Covington Kids Going to the White House if we can just get the Indian in jail...

I'd look into his fund raising for vets and see how much he siphoned off.
I'm sure that's already being looked into love, this is america after all. We still have political prisoners locked up from the 70's. You know how we do.
Lol if Trump served Chick-fil-A it wouldn’t mean he gives a shit about it being religious. He would just pretend that was the case to score points. More than likely, his fatass doesn’t even like that restaurant which alone would be enough for him not to order it.
Or maybe he'd just be rubbing it in the noses of whiny little asswipes like you, who can't get out of bed without finding a reason to be offended.
But not surprised.....bullies tend to relate to each other.
Really? I find it amazing that you are able to completely ignore the racism hurled at these kids. Your only complaints so far are about the victims. Your racism is obvious.

Lol if Trump served Chick-fil-A it wouldn’t mean he gives a shit about it being religious. He would just pretend that was the case to score points. More than likely, his fatass doesn’t even like that restaurant which alone would be enough for him not to order it.
Or maybe he'd just be rubbing it in the noses of whiny little asswipes like you, who can't get out of bed without finding a reason to be offended.
Lol I don’t ever express any “offense” on this forum besides republicans being so stupid.
Finally, Trump found someone who is his intellectual equal.

There may come a day when Trump isn't a national disgrace;
Today wasn't that day.
Tomorrow isn't looking so good either.

and we found your intellectual equal

Women would never have children if they weren't forced to. They have to be tied to the bed and spanked regularly.

The Covington students learned a lesson. Abortion should be encouraged to the left. The left should be allowed to kill their children until they have killed themselves off.

Christians should return to large families.
Of course they are, we voted for a Reality Show Nation and we got one. How did you think this was going to turn out? America is wound tight. This should take it all up a notch.
They saw the reality show media/entertainment shills for years and years hawking progressive socialist agendas and accolades while the Repubs shut up and acted like it was forty years ago. Then someone ran for office with the same mantra and is better at it then all of them combined. America is wound tight because the media/entertainment shills won't take it back a notch or two.
I think it's a mistake.
The libs were feeling guilty about what they did to those kids....but now they'll feel justified.
I wish he would invite some Native Americans there as well, so they can both see neither is as has been depicted. Not from the group out to cause trouble.
This fake is just getting paid big bucks to start shit.
The media is generating a false narative around him so they can start some more shit against Christians.
You guys do realize that nothing happens in the media by accident anymore.
There's always an agenda to it.
The tip off is the media spouts almost the same identical script.
Why can't that childish SOB stay out of these type things?


Is this really what the President of the USA suppose to do?

divide divide divide divide!

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