Conservatives Far Less Likely to Have Mental Health Issues Than Leftists

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Less often per cycle....yes.
You Dems think everyone who votes Dem can vote as many times as they want....even after you leave a state or die. And of course you want to make it legal for illegals to vote.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Sorry, but the above quote isn't mine. I've reported it to the mods. Fraud is a serious offense you know.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
....which is why black folks have been wondering how the 2 parties switched in the 70s.
So unfair what happened 100 years ago that Leftists want to bring justice today, when all of the perpetrators are dead and gone.
Suppose we demand reparations and justice for:
1. The Japanese who ravaged the Pacific Rim, killing millions
2. The Germans who ravaged Europe, killing millions,
3. Communist Vietnamese who killed hundreds of thousands,
4. Iraqis who invaded Iran and Kuwait, killing tens of thousands,
5. Homosexuals who have infected and killed thousands with AIDS.
6. Liberals who have long supported and promoted abortion, especially of black unborn babies just like Margaret Sanger wanted.

Lots of reparations to be paid. I want my million bucks.
If "superbadbrutha" is really so "super," then let's see a list of "brutha's" achievements.
What accomplishment(s) is/are you proudest of?
Be honest. We'd like to know. List at least 10 or 20.
Sorry, but the above quote isn't mine. I've reported it to the mods. Fraud is a serious offense you know.

Not to Democrats. They're proud of their criminal conduct. Shows how "clever" they are.

The Clinton Foundation - complete scam.
Biden's bribe of Ukraine, promising to withhold $1.6 billion US Aid if they did not call off their investigation of his coke-smoking son, on videos with prostitutes.
Kamala Harris shacking up with Willie Brown and being appointed to high office for her sexual favors.

Illegals are being flown from San Diego to Seattle and Portland daily now. Be proud Democrats.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.
The facts remain on all other websites.
It’s on the internet, it must be true!

You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

And from someone who claims Democrats had no role in racism or slavery, tell me more about my lack of history knowledge.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
....which is why black folks have been wondering how the 2 parties switched in the 70s.
Ah! So for 50 years Democrats have been helping blacks!
How’s it going for blacks in 2021?
Funny how every minority is flourishing while blacks remain on the plantation and attack any black attempting to think for themselves.
Stockholm syndrome.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.
The facts remain on all other websites.
It’s on the internet, it must be true!

You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

And from someone who claims Democrats had no role in racism or slavery, tell me more about my lack of history knowledge.
follow the links:

You can read, can't you?
Last edited:

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.
The facts remain on all other websites.
It’s on the internet, it must be true!

You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

And from someone who claims Democrats had no role in racism or slavery, tell me more about my lack of history knowledge.
follow the links:

You can read, can't you?
Yes, filibusters by Democrats to block the Civil Rights Act. Well, when your leadership are KKK members it’s easy to understand.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.
The facts remain on all other websites.
It’s on the internet, it must be true!

You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

And from someone who claims Democrats had no role in racism or slavery, tell me more about my lack of history knowledge.
follow the links:

You can read, can't you?
Yes, filibusters by Democrats to block the Civil Rights Act. Well, when your leadership are KKK members it’s easy to understand.
Southern Democrats. You are a member of the KKK. Members don't wear the white attire that the old KKK use to wear.

Who is a KKK member, you and a lot of members on the forum.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.
The facts remain on all other websites.
It’s on the internet, it must be true!

You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

And from someone who claims Democrats had no role in racism or slavery, tell me more about my lack of history knowledge.
follow the links:

You can read, can't you?
Yes, filibusters by Democrats to block the Civil Rights Act. Well, when your leadership are KKK members it’s easy to understand.
Southern Democrats. You are a member of the KKK. Members don't wear the white attire that the old KKK use to wear.

Who is a KKK member, you and a lot of members on the forum.
Democrats led by the KKK.
With Lyndon ‘I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years’ Johnson leading the way.

Now we have Joe ‘He’s the first clean and articulate black’ Biden leading his party in saying blacks are too stupid to get an ID card that every other race gets with no problem.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.
The facts remain on all other websites.
It’s on the internet, it must be true!

You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

And from someone who claims Democrats had no role in racism or slavery, tell me more about my lack of history knowledge.
Slavery and racism had nothing to do with Dem/Repub, all whites allowed it to go on for decades in this country.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.
The facts remain on all other websites.
It’s on the internet, it must be true!

You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

And from someone who claims Democrats had no role in racism or slavery, tell me more about my lack of history knowledge.
follow the links:

You can read, can't you?
Yes, filibusters by Democrats to block the Civil Rights Act. Well, when your leadership are KKK members it’s easy to understand.
Southern Democrats. You are a member of the KKK. Members don't wear the white attire that the old KKK use to wear.

Who is a KKK member, you and a lot of members on the forum.
Democrats led by the KKK.
With Lyndon ‘I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years’ Johnson leading the way.

Now we have Joe ‘He’s the first clean and articulate black’ Biden leading his party in saying blacks are too stupid to get an ID card that every other race gets with no problem.
He also said this.

''You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, 'You are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe that you have been completely fair. Thus it is not enough just to open the gates of opportunity. All our citizens must have the ability to walk through those gates.''
I know. You’re as shocked as I am.
From Pew Research. A PhD student ascertained and categorized the data by political affiliation. A friend of mine is a psychiatrist at a major university, and this validates what he tells me.

The study, which examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even “very liberal.” What’s more, white women suffered the worst of all. White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4% in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives.
A few charts:
View attachment 480441
View attachment 480442Pew Research data is linked, so if you’ve got a rebuttal, use the data.
This is a bit deceiving as it’s the chicken or the egg. You only become a leftist if you have mental health issues.
Conservatives are far less likely seek mental health care or even admit they might have a problem. They suffer in silence and pour booze on their problems.
And shoot up the occassional synogogue, Wal*Mart, black church, run over people in their cars, and storm national capitols.
Sounds like Antifa and Leftists. Thank you

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.
The facts remain on all other websites.
It’s on the internet, it must be true!

You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

And from someone who claims Democrats had no role in racism or slavery, tell me more about my lack of history knowledge.
follow the links:

You can read, can't you?
Yes, filibusters by Democrats to block the Civil Rights Act. Well, when your leadership are KKK members it’s easy to understand.
Southern Democrats. You are a member of the KKK. Members don't wear the white attire that the old KKK use to wear.

Who is a KKK member, you and a lot of members on the forum.
Democrats led by the KKK.
With Lyndon ‘I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years’ Johnson leading the way.

Now we have Joe ‘He’s the first clean and articulate black’ Biden leading his party in saying blacks are too stupid to get an ID card that every other race gets with no problem.
He also said this.

''You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, 'You are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe that you have been completely fair. Thus it is not enough just to open the gates of opportunity. All our citizens must have the ability to walk through those gates.''
So you've been in chains?
When did you come over on the boat?
Did you know that Africa is still practicing slavery today?
After the end of Apartheid.....slavery really took off in South Africa.
Now that blacks are running things, slavery has become a common practice in the Sudan and Egypt has become the hub for human-trafficking.

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.
The facts remain on all other websites.
It’s on the internet, it must be true!

You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

And from someone who claims Democrats had no role in racism or slavery, tell me more about my lack of history knowledge.
follow the links:

You can read, can't you?
Yes, filibusters by Democrats to block the Civil Rights Act. Well, when your leadership are KKK members it’s easy to understand.
Southern Democrats. You are a member of the KKK. Members don't wear the white attire that the old KKK use to wear.

Who is a KKK member, you and a lot of members on the forum.
Democrats led by the KKK.
With Lyndon ‘I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for 200 years’ Johnson leading the way.

Now we have Joe ‘He’s the first clean and articulate black’ Biden leading his party in saying blacks are too stupid to get an ID card that every other race gets with no problem.
He also said this.

''You do not take a person who, for years, has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race and then say, 'You are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe that you have been completely fair. Thus it is not enough just to open the gates of opportunity. All our citizens must have the ability to walk through those gates.''

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again. [Said to Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA) regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1957]
Lyndon B. Johnson

1921 are you fucking kidding me.
Japanese and Hispanics haven't been paid reparations. Where did you get that bullshit from?
The only group I know of is Native-Americans/Eskimos that can prove they're a member of a tribe.
So try again.

On August 10, 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan signed The Civil Liberties Act. A federal law that granted reparations to Japanese-Americans who had been interned by the US government during World War II.

Each person received $20,000, a formal apology from Congress acknowledging publicly that the US government had been wrong, and the release of funds to set up an educational foundation for the children of Japanese-American families.

I meant Hawaiians not Hispanics.

What's funny is you motherfuckers call something that happened before you were born an if it happened to you personally.....but horrific shit you're doing to each other just part of the Black Experience that honkies wouldn't understand.

Well this motherfucker was alive and well during Jim Crow segregation, so I am not speaking of what happened before I was born it happened WHILE I was born. While my siblings were born, while my parents were born, grandparents were born. Shall I go on motherfucker. Not sure what horrific shit you are speaking of, but I am not in that number.
Well....since my brother in law is from Somalia, and I have a couple hundred black nieces and nephews living in AL and FL....I understand better than you're willing to admit.
The dumbass previous statement proves you don't have a clue.

BTW, were you ever a slave?
Did you ever work on a farm in AL for room and board like my wife did?
Have you ever picked cotton like she did as soon as she was big enough to walk??
Have you ever had to skip school because the crops needed harvesting?'re on of those lazy assholes that think the color of their skin is a ticket to free money. family never owned slaves like Kamala Harris's family. My family was Republicans...Yankees. My wife's Great Grandfather was a slave. My closest uncle is a member of the Lakota Tribe in the Blackfoot reservation. My aunt Jason is Korean. None of them ever felt they deserved reparations. Reparations is just a way to buy votes.
Wow that was pretty good, you ignorant asshole I have been working since I was a kid not sure where you get that lazy bullshit from. I find it hard to believe that a racist cocksucka like you knows any black folks personally and if you do I am pretty sure they don't want to have anything to do with your racist ass.
I guess you cocksuckas are waiting for all the black folks who suffered during Jim Crow segregation to die off then you can use the same lame ass excuse you do about slavery.
Shameful what Democrats have done to minorities throughout American history. They even attempted to block the Civil Rights Act. Pathetic.
You know as well as I do, it was divided up in the South and the North. Light reading for you:

now the Republicans states all want people to vote less, its the only way they can win.
Wiki is not a source. I can edit Wiki.

Fact remains, Democrats are behind every racist event instituted by the government.
The facts remain on all other websites. You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

One has to follow the links, which apparently you are unable to do.
The facts remain on all other websites.
It’s on the internet, it must be true!

You can't edit Wiki articles, you don't know history.

And from someone who claims Democrats had no role in racism or slavery, tell me more about my lack of history knowledge.
Slavery and racism had nothing to do with Dem/Repub, all whites allowed it to go on for decades in this country.
Just coincidence that Democrats went to war to keep slavery and Republicans opposed it?