CPAC hosts white supremacists.......


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Two white supremacists are set to speak at panels at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference that will also feature speeches by Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.

The first white supremacist is Peter Brimelow the owner of the website VDare, which is labeled by the SPLC as an anti-immigration hate website. VDare has featured the works of noted white supremacists, Jared Taylor, Sam Francis, Virginia Abernethy, Kevin MacDonald as well as conservative pundits, Michelle Malkin and Pat Buchanan.

Brimelow has been a featured guest on the white supremacist talk show “The Political Cesspool” and is a prominent anti-immigration activist despite the fact he was born in England. Brimelow will speak on a panel called “The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity.”

The other white supremacist is Robert “Bob” Vandervoort who spoke on a panel called “High Fences, Wide Gates: States vs. the Feds, the Rule of Law & American Identity.” Vandervoort works for the site and also was the organizer for Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance which met regularly with the Chicago Chapter of Council Of Conservative Citizens.

American Renaissance is white supremacist organization run by notorious racist Jared Taylor that organizes a conference of racists including neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan including David Duke and Stormfront owner, Don Black. The Council Of Conservative Citizens is another white supremacist organization.

White Supremacists Showcased At CPAC Conservative Conference | News One

Here's who Peter Brimelow is........Peter Brimelow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My question is, why did the GOP ask white supremacists to speak?

If the GOP keeps doing stuff like this, it's gonna bring into question about them being a bunch of racists.
Based on all this 'guilt by association' wouldn't it be fair to say that our President is a Marxist revolutionary?

Or is that weapon one that is reserved only for the left?
Based on all this 'guilt by association' wouldn't it be fair to say that our President is a Marxist revolutionary?

Or is that weapon one that is reserved only for the left?

You can't be a "revolutionary" while you are part of the establishment. the best of my knowledge, Obama has never invited a Marxist revolutionary to be part of his administration.

CPAC invited 2 avowed racists to speak on 2 different panels, both of which were concerning people who weren't white.

Go ahead.........defend this. the best of my knowledge, Obama has never invited a Marxist revolutionary to be part of his administration.

No, he just had one hold a few fund raisers for him at his house. Oh, and he sat in a church for 20 years that preached Black Liberation Theology which preaches Marxism and violence. Let's also not forget about Van Jones.
But, can you explain why the GOP invited white supremacists to speak on panels that discuss issues concerning minorities?
It must be a hassle at this event every year to draw a line between being hateful enough and too hateful.
Rubio is a golden boy of the GOP and everyone seems to think he'll be a VP candidate. I wonder how he rationalizes sharing a stage with white supremacists.
Two white supremacists are set to speak at panels at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference that will also feature speeches by Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.

The first white supremacist is Peter Brimelow the owner of the website VDare, which is labeled by the SPLC as an anti-immigration hate website. VDare has featured the works of noted white supremacists, Jared Taylor, Sam Francis, Virginia Abernethy, Kevin MacDonald as well as conservative pundits, Michelle Malkin and Pat Buchanan.

Brimelow has been a featured guest on the white supremacist talk show “The Political Cesspool” and is a prominent anti-immigration activist despite the fact he was born in England. Brimelow will speak on a panel called “The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity.”

The other white supremacist is Robert “Bob” Vandervoort who spoke on a panel called “High Fences, Wide Gates: States vs. the Feds, the Rule of Law & American Identity.” Vandervoort works for the site and also was the organizer for Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance which met regularly with the Chicago Chapter of Council Of Conservative Citizens.

American Renaissance is white supremacist organization run by notorious racist Jared Taylor that organizes a conference of racists including neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan including David Duke and Stormfront owner, Don Black. The Council Of Conservative Citizens is another white supremacist organization.

White Supremacists Showcased At CPAC Conservative Conference | News One

Here's who Peter Brimelow is........Peter Brimelow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My question is, why did the GOP ask white supremacists to speak?

If the GOP keeps doing stuff like this, it's gonna bring into question about them being a bunch of racists.

I don't know of the men or organizations you speak of in your post so I can't pass judgment. Having said that IF they are indeed what you say they are and they publicly profess such hatred then your final analysis is correct.
Based on all this 'guilt by association' wouldn't it be fair to say that our President is a Marxist revolutionary?

Or is that weapon one that is reserved only for the left?

You can't be a "revolutionary" while you are part of the establishment. the best of my knowledge, Obama has never invited a Marxist revolutionary to be part of his administration.

CPAC invited 2 avowed racists to speak on 2 different panels, both of which were concerning people who weren't white.

Go ahead.........defend this.

Your knowledge is pretty scant, I guess...

Van Jones
Mark Lloyd
Valerie Jarrett
Cass Sunstein
Anita Dunn
These folks have ALL held prominent positions in the Obama Administration, and if we want to discuss those OTHERS with INFLUENCE outside the Administration itself we can list...

Andy Stern
Jeremiah Wright
Bill Ayers
etc., etc...
Based on all this 'guilt by association' wouldn't it be fair to say that our President is a Marxist revolutionary?

Or is that weapon one that is reserved only for the left?

You can't be a "revolutionary" while you are part of the establishment. the best of my knowledge, Obama has never invited a Marxist revolutionary to be part of his administration.

CPAC invited 2 avowed racists to speak on 2 different panels, both of which were concerning people who weren't white.

Go ahead.........defend this.

List of Obama’s Czars – Glenn Beck

Obama and his Czars...Un-Elected controllers of our lives.

Obama is a goddamned Marxist!
And I'd just like to add that if you take anything the SPLC says as Gospel you're dumber than a box of rocks. They're the biggest scam in Alabama, and have been THOROUGHLY discredited more than once.

From Daily Kos…

For Dees, the P in SPLC has nothing to do with personal poverty. That P better stands for profit or profiteering for him, and foolish donors keep sending him checks, thinking they’re helping poverty-stricken blacks or whites in Alabama move into better housing.

Since we’re on the subject of abodes in the Yellowhammer State, let’s have a gander at where Dees lives courtesy of the May 2010 Montgomery Advertiser 60-photo feature just on his mansion, the opulent furnishings and layout, not to mention a fabulous outfit shown off by his wife:
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Two white supremacists are set to speak at panels at CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference that will also feature speeches by Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum.

The first white supremacist is Peter Brimelow the owner of the website VDare, which is labeled by the SPLC as an anti-immigration hate website. VDare has featured the works of noted white supremacists, Jared Taylor, Sam Francis, Virginia Abernethy, Kevin MacDonald as well as conservative pundits, Michelle Malkin and Pat Buchanan.

Brimelow has been a featured guest on the white supremacist talk show “The Political Cesspool” and is a prominent anti-immigration activist despite the fact he was born in England. Brimelow will speak on a panel called “The Failure of Multiculturalism: How the pursuit of diversity is weakening the American Identity.”

The other white supremacist is Robert “Bob” Vandervoort who spoke on a panel called “High Fences, Wide Gates: States vs. the Feds, the Rule of Law & American Identity.” Vandervoort works for the site and also was the organizer for Chicagoland Friends of American Renaissance which met regularly with the Chicago Chapter of Council Of Conservative Citizens.

American Renaissance is white supremacist organization run by notorious racist Jared Taylor that organizes a conference of racists including neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan including David Duke and Stormfront owner, Don Black. The Council Of Conservative Citizens is another white supremacist organization.

White Supremacists Showcased At CPAC Conservative Conference | News One

Here's who Peter Brimelow is........Peter Brimelow - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My question is, why did the GOP ask white supremacists to speak?

If the GOP keeps doing stuff like this, it's gonna bring into question about them being a bunch of racists.
Your FIRST mistake is relying on WIKI dubmbass.
If these guys are white supremacists, the GOP should distance themselves from them instead of give them the stage. If they don't, they're no different than what they've been accusing Obama of for years.
The right seems to think calling someone a racist is the same as a self professed racist. If they can't call someone a racist this could not be defended. It can't be defended...just deflected.
This article appeared in Harper's Magazine. I can't find the full text on their website anymore but the link does have it. Learn about Mr. Dees...

The Church of Morris Dees - November, 2000 - Harper's Magazine

The Church of Morris Dees

By Ken Silverstein -- Harper's Magazine, November 2000

How the Southern Poverty Law Center profits from intolerance

Ah, tolerance. Who could be against something so virtuous? And who could object to the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Montgomery, Alabama-based group that recently sent out this heartwarming yet mildly terrifying appeal to raise money for its "Teaching Tolerance" program, which prepares educational kits for schoolteachers? Cofounded in 1971 by civil rights lawyer cum direct-marketing millionaire Morris Dees, a leading critic of "hate groups" and a man so beatific that he was the subject of a made-for-TV movie, the SPLC spent much of its early years defending prisoners who faced the death penalty and suing to desegregate all-white institutions like Alabama's highway patrol. That was then.

Today, the SPLC spends most of its time--and money--on a relentless fund-raising campaign, peddling memberships in the church of tolerance with all the zeal of a circuit rider passing the collection plate. "He's the Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker of the civil rights movement," renowned anti- death-penalty lawyer Millard Farmer says of Dees, his former associate, "though I don!t mean to malign Jim and Tammy Faye." The Center earned $44 million last year alone--$27 million from fund-raising and $17 million from stocks and other investments--but spent only $13 million on civil rights program , making it one of the most profitable charities in the country.
If these guys are white supremacists, the GOP should distance themselves from them instead of give them the stage. If they don't, they're no different than what they've been accusing Obama of for years.

Yea it's different. The Republican Party is 90% white. Even White Supremists need a home and representation. They've found both with the Republican Party. I think it's part of that whole "confederate" thing.
Based on all this 'guilt by association' wouldn't it be fair to say that our President is a Marxist revolutionary?

Or is that weapon one that is reserved only for the left?

You can't be a "revolutionary" while you are part of the establishment. the best of my knowledge, Obama has never invited a Marxist revolutionary to be part of his administration.

CPAC invited 2 avowed racists to speak on 2 different panels, both of which were concerning people who weren't white.

Go ahead.........defend this.

List of Obama’s Czars – Glenn Beck

Obama and his Czars...Un-Elected controllers of our lives.

Obama is a goddamned Marxist!
List of U.S. executive branch czars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the United States, the informal political term "czar" or "tsar" is employed in media and popular usage to refer to high-level officials who oversee a particular policy. There have never been any U.S. government offices with the title "czar", but various governmental officials have sometimes been referred to by the nickname "czar" rather than their actual title.
The earliest known use of the term for a U.S. government official was in the administration of Franklin Roosevelt (1933–1945), during which eleven unique positions (or twelve if one were to count "Economic Czar" and "Economic Czar of World War II" as separate) were so described. The term was revived, mostly by the press, to describe officials in the Nixon and Ford administrations and continues today.

By administration

The list is subjective and imprecise, since frequently individuals or offices might be referred to by the nickname "czar" by some publication or a political opponent, yet the actual governmental official, a majority of publications and others do not use the term. For example, some[who?] consider czars to be only those officials who are appointed by the president without Senate confirmation.
President's name Party In office Number of
czar titles Number of
appointees Appointees not
confirmed by Senate
Summary table - Number of czars per administration
Franklin Roosevelt D 1933–1945 11 19 17
Harry Truman D 1945–1953 6 6 5
Dwight Eisenhower R 1953–1961 1 1 0
Lyndon Johnson D 1963–1969 3 3 1
Richard Nixon R 1969–1974 3 5 5
Gerald Ford R 1974–1977 2 2 2
Jimmy Carter D 1977–1981 2 3 2
Ronald Reagan R 1981–1989 1 1 1
George H. W. Bush R 1989–1993 2 3 0
Bill Clinton D 1993–2001 8 11 7
George W. Bush R 2001–2009 33 49 28
Barack Obama D 2009– 38 42 33
The right seems to think calling someone a racist is the same as a self professed racist. If they can't call someone a racist this could not be defended. It can't be defended...just deflected.

Calling Peter Brimelow a racist because he's against unlimited, 3rd World immigration is a bit of a stretch, isn't it?

Jeremiah Wright preaches Black Nationalism and it's all good with you guys, why is White Nationalism any different?

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