CPAC hosts white supremacists.......

As IREHR first reported on Wednesday, Vandervoort was at the center of white nationalist activity during his time in Illinois. While he was in charge, Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance often held joint meetings with the local chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens. The group held events featuring numerous white nationalist figures. Vandervoort also made appearances at white nationalist events outside Illinois, for instance participating in the 2009 Preserving Western Civilization Conference.

Started as a modest newsletter in 1990, American Renaissance has grown into an important vehicle for white nationalist ideas. American Renaissance first described itself as a "literate, undeceived journal of race, immigration and the decline of civility." It claimed that "White people" had lost their voice and that the United States was in danger of losing its "national and cultural core." Capturing the centrality of nativism to white nationalism, American Renaissance founder Jared Taylor wrote in a 2001 AR piece that,

Undoubtedly the greatest threat to whites today comes from immigration. Racial preferences, guilt-mongering, anti-Western education, even anti-white violence are manageable problems compared to a process that is displacing whites and reducing them to a minority. With a change in thinking at the right levels, anti-white policies and double standards could be done away with practically overnight, but that would still leave us with nearly 100 million non-whites living in the country.

Kobach and Vandervoort are not only scheduled to share the same stage at CPAC, they've also shared the same boss. Both have worked for organizations created by John Tanton, the grandfather of the modern anti-immigrant movement.

Kansas Secretary of State to Share Stage with White Nationalist at CPAC - Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights
Obama sat at the feet of an avowed racist for 20 years. He didn't shake it off just before the inauguration.

Consequently the president is presumed guilty of racism by association without evidence, whereas CPAC invited white supremacists to speak at their convention and there is evidence of the speakers’ advocacy of white supremacy by their own word.

Do you have evidence, stated or written by Obama, that he’s a racist?
I give you his books...
From Dreams of My Father: 'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.'

From Dreams of My Father: 'I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.'

From Audacity of Hope: 'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'

Watch them squirm.

I find them fascinating.
You racists will defend each other quite vociferiously, won't you Gay Pinhead?

And what evidence do you present that I'm a racist, shit for brains?

You're defending one and stating that his views are mainstream, you sperm burping colon jousting cock monkey.

By the way.........he said these things, which again makes me wonder why the GOP brought him in?

[ame=]Peter Brimelow talks about the fall of the Republican Party - YouTube[/ame]

You've presented NOTHING to indict Brimelow as a racist, your video shows him as concerned about rampant immigration, and nothing more. Please try again, and put on your big boy pants this time...
But, can you explain why the GOP invited white supremacists to speak on panels that discuss issues concerning minorities?

It's a free friggen country..A lot of these people follow Ron Paul unfortunately. And he wasn't a showcase, that was a lie. He was on one panel.
when you all bitch about having Communist (Van Jones) at a Democrat convention, then we'll wail and gnash our teeth over who speaks WHERE.
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And what evidence do you present that I'm a racist, shit for brains?

You're defending one and stating that his views are mainstream, you sperm burping colon jousting cock monkey.

By the way.........he said these things, which again makes me wonder why the GOP brought him in?

[ame=]Peter Brimelow talks about the fall of the Republican Party - YouTube[/ame]

You've presented NOTHING to indict Brimelow as a racist, your video shows him as concerned about rampant immigration, and nothing more. Please try again, and put on your big boy pants this time...

Good luck!!
But, can you explain why the GOP invited white supremacists to speak on panels that discuss issues concerning minorities?

It's a free friggen country..A lot of these people follow Ron Paul unfortunately. And he wasn't a showcase, that was a lie. He was on one panel.
when you all bitch about having Communist (Van Jones) at a Democrat convention, then we'll wail and gnash our teeth over who speaks WHERE.

Yes it is a free country, but don't you think that the optics of something like this is a bit troublesome for ANY major political party?

It was really bad thinking to do that.
But, can you explain why the GOP invited white supremacists to speak on panels that discuss issues concerning minorities?

It's a free friggen country..A lot of these people follow Ron Paul unfortunately. And he wasn't a showcase, that was a lie. He was on one panel.
when you all bitch about having Communist (Van Jones) at a Democrat convention, then we'll wail and gnash our teeth over who speaks WHERE.

Yes it is a free country, but don't you think that the optics of something like this is a bit troublesome for ANY major political party?

It was really bad thinking to do that.

oh for crying out loud. Just because YOU say it was a bad thing to do.
It's a free friggen country..A lot of these people follow Ron Paul unfortunately. And he wasn't a showcase, that was a lie. He was on one panel.
when you all bitch about having Communist (Van Jones) at a Democrat convention, then we'll wail and gnash our teeth over who speaks WHERE.

Yes it is a free country, but don't you think that the optics of something like this is a bit troublesome for ANY major political party?

It was really bad thinking to do that.

oh for crying out loud. Just because YOU say it was a bad thing to do.

So, you're in favor of racists being showcased by major political parties?
But, can you explain why the GOP invited white supremacists to speak on panels that discuss issues concerning minorities?

It's a free friggen country..A lot of these people follow Ron Paul unfortunately. And he wasn't a showcase, that was a lie. He was on one panel.
when you all bitch about having Communist (Van Jones) at a Democrat convention, then we'll wail and gnash our teeth over who speaks WHERE.

Not just Ron Paul. White Supremists like to spend time with people who share their values. It's "normal" behavior and totally expected. I don't understand the "faux" surprise. They are who they are.
It's a free friggen country..A lot of these people follow Ron Paul unfortunately. And he wasn't a showcase, that was a lie. He was on one panel.
when you all bitch about having Communist (Van Jones) at a Democrat convention, then we'll wail and gnash our teeth over who speaks WHERE.

Yes it is a free country, but don't you think that the optics of something like this is a bit troublesome for ANY major political party?

It was really bad thinking to do that.

oh for crying out loud. Just because YOU say it was a bad thing to do.
He's stupid like that.
Yes it is a free country, but don't you think that the optics of something like this is a bit troublesome for ANY major political party?

It was really bad thinking to do that.

oh for crying out loud. Just because YOU say it was a bad thing to do.

So, you're in favor of racists being showcased by major political parties?

It doesn't bother you when they attend Democrat conventions...And again, he wasn't a SHOWCASE. he was on ONE panel.
oh for crying out loud. Just because YOU say it was a bad thing to do.

So, you're in favor of racists being showcased by major political parties?

It doesn't bother you when they attend Democrat conventions...And again, he wasn't a SHOWCASE. he was on ONE panel.

There was a second racist by the name of Vandervoot who was on yet a second panel, discussing minority issues.

By the way, do you have an actual link showing a racist at a Dem convention, serving on a panel?
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But, can you explain why the GOP invited white supremacists to speak on panels that discuss issues concerning minorities?

It's a free friggen country..A lot of these people follow Ron Paul unfortunately. And he wasn't a showcase, that was a lie. He was on one panel.
when you all bitch about having Communist (Van Jones) at a Democrat convention, then we'll wail and gnash our teeth over who speaks WHERE.

Not just Ron Paul. White Supremists like to spend time with people who share their values. It's "normal" behavior and totally expected. I don't understand the "faux" surprise. They are who they are.
And again the deany strikes...

[ame=""]MC Hammer - U Can't Touch This - YouTube[/ame]

Battin' 1,000 deany...
And what evidence do you present that I'm a racist, shit for brains?

You're defending one and stating that his views are mainstream, you sperm burping colon jousting cock monkey.

By the way.........he said these things, which again makes me wonder why the GOP brought him in?

[ame=]Peter Brimelow talks about the fall of the Republican Party - YouTube[/ame]

You've presented NOTHING to indict Brimelow as a racist, your video shows him as concerned about rampant immigration, and nothing more. Please try again, and put on your big boy pants this time...
UH, he's an immigrant.
Two white supremacists are set to speak at panels at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference that will also feature speeches by Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.

The first white supremacist is Peter Brimelow the owner of the website VDare, which is labeled by the SPLC as an anti-immigration hate website. VDare has featured the works of noted white supremacists, Jared Taylor, Sam Francis, Virginia Abernethy, Kevin MacDonald as well as conservative pundits, Michelle Malkin and Pat Buchanan.

Brimelow has been a featured guest on the white supremacist talk show “The Political Cesspool” and is a prominent anti-immigration activist despite the fact he was born in England. Brimelow will speak on a panel called “The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity.”

The other white supremacist is Robert “Bob” Vandervoort who spoke on a panel called “High Fences, Wide Gates: States vs. the Feds, the Rule of Law & American Identity.” Vandervoort works for the site and also was the organizer for Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance which met regularly with the Chicago Chapter of Council Of Conservative Citizens.

American Renaissance is white supremacist organization run by notorious racist Jared Taylor that organizes a conference of racists including neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan including David Duke and Stormfront owner, Don Black. The Council Of Conservative Citizens is another white supremacist organization.

White Supremacists Showcased At CPAC Conservative Conference | News One

Here's who Peter Brimelow is........Peter Brimelow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My question is, why did the GOP ask white supremacists to speak?

If the GOP keeps doing stuff like this, it's gonna bring into question about them being a bunch of racists.

Ron Paul didn't show up this year, but you don't know about the game.

Look at what they wanted for all of us to fall into.

Warned about 50 years ago by Myron Fagan

"World War III is to be fomented, using the so-called controversies; by the agents of the Illuminati operating under whatever new name; that are now being stored up between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. That war is to be directed in such a manner that all of Islam and political Zionism (Israelis) will destroy each other while at the same time; the remaining nations, once more divided on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion; physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically."
War for NWO

I think the game is even bigger than I know...too.
So, you're in favor of racists being showcased by major political parties?

It doesn't bother you when they attend Democrat conventions...And again, he wasn't a SHOWCASE. he was on ONE panel.

There was a second racist by the name of Vandervoot who was on yet a second panel, discussing minority issues.

By the way, do you have an actual link showing a racist at a Dem convention, serving on a panel?

I think we are all sick of you people getting to DECIDE who and what is RACIST.
You all have done wore it out to the point people now just yawn at you...Good job trivializing it the point that REAL racism will now be brushed aside.
You liberals ELECTED a former Racist member of the KKK. so you have NO room to accuse others of ANYTHING.
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It doesn't bother you when they attend Democrat conventions...And again, he wasn't a SHOWCASE. he was on ONE panel.

There was a second racist by the name of Vandervoot who was on yet a second panel, discussing minority issues.

By the way, do you have an actual link showing a racist at a Dem convention, serving on a panel?

I think we are all sick of you people getting to DECIDE who and what is RACIST.
You all have done wore it out to the point people now just yawn at you...Good job trivializing it the point that REAL racism will now be brushed aside.
You liberals ELECTED a former Racist member of the KKK. so you have NO room to accuse others of ANYTHING.

Just what I links...........why am I not surprised?
There was a second racist by the name of Vandervoot who was on yet a second panel, discussing minority issues.

By the way, do you have an actual link showing a racist at a Dem convention, serving on a panel?

I think we are all sick of you people getting to DECIDE who and what is RACIST.
You all have done wore it out to the point people now just yawn at you...Good job trivializing it the point that REAL racism will now be brushed aside.
You liberals ELECTED a former Racist member of the KKK. so you have NO room to accuse others of ANYTHING.

Just what I links...........why am I not surprised?

What the fuck are you mumbling about? I'm still waiting for you to provide something more than a BASELESS ACCUSATION proving Peter Brimelow is a racist! You're so cock-fired sure of it, certainly you have something more than your own stilted opinion, don't you?!?
Here is the assistant EDITOR of newsone and the author of the article posted... and I see he also post at the Huffington Post.

Casey Gane-McCalla
"Casey Gane-McCalla is the assistant editor for NewsOne. He previously worked as a teacher/community organizer in the South Bronx and as a Hip Hop artist. He is half white South African and half black Jamaican and graduated from Columbia University with a degree in Political Science...."
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Still can't show how they are alike huh? Maybe you shouldn't say stupid shit then you won't have to explain that stupid shit dumbass

White nationalists work for the white race the same way as black nationalists work for the black race.

Now tell me how white nationalists are ALL guilty of the crimes committed by the KKK, or have you managed to implant that brush?

BOLDED is wrong...The history of white Nationalist is a violent one...The history of Black Nationalist is not. Look, I know its hard for you to explain your bullshit's bullshit.

So if you wipe out the murder, rape, arson and violence that the White Nationalist commit or have commited you may have a case. They both have the word Nationalist so maybe thats where your confusion comess from

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