Beds Or Bombs.. Israel or Iran

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
I wonder at times if Obama is more concerned with construction of Jewish settlements or the the potential of a Nuclear Iran... One is seeing a lot more action.. guess who?


Why has President Barak Obama decided to foment a crisis in US relations with Israel?

Some commentators have claimed that it is Israel’s fault. As they tell it, the news that Israel has not banned Jewish construction in Jerusalem – after repeatedly refusing to ban such construction – drove Obama into a fit of uncontrolled rage from which he has yet to recover.

While popular, this claim makes no sense. Obama didn’t come to be called “No drama Obama” for nothing. It is not credible to argue that Jerusalem’s local planning board’s decision to approve the construction of 1,600 housing units in Ramat Shlomo drove cool Obama into a fit of wild rage at Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Obama himself claims that he has launched a political war against Israel in the interest of promoting peace. But this claim, too, does not stand up to scrutiny.

On Friday, Obama ordered Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to present Netanyahu with a four-part ultimatum.

First, Israel must cancel the approval of the housing units in Ramat Shlomo.

Second, Israel must prohibit all construction for Jews in Jerusalem neighborhoods built since 1967.

Third, Israel must make a gesture to the Palestinians to show them we want peace. The US suggests releasing hundreds of Palestinian terrorists from Israeli prisons.

Fourth, Israel must agree to negotiate all substantive issues, including the partition of Jerusalem (including the Jewish neighborhoods constructed since 1967 that are now home to more than a half million Israelis) and the immigration of millions of hostile foreign Arabs to Israel under the rubric of the so-called “right of return,” in the course of indirect, Obama administration-mediated negotiations with the Palestinians. To date, Israel has maintained that substantive discussions can only be conducted in direct negotiations between Israeli and Palestinian officials.

If Israel does not accept all four US demands, then the Obama administration will boycott Netanyahu and his senior ministers. In the first instance, this means that if Netanyahu comes to Washington next week for the AIPAC conference, no senior administration official will meet with him.

(Interesting article.. go to the link for more..)

Column One: Obama?s war on Israel
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And of course from the palestinians he demands nothing.

Three major points

1) Israel wants peace, the arabs don't want Israel to exist anywhere on the planet. Therefore, there can never be peace. It's too bad OShitForBrains doesn't understand this.

2) Onutcase has been destroying even a remote possibility of peace. All he succeeded in doing is making the arabs ecstatic that they don't have to particpate in any peace process at all. They believe Obama will force Israel to do whatever the arabs want them to do. All the arabs have to do is wait.

3) The arabs have refused to even sit at the table and negotiate. Until they are willing to do this, then they are not entitled to anything.

Israel, on the other hand, will not committ suicide, and certainly will not give in to ludicrous demands and get nothing in return other than destroying their security.
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Barry has made it a point to offend allies and embrace enimies since he took office, why should he treat israel any different then he treated the Poles, or the Chechs, or the UK and the list goes on and on...
Why don't we just stay out of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict once and for all? We should stop trying to be the Referee on this stuff. Being the Referee has caused so many problems for our own country. Every time i hear the media screeching about this issue,my stomach actually gets upset. It's just such an old & tired issue. I'm sick of my country always being involved in it. Let those people decide for themselves when or if they ever want to live together in peace. It just isn't our fight. Being the World's Policeman and Referee is way way over-rated. Most of the time it's a Lose/Lose for our nation. We need a revolutionary change in foreign policy. I don't want hear anymore about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict for the rest of my life. Enough is enough for God's sake.
Why don't we just stay out of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict once and for all? We should stop trying to be the Referee on this stuff. Being the Referee has caused so many problems for our own country. Every time i hear the media screeching about this issue,my stomach actually gets upset. It's just such an old & tired issue. I'm sick of my country always being involved in it. Let those people decide for themselves when or if they ever want to live together in peace. It just isn't our fight. Being the World's Policeman and Referee is way way over-rated. Most of the time it's a Lose/Lose for our nation. We need a revolutionary change in foreign policy. I don't want hear anymore about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict for the rest of my life. Enough is enough for God's sake.

clearly, you hate jews and want to see them dead, you fucking antisemite, for not wanting to come to the aid and rescue of a jew like a goyim man falling on a grenade in a hebrew crowd.
Why don't we just stay out of the Palestinian/Israeli conflict once and for all? We should stop trying to be the Referee on this stuff. Being the Referee has caused so many problems for our own country. Every time i hear the media screeching about this issue,my stomach actually gets upset. It's just such an old & tired issue. I'm sick of my country always being involved in it. Let those people decide for themselves when or if they ever want to live together in peace. It just isn't our fight. Being the World's Policeman and Referee is way way over-rated. Most of the time it's a Lose/Lose for our nation. We need a revolutionary change in foreign policy. I don't want hear anymore about the Palestinian/Israeli conflict for the rest of my life. Enough is enough for God's sake.

clearly, you hate jews and want to see them dead, you fucking antisemite, for not wanting to come to the aid and rescue of a jew like a goyim man falling on a grenade in a hebrew crowd.

Yea i have been accused of being an Anti-Semite in the past. I used to be offended when this happened but now i'm used to it. It's an emotional knee-jerk reaction for many. I feel like we should be friends with both sides but we should not be involved with their internal affairs. We shouldn't have anything to do with that conflict in my opinion. Being the Referee really is a Lose/Lose for this nation in most cases.

This really is such an old & tired issue. It actually makes me sick everytime i see the Media rehashing the same ole chit year after year about this conflict. Those people should be left alone by us and allowed to decide for themselves when or if they ever want to live together in peace. It just isn't our job to Police & Referee every disagreement on this Planet. Personally i feel we should dramatically scale back our presence in the entire Middle East as well. That region has caused so many catastrophic problems for this nation. It really is time for a revolutionary change in our Foreign Policy.
Hell, Obama is rude to everybody. Given Obama's roots and upbringing it doesn't surprise me that he's pro-Arab/Muslim. As a leader (albeit a piss-poor one) of a country, Obama's conduct toward dignitaries from other countries is unforgivable. You don't just openly and blatantly embarrass and act rudely towards guests to your home. And that's exactly what Israel's PM was - a guest in our home.

The Israelis have tried to make peace. They finally managed to do it with Egypt. Until someone is willing to seriously negotiate a peace it will not happen - and frankly, it is the Palestinians who don't want peace.

Palestinians I have no use for. I don't think as a people they should be eradicated ... but there's so damned much Arab territory I think they should work some kind of deal with other Arabs for a portion of that sand box as a permanent Palestinian territory.
Lets just get out of the Middle East. Our constant meddling in that region has only caused catastrophic tragedy for this nation. Isn't it about time for a change in this Foreign Policy? When will our politicians figure this out?
Hell, Obama is rude to everybody. Given Obama's roots and upbringing it doesn't surprise me that he's pro-Arab/Muslim. As a leader (albeit a piss-poor one) of a country, Obama's conduct toward dignitaries from other countries is unforgivable. You don't just openly and blatantly embarrass and act rudely towards guests to your home. And that's exactly what Israel's PM was - a guest in our home.

The Israelis have tried to make peace. They finally managed to do it with Egypt. Until someone is willing to seriously negotiate a peace it will not happen - and frankly, it is the Palestinians who don't want peace.

Palestinians I have no use for. I don't think as a people they should be eradicated ... but there's so damned much Arab territory I think they should work some kind of deal with other Arabs for a portion of that sand box as a permanent Palestinian territory.


Peace will only occur when the palestinians want peace, as of know they don't.
Hell, Obama is rude to everybody. Given Obama's roots and upbringing it doesn't surprise me that he's pro-Arab/Muslim. As a leader (albeit a piss-poor one) of a country, Obama's conduct toward dignitaries from other countries is unforgivable. You don't just openly and blatantly embarrass and act rudely towards guests to your home. And that's exactly what Israel's PM was - a guest in our home.

The Israelis have tried to make peace. They finally managed to do it with Egypt. Until someone is willing to seriously negotiate a peace it will not happen - and frankly, it is the Palestinians who don't want peace.

Palestinians I have no use for. I don't think as a people they should be eradicated ... but there's so damned much Arab territory I think they should work some kind of deal with other Arabs for a portion of that sand box as a permanent Palestinian territory.


Peace will only occur when the palestinians want peace, as of know they don't.


or, they just don't like being marginalized as unwanteds.... zionism =/= ethnic equality.
Given that I'm a novice on this subject.

Is the Obama's foreign policy method helping or hurting the situation with Israel? My sense is that it's not...

Also, again being a novice and reading through the (definite pro Israel) link can Obama actually turn Americans and especially the Jewish Community against Israel?

Now.. in regards to Iran I see a complete lack of progress and they are destine to have nuclear weapons..Where is the tough talk, tough sanctions, tough anything?

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