's full of it?


maybe the gop should back real conservatives like ron paul instead of romneycare and mccain and palin
Okay. I can't do anything with this. There's no mind here to change.


Let me translate that.

You can't refute it, so all you could do was make a snarky insult to try and save face.

No. That's the simplistic conclusion made by someone without the capacity of original thought.

If you think the Hiss affair was the core of Liberal resentment toward Nixon, you have demonstrated a lack of mental agility and no grasp of history.

Next time you try to "translate" something to suit your own ends, remember this helpful hint: it helps to know the language.

Yeah right!

Original thought was attacking me without ANY attempt to refute. :lol:

Yeah that was soooooooooooooooooooooo original. Why NO liberal has ever done that to me before. :lol::lol::lol:

And yes Hiss WAS the core liberal hatred toward Nixon. I don't care what your teachers told you in Middle School. Trust me from those that were alive then. THAT is why they hated Nixon.

Watergate was their revenge, and trust me Watergate was a tempest in a tea pot.

It that had been Clinton who raped a woman, sexually harrassed a woman, lied under oath, and obstructed justice (for which he lost his license before the bar), liberals would have swept it under the rug like they swept Ted Kennedy drowning a woman.

Don't give me your history lesson. I've heard it all before, and it's the same historical revisionism, I've been laughing at since Watergate.

Liberals never could debate honestly. They know if they do, they lose. Their ideas just don't hold up against honest debate. So, they smear.

The irony and hypocrisy of this statement is fucking unreal.

Some liberals smear therefore all liberals approve of smear tactics.

Did you vote for Obama and do you plan to do so again?

Ditto for Clinton. If so, don't give me your BS, you approve of smear tactics because you vote for the biggest users of those tactics.

LMAO. Speaking of fuck, what in the fuck are you talking about?

What does "butt fuckers" have to do with any of this?


Hey, I am just as confused as you are.

Now back on topic, what about all the spitting, screaming, and racial epithets that came out of teabagging events before you decided to go with the whole "liberal agitators" angle?

When you have evidence of that, let me know.
Nixon was hated by the far left for Douglas, for Hiss, for his anti-communism. But that was not the core of it, TPS; that is simple rightwing mythology for trampling leftists. The evidence is quite general by the right about the hatred, TPS, so you don't get a pass on that.

That's noted right-wing shill Michelle Malkin posing with the "Swastika Guy," owing to the sign he carried right onto the stage with State Senator Josh Penry, Congressman Mike Coffman, Colorado GOP Chairman Dick Wadhams, State Senator Dave Schultheis, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, and Independence Institute president Jon Caldara, among others.


This proves extremism by the tea party???????? GEE, I WONDER WHERE THEY GOT THE IDEA OF PUTTING THE PRESIDENT WITH A SWASTIKA???????

I think we have a case of IT'S ONLY OKAY WHEN LIBERALS DO IT! Funny I don't recall liberals objecting to having swastika's on Bush's picture.

HYPOCRITES! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:[/IMG[IMG[/IMG


[URL=""]The zombietime Hall of Shame[/URL][/quote]

No, we have a case of it's only ok when teabaggers do it. Rightwingers who condone the teabagger misbehaviour never condoned it when it was perpetrated against Bush.

that, by definition, is hypocrisy.[/quote]

Oh GET THIS!!!!!!!!!

Liberals do it Ten fold and it's hypocrisy if there is ONE example of a swastika??????

I'm not even sure your photo is legit. It wouldn't be the first time liberals photoshopped Malkin. Anyone remember the Malkin in a bikini photoshop that Daily Kos (the morons) ran with?

I only have your word it is legit. I gave the SOURCE for my photos.

But I show you only the tip of the ice berg of liberals calling Bush a Nazi (and shall we recall when liberals did the same FOR OUR TROOPS like Durbin who called our troops "jack booted thugs" that were flushing Korans down the toilet (which turned out to be a complete lie AND WHO IS THE HYPOCRITE?

Nice try!

Michelle Malkin Crash course: Your illustrated guide to the Tea Party saboteurs

Liberals never could debate honestly. They know if they do, they lose. Their ideas just don't hold up against honest debate. So, they smear.

It's not about honesty or facts. It's about one thing with them, CONTROL.

Any challenge to that is going to be met with every scorched earth tatic they can spew.

The first trick of fighting liberalism is to know that.

I wish the "non partisan, can we all get along, I will reach across the aisle" RINOs would figure this out.

LOL So you talk about "honest debate" by engaging in a propaganda based attack?

malkin's article mentions a few less than honest tactics being proposed by a few people on the left and then the OP dishonestly tries to claim that these acts are representative of liberals as a whole.

So let's say I go back and bring up less than honest tactics from individual right wingers and groups such as the girl who cut up her own face and blamed obama supporters, joe the plumber and his fictitious rant, and then the tea partiers who travelled to another state the rally against a senator who does not represent them in an attempt to discredit and attack him.

So is it fair for me to say that these less than honest people on the right are representative of conservatives as whole and that ALL righties never could debate honestly??

Or is this argument just as baseless, dishonest and LAME as the one presented by the OP??

The OP itself is nothing more than an attack against liberals based on dishonest partisan opinion so it is apparent that the OP is not interested in an honest debate about anything.

The Girl who cut her face was a Ron Paul supporter. In short kook. Conservative websites no more supported her than liberals did.

Contrast that with the guy who was hanged with "Fed" written on his chest. Liberals RAN with that one, until it turned out to be a suicide.

So nice try on that one.

But for every single kook like that you can bring up, I can give you a PLETHORA of liberals who did worse.

And it's an attack when Malkin reports ON THE FACTS?

The FACTS are their are left wing sites springing up trying to infiltrate the tea party.

Who's spewing the propaganda? Or is it YOU just don't like we are blowing the whistle on these pukes?

hey sam7, have you figured out the difference between a good and a service yet? I am waiting on your economic threads.
Michelle Malkin Crash course: Your illustrated guide to the Tea Party saboteurs

Liberals never could debate honestly. They know if they do, they lose. Their ideas just don't hold up against honest debate. So, they smear.

It's not about honesty or facts. It's about one thing with them, CONTROL.

Any challenge to that is going to be met with every scorched earth tatic they can spew.

The first trick of fighting liberalism is to know that.

I wish the "non partisan, can we all get along, I will reach across the aisle" RINOs would figure this out.

How convenient. It can't possibly be the more volatile and extremist members of the Tea Party movement - it's sabateurs!

Makes a good excuse for bad behavior I guess.

The funny thing is that from malkin's own article she pastes something from one of the "sabateurs" who admits...

"We will act on behalf of the Tea Party in ways which exaggerate their least appealing qualities (misspelled protest signs, wild claims in TV interviews, etc.) to further distance them from mainstream America and damage the public’s opinion of them."

so he admits that they will "EXAGGERATE" qualities that already exist in the tea party to "FURTHER" distance them from mainstream.

I am not defending this guy's tactic because it is wrong and they do well enough to accomplish that goal on their own but if these elements did not exist within the tea party his tactic of exaggerating them would be worthless??


Do you believe this! So the liberal "ADMITS" these qualities already exist in the tea party AND THAT IS EVIDENCE?

All that proves is these hate filled liberals already have their minds made up and won't be deterred by the facts.

That's about as factual and evidence based as when it was proved Rush Limbaugh didn't make all those racist states, those who printed them simply said, "well we know it's true about him anyway."

Oh yeah THAT'S EVIDENCE! :lol:

You are snatching at straws, but keep it up. It's hilarious to watch.

Do you still think the Nazis were liberals?


The first thing the Nazis did was take over the businesses and direct the owners they were going to have to what they dicated JUST LIKE OBAMA.

History is a bitch, you know?


So can you prove that obama has "taken over" all businesses??

Which forms of industry has obama "taken over"?

Thanks for the spin and here I thought the OP was about "honest debate" and how liberals don't want one and yet it seems that here we have a righty who isn't interested in an "honest deabte." LOL

GM. Some of the banks. He is now seeking to take over the insurance industry and make it all single payer.

Hey Hitler didn't directly take over the industries either. He was smarter than the Soviets in that regard. He simply told them they had to do what he said, but they remained under the "ownership" of the industrialists.

Kind of like having a "pay czar" and telling businesses they can't have bonuses, and bringing CEO's up to Capital Hill to justify telling the truth about how much Obamacare will affect their bottom line.

I know how liberals define "honest debate." You don't saying anything honest about their leaders because that gets in the way of the agenda.

The first thing the Nazis did was take over the businesses and direct the owners they were going to have to what they dicated JUST LIKE OBAMA.

History is a bitch, you know?


So can you prove that obama has "taken over" all businesses??

Which forms of industry has obama "taken over"?

Thanks for the spin and here I thought the OP was about "honest debate" and how liberals don't want one and yet it seems that here we have a righty who isn't interested in an "honest deabte." LOL

GM. Some of the banks. He is now seeking to take over the insurance industry and make it all single payer.

Hey Hitler didn't directly take over the industries either. He was smarter than the Soviets in that regard. He simply told them they had to do what he said, but they remained under the "ownership" of the industrialists.

Kind of like having a "pay czar" and telling businesses they can't have bonuses, and bringing CEO's up to Capital Hill to justify telling the truth about how much Obamacare will affect their bottom line.

I know how liberals define "honest debate." You don't saying anything honest about their leaders because that gets in the way of the agenda.


you were okay with them paying bonuses with taxpayer money? and you realize there are prodcedures for writedowns right? that companies can't just make shit up to avoid accounting for that money? (not saying they did here)

That's noted right-wing shill Michelle Malkin posing with the "Swastika Guy," owing to the sign he carried right onto the stage with State Senator Josh Penry, Congressman Mike Coffman, Colorado GOP Chairman Dick Wadhams, State Senator Dave Schultheis, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, and Independence Institute president Jon Caldara, among others.


This proves extremism by the tea party???????? GEE, I WONDER WHERE THEY GOT THE IDEA OF PUTTING THE PRESIDENT WITH A SWASTIKA???????

I think we have a case of IT'S ONLY OKAY WHEN LIBERALS DO IT! Funny I don't recall liberals objecting to having swastika's on Bush's picture.

HYPOCRITES! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:



The zombietime Hall of Shame
Those are pix of Op Chaos False Flag operatives doing what their MessiahRushie told them to do. :rofl:

April 3, 2008
RUSH: Now, those of you members of Operation Chaos in Indiana who have registered -- you're a Republican, and you have registered to vote in the Democrat primary on May 6 -- you probably knew it before I announced it today that the Democrat Party is going to be on the prowl looking for you, intimidating you into not showing up and not pulling off your attempted crossover. Now, this is very simple to combat. It's all you have to do on Election Day, as an Operation Chaos operative. When you vote that day, don't bathe! Don't take a shower the night before, and don't take a shower the day of the election. Don't shave.

In other words: no grooming. Go out and get a pair of beat-up jeans, maybe some Birkenstock sandals or whatever. Tell 'em you don't really know what Obama thinks about immigration but you love it when he talks. You just love it. You love "the future." You love "change," and you are sick of Bush. Get some anti-Bush bumper stickers and put 'em on your car. Get a "Bush Lied, People Died" button. Get a "Bush lied, people died" bumper sticker. Some wacko lib website is sure to have this type of merchandise available. If you have an SUV, that's okay. Show up in it. Make sure to get a bumper sticker that says "W is Still the President," and you're mad about that and you've had it with the Republicans any number of ways. Don't wear a wedding ring. There are any number of things that you can do, ladies and gentlemen. All you have to do is fool their template. You know, they're going to be trying to find you. You know who the Democrats and the liberals are; they judge people by the way they look. So if you show up and look like a liberal. You're not even going to arouse suspicion.

But if you show up looking clean-cut, buttoned-down conservative type, that's going to attract attention. Don't smile! You are not happy, unless you start talking about Obama. Other than that, you're not happy. You walk in there with a frown, your head's kind of hung over. Especially because you're a Hillary voter. You don't think she's got a prayer, but you believe in the electoral process and the Democrat process. We will have further advice and tips for those of you in Indiana as Operation Chaos continues and as the date of your primary, May 6th, approaches.

April 3, 2008
RUSH: Just to repeat, don't bathe, don't shave. Wear a tie-dyed T-shirt or some raggedy button-down shirt, blue jeans, sandals, get a button out there, says "Bush Lied, People Died," put that on the shirt and so forth, be unhappy, sulk, don't wash your hair, any of that, gotta look the part here because Democrats judge people the way they look, they do, and then they categorize based on the way they look.


That's the problem with you liberals you never were smart enough to figure out when Rush was making fun of you. That's why he can always play you. He knows his listeners are smart enough to know when he is playing you liberals. You guys NEVER do. That's why he can always tweak you. And just watch YOU say it wasn't a tweak, it was serious. :lol::lol::lol::lol: That's the point, you never get it!

But if you MUST know:


Protester taking a break in the parade following the March 20, 2004 rally.


Banner at the February 16, 2003 rally.


One of the floats in the parade following the March 20, 2004 rally.


T-shirt design at Ward Churchill's appearance in San Francisco's Women's Building on March 25, 2005.


Bush being lynched in effigy at the "Insurgence Solidarity March" on April 10, 2004.

The zombietime Hall of Shame


That's noted right-wing shill Michelle Malkin posing with the "Swastika Guy," owing to the sign he carried right onto the stage with State Senator Josh Penry, Congressman Mike Coffman, Colorado GOP Chairman Dick Wadhams, State Senator Dave Schultheis, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, and Independence Institute president Jon Caldara, among others.

Malkin talked SPECIFICALLY about that picture in the linked article, the guy was a plant who hid the sign from her, but displayed it too a cameraman who was with him while he took the picture, from the linked article:

I speak from direct experience about the underhandedness of Tea Party smear merchants. On February 17, 2009 at one of the country’s first tax revolt rallies in Denver, a man approached me amid a throng of bona fide anti-stimulus protesters and thrust a camera in my face. I obliged cheerfully, as I usually do after such speaking events. I later learned from the character assassins at Progress Now, the Soros-backed outfit that just happened to be there and just happened to snap a close-up photo of the interaction, which was immediately disseminated to the local press and to the hitmen of Media Matters, that the man pulled out a sign at the last minute (which I didn’t see until later) sporting Obama’s name with a swastika on it. He held the sign away from me, but in direct view of the Progress Now cameraperson who used to work for CNN.

What proof do you have that it was in fact a plant?? Oh you mean you DON'T have any proof you are merely relying on malkin's opinion as she is trying to defend herself for getting her picture taken with a guy holding a sign with swastika on it.
Thanks for the "it's all a liberal conspiracy" spin. LOL

What proof do you have Malkin is lying.

You can see in the picture he is holding the sign away from her.

I KNEW there was something fishy.

That's noted right-wing shill Michelle Malkin posing with the "Swastika Guy," owing to the sign he carried right onto the stage with State Senator Josh Penry, Congressman Mike Coffman, Colorado GOP Chairman Dick Wadhams, State Senator Dave Schultheis, former Congressman Tom Tancredo, and Independence Institute president Jon Caldara, among others.

Malkin talked SPECIFICALLY about that picture in the linked article, the guy was a plant who hid the sign from her, but displayed it too a cameraman who was with him while he took the picture, from the linked article:

I speak from direct experience about the underhandedness of Tea Party smear merchants. On February 17, 2009 at one of the country’s first tax revolt rallies in Denver, a man approached me amid a throng of bona fide anti-stimulus protesters and thrust a camera in my face. I obliged cheerfully, as I usually do after such speaking events. I later learned from the character assassins at Progress Now, the Soros-backed outfit that just happened to be there and just happened to snap a close-up photo of the interaction, which was immediately disseminated to the local press and to the hitmen of Media Matters, that the man pulled out a sign at the last minute (which I didn’t see until later) sporting Obama’s name with a swastika on it. He held the sign away from me, but in direct view of the Progress Now cameraperson who used to work for CNN.
You do know there is a YouTube VIDEO of the event showing him standing right out in front on the steps with the sign in plain sight of everyone along side of the featured speakers and right next to her and holding the sign the whole time out in the open BEFORE she poses smiling with him, don't you!

He wasn't among a throng of Teabaggers, he was in front of the throng, on stage with the featured speakers.

So this is further proof that when CON$ervoFascists get caught lying they just keep on lying.

If that's true then produce the Youtube video.

sam7 is up to her normal nonsense, lots of partisan hackery and skipping the replies with any merit
So can you prove that obama has "taken over" all businesses??

Which forms of industry has obama "taken over"?

Thanks for the spin and here I thought the OP was about "honest debate" and how liberals don't want one and yet it seems that here we have a righty who isn't interested in an "honest deabte." LOL

GM. Some of the banks. He is now seeking to take over the insurance industry and make it all single payer.

Hey Hitler didn't directly take over the industries either. He was smarter than the Soviets in that regard. He simply told them they had to do what he said, but they remained under the "ownership" of the industrialists.

Kind of like having a "pay czar" and telling businesses they can't have bonuses, and bringing CEO's up to Capital Hill to justify telling the truth about how much Obamacare will affect their bottom line.

I know how liberals define "honest debate." You don't saying anything honest about their leaders because that gets in the way of the agenda.


you were okay with them paying bonuses with taxpayer money? and you realize there are prodcedures for writedowns right? that companies can't just make shit up to avoid accounting for that money? (not saying they did here)

A) No I'm not okay with them paying bonuses with taxpayer money. THAT'S WHY I WAS AGAINST TARP AND THE PHONY STIMULUS. DUH!

But it's pretty obvious now why Obama was all for it, because he got control of the businesses he bailed out. And don't give me any BS that Obama wasn't behind it. He voted for it as a US Senator and them pushed through a "Stimulus." Where are all those jobs Obama said the Stimulus would make? :lol::lol:

B) Where is your evidence they are just writing crap? They are REQUIRED to report it.

And since someone else quoted Rush, I'll let him explain this one as well:

But like most government schemes, unintended consequences hit the fan sooner rather than later, and in this case all it took was a week. The first multibillion-dollar disaster you were not told about is already big news. Just one page of the 2,700 pages of Obamacare already cost at least $1 billion and up to $14 billion to businesses that are supposed to create jobs. AT&T had to take a $1 billion charge. Verizon, hundreds of millions. Caterpillar, ditto. John Deere, Valero Energy, AK Steel and 3M announced the costs of Obamacare to their bottom lines, on just one page. And of course the liberals and the White House and Obama and the media are furious. The grand inquisitor, Henry "Nostrilitis" Waxman, has called the companies to appear before his inquisition, uh, committee. How dare they tell the truth about this plan! So what you have here, my friends, is the liberal dream, total chaos, damned if you do, damned if you don't. If they announced the added cost, if they announce that they have to take this charge based on the tax rule that's being changed, then Henry Waxman will go after them.

If they don't announce this, then the SEC will go after them because they're not being honest and open with investors. And something tells me this is only the beginning. What was it Pelosi said? We have to pass the bill so the American people will learn what's in it. Apparently that was true. Every day the American people are seeing what's in this bill. This is just the first week. And apparently nobody read the bill. Obama didn't read the bill. He didn't care. Nobody in Congress read the bill. The bill was not posted and available to study even for five measly days as promised. So when the country's best accountants and tax attorneys working for America's best companies report the impact of a bill that Pelosi said they had to pass in order for us to know what was in it, they are deemed to be partisan liars and hauled before Congress. And this won't work unless these companies do a Stupak and sell out their principles.

The SEC requires these companies to report this. Liberals are simply furious because it puts the lie to their idea that Obamacare will save all this money. It will not, and the truth is in the numbers of companies like AT&T.
Last edited:
A) No I'm not okay with them paying bonuses with taxpayer money. THAT'S WHY I WAS AGAINST TARP AND THE PHONY STIMULUS. DUH!

they are two different things. the taxpayer money had already bailed them out and then they tried to/did use it for bonuses. should this have been allowed or should obama have stopped it?

But it's pretty obvious now why Obama was all for it, because he got control of the businesses he bailed out. And don't give me any BS that Obama wasn't behind it. He voted for it as a US Senator and them pushed through a "Stimulus." Where are all those jobs Obama said the Stimulus would make? :lol::lol:


B) Where is your evidence they are just writing crap? They are REQUIRED to report it.

actually I think its awesome that the companies were called up to testify. because its going to decisvely prove if obamacare raises taxes for business or not. both sides have to put up or shut up. if/when the companies prove that it does raise tehir cost then the democrats will have a lot of back peddling to do and the closer to november it is, the worse it is for them.

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