Conservatives Far Less Likely to Have Mental Health Issues Than Leftists

I know. You’re as shocked as I am.
From Pew Research. A PhD student ascertained and categorized the data by political affiliation. A friend of mine is a psychiatrist at a major university, and this validates what he tells me.

The study, which examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even “very liberal.” What’s more, white women suffered the worst of all. White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4% in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives.
A few charts:
View attachment 480441
View attachment 480442Pew Research data is linked, so if you’ve got a rebuttal, use the data.

Conservative men are men, and conservative broads are glad of it.

It has to be a terrible burden to remember everyone's favorite pronouns and what their current gender and orientation are, as libs are so concerned of
I know. You’re as shocked as I am.
From Pew Research. A PhD student ascertained and categorized the data by political affiliation. A friend of mine is a psychiatrist at a major university, and this validates what he tells me.

The study, which examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even “very liberal.” What’s more, white women suffered the worst of all. White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4% in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives.
A few charts:
View attachment 480441
View attachment 480442Pew Research data is linked, so if you’ve got a rebuttal, use the data.
Self Awareness is not a strong trait among "conservatives"
Those with no self awareness are unlikely to recognize such issues before they are shooting up a church.

The results are not unexpected.
Why is it the highest violent crime areas are always run by Democrats and charitable regions with low crime conservatives?
Why is it mass murderers tend to be "conservative?"
Almost all are middle aged white men...true.

Just like the idiots who love to argue that Chicago gang bangers are either left or right politically, it isn't correct (i think) to attach political leanings to psychopaths. But with conservative idiots on message boards....the only way to spread hate and fear is to do just that--blame the group for the individual's actions---ONLY---in the event the individual is demographically the opposite of the typical white, straight, male.
Not "ALWAYS" correct to assign motive to mass murderers but when you take out the Vegas type things where we can't positively assign motive? What remains is significantly "conservative."

Now acknowledging that "liberals" have sufficient self awareness to recognize mental issue they also have enough awareness to avoid picking up an AR-15 as a response to those problems.

Seems to be no end to the anger of the white male in the nation.... The most entitled class in the nation is the most angriest. You see it her daily.... About a dozen...drop their nets into the water and try to catch as many "reasons" to be angry as possible.

Go figure.
They believe they face an existential threat.
They see the country becoming less ad less White every day.
They see PoC getting power as their losing power.
They see a declining birth rate especially among Whites as, in effect, genocide.
They cannot imagine a world where the White Man is not supreme.
Those with power are always reluctant to let it go and sometimes, actually more often than not, they react violently.
I can't say that I disagree with any of that. And there doesn't seem to be any disagreement from the peanut gallery either. Good post. What I don't really understand--is this; why look for things to be pissed about?
like someone ordering two scoops of ice cream...i mean who gets pissed over that??

oh...the mentally ill dembots
didn't see anyone getting upset over ice cream.
I saw Tiny Minded "conservatives" blowing their minds over Biden's suggestion they try some chocolate chocolate chip.
I guess they only eat cheeto flavored treats.
then you really are mentally was headline news
I read the news constantly.
I don't read your "news"
So, to my regret I only have actual headlines not your Butthurt of the Day headlines.


Trump gets 2 scoops of ice cream, everyone else gets 1​

Trump Gets Two Scoops Of Ice Cream Because He Is The President!​

CNN continues to obsess about Trump’s ice cream intake​

CNN’s obsession with Trump’s ice cream intake resumes with lampooned dessert report​

You guys are whining about a 4 year old piece?


You 4 year old whine-line is not NEWS!!!!!

Whining? I am just providing proof that you tools will whine about anything...and here you are whining that I provided proof that you whine about anything.

Did you see anyone bringing it up after it happened?
That would be you guys.

Not about the ice cream sonny.
Until they manifest themselves--often in a hail of gunfire at whomever the paranoid loser thinks is screwing This thread is the silliest thing ever.

And here you are posting in it.

Pointing out that since most rampage shooters are right wing nuts or the offspring of gun nuts...saying the left wing has "mental problems" is pretty nuts.
huh? i don’t think is true at all...there are far more shootings in liberal run areas

let’s just look at see how many shootings there were in Chicago last night for example
The rampage killings are almost lays done by right wing gun nuts. Your "logic" that liberals who usually do not own guns are the ones doing all of the killing is hilarious.

As always, you need to learn the difference between reality and what your masters tell you to believe about reality. "Rampage killings are almost lays [sic] done by right wing gun nuts" is not reality; it's the narrative that your masters put in their headlines for you to gulp down like a fluffer on a porn set.

I'm sure you wonder why everyone you encounter treats you like the smelly homeless guy on public transportation. Believe me, you're the only one who wonders.
If true, I guess this just means that conservatives are more likely to hide depression or mental illness, because they believe in an old ideal of "manliness", and showing a weakness would make them look like "pussies" or "crybabies", so they don't admit it.
or it just means they aren’t as mentally challenged

Could be. Would be worth another study.
no need to do a second study just bc you don’t like the results
Nah, we need to audit, and audit, and audit...

Sound familiar?
go ahead...audit the study away
Just like audits won't change election results...right Bub?
they could, if the election was conducted wrong
Which it wasn't.. Sucks to be you.
huh? i think this interaction is proof the study is real
lol...a message board interaction confirms a study...yeah...I can see your conservative "logic" at work.
You’re proof the OP is valid. Leftists are insane.
Yet you guys are the ones mailing bombs to people, running them over in your cars, trying to overthrow the government and still believe your candidate won an election.

Well, we're all certainly glad that you decided to prove the claim that you're insane - as well as monumentally stupid - false by parroting a bunch of asinine talking points to us. That clears things up nicely.
If true, I guess this just means that conservatives are more likely to hide depression or mental illness, because they believe in an old ideal of "manliness", and showing a weakness would make them look like "pussies" or "crybabies", so they don't admit it.
or it just means they aren’t as mentally challenged

Could be. Would be worth another study.
no need to do a second study just bc you don’t like the results
Nah, we need to audit, and audit, and audit...

Sound familiar?
go ahead...audit the study away
Just like audits won't change election results...right Bub?
they could, if the election was conducted wrong
Which it wasn't.. Sucks to be you.
huh? i think this interaction is proof the study is real
lol...a message board interaction confirms a study...yeah...I can see your conservative "logic" at work.
You’re proof the OP is valid. Leftists are insane.
Yet you guys are the ones mailing bombs to people, running them over in your cars, trying to overthrow the government and still believe your candidate won an election.
You’re the one attempting to assassinate members of Congress, shitforbrains.
That was you guys on 1/6 wanting to hang people.

I left out the part where you guys shot up wal*marts, want to kidnap governors, shoot up black churches, tiki-torch parades while chanting NAZI slogans....

All done by the right wing.
All applauded by you.

Progressive brain damage is just so sad to watch. Pity no one gives enough of a shit about your existence to stop you from these embarrassing displays.
If true, I guess this just means that conservatives are more likely to hide depression or mental illness, because they believe in an old ideal of "manliness", and showing a weakness would make them look like "pussies" or "crybabies", so they don't admit it.
or it just means they aren’t as mentally challenged

Could be. Would be worth another study.
no need to do a second study just bc you don’t like the results
Nah, we need to audit, and audit, and audit...

Sound familiar?
go ahead...audit the study away
Just like audits won't change election results...right Bub?
they could, if the election was conducted wrong
Which it wasn't.. Sucks to be you.
huh? i think this interaction is proof the study is real
lol...a message board interaction confirms a study...yeah...I can see your conservative "logic" at work.
You’re proof the OP is valid. Leftists are insane.
Yet you guys are the ones mailing bombs to people, running them over in your cars, trying to overthrow the government and still believe your candidate won an election.
maybe you should look in a mirror....dembots began rioting in november of 2016, firebomb buildings over college’s inviting people to speak, launched assaults on federal courthouses, stormed the dept of tres, assaulted people on the street, killed police officers, attacked people having dinner with their families, blocked fire departments from getting to buildings with children they set fire too, and their leadership openly encouraged and funded this’s your mainstream

You don't really think Cornhole is capable of "knowing" anything without getting it from her marching orders, do you? It's like asking an ant to do calculus.
If true, I guess this just means that conservatives are more likely to hide depression or mental illness, because they believe in an old ideal of "manliness", and showing a weakness would make them look like "pussies" or "crybabies", so they don't admit it.
or it just means they aren’t as mentally challenged

Could be. Would be worth another study.
no need to do a second study just bc you don’t like the results
Nah, we need to audit, and audit, and audit...

Sound familiar?
go ahead...audit the study away
Just like audits won't change election results...right Bub?
they could, if the election was conducted wrong
Which it wasn't.. Sucks to be you.
huh? i think this interaction is proof the study is real
lol...a message board interaction confirms a study...yeah...I can see your conservative "logic" at work.
You’re proof the OP is valid. Leftists are insane.
Yet you guys are the ones mailing bombs to people, running them over in your cars, trying to overthrow the government and still believe your candidate won an election.
You’re the one attempting to assassinate members of Congress, shitforbrains.
That was you guys on 1/6 wanting to hang people.

I left out the part where you guys shot up wal*marts, want to kidnap governors, shoot up black churches, tiki-torch parades while chanting NAZI slogans....

All done by the right wing.
All applauded by you.
and it was one of the dnc brownshirts furring a gun shooting up a ball field full of republican congressmen and women...hitting one

And it was condemned by everyone...not cheered by anyone of any standing whatsoever.

Check the 24/7 damage control operation you guys have had since 1/6 to see the difference.

Or will you admit for the first time ever...that all of the 400+ who have been hunted down like dogs should spend a significant amount of time in jail for trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power?

Of course you won't..... Why? Because it will go against your cult leader's wishes. And we all can't do that.

"Look at all the time you've had to spend answering our obsessive accusations!! That's PROVES you're bad people, because we've said you are!!!"

I can probably understand why leftist fluffers have to believe that their ability to fling accusations constitutes proof, since it's all they ever have.
If true, I guess this just means that conservatives are more likely to hide depression or mental illness, because they believe in an old ideal of "manliness", and showing a weakness would make them look like "pussies" or "crybabies", so they don't admit it.
or it just means they aren’t as mentally challenged

Could be. Would be worth another study.
no need to do a second study just bc you don’t like the results
Nah, we need to audit, and audit, and audit...

Sound familiar?
go ahead...audit the study away
Just like audits won't change election results...right Bub?
they could, if the election was conducted wrong
Which it wasn't.. Sucks to be you.
huh? i think this interaction is proof the study is real
lol...a message board interaction confirms a study...yeah...I can see your conservative "logic" at work.
You’re proof the OP is valid. Leftists are insane.
Yet you guys are the ones mailing bombs to people, running them over in your cars, trying to overthrow the government and still believe your candidate won an election.
You’re the one attempting to assassinate members of Congress, shitforbrains.
That was you guys on 1/6 wanting to hang people.

I left out the part where you guys shot up wal*marts, want to kidnap governors, shoot up black churches, tiki-torch parades while chanting NAZI slogans....

All done by the right wing.
All applauded by you.
and it was one of the dnc brownshirts furring a gun shooting up a ball field full of republican congressmen and women...hitting one

And it was condemned by everyone...not cheered by anyone of any standing whatsoever.

Check the 24/7 damage control operation you guys have had since 1/6 to see the difference.

Or will you admit for the first time ever...that all of the 400+ who have been hunted down like dogs should spend a significant amount of time in jail for trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power?

Of course you won't..... Why? Because it will go against your cult leader's wishes. And we all can't do that.
Oh, the Suicide by cop Bernie Bro who asked if these are Republicans before he started shooting?

Leftards are extremely violent. That’s why every blue city is by far the most violent in America.

You already know what Cornhole's answer is going to be: "That doesn't matter, because JANUARY 6!! January 6 makes everything else stop existing! My talking points said so!"
If true, I guess this just means that conservatives are more likely to hide depression or mental illness, because they believe in an old ideal of "manliness", and showing a weakness would make them look like "pussies" or "crybabies", so they don't admit it.
or it just means they aren’t as mentally challenged

Could be. Would be worth another study.
no need to do a second study just bc you don’t like the results
Nah, we need to audit, and audit, and audit...

Sound familiar?
go ahead...audit the study away
Just like audits won't change election results...right Bub?
they could, if the election was conducted wrong
Which it wasn't.. Sucks to be you.
huh? i think this interaction is proof the study is real
lol...a message board interaction confirms a study...yeah...I can see your conservative "logic" at work.
You’re proof the OP is valid. Leftists are insane.
Yet you guys are the ones mailing bombs to people, running them over in your cars, trying to overthrow the government and still believe your candidate won an election.
You’re the one attempting to assassinate members of Congress, shitforbrains.
That was you guys on 1/6 wanting to hang people.

I left out the part where you guys shot up wal*marts, want to kidnap governors, shoot up black churches, tiki-torch parades while chanting NAZI slogans....

All done by the right wing.
All applauded by you.
and it was one of the dnc brownshirts furring a gun shooting up a ball field full of republican congressmen and women...hitting one

And it was condemned by everyone...not cheered by anyone of any standing whatsoever.

Check the 24/7 damage control operation you guys have had since 1/6 to see the difference.

Or will you admit for the first time ever...that all of the 400+ who have been hunted down like dogs should spend a significant amount of time in jail for trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power?

Of course you won't..... Why? Because it will go against your cult leader's wishes. And we all can't do that.
Oh, the Suicide by cop Bernie Bro who asked if these are Republicans before he started shooting?

Leftards are extremely violent. That’s why every blue city is by far the most violent in America.
Bernie isn't a Democrat...

Wow...that backfired on you.

Then again, you never were very smart.
Shitforbrains doesn’t know Bernie ran twice for the Democratic Party nominee for POTUS!

View attachment 495414
He's not a democrat....sorry that the facts bother you.

PS: your blob still lost.

PS: you're still you, and nothing will ever change that.

Conservatives Far Less Likely to Have Mental Health Issues Than Leftists​

It's no surprise to me that liberals have mental health issues. Liberalism is a symptom of such in and of itself: low self-esteem, paranoia, extreme gullibility, and a dictatorial mask to hide it all behind.
If true, I guess this just means that conservatives are more likely to hide depression or mental illness, because they believe in an old ideal of "manliness", and showing a weakness would make them look like "pussies" or "crybabies", so they don't admit it.
or it just means they aren’t as mentally challenged

Could be. Would be worth another study.
no need to do a second study just bc you don’t like the results
Nah, we need to audit, and audit, and audit...

Sound familiar?
go ahead...audit the study away
Just like audits won't change election results...right Bub?
they could, if the election was conducted wrong
Which it wasn't.. Sucks to be you.
huh? i think this interaction is proof the study is real
lol...a message board interaction confirms a study...yeah...I can see your conservative "logic" at work.
You’re proof the OP is valid. Leftists are insane.
Yet you guys are the ones mailing bombs to people, running them over in your cars, trying to overthrow the government and still believe your candidate won an election.
You’re the one attempting to assassinate members of Congress, shitforbrains.
That was you guys on 1/6 wanting to hang people.

I left out the part where you guys shot up wal*marts, want to kidnap governors, shoot up black churches, tiki-torch parades while chanting NAZI slogans....

All done by the right wing.
All applauded by you.
and it was one of the dnc brownshirts furring a gun shooting up a ball field full of republican congressmen and women...hitting one

And it was condemned by everyone...not cheered by anyone of any standing whatsoever.

Check the 24/7 damage control operation you guys have had since 1/6 to see the difference.

Or will you admit for the first time ever...that all of the 400+ who have been hunted down like dogs should spend a significant amount of time in jail for trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power?

Of course you won't..... Why? Because it will go against your cult leader's wishes. And we all can't do that.
Oh, the Suicide by cop Bernie Bro who asked if these are Republicans before he started shooting?

Leftards are extremely violent. That’s why every blue city is by far the most violent in America.
Bernie isn't a Democrat...

Wow...that backfired on you.

Then again, you never were very smart.
Shitforbrains doesn’t know Bernie ran twice for the Democratic Party nominee for POTUS!

View attachment 495414
He's not a democrat....sorry that the facts bother you.

PS: your blob still lost.
Stolen election aside, Bernie ran as a Democrat, Shitforbrains.
You Leftards are the most violent species in the universe.
View attachment 495421
Thats true; he ran as a Democrat. But he isn't a democrat.

Are you really this stupid?

Of course you are.

PS: Your blob still lost.

"We just vote for him, but we're not responsible for what the people we vote for do!!"

Don't even have to ask if you're that stupid.

PS: You're still you.
If true, I guess this just means that conservatives are more likely to hide depression or mental illness, because they believe in an old ideal of "manliness", and showing a weakness would make them look like "pussies" or "crybabies", so they don't admit it.
or it just means they aren’t as mentally challenged

Could be. Would be worth another study.
no need to do a second study just bc you don’t like the results
Nah, we need to audit, and audit, and audit...

Sound familiar?
go ahead...audit the study away
Just like audits won't change election results...right Bub?
they could, if the election was conducted wrong
Which it wasn't.. Sucks to be you.
huh? i think this interaction is proof the study is real
lol...a message board interaction confirms a study...yeah...I can see your conservative "logic" at work.
You’re proof the OP is valid. Leftists are insane.
Yet you guys are the ones mailing bombs to people, running them over in your cars, trying to overthrow the government and still believe your candidate won an election.
You’re the one attempting to assassinate members of Congress, shitforbrains.
That was you guys on 1/6 wanting to hang people.

I left out the part where you guys shot up wal*marts, want to kidnap governors, shoot up black churches, tiki-torch parades while chanting NAZI slogans....

All done by the right wing.
All applauded by you.
and it was one of the dnc brownshirts furring a gun shooting up a ball field full of republican congressmen and women...hitting one

And it was condemned by everyone...not cheered by anyone of any standing whatsoever.

Check the 24/7 damage control operation you guys have had since 1/6 to see the difference.

Or will you admit for the first time ever...that all of the 400+ who have been hunted down like dogs should spend a significant amount of time in jail for trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power?

Of course you won't..... Why? Because it will go against your cult leader's wishes. And we all can't do that.
Oh, the Suicide by cop Bernie Bro who asked if these are Republicans before he started shooting?

Leftards are extremely violent. That’s why every blue city is by far the most violent in America.
Bernie isn't a Democrat...

Wow...that backfired on you.

Then again, you never were very smart.
Shitforbrains doesn’t know Bernie ran twice for the Democratic Party nominee for POTUS!

View attachment 495414
He's not a democrat....sorry that the facts bother you.

PS: your blob still lost.
Stolen election aside, Bernie ran as a Democrat, Shitforbrains.
You Leftards are the most violent species in the universe.
View attachment 495421
Thats true; he ran as a Democrat. But he isn't a democrat.

Are you really this stupid?

Of course you are.

PS: Your blob still lost.
What's comical is your first comment, followed by your second

This post is really comic gold
Your surrender is accepted.

Awww, it's so cute watching you try to be me. Like watching a monkey dancing to a hurdy-gurdy in a little jacket.

By the way, all those times people told you they weren't laughing at you, they were laughing with you? It was a lie. We're always, ALWAYS laughing at you.
If true, I guess this just means that conservatives are more likely to hide depression or mental illness, because they believe in an old ideal of "manliness", and showing a weakness would make them look like "pussies" or "crybabies", so they don't admit it.
or it just means they aren’t as mentally challenged

Could be. Would be worth another study.
no need to do a second study just bc you don’t like the results
Nah, we need to audit, and audit, and audit...

Sound familiar?
go ahead...audit the study away
Just like audits won't change election results...right Bub?
they could, if the election was conducted wrong
Which it wasn't.. Sucks to be you.
huh? i think this interaction is proof the study is real
lol...a message board interaction confirms a study...yeah...I can see your conservative "logic" at work.
You’re proof the OP is valid. Leftists are insane.
Yet you guys are the ones mailing bombs to people, running them over in your cars, trying to overthrow the government and still believe your candidate won an election.
You’re the one attempting to assassinate members of Congress, shitforbrains.
That was you guys on 1/6 wanting to hang people.

I left out the part where you guys shot up wal*marts, want to kidnap governors, shoot up black churches, tiki-torch parades while chanting NAZI slogans....

All done by the right wing.
All applauded by you.
and it was one of the dnc brownshirts furring a gun shooting up a ball field full of republican congressmen and women...hitting one

And it was condemned by everyone...not cheered by anyone of any standing whatsoever.

Check the 24/7 damage control operation you guys have had since 1/6 to see the difference.

Or will you admit for the first time ever...that all of the 400+ who have been hunted down like dogs should spend a significant amount of time in jail for trying to stop the peaceful transfer of power?

Of course you won't..... Why? Because it will go against your cult leader's wishes. And we all can't do that.
Oh, the Suicide by cop Bernie Bro who asked if these are Republicans before he started shooting?

Leftards are extremely violent. That’s why every blue city is by far the most violent in America.
Bernie isn't a Democrat...

Wow...that backfired on you.

Then again, you never were very smart.
Shitforbrains doesn’t know Bernie ran twice for the Democratic Party nominee for POTUS!

View attachment 495414
He's not a democrat....sorry that the facts bother you.

PS: your blob still lost.
Stolen election aside, Bernie ran as a Democrat, Shitforbrains.
You Leftards are the most violent species in the universe.
View attachment 495421
Thats true; he ran as a Democrat. But he isn't a democrat.

Are you really this stupid?

Of course you are.

PS: Your blob still lost.
What's comical is your first comment, followed by your second

This post is really comic gold
Your surrender is accepted.
You're just funny as the Raider's O line...
Yeah but they can get better (they won't but they have the chance)'ll always be a hopeless loser.

And you'd be the resident expert on hopeless loserdom, wouldn't you? How many cats do you have now, just waiting for you to die so they can eat you?
I know. You’re as shocked as I am.
From Pew Research. A PhD student ascertained and categorized the data by political affiliation. A friend of mine is a psychiatrist at a major university, and this validates what he tells me.

The study, which examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even “very liberal.” What’s more, white women suffered the worst of all. White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4% in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives.
A few charts:
View attachment 480441
View attachment 480442Pew Research data is linked, so if you’ve got a rebuttal, use the data.
Self Awareness is not a strong trait among "conservatives"
Those with no self awareness are unlikely to recognize such issues before they are shooting up a church.

The results are not unexpected.
Why is it the highest violent crime areas are always run by Democrats and charitable regions with low crime conservatives?
Why is it mass murderers tend to be "conservative?"
Almost all are middle aged white men...true.

Just like the idiots who love to argue that Chicago gang bangers are either left or right politically, it isn't correct (i think) to attach political leanings to psychopaths. But with conservative idiots on message boards....the only way to spread hate and fear is to do just that--blame the group for the individual's actions---ONLY---in the event the individual is demographically the opposite of the typical white, straight, male.
Not "ALWAYS" correct to assign motive to mass murderers but when you take out the Vegas type things where we can't positively assign motive? What remains is significantly "conservative."

Now acknowledging that "liberals" have sufficient self awareness to recognize mental issue they also have enough awareness to avoid picking up an AR-15 as a response to those problems.

Seems to be no end to the anger of the white male in the nation.... The most entitled class in the nation is the most angriest. You see it her daily.... About a dozen...drop their nets into the water and try to catch as many "reasons" to be angry as possible.

Go figure.

Is it white males who are angry, or is it you because they keep rejecting you?
Until they manifest themselves--often in a hail of gunfire at whomever the paranoid loser thinks is screwing This thread is the silliest thing ever.

And here you are posting in it.

Pointing out that since most rampage shooters are right wing nuts or the offspring of gun nuts...saying the left wing has "mental problems" is pretty nuts.
huh? i don’t think is true at all...there are far more shootings in liberal run areas

let’s just look at see how many shootings there were in Chicago last night for example
The rampage killings are almost lays done by right wing gun nuts. Your "logic" that liberals who usually do not own guns are the ones doing all of the killing is hilarious.

As always, you need to learn the difference between reality and what your masters tell you to believe about reality. "Rampage killings are almost lays [sic] done by right wing gun nuts" is not reality; it's the narrative that your masters put in their headlines for you to gulp down like a fluffer on a porn set.

I'm sure you wonder why everyone you encounter treats you like the smelly homeless guy on public transportation. Believe me, you're the only one who wonders.
There are no liberal gun nuts, smoky....

I win.
Being scared can make you more conservative.

A conservative brain is more active in different areas than a liberal one.

Brain scans show that people who self-identify as conservative have larger and more active right amygdalas, an area of the brain that's associated with expressing and processing fear. This aligns with the idea that feeling afraid makes people lean more to the right.

On the other hand, feeling safe and endowed with strength might make you lean a little more liberal than you otherwise would.

Liberals are less squeamish about looking at yucky stuff like vomit, feces, and blood.

Conservatives tend to display more ordered thinking patterns, whereas liberals have more "aha" moments.

A 2016 study at Northwestern University found that when conservative and liberal college students were given word problems to solve, both groups managed to arrive at some correct answers through gradual, analytical analysis.

But when feeling stuck on a problem, liberals were much more likely to draw upon a sudden burst of insight — an 'aha' moment, like a lightbulb turning on in the brain.

Liberals tend to follow the wandering gaze of others more often, while conservative eyes stay more focused on the original subject they're looking at.

Holding conservative views seems to make people more resistant to change and help them explain inequality.

Liberals Vs Conservatives: Psychological Differences Between Brains (

Fear is the rational response to danger.

Not all change is for the good.

Much inequality can be explained.
Until they manifest themselves--often in a hail of gunfire at whomever the paranoid loser thinks is screwing This thread is the silliest thing ever.

And here you are posting in it.

Pointing out that since most rampage shooters are right wing nuts or the offspring of gun nuts...saying the left wing has "mental problems" is pretty nuts.
huh? i don’t think is true at all...there are far more shootings in liberal run areas

let’s just look at see how many shootings there were in Chicago last night for example
The rampage killings are almost lays done by right wing gun nuts. Your "logic" that liberals who usually do not own guns are the ones doing all of the killing is hilarious.

As always, you need to learn the difference between reality and what your masters tell you to believe about reality. "Rampage killings are almost lays [sic] done by right wing gun nuts" is not reality; it's the narrative that your masters put in their headlines for you to gulp down like a fluffer on a porn set.

I'm sure you wonder why everyone you encounter treats you like the smelly homeless guy on public transportation. Believe me, you're the only one who wonders.
There are no liberal gun nuts, smoky....

I win.
Tell that to the Republican Congressmen who got shot up by a Leftard.
Until they manifest themselves--often in a hail of gunfire at whomever the paranoid loser thinks is screwing This thread is the silliest thing ever.

And here you are posting in it.

Pointing out that since most rampage shooters are right wing nuts or the offspring of gun nuts...saying the left wing has "mental problems" is pretty nuts.
huh? i don’t think is true at all...there are far more shootings in liberal run areas

let’s just look at see how many shootings there were in Chicago last night for example
The rampage killings are almost lays done by right wing gun nuts. Your "logic" that liberals who usually do not own guns are the ones doing all of the killing is hilarious.

As always, you need to learn the difference between reality and what your masters tell you to believe about reality. "Rampage killings are almost lays [sic] done by right wing gun nuts" is not reality; it's the narrative that your masters put in their headlines for you to gulp down like a fluffer on a porn set.

I'm sure you wonder why everyone you encounter treats you like the smelly homeless guy on public transportation. Believe me, you're the only one who wonders.
There are no liberal gun nuts, smoky....

I win.
Tell that to the Republican Congressmen who got shot up by a Leftard.
Yeah...he was a nut with a gun....not a gun nut who equates a gun to some substitute for his yourself.

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