Corrupt Media...PROOF


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
"A leading hostage rights group caved in to pressure from the anti-Trump media and withdrew its prestigious “Freedom Award” from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, disinviting him from their awards banquet this week."

"The James W. Foley Legacy Foundation, named for the journalist beheaded in 2014 by ISIS forces, was poised to recognize the Trump administration's successful efforts to free political prisoners around the world with the “2019 Foley American Hostage Freedom Award.”

"The award was to recognize Pompeo and the administration’s focus on freeing Americans held prisoners around the world, a campaign that has topped the president’s foreign policy agenda and inspired the appointment of a “special presidential envoy for hostage affairs.”

"They instead gave the award to mediocre Obama-era diplomat Brett McGurk during the event at the National Press Club Tuesday night."

"McGurk is credited with helping to win the release of Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian and three other Americans from Iran through a prisoner swap in 2016."

"In just over two years, Trump and Pompeo have helped secure the release of Tony Kim, Kim Hak Song, and Kim Dong Chul from North Korea, as well as Otto Warmbier, who unfortunately died soon afterward. They also managed the rescue of Caitlin Coleman and her children from Afghanistan. Finally, their efforts led to the release of Josh Holt from Venezuela, Pastor Brunson from Turkey, and Danny Burch just last month from Yemen."

There's a reason Pompeo should have received the award...hard FACTS that CNN and the MSN REFUSE to give their consumers.

Anti-Trump Media Bullies Force Group to Rescind Mike Pompeo's 'Freedom Award'

Very shameful....You who believe anything CNN reports as 'news' should hang your heads in shame.

Knowledgeable sources said the group’s “media partners” promised to boycott the event if Pompeo got the award, apparently distressed over giving the administration any credit.

From my link:

"Those sources added that keynote speaker Christiane Amanpour was concerned about Pompeo getting the award."

This should make anyone think twice about believing anything coming out of those media outlets. They don't want you to have any information that might make Trump look good. They are nothing more than leftist, neo-marxist, democrat, mouth-pieces. They absolutely HATE Trump because he actually represents most of Geographic America which is what these elite snobs consider 'fly-over country.'
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A second term win for President Trump will beat back his seditious anti freedom foe......keep that in mind when you vote.......
95% or more of the Media, and Social Media are far left, Democrat supporters. The bias is criminal.

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