Conservatives need to launch a counter-offensive to take back our institutions


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.
We need to do what the Germans did after they took over East Germany. They fired all the Communists.
Agreed. But how?
We need to do what they did, infiltrate and take over.

Problem is, most conservatives aren't that political, and so they tend to go into jobs that don't have political influence.

Like me, I'm a lawyer, but my job gives me political influence over no one.
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.

Sure, and the playbook looks something like this.

1) Deny the value of higher education.

2) Politicize science

3) Buy institutions and replace critical thinking political dogma.
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.

Sure, and the playbook looks something like this.

1) Deny the value of higher education.

2) Politicize science

3) Buy institutions and replace critical thinking political dogma.
No, that's the stuff conservatives need to UNDO.
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.

Sure, and the playbook looks something like this.

1) Deny the value of higher education.

2) Politicize science

3) Buy institutions and replace critical thinking political dogma.
No, that's the stuff conservatives need to UNDO.

Like the conservatives understanding of AGW?
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.

Sure, and the playbook looks something like this.

1) Deny the value of higher education.

2) Politicize science

3) Buy institutions and replace critical thinking political dogma.
No, that's the stuff conservatives need to UNDO.

Like the conservatives understanding of AGW?
Yes, we are against fraud.
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.

Sure, and the playbook looks something like this.

1) Deny the value of higher education.

2) Politicize science

3) Buy institutions and replace critical thinking political dogma.
No, that's the stuff conservatives need to UNDO.

Like the conservatives understanding of AGW?
Yes, we are against fraud.

And what facts can you present to show fraud other than a childlike faith in political dogma?
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.

Sure, and the playbook looks something like this.

1) Deny the value of higher education.

2) Politicize science

3) Buy institutions and replace critical thinking political dogma.
No, that's the stuff conservatives need to UNDO.

Like the conservatives understanding of AGW?
Yes, we are against fraud.

And what facts can you present to show fraud other than a childlike faith in political dogma?
Burden of proof is on your side, it's your theory.

My proof, which is all I need, is the same people pushing for socialism are the same people pushing global warming theory.

And it's easy to see that GW serves the cause of socialism.

As proof of that, they never go after big polluter Communist China.
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.

Who told you the left uses that term? Hannity?
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.

Sure, and the playbook looks something like this.

1) Deny the value of higher education.

2) Politicize science

3) Buy institutions and replace critical thinking political dogma.
No, that's the stuff conservatives need to UNDO.

Like the conservatives understanding of AGW?
Yes, we are against fraud.

You’re a right winger

You are a fraud
They've even destroyed the Boy Scouts and the Catholic Church.

Everything good is being destroyed by the left.

Conservatives need to get off our rears and fight back.
Agreed. But how?

1). Vote - No excuses.
2). Give up vices that actively support their interests (Facebook, Hollywood movies etc, Starbucks, Chipolte, Progressive Insurance, AARP etc)
3). Refuse to be silenced. Speak up and speak out. Organize a protest march. Silence = acceptance
4). Support causes that oppose the takeover
5). Encourage others who see the destruction of our society to also get out and vote
We need to do what they did, infiltrate and take over.

Problem is, most conservatives aren't that political, and so they tend to go into jobs that don't have political influence.

If we're gonna be good conservatives, the first thing to do is ask what the proper role of government should be. The Founders asked the question, they had a revolution and they wrote a Constitution. What they decided was that the proper role of government was to protect liberty.

That has been largely forgotten across the board by Democrats and Republicans alike.

If we want to be good conservatives, we have a very good guide. It's called the Constitution. Problem is that the Constitution needs to be legalized again.
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.
Just dig a little deeper and its not just "liberals" its Jews....dig deep into the 6 corporations that own 96% of the media,look into the most powerful lobbying group in DC, ALL JEWS! There are a couple of books you should read. One is called They Dare Speak Out...very academic book on the grip Jews have on America and our institutions.
Leftists call their infiltration of EVERYTHING the "Long March Through the Institutions."

They have infiltrated and taken over the media, academia, public schools, the Church, etc.

Conservatives have been sleeping while all this was happening.

We need to start fighting back.

What kind of team worship Russian anger baiting thread is this. Argue an issue and don't call names or else I assume you are either a cheerleader or paid poster.

Let's talk about expanding the death penalty. I want to. You for it?
Agreed. But how?

1). Vote - No excuses.
2). Give up vices that actively support their interests (Facebook, Hollywood movies etc, Starbucks, Chipolte, Progressive Insurance, AARP etc)
3). Refuse to be silenced. Speak up and speak out. Organize a protest march. Silence = acceptance
4). Support causes that oppose the takeover
5). Encourage others who see the destruction of our society to also get out and vote

We have to do more.
We have to shun and cut people out of our personal lives who side with Democrats.
This isn't a matter of a difference in politics anymore it is a matter of life and death.
If you have someone close to you who doesn't believe you have the right to protect yourself and your property,
If you have someone in your life who thinks it is okay to destroy a person for political purposes, then you have to know they don't care one whit about you.
If they found out today that you were the linchpin that would take down the Trump administration your name would be all over fake news tomorrow.
We actually have two organizations in our building of leftist bent who have appointed themselves to stir up demonstrations and cause trouble.

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