Covington High School Students About To Get PAID!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"The legal team behind Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann are sending letters to various media organizations, celebrities and politicians it says completely misrepresented the confrontation between the teenager and Native American activists last month and potentially defamed their client.

Most of mainstream media and others vilified
Sandmann, other students and Covington Catholic High School in general when the youths were shown on camera wearing MAGA hats in Washington, D.C., where they had participated in the Jan. 18 March for Life rally.

Despite clarification and
apologies from many, comedian Bill Maher continued to denigrate Sandmann a week later.

McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta. The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event.

"We are "very confident that we are going to prevail” and “attain justice.” At minimum, justice will come in the form of apologies and retractions, and could include further litigation", Lawyer Todd McMurtry.
-- McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta"

Freshman D-Rep Ilhan Omar, already under fire for Anti-Semitic remarks, actually defamed and attacked the Covington High School kids AFTER she knew the fake news stories against them had been debunked:

"Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is getting slammed on social media for attacking the Covington Catholic students Tuesday night, even after media outlets admitted to misreporting the viral encounter between the students and the Native American elder.

claimed in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday night that Covington student Nick Sandmann and his friends had taunted black protesters and yelled racist epithets at the men before Native American activist Nathan Phillips approached them, even though video evidence of the encounter showed the black protesters hurling insults at the boys."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Spreads Fake News with Attack on Covington Students

Perhaps, like her D-Senator counter-parts who engaged in sexual misconduct, Omar might just use TAX DOLLARS to pay for the Covington Law Suit against her, should she refuse to apologize to them.


Lawyers For Covington Student Sending Warning Letters To Media, Celebrities

Yes, we all know
we have discussed on multiple threads for the past week.
"The legal team behind Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann are sending letters to various media organizations, celebrities and politicians it says completely misrepresented the confrontation between the teenager and Native American activists last month and potentially defamed their client.

Most of mainstream media and others vilified
Sandmann, other students and Covington Catholic High School in general when the youths were shown on camera wearing MAGA hats in Washington, D.C., where they had participated in the Jan. 18 March for Life rally.

Despite clarification and
apologies from many, comedian Bill Maher continued to denigrate Sandmann a week later.

McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta. The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event.

"We are "very confident that we are going to prevail” and “attain justice.” At minimum, justice will come in the form of apologies and retractions, and could include further litigation", Lawyer Todd McMurtry.
-- McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta"

Freshman D-Rep Ilhan Omar, already under fire for Anti-Semitic remarks, actually defamed and attacked the Covington High School kids AFTER she knew the fake news stories against them had been debunked:

"Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is getting slammed on social media for attacking the Covington Catholic students Tuesday night, even after media outlets admitted to misreporting the viral encounter between the students and the Native American elder.

claimed in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday night that Covington student Nick Sandmann and his friends had taunted black protesters and yelled racist epithets at the men before Native American activist Nathan Phillips approached them, even though video evidence of the encounter showed the black protesters hurling insults at the boys."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Spreads Fake News with Attack on Covington Students

Perhaps, like her D-Senator counter-parts who engaged in sexual misconduct, Omar might just use TAX DOLLARS to pay for the Covington Law Suit against her, should she refuse to apologize to them.


Lawyers For Covington Student Sending Warning Letters To Media, Celebrities

Apparently all the bullshit about "libel suits" has now left the building.

Which is why I challenged y'all to show any example of such "libel" anywhere, knowing you couldn't do it. Now it's down to those ultra-legalistic actions of "clarifications" :gay:

Oh noes, we're getting named in a "clarification" suit

Thanks for this link though, it saved me hunting down the Bill Maher monologue described. Here it is.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, leave us not leave this out --- it's disturbiing. From the OP directly above:

>> The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded [sic] [well it is Dimbart] material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event. <<​

Get that? Letters dictating to people ----- as if they have any such power ----- to 'preserve' everything (published stories are already preserved anyway) connected to reporting the event including emails.

They want internal (non-published, private) correspondences here. Thought police are on the scene.
"The legal team behind Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann are sending letters to various media organizations, celebrities and politicians it says completely misrepresented the confrontation between the teenager and Native American activists last month and potentially defamed their client.

Most of mainstream media and others vilified
Sandmann, other students and Covington Catholic High School in general when the youths were shown on camera wearing MAGA hats in Washington, D.C., where they had participated in the Jan. 18 March for Life rally.

Despite clarification and
apologies from many, comedian Bill Maher continued to denigrate Sandmann a week later.

McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta. The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event.

"We are "very confident that we are going to prevail” and “attain justice.” At minimum, justice will come in the form of apologies and retractions, and could include further litigation", Lawyer Todd McMurtry.
-- McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta"

Freshman D-Rep Ilhan Omar, already under fire for Anti-Semitic remarks, actually defamed and attacked the Covington High School kids AFTER she knew the fake news stories against them had been debunked:

"Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is getting slammed on social media for attacking the Covington Catholic students Tuesday night, even after media outlets admitted to misreporting the viral encounter between the students and the Native American elder.

claimed in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday night that Covington student Nick Sandmann and his friends had taunted black protesters and yelled racist epithets at the men before Native American activist Nathan Phillips approached them, even though video evidence of the encounter showed the black protesters hurling insults at the boys."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Spreads Fake News with Attack on Covington Students

Perhaps, like her D-Senator counter-parts who engaged in sexual misconduct, Omar might just use TAX DOLLARS to pay for the Covington Law Suit against her, should she refuse to apologize to them.


Lawyers For Covington Student Sending Warning Letters To Media, Celebrities

Apparently all the bullshit about "libel suits" has now left the building.

Which is why I challenged y'all to show any example of such "libel" anywhere, knowing you couldn't do it. Now it's down to those ultra-legalistic actions of "clarifications" :gay:

Oh noes, we're getting named in a "clarification" suit

Thanks for this link though, it saved me hunting down the Bill Maher monologue described. Here it is.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, leave us not leave this out --- it's disturbiing. From the OP directly above:

>> The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded [sic] [well it is Dimbart] material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event. <<​

Get that? Letters dictating to people ----- as if they have any such power ----- to 'preserve' everything (published stories are already preserved anyway) connected to reporting the event including emails.

They want internal (non-published, private) correspondences here. Thought police are on the scene.

So nooooo response from the OP on his title reference to somebody getting "paid" --- for what, by whom, who knows --- but Maher's monologue joke here:

“If you ask me, this kid should have done what everyone does during a drum solo, leave!”​

-- reminds me of a lesson from Zen Master Thelonious Monk.

Monk was playing a small club with a quartet. At one point it was time for a break. "Twenty minutes" Monk told the others.

Twenty minutes later Monk came back to his piano, the bass player took his position, the sax player was ready. No drummer. The drummer had gone off to a nearby strip club and was apparently still there.

Monk, who was a stickler for being on time, said nothing. Just sat and waited. Finally the drummer came rushing back in, out of breath, knowing he was late and went to the drums. Monk went right into the music. Time for the solos came up, sax player took his solo, back in. Monk took his piano solo, back in. Bass player took a solo, back in. Now it was time for the drummer solo.

Drummer began his part and Monk motioned for the other two guys to get up and follow him. They walked outside and stood there, doing nothing. For an hour.

For sixty minutes that drummer had to come up with whatever he could to survive. All alone, no net. Finally after penance was served the three went back in and completed the song. Monk had said absolutely nothing about it.

That drummer was never late again.
"The legal team behind Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann are sending letters to various media organizations, celebrities and politicians it says completely misrepresented the confrontation between the teenager and Native American activists last month and potentially defamed their client.

Most of mainstream media and others vilified
Sandmann, other students and Covington Catholic High School in general when the youths were shown on camera wearing MAGA hats in Washington, D.C., where they had participated in the Jan. 18 March for Life rally.

Despite clarification and
apologies from many, comedian Bill Maher continued to denigrate Sandmann a week later.

McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta. The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event.

"We are "very confident that we are going to prevail” and “attain justice.” At minimum, justice will come in the form of apologies and retractions, and could include further litigation", Lawyer Todd McMurtry.
-- McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta"

Freshman D-Rep Ilhan Omar, already under fire for Anti-Semitic remarks, actually defamed and attacked the Covington High School kids AFTER she knew the fake news stories against them had been debunked:

"Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is getting slammed on social media for attacking the Covington Catholic students Tuesday night, even after media outlets admitted to misreporting the viral encounter between the students and the Native American elder.

claimed in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday night that Covington student Nick Sandmann and his friends had taunted black protesters and yelled racist epithets at the men before Native American activist Nathan Phillips approached them, even though video evidence of the encounter showed the black protesters hurling insults at the boys."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Spreads Fake News with Attack on Covington Students

Perhaps, like her D-Senator counter-parts who engaged in sexual misconduct, Omar might just use TAX DOLLARS to pay for the Covington Law Suit against her, should she refuse to apologize to them.


Lawyers For Covington Student Sending Warning Letters To Media, Celebrities

Will be fun to see all that know their reputation come out of the woodwork.
So nooooo response from the OP on his title reference to somebody getting "paid" --- for what, by whom, who knows
I love it when snowflakes suddenly feign amnesia and / or try to play 'The Stupid game'. :p

CNN did not just choose the Catholic High School students over the 'Stolen Valor' Vet and the Black HATE group to demonize / villainized, they called fro violence against the kids ON THE AIR. Other news agencies followed suit.

Hollywood Liberals came out to call for these CHILDREN to be burned alive and / or be thrown into a wood chipper head 1st.

And, as mentioned, the racist / pro-ISIS Muslim Freshman D-Omar took to Twitter to attack the kids AFTER the news broke that everything that had been reported about the kids was a LIE!

Their lawyers openly stated in interviews on nation-wide TV that they were giving all of those people / groups time to retract their stories, to apologize to the kids for the vile fake news and even worse calls for violence against them, and if they chose NOT to do so they would file law suits against all of them.

Do you seriously need someone to explain to you that monetary compensation is on the table for these kids and their families who received threats of violence at their homes due to this criminal journalistic recklessness and intentionally vile acts perpetrated (like by Omar, knowing the stories were not true)? Do you really need someone to draw you a picture?
So nooooo response from the OP on his title reference to somebody getting "paid" --- for what, by whom, who knows
I love it when snowflakes suddenly feign amnesia and / or try to play 'The Stupid game'. :p

CNN did not just choose the Catholic High School students over the 'Stolen Valor' Vet and the Black HATE group to demonize / villainized, they called fro violence against the kids ON THE AIR. Other news agencies followed suit.

And yet ---------- you can't document any of it.

Sucks to be a history revisionist, donut.

Hollywood Liberals came out to call for these CHILDREN to be burned alive and / or be thrown into a wood chipper head 1st.

:lol: I think you're thinking of the movie "Fargo".

Diga me Tonto ----------- what part of "the news" is put together by "Hollywood Liberals"? Hm?

And, as mentioned, the racist / pro-ISIS Muslim Freshman D-Omar took to Twitter to attack the kids AFTER the news broke that everything that had been reported about the kids was a LIE!

How exactly can a video be a "lie"? Hm?

Make America Smirk Again! :eusa_dance:

Their lawyers openly stated in interviews on nation-wide TV that they were giving all of those people / groups time to retract their stories, to apologize to the kids for the vile fake news and even worse calls for violence against them, and if they chose NOT to do so they would file law suits against all of them.

Once AGAIN --- third week now --- what "fake news stories" would these be, that are endlessly referred to yet never displayed? Hm? Why can't you show them? And if you can't show them how the fuck is an attorney going to?

Guess what legal term never appears in your OP link. Not once. Anywhere.

Just guess.


Do you seriously need someone to explain to you that monetary compensation is on the table for these kids and their families who received threats of violence at their homes due to this criminal journalistic recklessness and intentionally vile acts perpetrated (like by Omar, knowing the stories were not true)? Do you really need someone to draw you a picture?

Unfortunately I know how the law works. Hence the unanswered challenge. But hey, let's go on through week three, expecting different results. That'll work.

Guess you can't tell the difference between a legitimate legal challenge, and a stuffed shirt huffing and puffing about doing shit he knows he can't do just to amuse the Gullibles.
And yet ---------- you can't document any of it.

Bwuhahahaha....... :wtf: are you talking about?

The Lawyers have copies of the 1-hour plus video of the entire incident.
The Lawyers have D-Omar's Tweet she TRIED to delete / destroy (a la Hillary)
The Lawyers have video footage of several news agency reports / telecasts
They have the footage of Maher's show
They have the evidence of the calls for violence from the Hollywood scumbags
They / the FBI have evidence / the IDs of other Liberal idiots who used the phone book to threaten anyone with the last name of the Kids
They / the FBI have identities of people who closed their school down with threats of violence.

“It’s an enormous pool of possible defendants,” their lawyer stated!

So, AGAIN...:wtf:are you talking about?

Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'
"The legal team behind Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann are sending letters to various media organizations, celebrities and politicians it says completely misrepresented the confrontation between the teenager and Native American activists last month and potentially defamed their client.

Most of mainstream media and others vilified
Sandmann, other students and Covington Catholic High School in general when the youths were shown on camera wearing MAGA hats in Washington, D.C., where they had participated in the Jan. 18 March for Life rally.

Despite clarification and
apologies from many, comedian Bill Maher continued to denigrate Sandmann a week later.

McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta. The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event.

"We are "very confident that we are going to prevail” and “attain justice.” At minimum, justice will come in the form of apologies and retractions, and could include further litigation", Lawyer Todd McMurtry.
-- McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta"

Freshman D-Rep Ilhan Omar, already under fire for Anti-Semitic remarks, actually defamed and attacked the Covington High School kids AFTER she knew the fake news stories against them had been debunked:

"Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is getting slammed on social media for attacking the Covington Catholic students Tuesday night, even after media outlets admitted to misreporting the viral encounter between the students and the Native American elder.

claimed in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday night that Covington student Nick Sandmann and his friends had taunted black protesters and yelled racist epithets at the men before Native American activist Nathan Phillips approached them, even though video evidence of the encounter showed the black protesters hurling insults at the boys."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Spreads Fake News with Attack on Covington Students

Perhaps, like her D-Senator counter-parts who engaged in sexual misconduct, Omar might just use TAX DOLLARS to pay for the Covington Law Suit against her, should she refuse to apologize to them.


Lawyers For Covington Student Sending Warning Letters To Media, Celebrities

This is what karma looks like. That stolen valor indian tried to have them banned from college, now he is disgraced and the smiling kid is about to become a multi millionaire while hes still in highschool!
Do you mean to tell me that when these "children" were sent by their parents and priests to counter protest a woman's march in DC, and demand that abortion be made illegal that they SOMEHOW entered into the realm of political speech and gave up their rights to be FREE from Fist Amendment exploration of their motives and actions? I, Sir, am aghast. Appalled. Flabbergasted. Flomoxxed. The communist MSM has ripped the shroud of ingenuousness from their innocent and untutored souls. I WEEP at your jaded sense of decency, Sir.
And yet ---------- you can't document any of it.

Bwuhahahaha....... :wtf: are you talking about?

The Lawyers have copies of the 1-hour plus video of the entire incident.
The Lawyers have D-Omar's Tweet she TRIED to delete / destroy (a la Hillary)
The Lawyers have video footage of several news agency reports / telecasts
They have the footage of Maher's show
They have the evidence of the calls for violence from the Hollywood scumbags
They / the FBI have evidence / the IDs of other Liberal idiots who used the phone book to threaten anyone with the last name of the Kids
They / the FBI have identities of people who closed their school down with threats of violence.

“It’s an enormous pool of possible defendants,” their lawyer stated!

So, AGAIN...:wtf:are you talking about?

Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

Once AGAIN --- find the word "libel" anywhere in your own link. You know --- the "libel" evidence I challenged all y'all to come up with for the last two weeks and got zero.

You see s0n ---- an actual libel case in the real world has to show that somebody deliberately defamed somebody else in the eyes of the public. That means the public would have been exposed to it in order to be influenced.

Yet here you are STILL emptyhanded two-plus weeks later, unable to come up with a damn thing.

Point being, if such evidence existed it would not be a secret decoder ring buried in some attorney's briefcase; it would, BY DEFINITION, be EVERYWHERE.

Yet you can't find it. Going on three weeks.

Gonna have let's call it an uphill battle proving there was libel when nobody in the public can even find evidence of it.
"The legal team behind Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann are sending letters to various media organizations, celebrities and politicians it says completely misrepresented the confrontation between the teenager and Native American activists last month and potentially defamed their client.

Most of mainstream media and others vilified
Sandmann, other students and Covington Catholic High School in general when the youths were shown on camera wearing MAGA hats in Washington, D.C., where they had participated in the Jan. 18 March for Life rally.

Despite clarification and
apologies from many, comedian Bill Maher continued to denigrate Sandmann a week later.

McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta. The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event.

"We are "very confident that we are going to prevail” and “attain justice.” At minimum, justice will come in the form of apologies and retractions, and could include further litigation", Lawyer Todd McMurtry.
-- McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta"

Freshman D-Rep Ilhan Omar, already under fire for Anti-Semitic remarks, actually defamed and attacked the Covington High School kids AFTER she knew the fake news stories against them had been debunked:

"Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is getting slammed on social media for attacking the Covington Catholic students Tuesday night, even after media outlets admitted to misreporting the viral encounter between the students and the Native American elder.

claimed in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday night that Covington student Nick Sandmann and his friends had taunted black protesters and yelled racist epithets at the men before Native American activist Nathan Phillips approached them, even though video evidence of the encounter showed the black protesters hurling insults at the boys."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Spreads Fake News with Attack on Covington Students

Perhaps, like her D-Senator counter-parts who engaged in sexual misconduct, Omar might just use TAX DOLLARS to pay for the Covington Law Suit against her, should she refuse to apologize to them.


Lawyers For Covington Student Sending Warning Letters To Media, Celebrities

This is what karma looks like. That stolen valor indian tried to have them banned from college, now he is disgraced and the smiling kid is about to become a multi millionaire while hes still in highschool!

uh HUH.
And how would he do that? Win the lottery?
"The legal team behind Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann are sending letters to various media organizations, celebrities and politicians it says completely misrepresented the confrontation between the teenager and Native American activists last month and potentially defamed their client.

Most of mainstream media and others vilified
Sandmann, other students and Covington Catholic High School in general when the youths were shown on camera wearing MAGA hats in Washington, D.C., where they had participated in the Jan. 18 March for Life rally.

Despite clarification and
apologies from many, comedian Bill Maher continued to denigrate Sandmann a week later.

McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta. The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event.

"We are "very confident that we are going to prevail” and “attain justice.” At minimum, justice will come in the form of apologies and retractions, and could include further litigation", Lawyer Todd McMurtry.
-- McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta"

Freshman D-Rep Ilhan Omar, already under fire for Anti-Semitic remarks, actually defamed and attacked the Covington High School kids AFTER she knew the fake news stories against them had been debunked:

"Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is getting slammed on social media for attacking the Covington Catholic students Tuesday night, even after media outlets admitted to misreporting the viral encounter between the students and the Native American elder.

claimed in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday night that Covington student Nick Sandmann and his friends had taunted black protesters and yelled racist epithets at the men before Native American activist Nathan Phillips approached them, even though video evidence of the encounter showed the black protesters hurling insults at the boys."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Spreads Fake News with Attack on Covington Students

Perhaps, like her D-Senator counter-parts who engaged in sexual misconduct, Omar might just use TAX DOLLARS to pay for the Covington Law Suit against her, should she refuse to apologize to them.


Lawyers For Covington Student Sending Warning Letters To Media, Celebrities

Apparently all the bullshit about "libel suits" has now left the building.

Which is why I challenged y'all to show any example of such "libel" anywhere, knowing you couldn't do it. Now it's down to those ultra-legalistic actions of "clarifications" :gay:

Oh noes, we're getting named in a "clarification" suit

Thanks for this link though, it saved me hunting down the Bill Maher monologue described. Here it is.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, leave us not leave this out --- it's disturbiing. From the OP directly above:

>> The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded [sic] [well it is Dimbart] material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event. <<​

Get that? Letters dictating to people ----- as if they have any such power ----- to 'preserve' everything (published stories are already preserved anyway) connected to reporting the event including emails.

They want internal (non-published, private) correspondences here. Thought police are on the scene.

So nooooo response from the OP on his title reference to somebody getting "paid" --- for what, by whom, who knows --- but Maher's monologue joke here:

“If you ask me, this kid should have done what everyone does during a drum solo, leave!”​

-- reminds me of a lesson from Zen Master Thelonious Monk.

Monk was playing a small club with a quartet. At one point it was time for a break. "Twenty minutes" Monk told the others.

Twenty minutes later Monk came back to his piano, the bass player took his position, the sax player was ready. No drummer. The drummer had gone off to a nearby strip club and was apparently still there.

Monk, who was a stickler for being on time, said nothing. Just sat and waited. Finally the drummer came rushing back in, out of breath, knowing he was late and went to the drums. Monk went right into the music. Time for the solos came up, sax player took his solo, back in. Monk took his piano solo, back in. Bass player took a solo, back in. Now it was time for the drummer solo.

Drummer began his part and Monk motioned for the other two guys to get up and follow him. They walked outside and stood there, doing nothing. For an hour.

For sixty minutes that drummer had to come up with whatever he could to survive. All alone, no net. Finally after penance was served the three went back in and completed the song. Monk had said absolutely nothing about it.

That drummer was never late again.

That's a pretty cool story. I like Monk.
And yet ---------- you can't document any of it.

Bwuhahahaha....... :wtf: are you talking about?

The Lawyers have copies of the 1-hour plus video of the entire incident.
The Lawyers have D-Omar's Tweet she TRIED to delete / destroy (a la Hillary)
The Lawyers have video footage of several news agency reports / telecasts
They have the footage of Maher's show
They have the evidence of the calls for violence from the Hollywood scumbags
They / the FBI have evidence / the IDs of other Liberal idiots who used the phone book to threaten anyone with the last name of the Kids
They / the FBI have identities of people who closed their school down with threats of violence.

“It’s an enormous pool of possible defendants,” their lawyer stated!

So, AGAIN...:wtf:are you talking about?

Covington high school student, lawyers prepare for possible libel fight, release video of 'the truth'

Once AGAIN --- find the word "libel" anywhere in your own link. You know --- the "libel" evidence I challenged all y'all to come up with for the last two weeks and got zero.

You see s0n ---- an actual libel case in the real world has to show that somebody deliberately defamed somebody else in the eyes of the public. That means the public would have been exposed to it in order to be influenced.

Yet here you are STILL emptyhanded two-plus weeks later, unable to come up with a damn thing.

Point being, if such evidence existed it would not be a secret decoder ring buried in some attorney's briefcase; it would, BY DEFINITION, be EVERYWHERE.

Yet you can't find it. Going on three weeks.

Gonna have let's call it an uphill battle proving there was libel when nobody in the public can even find evidence of it.

I think Trump will bankroll the kid's suit. And I'm pretty sure there are some colleges who will say thanks for the application......
"The legal team behind Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann are sending letters to various media organizations, celebrities and politicians it says completely misrepresented the confrontation between the teenager and Native American activists last month and potentially defamed their client.

Most of mainstream media and others vilified
Sandmann, other students and Covington Catholic High School in general when the youths were shown on camera wearing MAGA hats in Washington, D.C., where they had participated in the Jan. 18 March for Life rally.

Despite clarification and
apologies from many, comedian Bill Maher continued to denigrate Sandmann a week later.

McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta. The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event.

"We are "very confident that we are going to prevail” and “attain justice.” At minimum, justice will come in the form of apologies and retractions, and could include further litigation", Lawyer Todd McMurtry.
-- McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta"

Freshman D-Rep Ilhan Omar, already under fire for Anti-Semitic remarks, actually defamed and attacked the Covington High School kids AFTER she knew the fake news stories against them had been debunked:

"Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is getting slammed on social media for attacking the Covington Catholic students Tuesday night, even after media outlets admitted to misreporting the viral encounter between the students and the Native American elder.

claimed in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday night that Covington student Nick Sandmann and his friends had taunted black protesters and yelled racist epithets at the men before Native American activist Nathan Phillips approached them, even though video evidence of the encounter showed the black protesters hurling insults at the boys."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Spreads Fake News with Attack on Covington Students

Perhaps, like her D-Senator counter-parts who engaged in sexual misconduct, Omar might just use TAX DOLLARS to pay for the Covington Law Suit against her, should she refuse to apologize to them.


Lawyers For Covington Student Sending Warning Letters To Media, Celebrities

Apparently all the bullshit about "libel suits" has now left the building.

Which is why I challenged y'all to show any example of such "libel" anywhere, knowing you couldn't do it. Now it's down to those ultra-legalistic actions of "clarifications" :gay:

Oh noes, we're getting named in a "clarification" suit

Thanks for this link though, it saved me hunting down the Bill Maher monologue described. Here it is.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, leave us not leave this out --- it's disturbiing. From the OP directly above:

>> The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded [sic] [well it is Dimbart] material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event. <<​

Get that? Letters dictating to people ----- as if they have any such power ----- to 'preserve' everything (published stories are already preserved anyway) connected to reporting the event including emails.

They want internal (non-published, private) correspondences here. Thought police are on the scene.

So nooooo response from the OP on his title reference to somebody getting "paid" --- for what, by whom, who knows --- but Maher's monologue joke here:

“If you ask me, this kid should have done what everyone does during a drum solo, leave!”​

-- reminds me of a lesson from Zen Master Thelonious Monk.

Monk was playing a small club with a quartet. At one point it was time for a break. "Twenty minutes" Monk told the others.

Twenty minutes later Monk came back to his piano, the bass player took his position, the sax player was ready. No drummer. The drummer had gone off to a nearby strip club and was apparently still there.

Monk, who was a stickler for being on time, said nothing. Just sat and waited. Finally the drummer came rushing back in, out of breath, knowing he was late and went to the drums. Monk went right into the music. Time for the solos came up, sax player took his solo, back in. Monk took his piano solo, back in. Bass player took a solo, back in. Now it was time for the drummer solo.

Drummer began his part and Monk motioned for the other two guys to get up and follow him. They walked outside and stood there, doing nothing. For an hour.

For sixty minutes that drummer had to come up with whatever he could to survive. All alone, no net. Finally after penance was served the three went back in and completed the song. Monk had said absolutely nothing about it.

That drummer was never late again.

That's a pretty cool story. I like Monk.

His son told that one.
I think Trump will bankroll the kid's suit.......
No need to. Lawyers are like sharks - if they 'smell blood in the water' - a buck / $1 - they will represent you 'out of the kindness of their hearts' (which they don't have) - "Don't worry about it - we'll talk money later."
I think Trump will bankroll the kid's suit.......
No need to. Lawyers are like sharks - if they 'smell blood in the water' - a buck / $1 - they will represent you 'out of the kindness of their hearts' (which they don't have) - "Don't worry about it - we'll talk money later."

What's the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?

One is a slimy, bottom-dwelling, scum-sucking scavenger, the other is a fish.
"The legal team behind Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann are sending letters to various media organizations, celebrities and politicians it says completely misrepresented the confrontation between the teenager and Native American activists last month and potentially defamed their client.

Most of mainstream media and others vilified
Sandmann, other students and Covington Catholic High School in general when the youths were shown on camera wearing MAGA hats in Washington, D.C., where they had participated in the Jan. 18 March for Life rally.

Despite clarification and
apologies from many, comedian Bill Maher continued to denigrate Sandmann a week later.

McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta. The letters tell the media outlets and individuals named to preserve all documents or recoded material associated with the incident, including emails connected with reporting the event.

"We are "very confident that we are going to prevail” and “attain justice.” At minimum, justice will come in the form of apologies and retractions, and could include further litigation", Lawyer Todd McMurtry.
-- McMurtry is joined in his legal campaign by lawyer L. Lin Wood of Atlanta"

Freshman D-Rep Ilhan Omar, already under fire for Anti-Semitic remarks, actually defamed and attacked the Covington High School kids AFTER she knew the fake news stories against them had been debunked:

"Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) is getting slammed on social media for attacking the Covington Catholic students Tuesday night, even after media outlets admitted to misreporting the viral encounter between the students and the Native American elder.

claimed in a now-deleted tweet Tuesday night that Covington student Nick Sandmann and his friends had taunted black protesters and yelled racist epithets at the men before Native American activist Nathan Phillips approached them, even though video evidence of the encounter showed the black protesters hurling insults at the boys."

Rep. Ilhan Omar Spreads Fake News with Attack on Covington Students

Perhaps, like her D-Senator counter-parts who engaged in sexual misconduct, Omar might just use TAX DOLLARS to pay for the Covington Law Suit against her, should she refuse to apologize to them.


Lawyers For Covington Student Sending Warning Letters To Media, Celebrities

This is what karma looks like. That stolen valor indian tried to have them banned from college, now he is disgraced and the smiling kid is about to become a multi millionaire while hes still in highschool!

uh HUH.
And how would he do that? Win the lottery?
Yeah, he just won the fake news lottery.

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