Conservatives won't hardball


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

against the looney left. Time is LONG passed to bring out our own political sledge hammers against this crowd.

against the looney left. Time is LONG passed to bring out our own political sledge hammers against this crowd.
Conservatives are pretty clear about what they don't like. They are less certain when it comes to making a workable and constitutional plan.

against the looney left. Time is LONG passed to bring out our own political sledge hammers against this crowd.
Sure they can, just follow this link.

"political hardball with those that would take down America"

"Lie, Cheat, and Steal" is no way to govern or conduct business.
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against the looney left. Time is LONG passed to bring out our own political sledge hammers against this crowd.
There is sooo much projection in that article….
Conservatives started losing the Culture War in the 60's. By the 90's they had completely surrendered. Any attempt to play hard ball will fail, which is why they don't even try. Conservatives need to get back into the Culture War. Once they win they can play hard ball and succeed. Unfortunately DeSantis is the only conservative politician that I'm aware of who has taken on this fight. Since politics is downstream from culture winning the Culture War is key to winning the political war. Limp wristed libertarianism just isn't going to cut it.

against the looney left. Time is LONG passed to bring out our own political sledge hammers against this crowd.
Controlled opposition jobbers never do.

The GOP is the Washington Generals of politics.
Conservatives started losing the Culture War in the 60's. By the 90's they had completely surrendered. Any attempt to play hard ball will fail, which is why they don't even try. Conservatives need to get back into the Culture War. Once they win they can play hard ball and succeed. Unfortunately DeSantis is the only conservative politician that I'm aware of who has taken on this fight. Since politics is downstream from culture winning the Culture War is key to winning the political war. Limp wristed libertarianism just isn't going to cut it.
It's the culture wars crap that is hurting them worst. Not everyone enjoys spite.
What is political "hardball"? It's useless to play hardball if nobody comes to watch. Hardball is propaganda and the left has the propaganda network locked up. It's a credit to republican candidates to manage to get elected when the left runs the hardball sport and makes the rules.

against the looney left. Time is LONG passed to bring out our own political sledge hammers against this crowd.
There are not enough conservatives in congress to have much effect. Half the GOP consists of Rinos.

against the looney left. Time is LONG passed to bring out our own political sledge hammers against this crowd.
The last ride of the Kook Kuck Klan!

All the more reason why they have to fight it. As long as the far left controls the culture even moderates will not be able to accomplish anything politically. 80% of people are sheep who will follow the loudest 10%.
You’ve already lost.
Republicans have neither the power to turn the culture back nor undo the demographic changes already in play.
Time to get on board and play nice in the new sandbox. ;)
You’ve already lost.
Republicans have neither the power to turn the culture back nor undo the demographic changes already in play.
Time to get on board and play nice in the new sandbox. ;)
Playing nice is what got us here. The current crop of Republican politicians are, of course, worse than useless. There needs to be a grassroots effort. The Left didn't win the culture war over night. They'd been at it for decades and fighting on all fronts.

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