Congressman Hank Johnson: If Guam gets too overpopulated, it might tip over

Sean Hannutsy is a goofy bastard.Gilligan was a goofy bastard.
Chris Rock and Eddie Murphy are goofy bastards.
Bill Cosby and Redd Fox #RIP# were goofy bastards

That guy is a dumb fucking ******.
A member of Congress being called a "Goofy Bastard" is pretty polite compared to being called what they really are these days. I perfer to call them "Dumb fuckers."
This makes me want to hide the fact that I live in Georgia.

YouTube - 3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv

How much idiocy should we allow in Congress?
He has hepatits c and is very, very ill.

If the dems had any heart or shame, they'd put this guy out to pasture.

Yeah, he's in bad shape. The Hep C has fucked with his brain. Seriously. I caught an interview with him on local TV recently. He's lost probably 75lbs, and he's never been a huge man. he was swimming in his clothes.

He had trouble maintaining a cogent train of thought and definitely couldn't keep up with the interviewer (who was tossing softball questions anyway).

I'm no Dem, certainly no Hank Johnson lover, but it's time for him to quietly retire and take care of his health. End. Of. Story.

His continued stay in office is an embarrassment to the State of Georgia and Georgians. Not very many outside GA know how ill he is or why it makes him seem like he's lost is mental faculties (which, he actually *has*).
honest to god, the democwats let this idiot make decisions on America's health care? "Guam might fucking tip over" holy shit. we are so fucked.
CaféAuLait;2162649 said:
My husband just decided he will run for office his campaign slogan will be:

“At least I know that islands are attached to the ocean floor.” :eusa_whistle:

And he will ask for just half of what Johnson is making.

In his defense I think he is better grounded than Cynthia "Batshitcrazy" McKinney.
At least he isn't an anti-semite.

And yes, kudos to the Admiral for not busting out laughing or asking "is that a joke?"
This Socialist/Progressive nutter was clearly pretty baked. He voted for the Health Care debacle. Go figure?
Johnson is a God send as they did have McKinney there. That part of Georgia with affluent south DeKalb will always elect a black Democrat.
However, the military knows Johnson was just using a metaphor as he has been on Guam recently. The military is adding another 10,000 jarheads there and they military knows Johnson was asking about the capabilities of the port there. Stupid remarks but this is old news around political circles here.
Make no mistake. Johnson is an idiot but no one took him seriously other than the admiral last week.
Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson responds:
“I wasn’t suggesting that the island of Guam would literally tip over I was using a metaphor to say that with the addition of 8,000 Marines and their dependents – an additional 80,000 people during peak construction on the tiny island with a population of 180,000 – could be a tipping point which could adversely affect the island’s fragile ecosystem and could overburden its stressed infrastructure. Having traveled to Guam last year, I saw firsthand how this beautiful – but vulnerable island – could easily become overburdened, and I was simply voicing my concerns that the addition of that many people could tip the delicate balance and do permanent harm to Guam.”
However, the military knows Johnson was just using a metaphor
There was NO metaphor, so we can all dispense with that talking point right now. He used HAND GESTURES to describe the "capsizing." In the CONTEXT of the video, it is CLEAR he was describing LITERAL capsizing.

Nice try though.

Actually.... NOT.
Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson responds:
“I wasn’t suggesting that the island of Guam would literally tip over I was using a metaphor to say that with the addition of 8,000 Marines and their dependents – an additional 80,000 people during peak construction on the tiny island with a population of 180,000 – could be a tipping point which could adversely affect the island’s fragile ecosystem and could overburden its stressed infrastructure. Having traveled to Guam last year, I saw firsthand how this beautiful – but vulnerable island – could easily become overburdened, and I was simply voicing my concerns that the addition of that many people could tip the delicate balance and do permanent harm to Guam.”
How come he seems to communicate so much better in writing?

Oh, because someone else does the writing.

What a load of crap.
However, the military knows Johnson was just using a metaphor
There was NO metaphor, so we can all dispense with that talking point right now. He used HAND GESTURES to describe the "capsizing." In the CONTEXT of the video, it is CLEAR he was describing LITERAL capsizing.

Nice try though.

Actually.... NOT.

Put the pipe down.
Nice try at what? I wouldn't vote for Johnson if you were running against him.
I, unlike you, am informed and have friends in the military in Washington now. Even the admiral now admits he knew Johnson was using a metaphor.
You are about as dense as Johnson. You actually believe Johnson believes Guan would tip over?
But maybe you are right. After all, Obama is a Kenya Muslim agent, there are death panels in the health care bill, Obama is taking my guns, he is not funding the troops, sides with terrorists and was sworn into office with a Quran.
Maxwell Smart is on the case so not to worry. Obama and his Chaos agents will be destroyed.
However, the military knows Johnson was just using a metaphor
There was NO metaphor, so we can all dispense with that talking point right now. He used HAND GESTURES to describe the "capsizing." In the CONTEXT of the video, it is CLEAR he was describing LITERAL capsizing.

Nice try though.

Actually.... NOT.

Put the pipe down.
Nice try at what? I wouldn't vote for Johnson if you were running against him.
I, unlike you, am informed and have friends in the military in Washington now. Even the admiral now admits he knew Johnson was using a metaphor.
You are about as dense as Johnson. You actually believe Johnson believes Guan would tip over?
He used the word "capsize." NOT anything else.

Do YOU actually believe the idiotic statement his office put out?

The admiral and the military are going to play nicey-nicey with congress, they always have. Congress has the purse strings.
But maybe you are right. After all, Obama is a Kenya Muslim agent, there are death panels in the health care bill, Obama is taking my guns, he is not funding the troops, sides with terrorists and was sworn into office with a Quran.
Maxwell Smart is on the case so not to worry. Obama and his Chaos agents will be destroyed.
Oh wait... Your operational ignorance shows. For if you would research just a little, you would find I'm not a con or a repug, and voted FOR President Obama.


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