Coulter to GOP: stop ‘Constantly Sucking Up’ to Latino Voters

Why should the GOP suck up to non-Americans, the illegals, if the GOP never grants them amnesty. It's like sucking up to a criminal in your backyard to behave once he comes into your house....uh don't let him in your house.
McCain and Romney both let the Dems run their campaign and they both lost big time. In 2010 we ran a Conservative message and won -- big time.

How fucking stupid do you have to be to be a Republican running with a Dem message?
Karl Rove (the GOP $$$ man) may disagree w/ you there Frank1400PennAve :eusa_hand:

Corporatism is socialism, not capitalism.

Capitalism fixes greed by punishing the losers. It's government that enables greed because only they can pervert the market with guns.

Sigh. If you divide the world into "Winners" and "Losers", that's a pretty sad commentary, isn't it?

You build a massive government, fund it with trillions of dollars, then you're surprised when the wealthy and powerful manipulate it for their own benefit. Jesus man, open your eyes. Small government is the solution. Yet you want more of what is broken?

And your employer isn't underpaying you. You show up for work every day. That's on you, not them.

Guy, if Libertarianism was so fucking awesome, how come no country has tried it, ever?

Small government is not the problem. Government controlled by the wealthy is.

If you don't think you libertarians are being played by the rich, ask yourself one question. Why are the Koch Brothers spending so much trouble being your sugar daddies? I don't think it's their love for the writings of Ayn Rand.
I can't take libertarians seriously. People are supposed to outgrow that theoretical model in their early-20's
And that's where you're a tool. He takes our money and fucks over you. It doesn't matter which party they are in.

I'm the one who's actually interested in helping the middle class. Make government smaller. I'll compete. I want government to stop helping the big companies who pay them off. You don't want government to stop helping the rich people who pay them off. You're drinking the rhetoric policicians care about you. That's actually a classic example of a sucker. Someone who believes politicians, lawyers and used care salesmen. And you buy two of the three.

so why is it that the Libertarian party never gets one percent of the vote if what you are selling is so awesome?

I don't belong to the party and the party does not speak for libertarians, only Libertarians.

I don't think that the politician "cares" about me, but he does have a vested interest in keeping me happy as a voter.

Then why as you accurately described only interested in the rich and corporations who control them? Do you know that energy companies contribute big bucks ... to both parties? Are they stupid? Are they really giving money to Democrats who care about you not them? LOL. Democrats see you as a giant sucker with a stick up your ass.

Corporatism is socialism, not capitalism.

Capitalism fixes greed by punishing the losers. It's government that enables greed because only they can pervert the market with guns.

Sigh. If you divide the world into "Winners" and "Losers", that's a pretty sad commentary, isn't it?

You build a massive government, fund it with trillions of dollars, then you're surprised when the wealthy and powerful manipulate it for their own benefit. Jesus man, open your eyes. Small government is the solution. Yet you want more of what is broken?

And your employer isn't underpaying you. You show up for work every day. That's on you, not them.

Guy, if Libertarianism was so fucking awesome, how come no country has tried it, ever?

Small government is not the problem. Government controlled by the wealthy is.

If you don't think you libertarians are being played by the rich, ask yourself one question. Why are the Koch Brothers spending so much trouble being your sugar daddies? I don't think it's their love for the writings of Ayn Rand.
I can't take libertarians seriously. People are supposed to outgrow that theoretical model in their early-20's

You can't even conceive of a world where government doesn't take care of you, got it.
The GOP should work with Hispanics like my friends I had in the military, conservative Hispanics that want a strong defense and stand for morals in society.

Ted Cruz fits this description, not your run of the mill Hispanic that believe illegals should be given amnesty.
Winners and losers in the market place, moron.

Okay. winners and losers in the marketplace. my favorite grocery store is closing down because a WalMart effectively put them out of business.

How does this benefit me, exactly? Walmart doesn't have nearly as good a selection in grocercies, they aren't as good at it.

Much worse for the folks who work there, I'd imagine. So they aren't "winners". I'm sure most of them were trying their best.
The Koch Brothers are Republicans, not libertarians, dumb ass.

Typical liberal, we are Republicans or anarchists, you can't process anything in the middle. We are one or the other. And then you criticize Republicans for being black and white. Can't make up the shit you actually believe.

I think that the GOP has been pandering to the Libertarian Crazies for a while now. When the Libertarian ran in 1980, Republicans made jokes about them. Now the Pauls are invited to speak on national stages and are taken seriously.

It's nice to have rich sugar daddies, but you really have to ask what they are getting for their money.

Corporatism is socialism, not capitalism.

Capitalism fixes greed by punishing the losers. It's government that enables greed because only they can pervert the market with guns.

Sigh. If you divide the world into "Winners" and "Losers", that's a pretty sad commentary, isn't it?

You build a massive government, fund it with trillions of dollars, then you're surprised when the wealthy and powerful manipulate it for their own benefit. Jesus man, open your eyes. Small government is the solution. Yet you want more of what is broken?

And your employer isn't underpaying you. You show up for work every day. That's on you, not them.

Guy, if Libertarianism was so fucking awesome, how come no country has tried it, ever?

Small government is not the problem. Government controlled by the wealthy is.

If you don't think you libertarians are being played by the rich, ask yourself one question. Why are the Koch Brothers spending so much trouble being your sugar daddies? I don't think it's their love for the writings of Ayn Rand.
I can't take libertarians seriously. People are supposed to outgrow that theoretical model in their early-20's

You can't even conceive of a world where government doesn't take care of you, got it.
when you voluntarirly completely off-of-the-grid (no roads, no airports, no interstates, no municipal water, no electricity from the municipal grid, no store-bought food, etc...) for 3+ years, give me a call. Until such time, you live in lala land :lalala: w/ the rest of the libertarians.
A lot of republicans stayed home and did not vote for Romney.
I agree with the notion that blacks and hispanics are locekd into the democrat party.
Fuck em they are NOT going to vote republican so don't pander to them.

Why do you guys keep repeating this shit?

Romney got the maximum number of AVAILABLE republican votes. In fact, 92% of self-identified republicans voted for him, which was an improvement on the 90% of Republicans who voted for McCain. Bush-43 only got 93% of self-identified Republicans in 2004, and 91% of them in 2000. RONALD REAGAN only got 93% of the Republican vote.

If you want to go raw numbers,
Bush 43 got 61.8 million votes in 2004
McCain got 60 million votes in 2008
Romney got 59 million votes in 2012.

the reason Bush got SLIGHTLY more votes than Romney or McCain was because 1) people were really still scared after 9/11 and 2) Bush actually took the time to reach out to Hispanics.

So what is telling is looking at the percentages of Hispanics both as voters and what the candidates won.

In 2004, Hispanics made up 8% of the electorate, and Bush got 44% of them.
In 2008, Hispanics made up 9% of the electorate, and McCain got 31% of them after he repudiated his own immigration reform plan and pandered to the Tancredo wing of the party in the primaries.
In 2012, Hispanics made up 10% of the electorate and Romney only got 27% of them.

So you can draw a straight line between the growth of the Hispanic vote and the inability of the GOP to connect with them.

The general direction in which you are going is good, but the national electoral stats you wrote are wrong:

2004: Bush 43 - 62 million, not 61.8 million
2008: McCain - 59 million, not 60 million
2012: Romney - 60.9 million, not 59 million.

Romney scored the second highest GOP raw vote score in our Union's history (and not McCain) and is only the 2nd Republican to break the 60-million mark - to date. Meanwhile, Obama (D) came dangerously close to 70 million in 2008.

It is true that in the exit polling, both Bush 43 and Romney scored 93% of the Republican vote.

So, since Romney only got 1.1 million less votes than Bush (2004), no one can say with any credibility that Republicans stayed home in 2012. They did not. They voted. Only, decidedly more Independents and Democrats voted, and that brought President Obama to 51.01% in 2012. And indeed, the record setting Latino statistic was a big part of that.

It is also true that former Pres. Bush (43) indeed took time to reach out to Latinos, whilst the McCain and Romney teams and the GOP as a whole have been bedeviling Latinos ever since 2008. Hillary will get upwards of 80% of the Latino vote in 2016, making New Mexico a D+20 state, Nevada a D+15 state, Colorado a D+10 state and not even in the battlegrounds. She has a strong possibility of narrowly picking up Arizona due to the Latino vote, turning Texas into a battleground (which she will probably narrowly lose), but the best chances in the world of picking up Georgia with 53%. Yes, there are a lot of Latinos in Georgia. She will win Florida by at least 12 points when all is said and done, and Florida will be called for her the minute the FL polls close on election night, 2016.

The GOP is completely ceding the Latino vote and with it, a vast swatch of the SW of the USA and some other states that people don't even realize come into play with such killer statistics in the Latino vote.

What Ann Coulter is doing is signing the death warrant for the GOP. And she is doing it willingly.
The way to win Hispanics is to point out obamacare hurt their medical insurance, Obama has cost many of them full-time jobs with his policies/obamacare, liberals are counter to the Catholic church teachings that many Hispanics follow, liberals cater to the latest minority group so Hispanics will be dumped for Asians or another group in due time just ask blacks...
Latinos don't care about either republicans or democrats. They vote for whoever will promise them the most free stuff. Lacking a democrat or a republican, latinos will support whichever cartels gives them the most money. When they get their chance they vote for fellow latinos. It's called La Raza for a reason.
^ dopey post of the day. A lot of them, most of them, work harder than any injun Katzndogz has EVER worked. FACT!!!
No one ever said latinos didn't work. They certainly do. They are just far more loyal to other latinos than to either republicans or democrats. They have far more self interest than Americans. They follow the money, all the time, every time. That's one of the reasons the cartels have gotten so powerful. They pay off. Their money is always good.
sterotype much :eusa_eh: :eusa_hand:

Most Latinos are Catholic so your above post is made-up, nonsense.
So they are catholic. Their patron saint is Jesus Malverde. You might have an unshakeable belief in the oneness of latinos and your flavor of Americans but latinos don't. That's why their largest organization is La Raza. That's why La Raza's motto is everything for the race. Norhing for those who are not the race.
Winners and losers in the market place, moron.

Okay. winners and losers in the marketplace. my favorite grocery store is closing down because a WalMart effectively put them out of business.

How does this benefit me, exactly?

Seriously, you don't know the answer to that question? You know nothing about business or economics or common sense. Let's start with the common sense. It saves you $$$. Why do you like that? Why do you like spending less for the same thing? And what do you do with that money you saved? You spend it, which creates ... what?

Walmart doesn't have nearly as good a selection in grocercies, they aren't as good at it.

I totally disagree with that. But you know what Joe, it's not up to you or me or Harry Reid. It's up to customers. That ... is caplitalism.

Much worse for the folks who work there, I'd imagine. So they aren't "winners". I'm sure most of them were trying their best.

Say what? They hire the lowest workers. The best ones build on that and get experience and better jobs. The mediocre ones stay and aren't on welfare or are at least partially supporting themselves. The ones who suck, well, it's on them for not caring.

As an employer who has bought 5 businesses I can tell you for the bad employees, their overwhelming problem is they don't care. The employees who do care are as glad to get rid of them as I am.

Two of the businesses I bought I spun off. The other three I combined. I've gotten with the businesses obviously good and bad employees. I decided spring of last year it was time to deal with the bad ones. I cut a third of my staff in one day. Overwhelmingly the ones who were let go had your attitude. They hated me, hated the company, hated coming to work. I was not planning to replace most of them, but I was ready to move for some quick hires where needed. But I wanted to see how it went first and where the real needs were.

You know how many I replaced over a year later? Zero. I got nothing but positive feedback from the people who stayed. Both about that the work was actually easier and the bad attitudes being gone was such a positive impact on morale. Your employer should read this and just can you now, he probably won't even end up needing to replace you.
The Koch Brothers are Republicans, not libertarians, dumb ass.

Typical liberal, we are Republicans or anarchists, you can't process anything in the middle. We are one or the other. And then you criticize Republicans for being black and white. Can't make up the shit you actually believe.

I think that the GOP has been pandering to the Libertarian Crazies for a while now. When the Libertarian ran in 1980, Republicans made jokes about them. Now the Pauls are invited to speak on national stages and are taken seriously.

It's nice to have rich sugar daddies, but you really have to ask what they are getting for their money.

What has the GOP done for us? You're full of crap. The Tea Party are libertarians lite, and they are demogogued by the party establishment just like the liberals do to them.
when you voluntarirly completely off-of-the-grid (no roads, no airports, no interstates, no municipal water, no electricity from the municipal grid, no store-bought food, etc...) for 3+ years, give me a call. Until such time, you live in lala land :lalala: w/ the rest of the libertarians.

No, shit for brains, I am not an anarchist. How stupid are you?

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