Count Votes - Not Money

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
And I thought libs were trying to take money out of politics

Now they are raising more money then Republicans - it is now OK

Count votes, not money
Donald Lambro
July 30, 2007
The excessive attention given the huge sums of money raised by the Democratic presidential frontrunners overlooks an important irony in recent political history: The best-funded candidates often lose in the early caucuses and primaries.

Ask Joe Trippi, former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean's campaign manager in the 2003-04 presidential election cycle. Mr. Dean was by far the high fund-raiser in 2003, and thus the prohibitive favorite for the nomination. At least so the national campaign press corps believed and reported.

By the end of fourth-quarter 2003, just days before the Iowa caucuses, Mr. Dean had raked in $14 million more. Cash-strapped Sen. John Kerry reported raising an anemic $2.5 million. But Mr. Kerry trounced Mr. Dean in back-to-back contests in Iowa and New Hampshire and went on to win the nomination.

This is the cautionary tale discussed in back rooms by campaign strategists for some of the second tier Democratic hopefuls, and by many election analysts and fund-raisers. They think that the Washington press corps has exaggerated the importance of big money at this early stage of the campaig

"Historically, the amount of money raised in the pre-primary cycle has not been a good indicator of who wins the nomination," Mr. Trippi told me. Mr. Trippi is an adviser to former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards' presidential campaign and hopes the Democrats' 2004 vice-presidential nominee will turn out to be one of those come-from-behind surprises. Mr. Edwards has been stuck in third place for months in all the national polls but remains a serious contender. Still, there's a lot of historical evidence behind Mr. Trippi's point.

The year before the 2004 campaigns officially began, Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, the party's 2000 vice-presidential nominee, led in all the early polls and Mr. Dean was breaking all money-raising records over the Internet. But both were abysmal failures in the primaries.

"Why does money draw so much attention by the press? They can only report on two things at this early juncture: polls and who's winning the fund-raising race, neither of which, by the way, is a good indication of who wins," Mr. Trippi said.

Perhaps the classic example of this belongs to Jimmy Carter's former vice president, Walter Mondale, who by the end of 1983 had raised $9.4 million and led in all the polls. "But a guy by the name of [Colorado Sen.] Gary Hart, who had a message and not much money at all, beat him in the primaries and actually won more convention delegates," Mr. Trippi said. If party bigwigs had not corralled the unpledged super delegates on Mr. Mondale's behalf, Mr. Hart would have been the nominee.

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