COP28 Ends With 190 Nations Agreeing To Move Away From Fossil Fuels

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Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
DUBAI—More than 190 governments at the United Nations climate conference approved an agreement Wednesday calling for the world to transition away from fossil fuels, sending an unprecedented signal to the global economy that governments are intent on cutting back on coal, oil and natural gas in the fight against global warming.

DUBAI—More than 190 governments at the United Nations climate conference approved an agreement Wednesday calling for the world to transition away from fossil fuels, sending an unprecedented signal to the global economy that governments are intent on cutting back on coal, oil and natural gas in the fight against global warming.

With nothing to replace base load, this is virtue signaling at it's worst.
DUBAI—More than 190 governments at the United Nations climate conference approved an agreement Wednesday calling for the world to transition away from fossil fuels, sending an unprecedented signal to the global economy that governments are intent on cutting back on coal, oil and natural gas in the fight against global warming.

Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

How's that metric system working out for you?
DUBAI—More than 190 governments at the United Nations climate conference approved an agreement Wednesday calling for the world to transition away from fossil fuels, sending an unprecedented signal to the global economy that governments are intent on cutting back on coal, oil and natural gas in the fight against global warming.

NO,that is not the message.
It is that Africa will be sacrificed because nobody cares about poor Black children who need fossil fuels
ITis all failling

Our FOOL President is not even reading reports anymore​

Congress Spent $7.5 Billion on E.V. Chargers. After 2 Years, None Are Built.​

More than $2 billion has been distributed, but only two states have even broken ground and most states haven't even submitted proposals.​

2 YEARS !!!!!
DUBAI—More than 190 governments at the United Nations climate conference approved an agreement Wednesday calling for the world to transition away from fossil fuels, sending an unprecedented signal to the global economy that governments are intent on cutting back on coal, oil and natural gas in the fight against global warming.

Shit - well anyway no one is going to take away my "combustioneer" - unless they pry it from my dead body. Going to buy an new one next year :D

Are they going to replace all the plastics with stoneware and grass - tomorrow?
I mean how much time is estimated presently for "The Flood" to arrive?
What do you suppose would happen if they invited people with contrary views to give Papers at these conferences. Most of the "scientists" who are knowledgeable in this area know that "we" will be dependent on fossil fuels for at least several decades, and there is really no possibility of a different future. Renewables cannot generate sufficient energy to fuel the world's needs - not even close.

If they wanted to do something useful, they would be pushing natural gas and nuclear power (along with renewables).
But they, like all Leftists around the world - are evil liars, selling a line of bullshit to increase their political power.
THe two overwhelming polluters are drasitically increasing their pollution though

INDIA recently announced its plans to triple its underground coal mining capacity to meet its rapidly growing energy demand. India has some of the world’s largest coal reserves


China doubles down on coal with rapid roll-out of new railway track to the world’s largest deposit​

  • 257km line from Zhundong open pit to Urumqi will increase the mine’s transport capacity to more than 100 million tonnes a year
C'mon you are embarrassing yourself
THe two overwhelming polluters are drasitically increasing their pollution though

INDIA recently announced its plans to triple its underground coal mining capacity to meet its rapidly growing energy demand. India has some of the world’s largest coal reserves


China doubles down on coal with rapid roll-out of new railway track to the world’s largest deposit​

  • 257km line from Zhundong open pit to Urumqi will increase the mine’s transport capacity to more than 100 million tonnes a year
C'mon you are embarrassing yourself
Only shows that these two - don't fall for naive solutions.
Only shows that these two - don't fall for naive solutions.
I agree but that was not my point. My point was that overall was that COP28 is a huge failure by its own standards.
And much of that is Biden's fault. He let Kerry overlook Falun Gong persecution,Uyghur internement,and organ harvesting to get that climate treaty .They know they have him now and can do whatever they want
DUBAI—More than 190 governments at the United Nations climate conference approved an agreement Wednesday calling for the world to transition away from fossil fuels, sending an unprecedented signal to the global economy that governments are intent on cutting back on coal, oil and natural gas in the fight against global warming.

Holding that in Dubai was such a stupid thing to do.
I agree but that was not my point. My point was that overall was that COP28 is a huge failure by its own standards.
And much of that is Biden's fault. He let Kerry overlook Falun Gong persecution,Uyghur internement,and organ harvesting to get that climate treaty .They know they have him now and can do whatever they want
Now ain't that "funny" and again simply documenting e.g. US Hypocrites at what they do best.

The same people and governments that "criticize" and falsely accuse China in regards to the Uighur issue (having fought and eradicated Muslim extremism, without murdering thousands of civilians, and invested a US$ Trillion into it's economic upgrade) - are applauding the murdering of 16,000 civilians in Gaza, support the US policy towards Israel and vote for Israel or refrain from voting at the UNGA !!!

UN v.png

Anyway - it is not this threads topic.
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I agree but that was not my point. My point was that overall was that COP28 is a huge failure by its own standards.
And much of that is Biden's fault. He let Kerry overlook Falun Gong persecution,Uyghur internement,and organ harvesting to get that climate treaty .They know they have him now and can do whatever they want

I don't know, when the leader of the event comes out and admits it's all bullshit, I put it right up there with the IPCC admitting that Climate Change Cult is about redistributing wealth

"The president of Cop28, Sultan Al Jaber, has claimed there is “no science” indicating that a phase-out of fossil fuels is needed to restrict global heating to 1.5C, the Guardian and the Centre for Climate Reporting can reveal.",Cop28%20president%20says%20there%20is%20'no%20science'%20behind%20demands%20for,phase%2Dout%20of%20fossil%20fuels&text=The%20president%20of%20Cop28%2C%20Sultan,for%20Climate%20Reporting%20can%20reveal.
DUBAI—More than 190 governments at the United Nations climate conference approved an agreement Wednesday calling for the world to transition away from fossil fuels, sending an unprecedented signal to the global economy that governments are intent on cutting back on coal, oil and natural gas in the fight against global warming.

Unfortunately I am @ an age that I can well remember the glow-ball kooling "scare" of the late sixties(1969 precisely). By the time the "international" Expo 74 environmentally themed world fair fired up in Spokane in 1974 glow-ball kooling had conveniently started morphing more & more into glow-ball warming, & the rise of the glow-ball warming warmies one world without borders grouped up groupie left were in high over drive playing follow their Fuhrer's doctrine. With better than 50 years, actually 60+ years of 100%, again 100% failed envirowhacko doomsday prophecy the obvious becomes very clear, it's NOT about the environment it's about one world without borders! One thing is for sure the statist left NEVER state their true intensions, that's WHY they ALWAYS come in on an angle behind a smoke screen(Marxism).

Pay CLOSE ATTENTION TO lines # 42/43 below as I well remember all those 'scares' being propagated back then.

DUBAI—More than 190 governments at the United Nations climate conference approved an agreement Wednesday calling for the world to transition away from fossil fuels, sending an unprecedented signal to the global economy that governments are intent on cutting back on coal, oil and natural gas in the fight against global warming.

From your link....
“An agreement is only as good as its implementation. We are what we do, not what we say,” Al Jaber said.
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