Cop In Chicago Shot Negro. Was It Murder?

I think it was a reasonable shooting. Does anyone really want that hoodlum walking the street high on PCP and wielding a knife? Honestly, that cop did us all a favor.
Reasonable Shooting??? He was not a threat to anyone after the first shot!
Really? How many Westerns have you been watching lately? It seems you think people die immediately after being shot.
The cops are told to shoot or tase them to neutralize them, so they are no longer a threat. Not kill them.
I think it was a reasonable shooting. Does anyone really want that hoodlum walking the street high on PCP and wielding a knife? Honestly, that cop did us all a favor.
Reasonable Shooting??? He was not a threat to anyone after the first shot!
Really? How many Westerns have you been watching lately? It seems you think people die immediately after being shot.
The cops are told to shoot or tase them to neutralize them, so they are no longer a threat. Not kill them.
You have no idea what "cops are told." Tasers are not used to deal with imminent dangers to police officers, they are a secondary less-than-lethal option in certain situations. They are ineffective at fast moving target like this ghetto thug was because they are limited by velocity and time of flight and if a police officer's life is in danger, they are not the best way to incapacitate the danger. Cops deserve to go home to their families at the end of their shift and when somebody attempts to jeopardize their lives, they have the same right as any citizen to defend themselves in the most effective way possible.
A 3" knife is not a weapon when its more than 20 feet away.

Indeed, going up against cop armed with a gun and a taser means the 3" knife was no weapon at all.

There were no calls for the kid to put the 3" knife down. There are no laws against a kid having a 3" knife.

It was an execution. Cop pulled up and within 30 seconds, started shooting. He could have shot him once. While that would have been way too much force under those circumstances, it certainly shows just how whacked that cop is.

The cop is supposedly trained. As such, its obvious he had no control over the situation - a kid dancing in the street, and even less control over himself.

The cop murdered a kid for jay walking.

He deserves the death penalty though I don't know if Illinois has it.
You don't know if there was a call for him to stop. Even if he did, he didn't have to pump 15 more shots once he was down and not a threat. Murder One is the right call.
The DA has an uphill battle trying to prove intent. This seems to be a pattern, over charging cops in hopes of a complete acquital.
Good point. but I think he'll get the jury to agree. If it was a matter of a couple of shots, maybe some doubt. Sixteen shots? Nah, I think he's going down. Can you imagine the rioting in Chicago if he is found not guilty?

That's the problem, letting terrorists determine who gets charged and the outcome of the trial. And yes, when people are in fear for their lives, they tend to empty the clip, and I'm certain the jury will be provided with evidence to this end.

One time I found a large possum in my garage that had been eating the cat food and growing fat on it. He was terrifying the cats so they wouldn't go into the garage. I got my .22 rifle and went to find the possum who was hiding on the shelves. When I found it and cornered it, it faced me and hissed at me and took posture to lunge at me. I fired over and over. And over. And over. It weighed about 20 lbs but it scared me deeply. This is just an example of a normal human response when faced with danger and meeting that danger with a gun. The jury will be exposed to several officer shootings of stark similarity and the pattern will show that this wasn't murder. In fact, a large number of shots fired at a legitimate threat has been used successfully by defense attorneys to establish fear for one's safety.

The DA agrees. That's why they over charged.
You have no idea what "cops are told." Tasers are not used to deal with imminent dangers to police officers, they are a secondary less-than-lethal option in certain situations.

I'm not contesting what you've said here but " . . . a secondary less-than-lethal option in certain situations" is somewhat vague. It would be helpful if you would provide some specific examples (hypothetical) of the intended use of the Taser device.

Also, considering the level of hell being raised over the topic incident, can you suggest some less-than-lethal method(s) by which the subject of this shooting might have been apprehended?
I seem to remember hearing of instances or laws that make it a crime for a homeowner to shoot a burgler.
Approximately half of the fifty states, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut are a few, impose what is called a "duty to retreat" in situations where the defensive use of deadly force is an avoidable option. What this means is using deadly force when there is an option to peacefully remove from the threatening situation becomes a chargeable offense.
I disagree with a 'duty to retreat' when it applies to homeowners and other private citizens . Just saying .
You have no idea what "cops are told." Tasers are not used to deal with imminent dangers to police officers, they are a secondary less-than-lethal option in certain situations.

I'm not contesting what you've said here but " . . . a secondary less-than-lethal option in certain situations" is somewhat vague. It would be helpful if you would provide some specific examples (hypothetical) of the intended use of the Taser device.

Also, considering the level of hell being raised over the topic incident, can you suggest some less-than-lethal method(s) by which the subject of this shooting might have been apprehended?
Watch the video again. See how the thug was moving fast and erratically. Tasers do not work in a situation like that because of distance, time of flight for the barbs, and the inability for barbs to find purchase in such a target. There's one way this thug could have lived and that was to drop the knife as instructed. He didn't. Leftists need to stop blaming cops for the actions of criminals.
Why do you Leftists never have an actual victim of police abuse? All your "victims" are either resisting arrest, brandishing weapons, or trying to wrest a cop's gun away. You twits come back to me when you actually find someone shot by cops who didn't have it coming and then we'll talk.

LOL. Me, a Leftist? Im about as clise to a Conservative Authoritarian as you'll find here at USMB. That doesn't mean I condone the needkess and senseless MURDER of a criminal suspect.

NOBODY "Has it coming" . Sime people put officers in situations where the LEO has no other option but to shoot. That still doesn't mean they were asking to get shot.
Why do you Leftists never have an actual victim of police abuse? All your "victims" are either resisting arrest, brandishing weapons, or trying to wrest a cop's gun away. You twits come back to me when you actually find someone shot by cops who didn't have it coming and then we'll talk.

LOL. Me, a Leftist? Im about as clise to a Conservative Authoritarian as you'll find here at USMB. That doesn't mean I condone the needkess and senseless MURDER of a criminal suspect.

NOBODY "Has it coming" . Sime people put officers in situations where the LEO has no other option but to shoot. That still doesn't mean they were asking to get shot.
Yes it does.
If blacks stopped committing crimes in super high number they wouldn't run into the police. Shit like this wouldn't happen nearly as often.

Blacks need to wake up and raise their children right. If they don't then nothing else will change...Really, what else can be done? We all seen the murder rate shoot up in Baltimore because the cops backed off.

The solution isn't backing the cops off.
Yes it does.

In that case was I asking to be shot when I stormed out of the bar after the Rousey - Holm fight a couple weeks ago? I was armed, acting pissed off, and in a public place with pilice officers around.
Were the police giving you instructions? Did you whirl around to face them with a weapon in hand? Not quite the same situation, is it?
Yes it does.

In that case was I asking to be shot when I stormed out of the bar after the Rousey - Holm fight a couple weeks ago? I was armed, acting pissed off, and in a public place with pilice officers around.

I'd feel and do the same thing. How fucking sicking a sight to behold....I'd run, not walk out from that trash.

A woman belongs mothering children...NOT being a man.
Watch the video again. See how the thug was moving fast and erratically. Tasers do not work in a situation like that because of distance, time of flight for the barbs, and the inability for barbs to find purchase in such a target. There's one way this thug could have lived and that was to drop the knife as instructed. He didn't. Leftists need to stop blaming cops for the actions of criminals.
It is obvious that the Taser could not have worked at the (considerable) distance between the subject and the cops. In fact that distance combined with the direction of movement plainly showed there was no defensive need to use deadly force -- or Tasers. But what I asked is your opinion on specifically what the intended use of the Taser device is.

What you have said implies that you believe it appropriate for police to use deadly force (shoot) against a subject who is at least thirty feet away and is moving away from, not toward, them. Is that right?
Watch the video again. See how the thug was moving fast and erratically. Tasers do not work in a situation like that because of distance, time of flight for the barbs, and the inability for barbs to find purchase in such a target. There's one way this thug could have lived and that was to drop the knife as instructed. He didn't. Leftists need to stop blaming cops for the actions of criminals.
It is obvious that the Taser could not have worked at the (considerable) distance between the subject and the cops. In fact that distance combined with the direction of movement plainly showed there was no defensive need to use deadly force -- or Tasers. But what I asked is your opinion on specifically what the intended use of the Taser device is.

What you have said implies that you believe it appropriate for police to use deadly force (shoot) against a subject who is at least thirty feet away and is moving away from, not toward, them. Is that right?
He pivoted toward them. That's when he was shot. I feel much safer with him in the ground.
Were the police giving you instructions? Did you whirl around to face them with a weapon in hand? Not quite the same situation, is it?

I came bursting out the door of the bar, pissed off, swearing, and generally furious at the world. There were two cops in the parking lot, working security. Both turned towards me. I storned straight to my car, cursing a blue streak, go in and sat there for about 5-8 minutes waiting for my wife to make her way to the car.

I didn't flash any of the multiple weapons I was carrying or threaten the officers. This guy who got shot, while carrying a knife, wasn't actively threatening the officers.
Block head cop who shot McDonald 16X had 20 misconduct claims filed against him. How many did St.MikeOffendThem have before he retired?..........:smoke:
Yes it does.

In that case was I asking to be shot when I stormed out of the bar after the Rousey - Holm fight a couple weeks ago? I was armed, acting pissed off, and in a public place with pilice officers around.
So, you're a Rousey fan, eh?

I like to watch MMA, mainly because I wrestled throughout most of my youth and I naturally disliked "pro" (TV) wrestling because it's phony -- and most boxing bores me. I always believed a combination of striking and grappling would be an entertaining spectator sport but I never thought it would be publicly acceptable.

I never watch the females, probably because I have three daughters and watching girls fight like that annoys me.

I presently have no favorites but I always enjoyed watching Randy Couture, Chuck Liddel and George St. Pierre fight.
You may have seen the thing on the news yesterday where a cop in Chicago was charged with shooting down a negro about a year ago. Was it murder? Well the negro had a knife. Before the cop who shot him showed up, there were other police around. No doubt there had been many calls by the police there for the negro to drop the knife. Which the negro obviously ignored. Well when the other cop showed up and blasted him, the negro didn't ignore that. That wasn't murder. That was a cop in a virtual war zone taking out the trash. Besides, maybe the negro was just trying to commit suicide by cop. Or maybe it thought that if it survived, it could sue the city for a shitload of money because of excessive force. Just as many other negros do when they fail to obey lawful orders. What do you think.

I think you're sort of a pig and should probably catch up with the facts. The officer in question has been charged with first degree murder. And the family has already been awarded $5M in damages. Seems as though the liberal media you fucking idiots squawk about didn't get this story out until now.

Chicago officer had history of complaints before Laquan McDonald shooting
Officer Jason Van Dyke faced 20 complaints, lawsuits -


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