Could A Christian Internet Help Save America??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"It was late September when Andrew Torba, founder of the social media platform Gab, tapped out a message to his users declaring the website would update its online infrastructure. He wanted to touch up the tech, he said, to “preserve a parallel Christian society on the internet for generations to come.” There is a sense among many users that the fall of the country or Western civilization is imminent, Torba wrote, "One day our great grandchildren will learn what really happened during the greatest Spiritual war of our time and how we laid the foundations for a new parallel Christian society.”

The spiritual bluster may belie a practical subtext: A parallel Christian nationalist digital world may be a necessity for sites like Gab. Natural News founder Mike Adams — a website widely regarded as a purveyor of conspiracy theories - warned, “America was founded on Christian principles" and the "U.S. has attracted God’s wrath" because of campaigns in support of abortion rights and LGBTQ equality."

Do you think a Christian internet would be a big hit with the majority of Americans?? Especially Americans who love the Constitution and believes in free speech...because we all know that there is nothing or no one more against censorship and the policing of free speech and expression than religion....

I mean, look at the state of the country...we have been racked by viruses, diseases, natural disasters, etc.....and why do you think that is? Because of God's wrath..and why is God angry at the very country he himself founded and created -- because this country cares too much about treating gays and trannies like real people and not punishing enough whores for having abortions....
I mean, look at the state of the country...we have been racked by viruses, diseases, natural disasters, etc.....and why do you think that is? Because of God's wrath..
Let's not blame this on the wrath of God when it is merely the consequences of human behavior. God is not mad. He honors free will, and we brought all of the above down on ourselves. Yay for free will!

"It was late September when Andrew Torba, founder of the social media platform Gab, tapped out a message to his users declaring the website would update its online infrastructure. He wanted to touch up the tech, he said, to “preserve a parallel Christian society on the internet for generations to come.” There is a sense among many users that the fall of the country or Western civilization is imminent, Torba wrote, "One day our great grandchildren will learn what really happened during the greatest Spiritual war of our time and how we laid the foundations for a new parallel Christian society.”

The spiritual bluster may belie a practical subtext: A parallel Christian nationalist digital world may be a necessity for sites like Gab. Natural News founder Mike Adams — a website widely regarded as a purveyor of conspiracy theories - warned, “America was founded on Christian principles" and the "U.S. has attracted God’s wrath" because of campaigns in support of abortion rights and LGBTQ equality."

Do you think a Christian internet would be a big hit with the majority of Americans?? Especially Americans who love the Constitution and believes in free speech...because we all know that there is nothing or no one more against censorship and the policing of free speech and expression than religion....

I mean, look at the state of the country...we have been racked by viruses, diseases, natural disasters, etc.....and why do you think that is? Because of God's wrath..and why is God angry at the very country he himself founded and created -- because this country cares too much about treating gays and trannies like real people and not punishing enough whores for having abortions....

You poor Nazi, if you can't control the speech of others, you're going to break down and cry...

"It was late September when Andrew Torba, founder of the social media platform Gab, tapped out a message to his users declaring the website would update its online infrastructure. He wanted to touch up the tech, he said, to “preserve a parallel Christian society on the internet for generations to come.” There is a sense among many users that the fall of the country or Western civilization is imminent, Torba wrote, "One day our great grandchildren will learn what really happened during the greatest Spiritual war of our time and how we laid the foundations for a new parallel Christian society.”

The spiritual bluster may belie a practical subtext: A parallel Christian nationalist digital world may be a necessity for sites like Gab. Natural News founder Mike Adams — a website widely regarded as a purveyor of conspiracy theories - warned, “America was founded on Christian principles" and the "U.S. has attracted God’s wrath" because of campaigns in support of abortion rights and LGBTQ equality."

Do you think a Christian internet would be a big hit with the majority of Americans?? Especially Americans who love the Constitution and believes in free speech...because we all know that there is nothing or no one more against censorship and the policing of free speech and expression than religion....

I mean, look at the state of the country...we have been racked by viruses, diseases, natural disasters, etc.....and why do you think that is? Because of God's wrath..and why is God angry at the very country he himself founded and created -- because this country cares too much about treating gays and trannies like real people and not punishing enough whores for having abortions....
Ive been on many "Christian" websites and it seems to me that they are a fraud and prone to virtue signalling of the worst kind. They all seem to be focused on spreading "love" and raising money to feed the "poor" .

We know that this is code for feeding sinful African darkies and turning the other way when confronted by the actions of sodomite whores.

A Righteous Internet focusing on the central tenets of our faith is one that I would support, but I belleve that this is just a dream.

Freedom, prosperity, choice, guns,rebuking the sluts and punishing the sodomites is a sure fire winner
Seems to me like I heard somewhere that AOL and Compuserve had their owned walled off network back in the day for just their subscribers and it was pretty much a dud. I guess the porn wasn't as good.
The internet is a tool, like any other tool it can be used righteously or abused, its the intent of the user that matters.

If the truth goes forth on the internet as recorded in scripture its simply a faster method to spread the good news...i.e., the gospel truth. On the other hand it can easily be abused in spreading lies and misinformation. One can hardly concern themselves with the rules and regulations that govern this instant communication source.......the best one can do is put the work in that is required and study the word of God and alert the people when lies and deceit are obvious.

There is one thing that is for sure..........when the TRUTH is spread that information never results in a void, it places a spark and ember into the mind of those who hear, its food for thought.

If God desires the internet be used to spread the will be used to spread the Gospel. " is My word that goes from My mouth; It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." -- Isaiah 55:11

If the truth is taught from the word of God on the internet, it will be of great value in defeating the evil of this world, "For the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any 2 edged sword, even penetrating as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart." -- Hebrews 4:12

In other words calibrate what you see and hear on the net with the actual content of the word of God, separate the wheat from the chaff......the truth from deceit. Why? There can be no freedom without TRUTH/LIBERTY (John 8:32, 2 Cor. 3:17)

Where the spirit of the Lord resides, there is liberty, " the Lord is that spirit (spirit of Truth), and where the spirit of the Lord is, there is LIBERTY".

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, AND OF A SOUND MIND." -- 2 Tim. 1:17

A Christian has only one tool against the lies of the enemy.............THE WORD OF GOD. Has no one noticed......when one confronts the lies being propagated by some, the first thing that comes from their mind is a hisssing and grinding of teeth......the truth is like holding a mirror up to a vampire, it allows them to look into their own soul and they become angered.
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