"Corn Pop"


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
In some instances, Harriot wrote that Biden frames his story by explaining that he wanted to work at a black pool "in hopes of learning more about the black community." Biden also said he was popular among pool-goers, because most of them hadn't talked to a white person before.


A likely story. In 1962, segregation was still the rule. No white kid would have been interested in working a black pool.

Joe Biden's story of confronting a gang leader named 'Corn Pop' while working as a lifeguard in 1962 draws skepticism
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Considering Bidens attachment to the KLAN of the time, working at an all black pool would have had sever consequences to his public profile and political aspirations as a democrat. The KLAN and the Democrat hierarchy were one and the same at that time.
In some instances, Harriot wrote that Biden frames his story by explaining that he wanted to work at a black pool "in hopes of learning more about the black community." Biden also said he was popular among pool-goers, because most of them hadn't talked to a white person before.


A likely story. In 1962, segregation was still the rule. No white kid would have been interested in working a black pool.

Joe Biden's story of confronting a gang leader named 'Corn Pop' while working as a lifeguard in 1962 draws skepticism
Ol Joe put cornpop on the straight and narrow that day....YES He did ....and cornpop thanked him til the day he died
What the heck is he trying to say with this story? He isn't interviewing for bouncer, he's running for President.

He's trying to varnish his down to earth everyman credentials but he doesn't know that the democrat party has nothing but contempt for regular people.
Crusty Corn Pop.

Jaundice yellow, stale, bland.

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