Convince an atheist God exists


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Let's see if minus the name-calling and rude remarks anyone actually can without deflecting the question to a flame war. :) Bear in mind, no religious text proves its' own claims any more than the Twilight books proves the existence of vampires with sparkly skin. :)
I tried to do a thread like this before. No one seemed interested. Perhaps if you did the @ thing at a few of the posters who seem to like apologetics you could get something going.
I'll give it a go to get things started. :)

God exists. However, what God actually is might vary person to person, religion to religion, time to time. So the word might be the same, 'God,' while refering to different things and ideas. If God is an all-loving, good, benevolent, superpowered living thing, then what's more like that than life itself throughout the entire universe?

What process exactly caused the Big Bang? We know the Big Bang occured, but why? Colliding universes? Maybe. But it did happen, maybe the 'why did it happen' isn't as important as the fact that it happened at all. So maybe with God, the who or what isn't as important as simply recognizing God, whatever it may be exists. Why do we think it does? Because we do.

The universe is a decidely hostile place. Radiation, hard vacuum, exploding stars, inhositable planets, etc. It's a nasty place to living things like people. Yet here we are anyway. Of the over 5,000 planets we know of right now, Earth is the only inhabited one we know about for sure. Though I believe that'll change within my lifetime, and probably right here in our solar system, for now life seems extraordinarily unlikely to occur in the universe with just a 1 in 5,000 chance per planet.

Maybe all the things in the universe are part of the same thing, and not discrete things like they appear to be. Wouldn't be the first time reality was discovered to be counter-intuitive. Quantum physics says things common sense wouldn't suggest. So maybe the entire totality of the universe is God, a single massive organism and space is its blood, planets and stars it's cells, and people and "people" some part of a smaller unit inside cells? Just as a single red blood cell in our own bodies is just part of a greater whole, if it could think it wouldn't have any awareness of it's part. It's limited in what it can know because of it's size and lcoation, just as we humans are. We're small, seem insignificant, yet without us and life as a whole, the great whole organism wouldn't exist.

Maybe instead of asking "Does God exist?" We should instead be asking "What exactly is God?" We exist. The universe exists. The planets and stars all exist. But are they discrete autonomous things, or just part of a greater whole we call God?
I'll give it a go to get things started. :)

God exists. However, what God actually is might vary person to person, religion to religion, time to time. So the word might be the same, 'God,' while refering to different things and ideas. If God is an all-loving, good, benevolent, superpowered living thing, then what's more like that than life itself throughout the entire universe?

What process exactly caused the Big Bang? We know the Big Bang occured, but why? Colliding universes? Maybe. But it did happen, maybe the 'why did it happen' isn't as important as the fact that it happened at all. So maybe with God, the who or what isn't as important as simply recognizing God, whatever it may be exists. Why do we think it does? Because we do.

The universe is a decidely hostile place. Radiation, hard vacuum, exploding stars, inhositable planets, etc. It's a nasty place to living things like people. Yet here we are anyway. Of the over 5,000 planets we know of right now, Earth is the only inhabited one we know about for sure. Though I believe that'll change within my lifetime, and probably right here in our solar system, for now life seems extraordinarily unlikely to occur in the universe with just a 1 in 5,000 chance per planet.

Maybe all the things in the universe are part of the same thing, and not discrete things like they appear to be. Wouldn't be the first time reality was discovered to be counter-intuitive. Quantum physics says things common sense wouldn't suggest. So maybe the entire totality of the universe is God, a single massive organism and space is its blood, planets and stars it's cells, and people and "people" some part of a smaller unit inside cells? Just as a single red blood cell in our own bodies is just part of a greater whole, if it could think it wouldn't have any awareness of it's part. It's limited in what it can know because of it's size and lcoation, just as we humans are. We're small, seem insignificant, yet without us and life as a whole, the great whole organism wouldn't exist.

Maybe instead of asking "Does God exist?" We should instead be asking "What exactly is God?" We exist. The universe exists. The planets and stars all exist. But are they discrete autonomous things, or just part of a greater whole we call God?

""ALL"" the answers you pretend to seek can be found in GOD'S WORD!
I'll give it a go to get things started. :)

God exists. However, what God actually is might vary person to person, religion to religion, time to time. So the word might be the same, 'God,' while refering to different things and ideas. If God is an all-loving, good, benevolent, superpowered living thing, then what's more like that than life itself throughout the entire universe?

What process exactly caused the Big Bang? We know the Big Bang occured, but why? Colliding universes? Maybe. But it did happen, maybe the 'why did it happen' isn't as important as the fact that it happened at all. So maybe with God, the who or what isn't as important as simply recognizing God, whatever it may be exists. Why do we think it does? Because we do.

The universe is a decidely hostile place. Radiation, hard vacuum, exploding stars, inhositable planets, etc. It's a nasty place to living things like people. Yet here we are anyway. Of the over 5,000 planets we know of right now, Earth is the only inhabited one we know about for sure. Though I believe that'll change within my lifetime, and probably right here in our solar system, for now life seems extraordinarily unlikely to occur in the universe with just a 1 in 5,000 chance per planet.

Maybe all the things in the universe are part of the same thing, and not discrete things like they appear to be. Wouldn't be the first time reality was discovered to be counter-intuitive. Quantum physics says things common sense wouldn't suggest. So maybe the entire totality of the universe is God, a single massive organism and space is its blood, planets and stars it's cells, and people and "people" some part of a smaller unit inside cells? Just as a single red blood cell in our own bodies is just part of a greater whole, if it could think it wouldn't have any awareness of it's part. It's limited in what it can know because of it's size and lcoation, just as we humans are. We're small, seem insignificant, yet without us and life as a whole, the great whole organism wouldn't exist.

Maybe instead of asking "Does God exist?" We should instead be asking "What exactly is God?" We exist. The universe exists. The planets and stars all exist. But are they discrete autonomous things, or just part of a greater whole we call God?

""ALL"" the answers you pretend to seek can be found in GOD'S WORD!

Prove it. This is the thread to prove what you believe, not regurgitate another Youtube video or recite something someone else wrote in a book.
I'll give it a go to get things started. :)

God exists. However, what God actually is might vary person to person, religion to religion, time to time. So the word might be the same, 'God,' while refering to different things and ideas. If God is an all-loving, good, benevolent, superpowered living thing, then what's more like that than life itself throughout the entire universe?

What process exactly caused the Big Bang? We know the Big Bang occured, but why? Colliding universes? Maybe. But it did happen, maybe the 'why did it happen' isn't as important as the fact that it happened at all. So maybe with God, the who or what isn't as important as simply recognizing God, whatever it may be exists. Why do we think it does? Because we do.

The universe is a decidely hostile place. Radiation, hard vacuum, exploding stars, inhositable planets, etc. It's a nasty place to living things like people. Yet here we are anyway. Of the over 5,000 planets we know of right now, Earth is the only inhabited one we know about for sure. Though I believe that'll change within my lifetime, and probably right here in our solar system, for now life seems extraordinarily unlikely to occur in the universe with just a 1 in 5,000 chance per planet.

Maybe all the things in the universe are part of the same thing, and not discrete things like they appear to be. Wouldn't be the first time reality was discovered to be counter-intuitive. Quantum physics says things common sense wouldn't suggest. So maybe the entire totality of the universe is God, a single massive organism and space is its blood, planets and stars it's cells, and people and "people" some part of a smaller unit inside cells? Just as a single red blood cell in our own bodies is just part of a greater whole, if it could think it wouldn't have any awareness of it's part. It's limited in what it can know because of it's size and lcoation, just as we humans are. We're small, seem insignificant, yet without us and life as a whole, the great whole organism wouldn't exist.

Maybe instead of asking "Does God exist?" We should instead be asking "What exactly is God?" We exist. The universe exists. The planets and stars all exist. But are they discrete autonomous things, or just part of a greater whole we call God?

""ALL"" the answers you pretend to seek can be found in GOD'S WORD!

Prove it. This is the thread to prove what you believe, not regurgitate another Youtube video or recite something someone else wrote in a book.

PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! SEEK GOD IN HIS WORD AND TRUTH(PROOF) WILL BE REVEALED TO THOSE that really seek it,but if you are really just hoping their is no GOD so you can go on living in your pet sins and avoid your very near final judgment day WELL!!! DREAM ON!!
""ALL"" the answers you pretend to seek can be found in GOD'S WORD!

Prove it. This is the thread to prove what you believe, not regurgitate another Youtube video or recite something someone else wrote in a book.

PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! SEEK GOD IN HIS WORD AND TRUTH(PROOF) WILL BE REVEALED TO THOSE that really seek it,but if you are really just hoping their is no GOD so you can go on living in your pet sins and avoid your very near final judgment day WELL!!! DREAM ON!!

Audience? Any atheists? Did that convince you? :)
Prove it. This is the thread to prove what you believe, not regurgitate another Youtube video or recite something someone else wrote in a book.

PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! SEEK GOD IN HIS WORD AND TRUTH(PROOF) WILL BE REVEALED TO THOSE that really seek it,but if you are really just hoping their is no GOD so you can go on living in your pet sins and avoid your very near final judgment day WELL!!! DREAM ON!!

Audience? Any atheists? Did that convince you? :)

A BELIEVER'S DUTY is to give the poor,blinded unbeliever the TRUTH=THE WORD OF GOD not to ""convince" him,the unbeliever must chose to believe or reject GOD'S LOVE AND TRUTH.
The OP is like most other Atheists, not interested in being convinced of anything, just wants an argument. Or more precisely, to just be contradictory.

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""ALL"" the answers you pretend to seek can be found in GOD'S WORD!

Prove it. This is the thread to prove what you believe, not regurgitate another Youtube video or recite something someone else wrote in a book.

PROVE IT!!!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! SEEK GOD IN HIS WORD AND TRUTH(PROOF) WILL BE REVEALED TO THOSE that really seek it,but if you are really just hoping their is no GOD so you can go on living in your pet sins and avoid your very near final judgment day WELL!!! DREAM ON!!

There is no 'god' as perceived by theists, consequently there is no 'god's word,' religion and 'god' are creations of man, your bible contains man's 'word,' reflecting the fear, hate, and ignorance of man – you are in essence worshiping your fellow man.
Why believe in something untangble such as arguments when the bible is real? Last time I checked there is a god in the bible.

Checkmate atheists!
LOL!!! YOU HAVE ZERO,I SAY ZERO proof that GOD is not real or that His word is not His inspired(GOD BREATHED) WORD. you have zero==000000000 zero proof!!! We believers walk and talk with GOD EVERY DAY,GOD speaks to us in many ways=through HIS WORD, a voice heard in our mind and heart,dreams,visions,His prophets and through fellow brother believers. We believers have the entire universe all creation and life as ABSOLUTE PROOF OF GOD!!! PTL.
Why believe in something untangble such as arguments when the bible is real? Last time I checked there is a god in the bible.

Checkmate atheists!

Maybe because as I explained in the OP, Twilight's real too but sparkly vampires aren't. Harry Potter books are real as well but elves, trolls, and unicorns aren't. The claims a book makes cannot be used to prove those claims.

L. Ron Hubbard founded Scinetology. Is Scientology's claims about Xenu and a multi-trillion year old universe real because his books say it is?
LOL!!FACE THE TRUTH!!!! YOU HAVE ZERO,I SAY ZERO proof that GOD is not real or that His word is not His inspired(GOD BREATHED) WORD. you have zero==000000000 zero proof!!! We believers walk and talk with GOD EVERY DAY,GOD speaks to us in many ways=through HIS WORD, a voice heard in our mind and heart,dreams,visions,His prophets and through fellow brother believers. We believers have the entire universe all creation and life as ABSOLUTE PROOF OF GOD!!! PTL.

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